View Full Version : Cuban reaches a new level of bitchiness

01-14-2009, 09:33 AM
Mark Cuban expecting J.R. Smith to be suspended
By Chris Tomasson
Rocky Mountain News

Dallas owner Mark Cuban indicated he will file a complaint to the NBA about an elbow thrown Tuesday night by Nuggets guard J.R. Smith, and he expects Smith to be suspended.

In e-mails to the Rocky Mountain News early Wednesday morning, Cuban was critical of an elbow thrown by Smith in the final seconds of the first half of Denver's 99-97 win over the Mavericks at the Pepsi Center.

"I do take exception with players throwing elbows that could have severely injured one of our players,'' Cuban wrote. "I was very cordial in letting Mr. Smith know (at halftime) that I will be turning it into the league, and I expected him to be suspended for it.''

Nuggets coach George Karl referred to the incident speaking to reporters after the game. He took exception to Cuban talking to Smith at halftime.

"I don't care if Cuban barks, but he shouldn't be barking at my players,'' Karl said. "He barked at J.R. at halftime. I thought it was very unprofessional, irresponsible. And, if he sees something that he wants to deliver to the league, fine, he can do that.

"But he shouldn't be on the court talking to one of my players. And he was talking to J.R. about an elbow situation. And I thought it doesn't look good for anybody.''

Cuban was asked via e-mail about Karl's comments, about the elbowing incident and about Cuban's post-game conduct. Cuban went onto the court after the game, and was seen yelling at someone soon after a controversial officials call with 2.2 seconds left that allowed Denver's Chauncey Billups to hit two game-winning free throws. Cuban claimed he wasn't yelling at the officials.

Cuban took exception to Smith's elbow. Cuban wrote that after the game Smith sent him a pair of signed shoes in an apparent goodwill gesture, and Cuban declined them.

The Rocky Mountain News viewed the Smith incident on an Altitude replay. In the final seconds of the first half, Smith threw an elbow toward the head of Dallas swingman Antoine Wright that missed.

"Away from the play, J.R. threw a full-force elbow right at Wright's head,'' Cuban wrote. "Barely missed connecting... That's uncalled for. He could have severely hurt him.

"And you can ask George why he is condoning his players throwing elbows at people's heads away from the play? He thinks that looks good?''

Cuban did not believe he was out of line talking to Smith at halftime.

"I have conversations with a lot of players,'' Cuban wrote. "Often. It's no big deal. I talked to Chauncey, other guys. It happens pretty much every game. All very cordial.''

Cuban wrote that a Nuggets official, whom he did not name, dissuaded him from talking to Smith at halftime.

"The professional thing to do would be to find out what the issue was and the volunteer to address it with his player,'' Cuban wrote. "One of (the Nuggets') people came up to me, told me to not talk to the player, at which point I told him I would be very happy to discuss it with him. It would have given the Nuggets the opportunity to discuss it with J.R. Instead, the Nuggets official just walked away.

"My conversation with J.R. was actually very cordial and levelheaded. I told him that it's not cool to throw elbows at someone's head, that I would be turning it into the league. He politely and cordially told me our player (Wright) had grabbed him before that. I told him that, if our guy did something wrong, I will say something to the player and he should turn it into the league . No 'barking.' There were several other Nuggets right there. They made the point to tell me J.R. and our guy 'had history.'

Cuban wrote he spoke to Wright at halftime.

"I went to our player and told him that he was not to retaliate, that I would deal with it with the player and the league,'' Cuban wrote. "He agreed.''

Cuban made reference a brawl the Nuggets had at New York in December 2006. Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony was suspended for 15 games for his role in the incident, and Smith got a 10-game penalty.

"The professional thing to do was to make sure that an altercation was avoided and that throwing elbows at another player's head would have consequences with the league,'' Cuban wrote. "You would think that the Nuggets already had a bad enough experience in this type of situation that they would be overly cautious at even the slightest red flag.''

Cuban wrote Smith made an apparent goodwill gesture after the game.

"The humorous part of the whole thing was that, after the game, J.R. sent over to our locker room a signed pair of shoes for me,'' Cuban wrote. "I sent them back, saying he should sell them, if you could get anything for them, to help pay for the fine he was going to face.''

