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View Full Version : Wasn't a great morning gang. Little bitta road rage.

02-12-2009, 01:20 PM
Driving to fucking work gang and this god damn bitch in an SUV passes me via the middle turn lane. Normally I wouldn't give a shit but since people don't typically drive down that lane all kinds of rocks and debris were flung onto my car.

I cut back over and pulled up next to her and was "WTF bitch whats your fucking problem. Fucking throwing rocks and shit all over my car!!!!. Learn to fucking drive like a normal person."

Bitches response was

:middlefinger: learn to drive faster asshole.....

That was it I was fucking lit. I started looking for anything to throw at her only I had just cleaned the car out so I couldn't find shit. Finally I located a can of carb cleaner and promptly sprayed down half the passenger side of her SUV. That shit will fuck her paint up for sure.

She sped off thinking she got over but I'll have the last laugh when her paint melts like a piece of chocolate stored in a Sequ body cupboard.

02-12-2009, 01:24 PM
:wow And I thought the guy on 35 near Zarzamora who flipped me off one day was bad. I don't ever want to drive near you.

What a bitch for driving down the turn lane, though. Seriously. Hold the fuck on. Where was going in such a hurry?

02-12-2009, 01:26 PM
Maybe you should have took that free blow job after all?

02-12-2009, 01:31 PM
I believe that your actions amount to assault & battery….You should have just let the crazy lady go bye…

02-12-2009, 01:32 PM
Maybe you should have took that free blow job after all?

you talkin to ash? she receiving? i dont think so.....

02-12-2009, 01:34 PM
I believe that your actions amount to assault & battery….You should have just let the crazy lady go bye…

She didn't get his plates. :tu on this one, B2B.

02-12-2009, 01:36 PM
ah i fuckin' hate bad drivers! i am in total agreement with what you did to get back at that bitch. ain't nothing worse then people acting like they own the road and when you confront them they act like you were the one who was fuckin' driving bad. fuck that bitch and her paint!

good job bro.

02-12-2009, 01:36 PM
ah i fuckin' hate bad drivers! i am in total agreement with what you did to get back at that bitch. ain't nothing worse then people acting like they own the road and when you confront them they act like you were the one who was fuckin' driving bad. fuck that bitch and her paint!

good job bro.

02-12-2009, 01:36 PM
I believe that your actions amount to assault & battery….You should have just let the crazy lady go bye…I could say the same about her actions.

02-12-2009, 01:41 PM
btw, i was driving back to work from lunch on san pedro and this stupid bitch is going like 25mph and i can't pass her so i honk for her to speed up and she throws her arms up as if she doesn't know what to do... what type of fuckin' idiots are these people on the roads? i mean the speed limit is 35mph first and foremost so go the god damn speed at least! that's all i wanted her to do.

the only thing worst then slow ass drivers are slow ass drivers who think they need to police the fuckin' highways by getting all the way over into the left lane and going 20mph under the speed limit. ah that shit drives me insane!

ps: my middle finger is a permanently up when i drive plus my cussing gets 100 times worse on the road. i hate people especially on the road!

02-12-2009, 01:50 PM
This is a tough one and if I was already mad I would have just let her go get tboned by someone making a legit turn. But if I was already upset I may have tailgated her for awhile until I cooled off. Def not gotten out of my car or thrown anything...if a cop saw that youd be in pretty good trouble.

02-12-2009, 01:50 PM
Here's what so stupid. People will haul ass around you, just so they can make the next red light about 3 seconds before you.

It just seems today, everyone is in a goddamn hurry to get nowhere in particular. SA is getting as bad as Dallas where drivers are concerned.

Alex Jones
02-12-2009, 01:56 PM
ps: my middle finger is a permanently up when i drive plus my cussing gets 100 times worse on the road. i hate people especially on the road!

Why not stick your leg out the window so she will know she is dealing with a real spurs fan? :tu

02-12-2009, 01:57 PM
I could say the same about her actions.

not in a court of law. She may have driven illegally but she did not wrong you.

As phx said, if a cop saw you, you'd be screwed.

Heat Miser
02-12-2009, 01:59 PM
This world could use more B2Bs turn up the heat brah!

02-12-2009, 02:09 PM
Here are my top three favorite bad driver events that happen to me on a daily basis

1) People on De Zavala who speed up to get in front of me when the lane narrows down to one lane.

2) People on the westside who park in the right lane of a two lane street...and those who haul ass to pass an immovable vehicle. Screw all of you. You can all go to hell.

3) Those who drive on Highway 16 just south of 35 and get in front of me right before they have to get on 35 north. You know you were going to get on! Just get in the gotdamn right lane bitch!


