View Full Version : What is America's true form of government?

02-17-2009, 05:54 PM
What is America's true form of government?

The true American form of government was meant to be a constitutional republic not a democracy or anything else. Democracy means mob rule. 51% of the people rule the other 49%.

Prepare to be educated.


02-17-2009, 06:15 PM

Prepare to be educated:

Abe Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits for two reasons. 1) For defending, while still a lawyer, Charles Chiniquy, a renegade Canadian priest who had founded a community in Illinois. Chiniquy was the target of repeated Vatican attacks for breaking with the Church. Lincoln won the case. 2) For foiling the Confederacy in the Civil War, a Jesuit engineered, Vatican backed plot to destroy the U.S. After Lincoln won the Civil War, the Vatican exacted its revenge. Not surprisingly, John Wilkes Booth wore a medal of the Virgin Mary around his neck. His accomplice John Surrat was Pope Pius IX's bodyguard.

The Catholic Church is Guilty of creating Islam in 610. The Jesuits, since their inception in 1534, have created the atrocities of Mormonism, Jehovahs Witnesses, communism, the Illuminati in 1776, The KKK, evolution, vaccinations (quarantining), the pasteurization of milk, abortion - perfected in the convents with the nuns. And don't forget the big bang theory another LIE from the Jesuits. Furthermore unlike Nikola Tesla, whom they murdered and stole his inventions, Albert Einstein was nothing more than their Jewish tool and a fraud....

...Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah built the Tower of Babel, Babylon, and founded the first mystery schools, and should be considered the ancient father of Freemasonry. He was the true originator of Baal Worship. Before his death, Nimrod married and impregnated his mother Semiramis. After he was murdered by his Great-Great Uncle Shem, his mother/wife had a baby she named Tammuz. She told the people that this was her husband ressurected and that he was God, thus she declared herself Goddess. The towns people worshipped them both. This is the beginning of paganism and of the worshipping of false Idols and Gods. This was baal worship passd down through generation after generation. Constantine callaborated true christianity with Pagan-Babylonian traditions in around *320 AD and thus forming what we now have today as Catholicism.
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02-17-2009, 11:03 PM
Two shitty choices that get to switch sides lacing up the strap-on. I'm not sure what the technical name for this would be, but that is what we have.

02-17-2009, 11:37 PM
Obviously it's a Government based on elaborate conspiracy theories that no one is ever able to prove beyond a doubt.