It was a tough day for Smith. He was cited for contempt of court earlier Tuesday for failing to appear at a hearing in New Jersey regarding traffic summonses from a 2007 accident in which his passenger died, and he shot 1-of-14 for two points against the Mavericks.

Meanwhile, ESPN, while showing game highlights, mentioned the possibility of Cuban being fined for going onto the court after the game. With 2.2 seconds left and the score tied 97-97, Dallas guard Jason Terry was called for a foul on Billups. Terry said it was a bad call.

"The guy said I hit him with the body,'' Terry said. "There was no body at all. He kicked his leg out falling down so I don't see how I could hit him with the body. He saw it different and that happens. Human error.''

Following Billups' two free throws, the Mavericks had no timeouts left, and a desperation full-court pass failed. Cuban then went onto the court after the final buzzer.

"That last call on Chauncey could have gone either way,'' Cuban wrote. "And I didn't run onto the court. I walked off the court the same way I do after every game, right next to our coaches. And I wasn't talking to the refs, I was talking to someone else (not named by Cuban) who was quite clear in their pleasure of their team winning the game and mocking the fact they got away with the calls. I definitely wasn't as polite to them (as Cuban claimed he was to Smith).''


01-14-2009, 09:36 AM
This guy should just stop attending games and start watching them from his lounge room. Elbows get thrown all the time in games, lots of players do it.

Cuban is a little whining douche. He does way more damage to the game than any good he contributes. Maybe the insider trading charges are getting to him :lmao

01-14-2009, 09:37 AM
Cuban has done everything he can to make our beloved mavs a little bit better, despite paying millions of luxury tax to the league and being ridiculed by other teams.

Cuban may not be the most wealthy owner in NBA but he is definitely the most generous one, I still think his dollars deserve our respect though I don't like his personalities.

01-14-2009, 09:39 AM
Im curious, did Cuban make any comments on Jet punching someone's nuts? I bet he was silent then

01-14-2009, 09:43 AM
Cuban wrote that after the game Smith sent him a pair of signed shoes in an apparent goodwill gesture, and Cuban declined them.:lol I wonder if JR Smith came up with that hilarity on his own.

01-14-2009, 09:51 AM
wouldn't suprise me :lol Maybe it was a 'jab' at Cuban. Although after going 1/14, maybe he should have received some shoes from the Mavs

01-14-2009, 09:53 AM
Cuban somehow seems less and less relevant anymore.

I applaud his philanthropic efforts and think he's done wonders to revive a moribund franchise, but I don't think of him as an owner who makes a substantive difference in the league any more, mostly because antics like these cost him credibility.

01-14-2009, 09:54 AM
Backwards Fighting Pussy:


01-14-2009, 09:55 AM
Cuban somehow seems less and less relevant anymore.

I applaud his philanthropic efforts and think he's done wonders to revive a moribund franchise, but I don't think of him as an owner who makes a substantive difference in the league any more, mostly because antics like these cost him credibility.

completely agree... He was entertaining for a while, but now is just annoying. He has passion, but his time in the limelight is over.

01-14-2009, 09:59 AM
Backwards Fighting Pussy:

Melo looks like a intersexual I'm afraid.

Spurs Brazil
01-14-2009, 10:01 AM
Cuban is stupid

01-14-2009, 10:04 AM
haha Mark Cuban might as well put on the blue apron

"Why aren't you boys in bed"

"Your curfew is 9 PM sharp!"

"Come home...I just cooked dinner and your father and I are waiting"

01-14-2009, 10:06 AM

01-14-2009, 10:07 AM
I don't think what Cuban did here was wrong. Don't think it was too bitchy at all.

He's trying to protect his players. And, it's not like he went over to JR Smith to get into a fight or even an argument. And apparently JR Smith didn't perceive it that way either.

Cuban can be a weirdo, an attention whore, and often times a douchebag. I don't think he's any of those things for this incident.

01-14-2009, 10:08 AM
Cuban is stupid

Really? He may be those things Jamstone mentioned, but stupid doesn't come to mind.

01-14-2009, 10:11 AM
Cuban somehow seems less and less relevant anymore.

