View Full Version : Why Obama will fail......

01-20-2009, 03:20 PM
Because all he really cares about is that he is loved by all.

We see him offer the Sec of State position to Hillary even though there are much more qualified people who would probably due a much better job. Gotta shore up those Hillary supporters.

We see a bloated "stimulus" bill get even worse when Obama agrees to include a $500 tax credit for everyone even though this have been proven to be a completely ineffective means for stimulating the economy time and time again (as recently as last year...the $600 check didn't do anything). The only reason he added it in is because he wants bi-partisan support for the bill. He wants fiscal conservatives to like him as well.

He asks Rick Warren to speak at the inauguration to warm up to evangelicals.

All he wants is a high approval rating and his place as a great man in history.

What he doesn't get is that great men of the past showed bold leadership, not a transparent need to please everyone.

01-20-2009, 03:21 PM
If you think it's so unbearably bad or just a trend that somehow going to ruin your life, how about you do us all a favor and end your own life already? Seriously. I'm sick of you just crying & bellyaching like a spoiled 2 year old girl. Get the fuck over and act like a man. Fucking pussy.

01-20-2009, 03:23 PM

Dont forget to make Obama your desktop and screen saver.

01-20-2009, 03:23 PM
If he doesn't help change the state of the economy for the better, it won't matter how many people "love" him or "like" him, he won't have a high approval rating.

01-20-2009, 03:25 PM
If he doesn't help change the state of the economy for the better, it won't matter how many people "love" him or "like" him, he won't have a high approval rating.

Depends...as long as he's spending, he can say he's trying.

Plus he can just continue to blame Bush.

I have a hard time believing Obama supporters will stop loving him no matter how ineffective he is.

After all, look how much they love him NOW before adding a single bullet point to his list of accomplishments.

01-20-2009, 03:27 PM
I have a hard time believing Obama supporters will stop loving him no matter how ineffective he is.

Is that number proportional to those who still approved of Bush?

01-20-2009, 03:28 PM
I have a hard time believing Obama haters will stop bitching no matter how effective he is.

01-20-2009, 03:31 PM
I have a hard time believing Obama haters will stop bitching no matter how effective he is.


That maybe true as well. But I dont believe for one second that this stimulus is going to help the economy in any way.

We wont have any real change in the number of people with health care by 2012 (we'll hear "next term").

The housing market will still be a foreclosure mess in 2012.

The deficit and national debt will grow by a larger sum than even Bush added.

All of these things will be fact in 2012.

01-20-2009, 03:36 PM
I have a hard time believing Obama haters will stop bitching no matter how effective he is.

I have a hard time believing his followers will admit how bad he will be

01-20-2009, 03:40 PM
I have a hard time believing his followers will admit how bad he will be

Is that number proportional to those who still approved of Bush?

01-20-2009, 03:47 PM
no Dr -- I imagine that number will far exceed those who still appove of Bush - His subjects are loyal and color blind so to speak.

01-20-2009, 03:49 PM
His speech was all over the place.

He contradicted himself and went from conservative self-responsibility to government will wipe your ass mode.

All in a single bound; he's so dreamy.

Balijunana telling people to stfu when he was the most butthurt over Bush's presidency LOL

01-20-2009, 03:50 PM
no Dr -- I imagine that number will far exceed those who still appove of Bush - His subjects are loyal and color blind so to speak.

Fair answer, but I tend to disagree. I think the percentage of people that voted for/supported Bush who changed stances during his 8 years will be similar to Obama's if he does the bang-up job Bush did.

But thats just an opinion.

01-20-2009, 03:51 PM
Fair answer, but I tend to disagree. I think the percentage of people that voted for/supported Bush who changed stances during his 8 years will be similar to Obama's if he does the bang-up job Bush did.

But thats just an opinion.

We can re-visit this on an annual basis then and see how it is holding up. Give me the over.

01-20-2009, 03:51 PM
Obama speaks the words that OTHERS write for him very well sons. now its time for him to actually do something.

01-20-2009, 03:51 PM
Obama speaks the words that OTHERS write for him very well sons. now its time for him to actually do something.

who is that girl ?

01-20-2009, 03:53 PM
who is that girl ?

lol sons if I had a dime for every time I have been asked this ..... Gina Carano

01-20-2009, 03:54 PM
I will send you a dime

01-20-2009, 03:58 PM
We can re-visit this on an annual basis then and see how it is holding up. Give me the over.

Ha. Good answer. But I still disagree. Partisanship is alive and well in this country. Reason, facts, progress and derision be damned!

01-20-2009, 04:03 PM
Ha. Good answer. But I still disagree. Partisanship is alive and well in this country. Reason, facts, progress and derision be damned!

you cant have the over too....

baseline bum
01-20-2009, 04:04 PM
Fair answer, but I tend to disagree. I think the percentage of people that voted for/supported Bush who changed stances during his 8 years will be similar to Obama's if he does the bang-up job Bush did.

But thats just an opinion.

As if Bush wasn't once loved by the entire nation. Obama's got nothing on Bush's popularity after 9/11 (until he started fucking it up in Iraq).

01-20-2009, 04:15 PM
His speech was all over the place.

He contradicted himself and went from conservative self-responsibility to government will wipe your ass mode.

All in a single bound; he's so dreamy.

Balijunana telling people to stfu when he was the most butthurt over Bush's presidency LOL

Thats what Im saying. He's trying too hard to mass appeal to all audiences.

Thats not leadership.

01-20-2009, 04:15 PM
Because all he really cares about is that he is loved by all.

We see him offer the Sec of State position to Hillary even though there are much more qualified people who would probably due a much better job. Gotta shore up those Hillary supporters.

