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View Full Version : I hate people that say that America has no culture.

01-16-2009, 04:32 AM
Well our culutre is about immigrants coming here to be succesful and to establish a family, that's why we are still the best country in the whole fucking planet, and no my avatar does not mean I live in germany because I live in dallas, and I'm an american citizen. do you chode licking faggots think that france or england could keep the world in check like we do? thats what I thought you fucking faggots

01-16-2009, 04:39 AM

01-16-2009, 04:53 AM
So then put a USA flag.

01-16-2009, 04:59 AM
What is this "we" business? I hate it when people take credit for shit they have absolutely nothing to do with... that is, unless you have or are serving in the military

01-16-2009, 05:30 AM
What is this "we" business? I hate it when people take credit for shit they have absolutely nothing to do with... that is, unless you have or are serving in the military

I say we because every fucking year I pay the taxes that keep this nation afloat, same applies to everyone of you dumb cunts out there who are wondering 'why is he saying we? instead of they?''

01-16-2009, 05:33 AM
Let's hear a round of applause. Now what does this have to do with American culture?

01-16-2009, 05:43 AM
no fukn shit, u didnt mention anything about american culture

01-16-2009, 05:45 AM
you people are fucktards end of threadz

01-16-2009, 06:28 AM
you people are fucktards end of threadz

Extra Stout
01-16-2009, 07:39 AM
"America has no culture" from your typical Euro usually means "I heard some cultural scholar say that, and since I'm just an ignorant bumpkin that thinks I'm smart and sophisticated because I live in Europe, and I hate America because I think my country should be on top instead of America, I blindly repeat it without knowing what it means."

But it is true that America has no culture, in the sense that there is not a single unified distinctive American culture. It is multicultural, by region, by ethnicity, etc., especially compared to European countries. That makes sense, since America is not a nation-state.

01-16-2009, 08:02 AM
What is this "we" business? I hate it when people take credit for shit they have absolutely nothing to do with... that is, unless you have or are serving in the military

01-16-2009, 08:42 AM
Well our culutre is about immigrants coming here to be succesful and to establish a family, that's why we are still the best country in the whole fucking planet, and no my avatar does not mean I live in germany because I live in dallas, and I'm an american citizen. do you chode licking faggots think that france or england could keep the world in check like we do? thats what I thought you fucking faggots

Das Texan
01-16-2009, 08:47 AM
Well our culutre is about immigrants coming here to be succesful and to establish a family, that's why we are still the best country in the whole fucking planet, and no my avatar does not mean I live in germany because I live in dallas, and I'm an american citizen. do you chode licking faggots think that france or england could keep the world in check like we do? thats what I thought you fucking faggots

well dallas does have no fucking culture.

they dont even know who they want to be most of the time.

01-16-2009, 08:49 AM
you people are fucktards end of threadz

Says the guy with the German flag on his proud American topic.

01-16-2009, 08:56 AM
we have our culture, I suggest those who say that see some movies made by hollywood. X-Men are good movies but they don't reflect our culture, the only thing that motives us to watch X-Men is just the desire to see these movie stars and their stark performances, but they really disappointed us.

"Monster's ball" is just kind of movie that shows the real life and culture of america. americans are richer and our troops are better armed, but no one has ever though about invading other nations. But some other country would probobly do that if they were in our situation.

01-16-2009, 09:20 AM
So as I said, America has no culture, and its a proven fact

its the same with australia, we dont have a culture here.......cause we are too multi-cultural as a nation...

just look at at the pageants when they ask the contestants to wear a cultural outfit, you look at america and australia outfits nothing cultural about it.

01-16-2009, 09:39 AM
America's culture, if it has one, is pretty lame.

Sure we let immigrants in, and the hard-working ones eventually succeed. That's great. But then we let in millions of illegal immigrants who leach off everyone's taxes that pay for education, medical, etc.

And then there is the bashing of the haves by the have-nots and the creation of false idols in government who are only problems, not solutions.

There's some good stuff, but everything is saturated in political correctness that it's too hard to give a fuck anymore.

I hate you all.

01-16-2009, 09:40 AM
Anyone who says that America has no culture has obviously never had a "Polish Dog with mustard & onions" from Costco at 9 AM Saturday morning…

01-16-2009, 09:42 AM
I say we because every fucking year I pay the taxes that keep this nation afloat, same applies to everyone of you dumb cunts out there who are wondering 'why is he saying we? instead of they?''Your taxes go directly to pay off the interest earned on borrowed money from the not so Federal Reserve. Your taxes are paying for a system thats totally unrequired and unecessary but is in place to keep the rich richer at your expense.

If I had to name what culture America is. Its a slave culture wrapped in a fake freedom security blanket.

01-16-2009, 09:45 AM
Your taxes go directly to pay off the interest earned on borrowed money from the not so Federal Reserve. Your taxes are paying for a system thats totally unrequired and unecessary but is in place to keep the rich richer at your expense.

If I had to name what culture America is. Its a slave culture wrapped in a fake freedom security blanket.

A slave culture. That's a great way to put it. Seriously.

Name one other country in world's history where Public Servants get to fuck over their "masters" every second of every day with infinite free passes. :lol

I agree!

01-16-2009, 12:44 PM
Its a slave culture wrapped in a fake freedom security blanket.

Its indentured servitude with the only promise being you have a *chance* to move up the social ladder.

01-16-2009, 05:00 PM
my culture = family, barbeque, & good times

01-17-2009, 10:19 PM
You don't see the word faggot as much as you used to.

01-18-2009, 09:39 AM
Its indentured servitude with the only promise being you have a *chance* to move up the social ladder.

Pegged it!