I applaud his philanthropic efforts and think he's done wonders to revive a moribund franchise, but I don't think of him as an owner who makes a substantive difference in the league any more, mostly because antics like these cost him credibility.

All this because they're going to submit a tape to the league? How is that different from 29 other teams? Isn't every other team in the league guilty of such "antics?"

01-14-2009, 10:12 AM
I don't think what Cuban did here was wrong. Don't think it was too bitchy at all.

He's trying to protect his players. And, it's not like he went over to JR Smith to get into a fight or even an argument. And apparently JR Smith didn't perceive it that way either.

Cuban can be a weirdo, an attention whore, and often times a douchebag. I don't think he's any of those things for this incident.


Teams submit tapes all the time when they feel a call was blown. Smegma-Fan is a douche for starting this thread.

01-14-2009, 10:14 AM
Peter Holt really seems less relevant after the Spurs submitted a tape to the league showing Jason Terry punching Michael Finley in the nuts.

I applaud his efforts to field a consistent winner in a small-market city, but I don't think of him as an owner who makes a substantive difference in the league any more, mostly because antics like these cost him credibility.

01-14-2009, 10:16 AM
Im curious, did Cuban make any comments on Jet punching someone's nuts? I bet he was silent then

eyLn5M8c2Gw :lol

01-14-2009, 10:18 AM
How many other team's owners get out on the court to talk to other team's players?

If he wants to report the issue to the league, that's his right as an owner, no problem there. I'm sure you wouldn't want Peter Holt jawing at JET after a dirty play, and neither do I.

01-14-2009, 10:19 AM
He was doing what any owner would do and thats defend his players.....STFU

01-14-2009, 10:27 AM
I'm sure you wouldn't want Peter Holt jawing at JET after a dirty play, and neither do I.

I wouldn't care either way.

01-14-2009, 10:35 AM
cuban is a good person, though his mouth always draw him many troubles.

01-14-2009, 10:43 AM
How many other team's owners get out on the court to talk to other team's players?

How many owners travel with their team and sit behind the team bench on road games and sit courtside for home games rather than in a box seat? How many owners cheer like real fans for their team? A few years ago, how many owners had individualized computers with internet access at every player's locker? How many owners had first class gourmet chefs cook for the team? How many owners had players from other teams go up to them after the game to shoot the breeze? How many owners had their own reality TV show?

You can't compare Cuban with most other NBA owners because he's never been like most other NBA owners. Cuban might be a jackass and even a douchebag sometimes, but you cannot just simply say something he does is wrong or way out of line because no other NBA owner would do it. Cuban is obviously different from any other owner in the NBA, even the Maloofs.

I don't even really like Cuban. I do think he's a jackass a lot of times. But come on. You're being a bitch if you really believe he was reaching a new level of bitchiness in this case.

01-14-2009, 10:57 AM
All this because they're going to submit a tape to the league? How is that different from 29 other teams? Isn't every other team in the league guilty of such "antics?"

All this because he's the only owner in the league that I've seen go out on the court to argue about what happens during the game. That's far more of an antic than submitting a tape to the league.

Nice play, though, trying to turn my criticism of Cuban into a completely nonsensical comparison.

01-14-2009, 11:08 AM
Two things:

1- People often complain about the fact that most of today's star athletes and sport related figures are "apolitical", that they never say anything important. Yet when some of them do, just like Cuban, a lot of people start calling them "stupid" or saying they should just shut up. Why? Is there anything wrong in letting out ideas? There is much more harm done when we don't react to something we disagree with, than with criticizing it. So from a philosophical standpoint, I see nothing wrong with an owner defending his team, especially when it seems like he behaved in a relatively correct manner.

2- Cuban should protest, and so should the Mavs. If Dirk gets suspended for one game against the Jazz for trying to free himself from all the hacking that Harpring and co. were doing to him, then the same should happen to JR. The league has imposed a rule on 'un-natural' movements and that should apply to all. So even from a practical standpoint Cuban is very well justified to protest.

So if there is nothing wrong from a philospical standpoint and also from a concrete standpoint, than I see no reason to criticize Cuban. I see people using the past to do so, which we all should know is unfair to. Even more so when, as JamStone wrote, his past is often misinterpreted because it was seen as different instead of being seen as enthusiasm for the team he owns.

