View Full Version : PER Diem: Jan. 21, 2009

01-23-2009, 09:09 AM
PER Diem: Jan. 21, 2009
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Hollinger By John Hollinger

Deron WilliamsBill Baptist/NBAE/Getty ImagesAfter battling injuries all season, Deron Williams and the Jazz have a shot to be one of the five best teams in the NBA.

We've talked about the best … now let's talk about the rest.

Four teams dominated the league in the first half of the season, and those four have held down the top four spots in the Power Rankings in some order for several weeks now. That leaves us with the nagging possibility that there are only four legitimate title contenders out there, with everyone else just hoping to get lucky.

But we've still got half a season to play, and several teams have yet to show us what they can do at full strength. So here's a quick look at the teams, in order, that I think have the best shot of breaking through and turning the league's Fantastic Four into a Fabulous Five.
Daily Gems

1. Utah Jazz: They've held down the fort through the season's first half (25-17) pretty well, which is impressive considering they haven't had their best players healthy at the same time. Between Deron Williams' ankle and Carlos Boozer's hamstring, as well as several other less prominent injuries, Utah has relied on its superior depth to carry it through the first half.

Boozer could be back for the season's final month or two, which would be a huge boost. And even if he isn't, Williams is back to playing like the Williams of old, and it's showing in the Jazz's recent results. Despite the injuries, the Jazz are also defending better than they ever have in the post-Stockton-Malone era, ranking 10th in defensive efficiency.

Utah has been as high as No. 5 in the Power Rankings and is currently No. 9 even without Boozer; should he come back, I'd still argue this is the one team that can legitimately say it can match the Lakers talent-wise and come out of the West.

2. Houston Rockets: Will they? Probably not. But could they? Absolutely. The Rockets are 26-16, 11th in the Power Rankings and projected for 49 wins by today's Playoff Odds … without having their top six players healthy at the same time at any point this season. While doubts linger over whether Tracy McGrady can come back -- and if so, what he can provide -- there remains a healthy respect for his ability to break down defenses and create shots.

Moreover, one can't as easily dismiss the likelihood of Ron Artest's making a healthy return, joining the newly returned Shane Battier and Brent Barry to fortify Houston's wing rotation. With the way Yao Ming and their role players are playing, the Rockets don't need that huge a boost from their injured wings to make the leap to elite status.

3. (wtf?)San Antonio Spurs: Perhaps I'm overrating them based on their history -- after some early injuries, they've had all hands on deck for quite a while now, and yet both the Playoff Odds (51 wins) and Power Rankings (10th) seem mighty unimpressed.:ihit:ihit:ihit

Here's the thing: Their history of second-half surges seems relevant given that this is the same cast they've had on hand on the past several seasons. Gregg Popovich's recent "We suck on D" proclamation seems to be the clarion call to rally the troops for February.

On the other hand, San Antonio has already played the easy part of its schedule and is showing its age on several fronts -- most notably in the decline of defensive ace Bruce Bowen, which is one reason the Spurs are a distant fourth in defensive efficiency rather than their usual perch in the top two. San Antonio probably needs another quality big before the trade deadline before it can outmatch the likes of a healthy Jazz or Rockets team, let alone the Lakers.

4. Denver Nuggets: Though third in the West at 28-15, Denver is another team that probably needs to land an extra quality big man before it can make a legitimate case for jumping into the league's upper crust. But with two All-Star-caliber performers in Chauncey Billups and Carmelo Anthony, and a third player having an All-Star-caliber season in center Nene, Denver has a lot of the pieces already in place.

When both Billups and Anthony play, the team is 21-9, and that was when Anthony was struggling with his shot because of an elbow injury. That's going to get some time to heal thanks to his current broken hand, which could position the Nuggies to make a big surge after the All-Star break.

5. Philadelphia 76ers: OK, now we're scraping the barrel -- Philly finished the first half a game under .500. I suppose I could have put New Orleans or Phoenix here, but I get the impression that we've seen about all they can do, and that's not enough to scare anyone in the top four.

Of the remaining teams, it seems to me this is the one that has the best chance of surprising us and making a huge push in the second half. With apologies to my hometown Hawks, it's also the only East team that I see as a threat to the top three in that conference.

