View Full Version : Fox News vs. CNN - a knockout punch

03-02-2005, 03:36 PM
CNN flops in February as Fox News surges
FNC only cable news network to see gains in primetime


CNN posted steep viewer losses during the month of February, slipping 21% in primetime and 16% overall, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Fox News was the only cable news network to see gains in primetime during February and beat all other cable news outlets combined for the sixth straight month.

FNC averaged 1.57 million viewers in primetime, up 18% from the same period last year, while CNN fell 21% to 637,000 viewers from the same time period.

February marked what has been a rocky three months for new CNN U.S. prexyprexy Jonathan Klein, who came to the network hoping to improve CNN's primetime performance, where it has been most hurt by a strong FNC lineup built around tentpole "The O'Reilly Factor."

CNN endured a thrashing by Fox during the State of the Union Address, and even lost in the key 25-54 demographic to third-place MSNBC during the speech.

Primetime tumble

CNN primetime stalwarts "Larry King Live," "Wolf Blitzer Reports," "Lou Dobbs Tonight," "Paula Zahn Now" and "Newsnight With Aaron Brown" all suffered double-digit declines, while "Anderson Cooper 360" was up slightly, by 2%.

Klein replaced the executive producer of "Aaron Brown" in a bid to make the show more competitive against "On the Record With Greta Van Susteren," which was up 37% for the month.

Joyous over CNN's February perfperf, Fox staffers began referring to the CNN prexy as "Jon De-cline."

FNC had primetime increases across the board, led by Van Susteren at 10 p.m., "Hannity & Colmes" up 19%, and "Special Report With Brit Hume" rising 20%. "O'Reilly Factor," cable news' most-watched program, with 2.4 million viewers, was up 9%.

MSNBC declined 15% overall and 14% in primetime, while financial news channel CNBC declined 23% overall and 42% in primetime.
Date in print: Wed., Mar. 2, 2005, Los Angeles


Hmm - it would seem Fox News IS the channel to watch!! :lol

03-02-2005, 03:41 PM
Well... American Idol is the most watched show on TV. Ratings don't really say much, except where advertisers should buy ads.

03-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Well... American Idol is the most watched show on TV. Ratings don't really say much, except where advertisers should buy ads.
American Idol is a good show.

03-02-2005, 04:00 PM
Car wreck. 'Nuff said.

03-02-2005, 04:26 PM
I watch Spike TV...that XMC show cracks me up.

But I admit that FoxNews is the most "entertaining" to watch but I've noticed MSNBC has started to have some major babes as well.

03-02-2005, 05:25 PM
I watch Spike TV...that XMC show cracks me up.

But I admit that FoxNews is the most "entertaining" to watch but I've noticed MSNBC has started to have some major babes as well.
My 6yr old loves XMC. It's funny as hell.

03-02-2005, 06:37 PM
awful programming does well in ratings. the simple life, american idol, survivor, etc.

it's not like your average tv watcher is a genius. i guess they like being told what to think by idiots like hannity.

03-02-2005, 06:55 PM
i think it shows people are tired of the anti-american cnn news...

03-02-2005, 09:21 PM
Once again the "if you speak out you are un-American" rhetoric comes out.

Damn that really urks the shit out of me.

But it is your RIGHT to say things that urk the crap out of me.

03-02-2005, 09:43 PM
Once again the "if you speak out you are un-American" rhetoric comes out.

Damn that really urks the shit out of me.

But it is your RIGHT to say things that urk the crap out of me.

too funny...

but the reason i say that about cnn, is because i lived overseas for several years and i watched cnn international edition a lot... it was very anti-american so now i can't stand anything to do with cnn...

03-02-2005, 09:50 PM
too funny...

but the reason i say that about cnn, is because i lived overseas for several years and i watched cnn international edition a lot... it was very anti-american so now i can't stand anything to do with cnn...

CNN International is not the same as CNN here though right?

I know I urk the conservative republicans at work when I tell them that FoxNews is the BushNews network.
But I watch FoxNews because it's entertaining but I think, if you are truly honest, you'd have to agree that they are conservative network and I don't have a problem with it. But call it what it is.

If you want to call the MSM the "liberal" media..then call FoxNews what it is too.

03-02-2005, 11:21 PM
CNN International is not the same as CNN here though right?

I know I urk the conservative republicans at work when I tell them that FoxNews is the BushNews network.
But I watch FoxNews because it's entertaining but I think, if you are truly honest, you'd have to agree that they are conservative network and I don't have a problem with it. But call it what it is.