01-14-2009, 11:09 AM
All this because he's the only owner in the league that I've seen go out on the court to argue about what happens during the game. That's far more of an antic than submitting a tape to the league.

Nice play, though, trying to turn my criticism of Cuban into a completely nonsensical comparison.

He didn't go on the court for the JR foul.

01-14-2009, 11:40 AM
Maybe Cuban should spend more time talking to his players instead of the opposing team;s players, maybe then the Mavericks might win a game on the road again.

01-14-2009, 11:47 AM
I can't beleive ppl still don't agree that Cuban hurts the Mavs on and off the floor.

it doesn't matter if he feeds you lobster daily and buy you prostitues nightly. This is a professional basketball organization, not a country club. He is still a dumb ass clown and while he's owner mavs will never win anything.

01-14-2009, 11:48 AM
Maybe Cuban should spend more time talking to his players instead of the opposing team;s players, maybe then the Mavericks might win a game on the road again.

Maybe the Nuggets should've taken a winner and high-character guy like Chris Bosh, instead of this backwards-fighting pussy:

<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/A5WoOQV1g4c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/A5WoOQV1g4c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

Mavs are 10-10 on the road this season, btw. You're the Medvedenko of Nuggets fans.

01-14-2009, 11:50 AM
How many owners travel with their team and sit behind the team bench on road games and sit courtside for home games rather than in a box seat? How many owners cheer like real fans for their team? A few years ago, how many owners had individualized computers with internet access at every player's locker? How many owners had first class gourmet chefs cook for the team? How many owners had players from other teams go up to them after the game to shoot the breeze? How many owners had their own reality TV show?

You can't compare Cuban with most other NBA owners because he's never been like most other NBA owners. Cuban might be a jackass and even a douchebag sometimes, but you cannot just simply say something he does is wrong or way out of line because no other NBA owner would do it. Cuban is obviously different from any other owner in the NBA, even the Maloofs.

I don't even really like Cuban. I do think he's a jackass a lot of times. But come on. You're being a bitch if you really believe he was reaching a new level of bitchiness in this case.

I'm sorry, but this is an internet message board, and I believe that I have the right to my opinion whether you agree with it or not. I don't think owners should be interacting with players of other teams, plain and simple.

Reread my post, including the part you didn't quote. I didn't call anyone a 'bitch' and am rather surprised that a normally classy poster such as yourself would use that on me simply because our POVs are different.

01-14-2009, 11:50 AM
I can't beleive ppl still don't agree that Cuban hurts the Mavs on and off the floor.

Ross Perot Jr.

it doesn't matter if he feeds you lobster daily and buy you prostitues nightly. This is a professional basketball organization, not a country club. He is still a dumb ass clown and while he's owner mavs will never win anything

Half the franchises in the league don't have a title, and in the past 22 years, only 7 franchises have gotten a ring. There's an even smaller group of clubs that don't even have a Finals appearance. The Mavs are not one of them, unlike the Nuggets.

01-14-2009, 11:51 AM
I can't beleive ppl still don't agree that Cuban hurts the Mavs on and off the floor.

it doesn't matter if he feeds you lobster daily and buy you prostitues nightly. This is a professional basketball organization, not a country club. He is still a dumb ass clown and while he's owner mavs will never win anything.

What was wrong in what he did last night? Saying that he disagrees with a decision and wants to league the review the call?

I can't believe peoplea are still unwilling to look at the real facts but would rather go with popular myths.

01-14-2009, 11:53 AM
What was wrong in what he did last night? Saying that he disagrees with a decision and wants to league the review the call?

I can't believe peoplea are still unwilling to look at the real facts but would rather go with popular myths.

well first of all he should not make any decision until reviewing the tape and consulting ppl who actually know bball. 2nd, he should not say anything directly to media.

01-14-2009, 11:55 AM
well first of all he should not make any decision until reviewing the tape and consulting ppl who actually know bball.

Read the article.

2nd, he should not say anything directly to media.

Why not?

01-14-2009, 11:56 AM
Why not?

because he looks like a crybaby bitch to everyone except homer mavfans.

01-14-2009, 11:58 AM
because he looks like a crybaby bitch to everyone except homer mavfans.

