View Full Version : Manu's New Article (Translation needed)

02-05-2009, 09:36 AM
Lo de anteanoche nos tomó por sorpresa a todos. Nadie esperaba que Pop (Gregg Popovich) decidiera darnos descanso a Tim (Duncan), Tony (Parker), Michael (Finley) y a mí antes del partido con Denver, el segundo de los ocho incluidos durante la "Gira del Rodeo", que arrancamos el lunes con un buen triunfo ante Golden State.
Sé que Pop dijo que yo era el único legítimo lesionado y que a los demás decidió darles descanso. Quedé muy golpeado del partido anterior, estaba magullado en el codo, el brazo, la cadera, todo del lado izquierdo, por las caídas que tuve en ese durísimo partido, que encima se definió en suplementario. El descanso lo acepté porque si jugaba contra Denver podía ser contraproducente para el equipo, pero aclaro que si era un playoffs lo jugaba como sea.
Por suerte, durante esta serie de juegos de visitantes -en el AT&T Center de San Antonio se realiza la tradicional fiesta del rodeo- podemos volver a casa dos veces. Una es ahora, porque nuestro próximo partido recién es el domingo en Boston, y la otra es el siguiente fin de semana, por la celebración del All Star Game. Unos días que habitualmente aprovecho para descansar, pero que esta vez, como no hice la pretemporada y empecé tarde por la operación del tobillo, los voy a usar para entrenarme y mejorar algunas cosas. A diferencia de otras temporadas, me falta explosividad, pero llego con más energías y resto físico.
Respecto de los dolores de ayer, quiero aclarar que el hecho de volver a casa y poder hacer la recuperación en nuestro lugar de entrenamiento me vino bárbaro. No tengo secuelas, no hay nada grave y estoy para jugar ya.
Espero seguir mejorando mi juego. Ya recuperé la confianza en las penetraciones, estoy derecho con los tiros libres, me siento fuerte, sin problemas importantes, pero necesito aumentar la eficacia en los triples; no la vengo metiendo mucho. Con eso me quedaría tranquilo.
Mi mejoría coincidió con la del equipo. Hasta el lunes, después de ganarle a Utah, Phoenix, New Orleans y Golden, demostramos que veníamos jugando muy bien. Veremos ahora qué pasa en el resto de la gira.
Este es un momento de inflexión. Sabemos que es clave en la temporada, donde generalmente el equipo da un poco más de lo habitual o remonta situaciones complicadas. Fue siempre así desde que yo estoy. Recuerdo que en mi primer año (2002/03) fue terrible, posiblemente la mejor gira de todas, ganamos 8 de 9 partidos.
El equipo le da mucha importancia a este momento. Hay más concentración y compromiso. Popovich aprovecha para corregir detalles porque nos tiene a todos juntos durante mucho tiempo. Imaginen que son casi tres semanas de viajes, hoteles, entrenamientos y partidos. Lo importante es no entrar en ninguna crisis y salir con el mejor récord posible de una gira, que siempre es difícil. Concientizarnos de eso ayuda para jugar mejor.
Yo creo que el equipo aumentó su nivel de juego después de la dolorosa derrota en Los Angeles frente a los Lakers. El orgullo nos hizo reaccionar. Revertimos esa imagen y ganamos varios juegos con autoridad. Juegan muy bien.
Me han preguntado si pesó la baja de Andrew Baynum en los Lakers y yo respondo que fueron finalistas y prácticamente sin él, que estaba lesionado. Los Lakers están primeros en el Oeste porque tienen un gran equipo y mucha profundidad en el banco. Nosotros tenemos que ocuparnos de seguir mejorando y terminar lo mejor posible esta gira, que es clave.