02-12-2009, 02:14 PM
Why not stick your leg out the window so she will know she is dealing with a real spurs fan? :tu


02-12-2009, 02:23 PM
3) Those who drive on Highway 16 just south of 35 and get in front of me right before they have to get on 35 north. You know you were going to get on! Just get in the gotdamn right lane bitch!

Was that you? LOL

Fuck getting in line with those damn sand trucks and getting your windshield popped...I'm gonna keep left lanen past those mofos and merge before the ramp...

02-12-2009, 02:23 PM
3) Those who drive on Highway 16 just south of 35 and get in front of me right before they have to get on 35 north. You know you were going to get on! Just get in the gotdamn right lane bitch!

Was that you? LOL

Fuck getting in line with those damn sand trucks and getting your windshield popped...I'm gonna keep left lanen past those mofos and merge before the ramp...

02-12-2009, 02:27 PM
3) Those who drive on Highway 16 just south of 35 and get in front of me right before they have to get on 35 north. You know you were going to get on! Just get in the gotdamn right lane bitch!

Was that you? LOL

Fuck getting in line with those damn sand trucks and getting your windshield popped...I'm gonna keep left lanen past those mofos and merge before the ramp...

:lmao ugh! I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'll have at least two people pass me from from the time I turn onto 16 from Villaret to 35. I've only once or twice been behind a sand truck on 35..it's on 10 when I get stuck behind those fuckers. God, I hate those! And they always seem to exit close to Colorado. Geezus!

I'm just glad that I only have to be down there for two more months.

02-12-2009, 02:32 PM
Driving to fucking work gang and this god damn bitch in an SUV passes me via the middle turn lane. Normally I wouldn't give a shit but since people don't typically drive down that lane all kinds of rocks and debris were flung onto my car.

I cut back over and pulled up next to her and was "WTF bitch whats your fucking problem. Fucking throwing rocks and shit all over my car!!!!. Learn to fucking drive like a normal person."

Bitches response was

:middlefinger: learn to drive faster asshole.....

That was it I was fucking lit. I started looking for anything to throw at her only I had just cleaned the car out so I couldn't find shit. Finally I located a can of carb cleaner and promptly sprayed down half the passenger side of her SUV. That shit will fuck her paint up for sure.

She sped off thinking she got over but I'll have the last laugh when her paint melts like a piece of chocolate stored in a Sequ body cupboard.

Pretty dick move on your part. You got hit by some rocks, acceptable hazard when driving on ROADS, then decide to try and throw something at a chick only to later on spray shit on her car while driving LOLOLOLOL

But you preyed on a Woman so you will get away with it.

02-12-2009, 02:44 PM
Pretty dick move on your part. You got hit by some rocks, acceptable hazard when driving on ROADS, then decide to try and throw something at a chick only to later on spray shit on her car while driving LOLOLOLOL

But you preyed on a Woman so you will get away with it.
If she was driving like a normal human being and rock flung up and hit my car I wouldn't have been pissed off. She drove illegally like an asshole....bitch got what she deserved.

02-12-2009, 02:57 PM
I just don't get road rage. I've been annoyed with other drivers plenty of times, but with the exception of the dumbass who ran a stop line and hit my a couple years ago, nothing they've ever done has really inconvenienced me that much.

In general, I guess I just don't get worked up that easily.

02-12-2009, 03:01 PM
toke and drive!

good music.

no worries.

02-12-2009, 03:09 PM
At Culebra and Westover Hills Blvd. there is a middle lane that I use because I take a left turn before the light and the traffic is usually backed up halfway to Tezel. It's a pretty weird turning lane because there is literally only 2 streets to turn in the stretch for about 2 miles.

02-12-2009, 03:11 PM
toke and drive!

good music.

no worries.

yeah right!

i was burnin' one day, just got done and was ready to turn on blanco from wurzbach pkwy... the lady in front of me is yielding(why? no one was coming!) like i expected and so i slow down, well she goes on her merry way and i look for traffic, nothing is coming so i go on my merry way just to find out the bitch stopped 3 ft later and i ended up hitting her in the back. i didn't do a damn thing to her ride but she insisted on calling the cops and making a report.

my ass was totally blown now by the time i got out of my car to check on her and i started to panic when she told me she had just got off the phone with the cops. anyhow yall should've been there for the conversation that took place between the cop and myself... hahaha i was stumbling all over my words because 1) i had to deal with some bs and 2) i was so fuckin' blown it wasn't funny but i was still laughing even though i was talking to a cop and shit was in my ride. not cool at all!

anyhow stupid bitch didn't need to stop AGAIN just to see that traffic was no where to be found. i think she was trying to pull a huge scam on me and that's why she called the cops instantly before even checking for damage. why would anyone need to yield(or stop in this case) twice when the first time was enough to tell ya no one was around to yield to. no one was around!

dumb bitch!

gay abc
02-12-2009, 03:33 PM
this works wonders, trust me :lol


02-12-2009, 03:50 PM
I just try to get myself to wherever I'm going. I'm not an aggressive driver, but I am pretty fast. And unless another driver causes me to be unable to get to where I need to be, there's not a whole lot they can do to torque me. I just can't expend the energy to be an asshole, stew about it all day, and not get anything out of it.