We see a bloated "stimulus" bill get even worse when Obama agrees to include a $500 tax credit for everyone even though this have been proven to be a completely ineffective means for stimulating the economy time and time again (as recently as last year...the $600 check didn't do anything). The only reason he added it in is because he wants bi-partisan support for the bill. He wants fiscal conservatives to like him as well.

He asks Rick Warren to speak at the inauguration to warm up to evangelicals.

All he wants is a high approval rating and his place as a great man in history.

What he doesn't get is that great men of the past showed bold leadership, not a transparent need to please everyone.

Great men of the past forged alliances and held together shaky alliances all the time, and were considered great in no small part because of this skill.

Don't confuse respect and acknowledgement of ones opponents with insecurity.

You would criticize him either way anyways. If he had done none of these things you would have called him a hypocrite for not living up to his pledge of reaching across the aisle, and said he will fail when people realize what a hypocrite he is.

If I thought for a minute that you would give the guy a fair shake, and hadn't made up your mind ahead of time no matter what he does, I might give a squirt of piss for your opinion.

As it is, the childish "he will fail" shit on the first day of his presidency is just, well... childish.

01-20-2009, 04:21 PM
Another bleeding ass thread.

01-20-2009, 04:35 PM
Because all he really cares about is that he is loved by all.

We see him offer the Sec of State position to Hillary even though there are much more qualified people who would probably due a much better job. Gotta shore up those Hillary supporters.

We see a bloated "stimulus" bill get even worse when Obama agrees to include a $500 tax credit for everyone even though this have been proven to be a completely ineffective means for stimulating the economy time and time again (as recently as last year...the $600 check didn't do anything). The only reason he added it in is because he wants bi-partisan support for the bill. He wants fiscal conservatives to like him as well.

He asks Rick Warren to speak at the inauguration to warm up to evangelicals.

All he wants is a high approval rating and his place as a great man in history.

What he doesn't get is that great men of the past showed bold leadership, not a transparent need to please everyone.

That's right, Obama needs to be more like me. You know, the guy that boldly led us into unecessary war, the guy who sent you all $600, not a puny $500, the guy who aligned himself with right-wing neocon theologians, who gave the FEMA job to an unqualified buddy, let my Secretary of Defense and VP dictate policy ... a great man like me! Screw the ratings - it's all about doing whatever you wanna do no matter how stupid it is.

It's also good to see you spell "due" as good as me.

01-20-2009, 04:38 PM
As if Bush wasn't once loved by the entire nation. Obama's got nothing on Bush's popularity after 9/11 (until he started fucking it up in Iraq).

While true that Bush was extremely popular after 9/11, that did happen 9 months after he was sworn in.

Obama's popularity is at its zenith right now and I dont believe it can ever be higher from this point forward. I say that with the knowledge that this country is on the verge of bankruptcy, two wars on two fronts and he has Democrats in Congress with their own agenda with Pelosi at the helm (a Dem from San Francisco, blech).

He is going to make tough decisions very early in his term. I would guess they wont be as popular as he is right now.

01-20-2009, 04:46 PM
Point of order….
Rick Warren is not the spokesperson for Evangelists or Christians…He is considered sort of a feel good speaker along the lines of Joel Osteen…

01-20-2009, 04:48 PM
Obama speaks the words that OTHERS write for him very well sons. now its time for him to actually do something.

You do know that Barack Obama wrote his inauguration speech in its entirety with no input from anyone else, right? He made it a point that he wanted to write the speech himself.

01-20-2009, 04:56 PM
You do know that Barack Obama wrote his inauguration speech in its entirety with no input from anyone else, right? He made it a point that he wanted to write the speech himself.

I guess that explains it.

01-20-2009, 05:07 PM
You do know that Barack Obama wrote his inauguration speech in its entirety with no input from anyone else, right? He made it a point that he wanted to write the speech himself.

proof ? Link ? If he did - -it is very telling how he contradicted himself be speaking of personal responsibility and then going into how the government was going to be the answer and save us all....

01-20-2009, 06:19 PM
proof ? Link ? If he did - -it is very telling how he contradicted himself be speaking of personal responsibility and then going into how the government was going to be the answer and save us all....

No kidding....he's all over the place. He wants to be Bill Cosby mixed with Malcom X.

01-20-2009, 08:13 PM
proof ? Link ? If he did - -it is very telling how he contradicted himself be speaking of personal responsibility and then going into how the government was going to be the answer and save us all....

I read it in the newspaper the other day and heard it on one of the broadcasts again today. Here's a link I found on the internet, but this is not where I've first heard it:

This wasn't a speech by committee... Obama wrote the speech himself, working on it for two days and nights.... and showed it to only a few of his top advisers.

Obama wrote the speech himself (http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/03/speechwriter_of_one.php)

As for contradicting himself, you're reaching. It's not a contradiction to say that each of us as individuals must be accountable and earn our freedoms, but when the government can help, they will do so. He says as much:

For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies.

It's similar to teaching a child how to ride a bike and that they have to learn how to do it themselves, but if they fall down, the parents will be there to help pick them up.

That's not contradiction. That's just the way it is. The government will do what they can, and the individual must do his or her part as well.

It wasn't a perfect speech. It wasn't the most organized and cohesive speech ever. But, it was a strong enough speech and it wasn't contradictory. Life isn't merely black and white, nor is politics. There are shades of grey. You can have goals that are not completely compatible yet still have a concerted ideology and belief system to justify each of them. Again, you're reaching to say he contradicted himself.

Wild Cobra
01-21-2009, 12:40 AM
Why could Obama fail?


He has no executive experience!

01-21-2009, 02:20 AM
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