It sure is important that he have the respect and admiration of Spurs fans.

01-14-2009, 11:58 AM
Maybe the Nuggets should've taken a winner and high-character guy like Chris Bosh, instead of this backwards-fighting pussy:

<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/A5WoOQV1g4c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/A5WoOQV1g4c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

Mavs are 10-10 on the road this season, btw. You're the Medvedenko of Nuggets fans.

:lmao BOSH a winner?! :lmao

Yeh the Raps are real scary this season, did you 4get the 39 pt loss they had to Melo and the Nuggets?! The Raps are 16-23, they suck and he is part of the team.

No wonder your a Mavs fan, when the team owner is a huge douche bag it means people tend to overlook how stupid some Mavs fans are.

01-14-2009, 12:00 PM
oh and its funny calling out Melo with people like Jet and Craphouse on the Mavs, real high character guys......

01-14-2009, 12:06 PM
:lmao BOSH a winner?! :lmao

Yeh the Raps are real scary this season, did you 4get the 39 pt loss they had to Melo and the Nuggets?! The Raps are 16-23, they suck and he is part of the team.

Chris Bosh is a much better player than Carmelo Anthony. The Raptors would be worse and the Nuggets would be better if they swapped straight-up. And Bosh isn't a pussy. He's never thrown a punch at somebody and then run away like a girl. I'm also pretty sure that he never let Sasha Vujacich get under his skin either. Carmelo Anthony is the definition of a loser. I'm glad I'm not forced to root for such a POS.

No wonder your a Mavs fan, when the team owner is a huge douche bag it means people tend to overlook how stupid some Mavs fans are.

I'm not the one that started a thread because I have sand in my vagina over the Mavs sending a tape to the league showing JR Smith throwing an elbow at somebody's head. That says a lot.

oh and its funny calling out Melo with people like Jet and Craphouse on the Mavs, real high character guys......

You're totally right, Jason Terry was in that critically-acclaimed movie "Stop Snitching." Jason Terry is a huge POS:





And Jerry Stackhouse will stand and fight. He won't turn tail like a fucking girl.

01-14-2009, 12:07 PM
I'm sorry, but this is an internet message board, and I believe that I have the right to my opinion whether you agree with it or not. I don't think owners should be interacting with players of other teams, plain and simple.

You're more than entitled to your opinion and free to express it. You're making a semantical argument. I'm not implying that you are not allowed to have your opinion on the matter when I say, "you simply cannot..." I'm expressing my opinion that that opinion is wrong.

Reread my post, including the part you didn't quote. I didn't call anyone a 'bitch' and am rather surprised that a normally classy poster such as yourself would use that on me simply because our POVs are different.

The title of the thread says Cuban "reaches a new level of bitchiness. Don't take it so personally that in my post I'm making a generalized statement about people calling him a bitch simply because I quoted your post. That end part of my post was generally directed at people who agree with the original post in this thread that Cuban reached a new level of bitchiness.

And this is an internet messageboard. Since when should anyone expect "classy" behavior from anyone? Relax. It wasn't personal.

de Soto
01-14-2009, 12:08 PM
Somebody needs to smack Cuban in the mouth and shut him up for a while...sucking soup thru a straw.:lmao

01-14-2009, 12:15 PM
All this because they're going to submit a tape to the league? How is that different from 29 other teams? Isn't every other team in the league guilty of such "antics?"

If he's sending the tape to the league, WTF he has to do walking in there and talking to JR Smith? Cuban is not the league. The league is the one that should be contacting JR Smith, not Cuban. What is he doing talking to the guy???
There are appropriate channels for stuff like this, but going in front of another team's player and telling him he's going to rat him out is not one of them.
I'm also wondering wether he would have done jackshit if the Mavs won.

01-14-2009, 12:17 PM
Chris Bosh is a much better player than Carmelo Anthony. The Raptors would be worse and the Nuggets would be better if they swapped straight-up. And Bosh isn't a pussy. He's never thrown a punch at somebody and then run away like a girl. I'm also pretty sure that he never let Sasha Vujacich get under his skin either. Carmelo Anthony is the definition of a loser. I'm glad I'm not forced to root for such a POS.