Ed Helicopter Jones
02-12-2009, 03:57 PM
b2b penis extender, b2b=attention whore, back 2 being an asshole

I have no idea what the tags are, but I have to say they are extremely well done. Nice job, mysterious tagger person! :tu

02-12-2009, 04:08 PM
this works wonders, trust me :lol


i love me some xanbars! mmm mmm mmm...

but not as much as the other extreme...addy!

02-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Isnt road rage some kind of mental disorder?

The only time where i get fed up is when there is a car going 25 miles per hour below the speed limit on a one way street. I get all kind of urges to just ram their bumper and speed both of us up to the right speed limit.

And what makes matters worse is that I get the feeling that they KNOW I'm getting peeved and they go even slower. OOOOOH MAN!!!!!

02-12-2009, 04:24 PM
Definitely a dick move. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.

Few things piss me off more than all these oversized SUV driving motherfuckers who park their monstrosities in a small parking space clearly marked "COMPACT". They park so close to my car that I have to get in through the passenger side. That inconcidreate prick/cunt gets a nice healthy key mark from headlight to tail light.

Thank you for coming. Have a fucked day.

02-12-2009, 04:35 PM
Dude first off, I hope you don't gte in trouble. That was fucking awesome though. I wish I had a story like that.
I did amost ram a car once or twice for cutting me off/going to slow.

Things that piss me off when driving

When someone is pulling onto road and their lane merges and they think they ahve right of way. That pisses me off to no end.
Peple who can't drive the goddamn speed limit. I mean how hard is it to look at giant numbers and then make your car speedometer match it?
People who drive slow and refuse to move over
People who turn onto road from a side road in front of you and accelerate slow. What is with that?
People who wait until you are right on their ass and cause you to slow down, and then move out of your way.

Houston is going to give me a heart attack before i leave here. But all these things are common everywhere Ive ever lived

oh yeah forgot about people that haul ass by you, get in your lane, then stomp on the brakes to make a turn. all the while they could have just stayed behind you. i drive a 5000 lb suv that doesnt stop the greatest, and im just waiting for the day when i cant stop in time and the cops will prbably still say it was my fault.

02-12-2009, 04:46 PM
Those tags are pretty mean

jack sommerset
02-12-2009, 04:57 PM
Grocery store rage.I had a lady yell at me in the grocery store last night. She was in the middle of the isle with her cart. Her daughter was getting something. She told her daughter "Hurry up" When her daughter was picking out the pop tarts I made my move to pass her. Her daughter did hurry up and was going back to the cart so I stopped to let her go. Her mom said looking at me "Honey, I had the samething happen to me when I was your age, some asshole hit me with there cart and I got stiches" Her daughter was around 10. I looked at her puzzled and said "what?" She yelled "You need not to be in such a hurry!" I said "I am not" She yelled " You almost hit my daughter!" I said " I did not" She yelled "Megan, did he not almost hit you with his cart" She paused and said "yes mommy" I said "nice" meaning now u are getting the kid involved.

I got the hell out of there. people were starring, she was yelling, she had a kid there and obviously did not give a shit. I would have loved to put her in her place but I moved on. I am not getting pissed off getting bread at a grocery store with some lady that is pissed off at no telling what and wanting to take it out on me in front of a 10 year old and a bunch of strangers. I did nothing wrong and did not come close to hitting her daughter let alone pointing out the obvious that the samething did not happen her, she did not get hit or get stitches.

B2B take the high road next time.

Marklar MM
02-12-2009, 05:04 PM
I hate when you are driving behind cars in the right lane, and the car behind you feels the need to get in front of you like it will shave off 1 second of their drive time.....and then they fucking turn. :bang:bang

jack sommerset
02-12-2009, 05:10 PM
TheY really need to make law not to hold a phone while driving. I saw this lady driving with the phone between her head and shoulder,eatting a burger and holding a map and steering wheel at sametime. Seriously WTF?

02-13-2009, 02:58 PM
Grocery store rage.

I was in a grocery store with my wife (she's deaf. Don't worry, it's crucial to the story) some years ago standing in front of my cart while my wife was a few feet in front of me looking for something on the shelf. Some lady with a cart came up behind her and said "Excuse me". Obviously my wife didn't hear her. The lady then raised her voice and in a very rude manner said "exCUSE ME!" I then told the lady that my wife is deaf. She replied with a degrading comment that I don't remember. I replied with something profane and mean. While she looked at me like I just finger-banged her cat, I said to her "hey at least you can hear what I said and have the chance to say something back. My wife has no idea that you were a rude bitch for no reason."