Of course, they could also give us a different kind of surprise, much as they did in the season's opening weeks. But when Elton Brand returns in the coming days, one has to think that it will benefit the team and that they'll keep running the way they did in his absence. As I've discussed here before, the key tweak would be to play him at center, where Samuel Dalembert has been brutal, and leave spots one through four for the greyhounds. If they do that, the Sixers could still live up to the preseason expectations.

01-23-2009, 09:11 AM
according to mr dufus, the spurs have no chance against the jazz... the same jazz team that the spurs creamed in the WCF a couple of years ago.

01-23-2009, 09:24 AM
Earlier in the season I defended Hollinger by saying he's not biased against the Spurs. With half the season gone, I haven't seen him say a good word about the Spurs yet.

I may have been wrong. I'm guessing he's just hoping against hope that his prediction that the Spurs are done and that they'll win 48 games is accurate. And his hoping for his predictions to come true would explain why he loves the Jazz and the Rockets this year ... since he predicted good things for both teams in the preseason.

There's nothing more useless than a biased statistician.

01-23-2009, 10:25 AM
Perhaps I'm overrating them based on their history -- after some early injuries, they've had all hands on deck for quite a while now, and yet both the Playoff Odds (51 wins) and Power Rankings (10th) seem mighty unimpressed.

God forbid this fucker actually look at his formulas and figure out that they're broken.

01-23-2009, 10:52 AM
Hollinger is everything wrong in ESPN's sportswriting - relying on formulas or media hype rather than character, talent, history etc.

01-23-2009, 10:53 AM
Why do you guys take anything this twat Hollinger says seriously. He's been on the Jazz nuts since last year, picked the Suns/Hornets/Lakers to beat the Spurs in the playoffs.

What I love about this guy is that he quotes Popovich's recent outburst but then he doesn't show the results of what has happened since. He nit picks at the Spurs plain and simple.

01-23-2009, 10:58 AM
The Jazz still haven't proven shit.

You got to the WCF because the Mavs are chokers.


01-23-2009, 11:08 AM
Earlier in the season I defended Hollinger by saying he's not biased against the Spurs. With half the season gone, I haven't seen him say a good word about the Spurs yet.

I may have been wrong. I'm guessing he's just hoping against hope that his prediction that the Spurs are done and that they'll win 48 games is accurate. And his hoping for his predictions to come true would explain why he loves the Jazz and the Rockets this year ... since he predicted good things for both teams in the preseason.

There's nothing more useless than a biased statistician.

Exactly my thoughts. He began the season stating the Utah Jazz would make it to the NBA Finals and he's basically doing everything he can to make sure that that prediction doesn't look as dumb as it sounded even before the season began.

All season long he's been bagging on the Spurs and it's getting pretty tireless. How can he simply negate the fact that they had injuries early on? And even if they did have an easy schedule early on, that's not their fault...Celtics had a pretty easy schedule in the first half of the season as well, as did the Lakers. Moreover, he's simply negating the fact that despite the injuries the Spurs still managed to stay 2nd in the West standings, while his precious Jazz are barely in the playoffs with their injuries...

01-23-2009, 11:59 AM
I can understand why he would continually support his preseason picks and his formulas (this is his sthick and he can't give it up without admitting failure) but not one good word for the Spurs? :wow All others have at least acknowledged that the the Spurs have come through despite the early season injuries and all.

But this is Hollinger and we've all seen this before. Statistics are his only foundation it seems but they are just one part of the game. As Rudy T said "you can't judge the heart of a chanmpion."

But he is correct that the Spurs have had a much easier schedule to date than most others and another quality big seems to be a missing piece to the puzzle.

The RRT is just about here and after it's over we usually get a much clearer picture of who the Spurs are what kind of team their going to be come playoff time.

01-23-2009, 04:41 PM
Exactly my thoughts. He began the season stating the Utah Jazz would make it to the NBA Finals and he's basically doing everything he can to make sure that that prediction doesn't look as dumb as it sounded even before the season began.

All season long he's been bagging on the Spurs and it's getting pretty tireless. How can he simply negate the fact that they had injuries early on? And even if they did have an easy schedule early on, that's not their fault...Celtics had a pretty easy schedule in the first half of the season as well, as did the Lakers. Moreover, he's simply negating the fact that despite the injuries the Spurs still managed to stay 2nd in the West standings, while his precious Jazz are barely in the playoffs with their injuries...

It's just fashionable to hate on the Spurs. But Hollinger takes it too far, even the SI round table gave Pop and co. props.