Well im glad i dont have to root for a crappy team like the Mavs. Pathetic owner, choking superstar, dirty players and cry babies.

Maybe the Mavs can draft someone decent in the lottery this year. Best of luck with that :toast

01-14-2009, 12:18 PM
If he's sending the tape to the league, WTF he has to do walking in there and talking to JR Smith? Cuban is not the league. The league is the one that should be contacting JR Smith, not Cuban. What is he doing talking to the guy???
There are appropriate channels for stuff like this, but going in front of another team's player and telling him he's going to rat him out is not one of them.
I'm also wondering wether he would have done jackshit if the Mavs won.

Who fucking cares? It's a two-way street. If he got all pissy if somebody did the same to him, then he's a hypocrite. The fuck do you care if he confronts JR Smith over a cheapshot elbow?

01-14-2009, 12:20 PM
eh im done arguing, I hate the Mavs and you hate the Nuggets :lol In the end it is just a bunch of millionaire kids running around just making some shots

01-14-2009, 12:21 PM
Well im glad i dont have to root for a crappy team like the Mavs. Pathetic owner, choking superstar, dirty players and cry babies.

You're awfully proud over your little team's mild "success" this year, aren't you? I'm glad I don't have to root for your team and its pathetic "franchise" player. Dirk has a Finals appearance. Carmelo has a 15 game suspension for being a huge pussy. It's appropriate that you're a Nuggets fan: Your best player is a huge vagina, and you have sand in yours over the Mavs sending a tape to the league.

Maybe the Mavs can draft someone decent in the lottery this year. Best of luck with that :toast

The Mavs and the Nuggets have something in common: They won't be making it past the first round this year. Maybe the Nuggets can get lucky and will win more than 1 game in the playoffs this year. Best of luck with that. :toast

01-14-2009, 12:24 PM
eh im done arguing, I hate the Mavs and you hate the Nuggets :lol In the end it is just a bunch of millionaire kids running around just making some shots

We don't hate the Nuggs, no reason to. Actually I am a big fan of Nene, and I like Chauncey as well.

01-14-2009, 12:24 PM
eh im done arguing, I hate the Mavs and you hate the Nuggets :lol In the end it is just a bunch of millionaire kids running around just making some shots

I don't hate the Nuggets. I don't ever contemplate on the Nuggets. They're an irrelevant franchise that's never done anything. Stop fooling yourself that the Nuggets are even on my radar.

01-14-2009, 12:25 PM
Who fucking cares? It's a two-way street. If he got all pissy if somebody did the same to him, then he's a hypocrite. The fuck do you care if he confronts JR Smith over a cheapshot elbow?

He's not a fucking fan. He's a team owner. There's this thing called professionalism.

01-14-2009, 12:26 PM
Cuban and professionalism don't go in a sentence together. Cuban and insider trading, now that's a better fit :lmao

01-14-2009, 12:29 PM
He's not a fucking fan. He's a team owner. There's this thing called professionalism.

According to you and George Karl. This is much ado about nothing. If Peter Holt did it, you wouldn't care.

01-14-2009, 12:30 PM
This is fucking tired, both parties included.

And Nuggets-Fan there just needs to shut the fuck up already. You forget you support a team full of Backwards Fighting Pussies and guys that like to kill their friends in car crashes.

Someone tell JR he missed his court date this morning, eh?

01-14-2009, 12:31 PM
ugh Holt or Kroenke wouldn't do it, that is the WHOLE point. Cuban is a disgrace to the league of owners, i bet he is an outcast among them all.

01-14-2009, 12:32 PM
Neither team has won a title and arent anywhere close, lets just agree on that :lol

01-14-2009, 12:33 PM
According to you and George Karl. This is much ado about nothing. If Peter Holt did it, you wouldn't care.

I couldn't care less, considering it's Cuban. If Holt did it I would care. I think it reflects bad on your team. That said, I'm not worked up over it, unlike that Nug fan up there..

01-14-2009, 12:39 PM
Cuban is just trying to keep his team relevant.

He's failing.

No one cares about the Mavs anymore.

01-14-2009, 12:40 PM
I raped a five year-old this morning. I'll let you guys guess if it was boy, girl, or dog.