I realize it was juvenile and petty to retaliate in that way. But it felt damn good to put that twat in her place.

02-13-2009, 03:04 PM
1) People on De Zavala who speed up to get in front of me when the lane narrows down to one lane.
yeah, I hate those people. when I see someone in the right lane, zooming up on me... I speed up to the same speed as them, so they either have to brake and wait their turn to get in the left lane, or they have to turn right into the school.

02-13-2009, 05:46 PM
Grocery store rage.I had a lady yell at me in the grocery store last night. She was in the middle of the isle with her cart. Her daughter was getting something. She told her daughter "Hurry up" When her daughter was picking out the pop tarts I made my move to pass her. Her daughter did hurry up and was going back to the cart so I stopped to let her go. Her mom said looking at me "Honey, I had the samething happen to me when I was your age, some asshole hit me with there cart and I got stiches" Her daughter was around 10. I looked at her puzzled and said "what?" She yelled "You need not to be in such a hurry!" I said "I am not" She yelled " You almost hit my daughter!" I said " I did not" She yelled "Megan, did he not almost hit you with his cart" She paused and said "yes mommy" I said "nice" meaning now u are getting the kid involved.

I got the hell out of there. people were starring, she was yelling, she had a kid there and obviously did not give a shit. I would have loved to put her in her place but I moved on. I am not getting pissed off getting bread at a grocery store with some lady that is pissed off at no telling what and wanting to take it out on me in front of a 10 year old and a bunch of strangers. I did nothing wrong and did not come close to hitting her daughter let alone pointing out the obvious that the samething did not happen her, she did not get hit or get stitches.

B2B take the high road next time.
i was at target last night getting some medicine. this bitch was in the middle of the aisle looking for something, her cart in the middle of the aisle just past her and her fatass son dribbling a basketball in the area between her and the aisle. so i stop and wait, she finally noticed me, then she moves. then she yells at her son to move the cart out of my way, which it wasnt really in my way. funny how its her kids responsibility, which he doesnt do til after im past. then he keeps bouncing that fucking ball!!! i couldnt find what i was looking for and all the time i swear that ball was getting louder and louder. then they finally left. then 10 seconds later were back and bouncing the ball again. i damn near lost it. :bang

TheY really need to make law not to hold a phone while driving. I saw this lady driving with the phone between her head and shoulder,eatting a burger and holding a map and steering wheel at sametime. Seriously WTF?

thats pretty amazing. sometimes i wish i was a cop so i could pull people over like that, or people who drive too slow. i would never ticket someone for speeding, unless it was 20+.

02-13-2009, 07:21 PM
I just dislike that people act like their car is this magic shield that will protect them from everything. They act is if at some point they don't have to get out of the car. One time, this asshole was driving slow and breaking on purpose, we ended up having the same destination. There really isn't any need to continue the story.

Aside from that, people who drive slow in the left and center lanes are most annoying.

02-13-2009, 07:24 PM



02-13-2009, 07:41 PM
Yelling obscenities at someone for passing you (albeit illegally) = overreaction

Fucking up someones paint job because they flicked you off (which you were asking for by yelling at them in the first place) = ridiculous overreaction

Be upset, talk trash, do whatever you gotta do....but learn to expect what's going to come of it. If that had been my car, I'd be following your ass with the cops on dial.

Somebody needs to learn to not sweat the small shit.

02-13-2009, 10:29 PM
sons one time I threw a wrench out of my car and hit the windshield of the person behind me. they pissed me off bad sons.

02-14-2009, 02:01 AM
When I was a kid there was this dude we called Gordo that was perpetually pissed off when driving...he'd shoot the bird, tell people to fuck off etc. We hated riding with him because it was like a death race or something, but he was the only one old enough to drive so we had to put up with it, plus he had a badass car. One day he cussed the wrong guy and pulled his car over to talk shit, and the guy stabbed him like 26 times in the stomach....literally gutted him. No one ever asked him about the details but we all assumed it had to be one of the Banditos or something.

This happened in the late 70's early 80's in Austin...it didn't get much more laid back than Austin at that point in time.

Still, no one was really surprised.

And Gordo? He survived. Not only that but the last time I was in the car with him he was still shooting the bird and telling people to fuck off....it's like the 20 something penetrations that knife made into his big belly never happened or something.

02-14-2009, 02:25 AM
wow, i've lost all respect for b2b

over countless number of threads he expressed his "knowledge of life", etc..

then he went down on the crazy lady's level.

ruining her car over nothing ?

bitch move brah