If you want to call the MSM the "liberal" media..then call FoxNews what it is too.

it is the same parent company...but the programming is different...

03-03-2005, 12:08 AM
CNN International is not the same as CNN here though right?

I know I urk the conservative republicans at work when I tell them that FoxNews is the BushNews network.
But I watch FoxNews because it's entertaining but I think, if you are truly honest, you'd have to agree that they are conservative network and I don't have a problem with it. But call it what it is.

If you want to call the MSM the "liberal" media..then call FoxNews what it is too.
No doubt Fox has a lot of conservative voices, but I don't think you can mistake Juan Williams, Gretta Van Sustran, Geraldo Rivera, and Alan Colmes with being conservative.

every other News Channel the conservative point of view is usually portrayed as out of the main stream.

03-03-2005, 12:26 AM
FOX "News" (http://americablog.blogspot.com/2005/03/fox-news-covers-gannon-and-actually.html) actually pointed out that someone high up in the White House had to give Gannon/Guckert the ok to come in and ask softball questions.

I'm not fully familiar with the end times scripture, is this one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

03-03-2005, 05:48 PM
American Idol is a good show.
Are you on crack?

03-04-2005, 12:22 AM
Are you on crack?

LOL!!! i hate american idol too!!

Mr. Fawlty
03-05-2005, 02:37 AM
FOX tv is nothing but pure propaganda TV. Bushs little toy. Everyone ( well almost) from the rest of this world knows that. But the americans are blinded ( or maybe stupid, al least half of them that voted for retarded president) by the flashy FOX tv. Americans ( especially ones in those 'red ' aka redneck/trailorpark states) aren't 'really' smart. Wtf does an average american know anything about the less of the world. USA is not neccesarry the centre of the universe. You barely know where Mexico and Canada are. CNN is not much better than FOX at all. US media likes flashy sensations, but how come they don't show you any dead G.I.-s ( 1500 and counting). You see more dead people from the L.A. streets, than from Iraq . Thank god you can watch reality tv shows all day long. I am sure they are all about reality. yeah right. Just like soap operas from Latin America.
Would you please wake the fuck up!
If you would study some history, you would see what Nazi propaganda was like( led by Goebbels) during the wwII. The rest of the world knew what it was all about, but the german people( plus Italy and Japan) were manipulated by the their own media. They thought they were the center of the world.... and that they could get away with anything....See the similarity????
I am sorry for the spelling errors but I am from Europe, and english is not my mother tongue. In European Union we actually speak more than one language. Average citizen of E.U. speaks 2-3 foreign language. And we are much more aware what is happening to the rest of the world. That is why we stand for Kyoto protocol, because we know that there is a thing called GLOBAL WARMENING. Something that your dumb goverment gives a shit about. I could go on and on........ but i will not. There is no point arguing with the dumb, deff and blind.

03-05-2005, 03:53 AM
FOX tv is nothing but pure propaganda TV. Bushs little toy. Everyone ( well almost) from the rest of this world knows that.

Correction. FOX/TV is the NeoCon's toy. This is much bigger than just W. There are very powerful forces, a group of 10-20 very powerful, rich men who have managed to take control of our government, our mass media and our democracy, and as you can well imagine, their intentions are to help themselves as they Ideally help the U.S. economy. (I say Ideally because intentions can be much different from eventual outcome..i.e. the Iraq war).

A Democracy is a very fragile thing who's greatest enemy is the perpetual apathetic like GON, but there are many people here in the U.S. who still give a damn, they just need to open their eyes before its to late.

03-05-2005, 04:16 AM
I am sorry for the spelling errors but I am from Europe, and english is not my mother tongue. In European Union we actually speak more than one language. Average citizen of E.U. speaks 2-3 foreign language.

Average Americans speak one language - cash. :lol

Really, not all Americans are dumb. Don't be fooled by the misrepresentations you perceive about us by what is shown on FOX/News, and we will not believe the mischaracterizations they perpetuate about you Euros.