02-05-2009, 09:52 AM
I'm on it give me 5-10 minutes

02-05-2009, 10:36 AM
What Pop did last night took us all by sorprise. Nobody was expecting to get any kind of rest in the game against Denver, the 2nd of the 8 games of the Rodeo trip.
Pop said that I was the only one injured and the truth is GS' game left me really sore, specially all over my left side of the body (hip, arm, elbow). So I accepted the rest without complaining but if this would've been a playoff game, there's no way I'd have missed it.
Luckily, during this rodeo trip, we have the chance to come back home two times, one is now 'casue we don't play with Boston 'till sunday and the other one is next weekend, during the all-star break. Usually I rest during this time of the year but as I missed the pre-season I'm going to use it to practice and work in some areas of my game.
This season I'm not feeling as explosive and quick as in the others but I do get with more energy and stamina at the end of games.
Regarding yesterday's pains I have to say that this time at home made me a lot of good, I feel great and ready to go. I hope to keep improving with every game. I already regain my confidence to attack the basket, I'm shooting the FT's well, I feel strong and healthy but I need to get my 3pt touch back. If I do that, then I'll be pretty much set with my game.
My improvement coincided with the team's improvement. In the games against Utah, Phoenix, New Orleans and Golden State we played really well, let's hope to stay that way.
This is a turning point. Usually at this time of the season is when we start getting our act toghether and start looking like an elite team. I remember my rookie season, it was terrific, probably the best rodeo trip ever, we went 8 for 9 I think.
We all give this moment a lot of importance. There's more focus and comitment and Popovich uses it to correct any mistake 'cause he can see more carefully every aspect of the team.
The important thing on the road is to not get in any kind of crisis and get out of it with the best possible record. To focus on those things help us to play better.
I think the team got a lot better after that paiful loss in LA. Our pride made us react. We changed that image and win some games with a lot of authority.
A lot of people asked me if Bynum's injury is detrimental to the Lakers and I answered that they got to the finals last year without him, they have a great and very deep team we only need to worry about us and end this rodeo trip the best way possible.

02-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Thanks DAF for the translation!

02-05-2009, 10:46 AM
The take aways are:

1) Manu feels fine from the soarness after the GS game. He is ready to go.

2) As opposed to other years' rodeo trips, this year he will use his free time this week (before the Boston game) and in the AS week, not to rest, but to work on some aspects of his game.

3) He says he has re gaimed his confidence regarding penetrations (we all saw that over the last four games) and that his 3 point shot is sucking wind (we have all seen this, unfortunately, for a long while now).

4) The rodeo trip is definetly a turning point and the entire team (and specially Pop) knows it. This is thier time to gel and the team appears to be focused in accomplishing this task.

02-05-2009, 10:52 AM
This season I'm not feeling as explosive and quick as in the others but I do get with more energy and stamina at the end of games.

02-05-2009, 11:02 AM
I loved the part where he states that he will be working out all ASG free weekend...

02-05-2009, 11:12 AM
The Minotaur is going back to the Labyrinth for a couple days to hammer out his game!

02-05-2009, 11:45 AM
I loved the part where he states that he will be working out all ASG free weekend...

Another Manu feature wich is grossly overlooked, especially by the ST brains that claim he should be traded: His work ethic.

02-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Gracias DAF para la traduccion !

02-05-2009, 12:11 PM
Nice article...thanks for the translation. It's good to see Manu using the free time to practice and work on the parts of his game that still need polishing. Seeing this type of leadership by example is good for our young players too. It benefits them greatly to see a player like Manu who has already accomplished so much yet still has the drive to push himself to get back to that high level.

02-05-2009, 12:38 PM
Gracias DAF por la traduccion !


Man In Black
02-05-2009, 01:14 PM
I'm just hoping that he can work on his game AND win the HORSE competition should he be invited.

02-05-2009, 05:00 PM
good article. It's good to hear that Manu's going to work on his game during the All Star weekend.

02-05-2009, 05:10 PM
Gracias, DAF86, por la traduccion.

02-05-2009, 11:52 PM
Gracias, DAF86, pork la lechon.

02-06-2009, 02:51 AM
Dedication and committment towards perfection-these are the characters of a true spurs player. notwithstanding all their accomplishments, manu still wants to improve his game. i'm glad to read that manu is now feeling ok. boston, here comes the spurs.

02-06-2009, 05:58 AM
thanks for the translation
really hope that Manu can make best use of the resting days and get a full recovery.
go Manu go

02-06-2009, 11:26 AM
Manu sounds like he is ready to go. I have a feeling he is gonna tear up Boston on Sunday.