01-14-2009, 12:44 PM
ugh Holt or Kroenke wouldn't do it, that is the WHOLE point. Cuban is a disgrace to the league of owners, i bet he is an outcast among them all.

Cuban isn't a Wal-Mart wife like Kroenke.

01-14-2009, 12:46 PM
Cuban is just trying to keep his team relevant.

He's failing.

No one cares about the Mavs anymore.

INTENSITY! CHEST POUND! Is Paul Pierce still the best player in the world? I saw some guy on the Cavs rip him a new asshole last week, some guy I'd never heard of before, LeBrown or something...

01-14-2009, 12:48 PM
This is fucking tired, both parties included.

And Nuggets-Fan there just needs to shut the fuck up already. You forget you support a team full of Backwards Fighting Pussies and guys that like to kill their friends in car crashes.

Someone tell JR he missed his court date this morning, eh?

Who shot JR?

He's keeping it classy.

01-14-2009, 12:48 PM
Cuban is a waterboy with money. Trouble is, it's enough money to buy an NBA team.

01-14-2009, 12:53 PM
Cuban is a waterboy with money. Trouble is, it's enough money to buy an NBA team.


He so desperately wants to be "one of the guys".

Didn't he try jumping in a fight a few years back? I remember he ran onto the court during one but I cant remember if he physically got involved....

LOL...the shot of the 5'7" white guy running onto the court to do "whatever he planned on doing" was hysterical.

01-14-2009, 12:56 PM
It sure is important that he have the respect and admiration of Spurs fans.

I said EVERYONE. Everyone not only Spurs fans think he is a crybaby bitch.

01-14-2009, 01:00 PM

He so desperately wants to be "one of the guys".

Didn't he try jumping in a fight a few years back? I remember he ran onto the court during one but I cant remember if he physically got involved....

LOL...the shot of the 5'7" white guy running onto the court to do "whatever he planned on doing" was hysterical.


01-14-2009, 01:05 PM
Cuban is actually a tall "average" guy. He's 6'3".

01-14-2009, 01:06 PM
Cuban is just trying to keep his team relevant.

He's failing.

No one cares about the Mavs anymore.


01-14-2009, 01:08 PM
No one cares about the Mavs anymore.

I couldn't tell from the 50 threads started after every loss or move.

01-14-2009, 01:12 PM
Who cares. Mavs suck and Cuban's window is closed. He's irrelevant.

01-14-2009, 01:13 PM
Cuban does not belong on the court at any time during the course of a game talking to players on the other team. Period.

01-14-2009, 01:30 PM
I couldn't tell from the 50 threads started after every loss or move.

Nothing says "I don't care about the Mavericks" quite like a thread asking a question about their 2004 offseason 4 and half years after the fact.

01-14-2009, 01:31 PM

Findawg was right. You're next insightful post will definitely be your first.

01-14-2009, 03:05 PM
As bush league as George Karl is, he's right that the owner of a team shouldn't be on the floor talking shit to a player, but as has been mentioned, the act has grown stale. Mark Cuban is a broken record at this point, and he's getting easier and easier to tune out.

01-14-2009, 03:52 PM
Cuban should have submitted the tape and not gone to the media unless the league decided to do nothing. He shouldn't have approached another team's player.

And it is a little funny to hear Cuban talk about 'uncalled for' dirty plays after he defended Terry ('Finley sat on his head' or some malarkey) for punching Finley in the crotch.

I doubt he was too upset about Stackhouse throwing Manu down on his back last year in an attempt to injure him. Or when Howard swung at Ginobili's head when Manu was dunking last year, I didn't hear anything out of Cuban. He was probably cheering their 'toughness.'

01-14-2009, 07:29 PM
eyLn5M8c2Gw :lol

what strikes me the most that he is a millionare and wears such an ugly shirt that most other people wouldnt wear even if they would get paid for it


01-14-2009, 10:26 PM
I didn't read this thread except for the OP so i don't know if this was mentioned, but that call at the end of the game where CB kicked his leg out was absolutely atrocious. I'd be pissed at that too.

Although it was a classic CB move so i can't hate that much. He probably practices really hard at that. :lol

01-14-2009, 11:06 PM
Cuban had no business talking to another team's player. Just turn the tape in to the NBA and let them handle it. Has he not learned from his 13 fines?