Mr. Fawlty
03-05-2005, 04:32 AM
I totally agree. It is obvious that W is just a puppet. PR spokesman with loussy retorical skills. He is obviously a dumb person with rich backrounds. Daddy bought him his harvard degree, and much more.... It suits the NeoCons that he looks stupid, simple, average, so that the average Joe can look at him and say: Well, he is one of us, i will give him my vote, he is tough, he will defend America at no cost, he will destroy the evil terorists ( that were made and sponsored by his daddy and co.- by the way), he will give me low prices for a galon of oil, so i could drive my big suv to wallmart everyday......
turn off your fox tv, Play some Rage against the machine cd, check out some independant international media, Wake the fuck up and open your eyes. All the money(oil) in the world can't buy you democracy at the cost of dead bodies everywhere

Mr. Fawlty
03-05-2005, 04:37 AM
I know that not all americans are dumb, but it is the majority that counts, it is the majority that decided to vote( once again) for dumb representative of the whole nation.

03-05-2005, 04:51 AM
I know that not all americans are dumb, but it is the majority that counts, it is the majority that decided to vote( once again) for dumb representative of the whole nation.

Actually, our nations greatest enemy is apathy. For instance, exit polls were used as the basis to question the legitimacy of the recent Ukrainian election, and have always proven realiable, unless there is a Bush running that is. Both in the 00 and the 04, Presidential elections the exit polls did not match the final outcome of the vote tally.

So, where is the outrage by American voters? Where is the urgent call for voter reform? There is none, except by a few brave Democrats leaders, and not because most Americans are fooled by the likes of FOX News, but because a large number of Americans simply don't give a damn. At least, not till the killing and maiming reaches their front door will they really truely care, and by then it may be to late.

03-05-2005, 10:41 AM
I know that not all americans are dumb, but it is the majority that counts, it is the majority that decided to vote( once again) for dumb representative of the whole nation.

if the majority of all americans are dumb then why are we the most productive nation on earth... why are the two countries(japan & germany) that we personally broke down and built up the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the world?

your answer is, "play some rage against the machine cd?" are you retarded? most musicians know shit about anything. they are entertainers, not scholars.

the kyoto protocol is most likely not going to help anyone... less emmissions won't be put out.. companies who put out more emissions than they are supposed to will just buy some air rights from countries that don't put out that much.. there is a huge business in the brokering of air quality rights.. you probably don't know that because you are too busy listening to your fuckign rage against the machine cd..

i am american and i lived overseas...i speak several languages... to hear a european spout bullshit and hate like you is not what i heard when i lived there...i think you are uninformed one my friend...

and honestly, speaking several languages doesn't make you smart... i know many cooks, dishwashers and janitors who speak 2 languages...

03-05-2005, 06:53 PM
Bush has trouble with the English language let alone speak two.
He also speaks with a forked tongue.

Hook Dem
03-05-2005, 07:21 PM
Bush has trouble with the English language let alone speak two.
He also speaks with a forked tongue.
Once Again....... http://tinypic.com/20scbr

03-06-2005, 04:34 AM
if the majority of all americans are dumb then why are we the most productive nation on earth

I think this has more to do with our level of technical development as a society than with how smart, or mentally developed we are as individuals. I also think that Euro's are much more relunctant to get manipulated into wars the way the American public was manipulated into Iraq because of the carnage and destruction of WW1 and WW2.

03-06-2005, 08:36 AM
I think this has more to do with our level of technical development as a society than with how smart, or mentally developed we are as individuals. I also think that Euro's are much more relunctant to get manipulated into wars the way the American public was manipulated into Iraq because of the carnage and destruction of WW1 and WW2.

well, dumbasses don't evolve more technically than.. do they?

03-06-2005, 05:06 PM
well, dumbasses don't evolve more technically than.. do they?

Look at China. Most of the people there have the education of a average U.S. sixth grader, but given the level of foreign capital investment because of slave labor wages and it's advancing capitalist market reforms, they are now poised to surpass the U.S. in productivity in the next 20 years.

03-06-2005, 05:54 PM
Look at China. Most of the people there have the education of a average U.S. sixth grader, but given the level of foreign capital investment because of slave labor wages and it's advancing capitalist market reforms, they are now poised to surpass the U.S. in productivity in the next 20 years.

That and there's like 1310445052 to 288949615 difference in population..

03-06-2005, 07:36 PM
Look at China. Most of the people there have the education of a average U.S. sixth grader, but given the level of foreign capital investment because of slave labor wages and it's advancing capitalist market reforms, they are now poised to surpass the U.S. in productivity in the next 20 years.

In 2000, UNESCO reports that China had a 85% literacy rate. By 2005, it is projected to be 94%...

Where do you come up with your "facts?"