View Full Version : Biden's beloved Amtrak: If it's broke, don't fix it.

01-29-2009, 11:17 AM
The warm fuzzy images of Biden riding his Amtrack with the "common" people of this great nation cost tax payers billions of dollars a year. Every time someone steps on Amtrak it costs the average American $200.

I wonder how much this subsidized form of transportation will receive in this messianic stimulus package?

American taxpayers looking at warm fuzzy images of Joe Biden riding Amtrak should at least stop and consider the fact that they've been subsidizing Slow Joe's ride home every night to the tune of billions of dollars for years (http://www.mackinac.org/article.aspx?ID=7402).
Since its creation, Amtrak has absorbed more than $29 billion in subsidies and more than $6.5 billion since 1997 alone. It was in 1997 that a federal reform board mandated that Amtrak either become profitable by 2003 or be liquidated. Both the federal government and the state of Michigan must stop providing cash subsidies to this unnecessary and expensive intervention in the transportation marketplace. Taxpayers would be better off with some sort of privatized version of Amtrak, but that does not look like it will happen in the short run.
Of course, it wasn't liquidated. And all Amtrak defender and traveling free loader Joe Biden did was have his lobbyist son placed on the Amtrak Board (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a6QrVqdTZKv4&refer=home). That would be the board of a government owned corporation whose stock is worth ... well, about as much as the talking point that Biden is somehow doing American Taxpayers a favor by ensuring he gets to hold on to his subsidized ride back and forth to work everyday.

I drink your milkshake, bitches.

01-29-2009, 11:20 AM
just wait. unemployment is about to explode. people will be losing their cars. they'll need the trains.

01-29-2009, 11:46 AM
I wonder how much this subsidized form of transportation will receive in this messianic stimulus package?$800 million (http://enr.construction.com/business_management/finance/2009/0116-StimulusBillBreakdown.asp) for capital spending. .