01-18-2009, 11:50 AM
I hate Americans who are so damn down on the US
Just becuase it's European doesnt mean it's better
Europe has their problems too.
Greeks and Turks hate each other. Greece just had huge riots. France had month long riots a few years back. Italians are the most racist people in Europe. Russia's currency is about to be worthless.
It is easy to see the positives and miss the negatives when it is viewed from a distance

No doubt about it, America has problems.....but the grass isnt always greener....

01-18-2009, 01:38 PM
Your taxes go directly to pay off the interest earned on borrowed money from the not so Federal Reserve. Your taxes are paying for a system thats totally unrequired and unecessary but is in place to keep the rich richer at your expense.

If I had to name what culture America is. Its a slave culture wrapped in a fake freedom security blanket.

you know the great thing about this country is if you really feel that way you have the power to try and change things with out going to jail or being killed
so i ask you what are you trying to do to change things for the better. and if your answer is nothing but bitch about on spurs talk, well you can do that from any where so get the fuck out

01-18-2009, 06:27 PM
So....going to the annual fiesta week or whatever is not cultural?

01-18-2009, 10:44 PM
Well our culutre is about immigrants coming here to be succesful and to establish a family, that's why we are still the best country in the whole fucking planet, and no my avatar does not mean I live in germany because I live in dallas, and I'm an american citizen. do you chode licking faggots think that france or england could keep the world in check like we do? thats what I thought you fucking faggots

I say we because every fucking year I pay the taxes that keep this nation afloat, same applies to everyone of you dumb cunts out there who are wondering 'why is he saying we? instead of they?''

Culture can be defined as "the way of life for individuals in a society", or more academically as "a shared, learned, symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences perception and behavior".

Nothing you've said in your posts really has to do with culture, except the bit about immigrants. However, whilst America and Australia are both countries founded and strengthened by immigration, I'd argue that there is a growing anti-immigration movement in both countries, especially in tough economic times (eg. "they're tekken arrr jobs!", the popular South Park refrain).

As someone who has traveled extensively in the US, has many US friends, and has informally studied the US for a couple of decades, I'd say today's American culture is centered around money and consumption, which are the central themes in much American media and in everyday conversation. People's social status is largely defined by their income and the objects they own (what do you wear? what do you drive? where do you live? etc etc), and just about everything comes back to money. Maybe B2B was alluding to this when he said:

"If I had to name what culture America is. Its a slave culture wrapped in a fake freedom security blanket."

The slave culture is slavery to money - once you borrow large sums to buy your car, house, etc. you are essentially a slave to the bank (and to what you own) - and the "fake freedom" is the choices that arise in a culture based on hyper-consumption.

That's what I see, anyway, and I see Australia unfortunately heading down a similar path.

America has no culture you fuckface.

What do 90% of people do during weekends between the age range of 20-35? Go to bars, get drunk, go clubbing, get drunk, and repeat. The next weekend? Go to bars, get drunk, go clubbing, get drunk, and repeat. And what about the next weekend? Same thing.

What happened to going to comedy clubs, jazz clubs, concerts, art-house cinemas, camping, backpacking, going to museums, going on adventures, going out.

Doesn't happen here in America.

So as I said, America has no culture, and its a proven fact

That IS the culture. Culture is not live music and poetry readings, it's what the people do and the way they think.

its the same with australia, we dont have a culture here.......cause we are too multi-cultural as a nation...

just look at at the pageants when they ask the contestants to wear a cultural outfit, you look at america and australia outfits nothing cultural about it.

Just STFU and stop speaking for "Australia". You always get it fucking wrong. Nothing you say ever represents the Australia that I know.

01-19-2009, 10:40 AM
you know the great thing about this country is if you really feel that way you have the power to try and change things with out going to jail or being killed
so i ask you what are you trying to do to change things for the better. and if your answer is nothing but bitch about on spurs talk, well you can do that from any where so get the fuck out
My answer isn't "nothing". Shouldn't matter anyway. I love how you take a statement on a message board and turn it into a statement about proactive change. Perhaps you should get the fuck out because you obviously don't understand what a "forum" is. Just to help you along this is a place where people get together to discuss a wide range of things. We are all here to talk, bitch and discuss things on spurstalk. Its the very fucking purpose of this place. No integrity lost by bringing the argument forward without physical proactive change because this isn't a physical movement forum.

01-20-2009, 12:21 AM
"America has no culture" from your typical Euro or urban and cosmopolitan American usually means "I heard some cultural or Ivy League scholar say that, and since I'm just an ignorant bumpkin that thinks I'm smart and sophisticated because I live in Europe or in New York/San Francisco/whatever, and I hate America because I think my country or some other country that looks so nice from distance with all those castles and socialized health and sophisticated restaurants should be on top instead of America, I blindly repeat it without knowing what it means."

But it is true that America has no culture, in the sense that there is not a single unified distinctive American culture. It is multicultural, by region, by ethnicity, etc., especially compared to European countries. That makes sense, since America is not a nation-state.


As an European, I agree with the above. The "ignorant cowbow" stereotype is unbearable and nonsensical. Or some his variations, like the marxist one of alienated masses. Some American intelectuals like Henry Miller, the writer exiled in Paris, were very responsible for the propagation of this myth of America as the land of philistinism and acefalous materialism.

This is a tendency with deep roots in the continental Europe tradition, btw. Napoleon called Great Britain "a nation of shopkeepers". Funny how they kicked his ass a few years later. Hitler said similar things about America - mocking their culture and saying for example:

But the German Reich has 270 opera houses - a standard of cultural existence of which they over there have no conception. They have clothes, food, cars and a badly constructed house - but with a refrigerator! This sort of thing does not impress us.;

with a similar destiny.

I, for one, share Tocqueville's European filo-americanism. Except when it comes to those sophisticated, over-educated, quasi-Europeans Americans.