01-14-2009, 11:07 PM
Cuban had no business talking to another team's player. Just turn the tape in to the NBA and let them handle it. Has he not learned from his 13 fines?

No. And I doubt he gives a fuck.

01-14-2009, 11:09 PM
Did he speak to Stackhouse after his flagrant on Shaq in Game 4 of the Finals?

01-14-2009, 11:24 PM

Updated: January 14, 2009, 11:07 PM ET
NBA looking into Cuban-Smith spat
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By Chris Sheridan

NEW YORK -- Mark Cuban is in hot water with David Stern again. Exactly how hot remains to be seen.

An NBA spokesman said on Wednesday that "we are reviewing the events of [Tuesday] night" after Cuban exchanged words with Nuggets guard J.R. Smith at halftime of the Mavericks' controversial 99-97 loss to Denver.

The NBA also is looking into whether Cuban verbally abused an official as he exited the court -- something Cuban has denied.

Cuban could be seen mouthing an obscenity shortly after Chauncey Billups made two free throws with 2.2 seconds left for the game-winning points following a highly questionable foul call against Jason Terry.

NBA security is conducting the investigation, and there is no timetable for reaching a decision. The league will have to decide by Thursday night, before the Nuggets' next game, whether an elbow thrown by Smith -- an elbow that Cuban complained to Smith about in person at halftime -- merits a suspension.

"As far as getting fined, I should get a medal instead. There was a real opportunity for the situation to escalate into something bad. I made it clear to our guys not to retaliate and that I would address it with the officials and the player, which I did," Cuban said Wednesday night in an e-mail to ESPN.com. "The real question is why, given the history of the player involved, the Nuggets and NBA officials didn't have the least bit concern about this situation escalating into something ugly. They are playing it off like throwing elbows away from the play at someone's head is 'just part of the game.' Let's really hope it's not."

Penalties against Cuban could range from a fine to a suspension, although the league has not suspended Cuban since 2001. One source indicated a suspension seemed less likely than a fine.

Cuban approached Smith at halftime after the guard swung his elbow at Dallas' Antoine Wright.

"I do take exception with players throwing elbows that could have severely injured one of our players," Cuban wrote in an e-mail to the Rocky Mountain News. "I was very cordial in letting Mr. Smith know [at halftime] that I will be turning it into the league, and I expected him to be suspended for it."

Nuggets coach George Karl did not appreciate Cuban talking to Smith at halftime.

"I don't care if Cuban barks, but he shouldn't be barking at my players,'" Karl said. "He barked at J.R. at halftime. I thought it was very unprofessional, irresponsible."

Cuban also wrote that after the game Smith sent him a pair of signed shoes in an apparent goodwill gesture, and Cuban declined them.

Cuban was fined $200,000 for going onto the court after Game 1 of Dallas' series against the Spurs in 2006 and for criticizing league officials on his blog. He has been fined 13 separate times by the NBA for a total of $1,665,000, and he was suspended for three games in his first two years after buying the Mavericks.

He was quick to publicize each one -- especially a $500,000 penalty for saying he wouldn't hire the NBA's head of officials "to manage a Dairy Queen" -- and matched each with a donation to charity.

In his e-mail to ESPN.com, Cuban said he had not yet spoken with anyone from NBA security. He acknowledged using profanity as he exited.

"I'm not going to say who I was addressing, but it wasn't the refs," he said. "By that point I couldn't even see them. I was addressing someone else. And I'm sure I said 'That was [expletive],' and I'm sure that isn't berating anyone. That was reflecting on an action someone took after the game. Was I mad? Yep. But I said it and walked to the locker room.

"I didn't speak to the refs at all. The only interaction I had was at halftime to send the NBA security person to the officials' locker room to ask them to look at the tape of the last play of the half. And as far as my actions, I never left the front of my bench at halftime. I had a nice cordial conversation with Chauncey and Dahntay Jones, then J.R. walked up and my conversation with him was cordial as well. I told him that I was going to turn in the play and I thought he would get suspended. He said that he was responding to our guy. I said if he had a problem, turn it in, but throwing an elbow at someone's head is not part of the game. That was it. He walked away."