View Full Version : Brad Miller Breaks Down After Trade

Showtime24 LAKERS
02-19-2009, 04:29 PM
Brad Miller, who was traded from Sacramento to Chicago on Wednesday, became emotional in a radio interview right after the news became public.

"I'm pretty happy. It's a good opportunity in terms they're right on the borderline of the playoffs. Kind of the same situation Mike (Bibby) went into last year," Miller said.

"You go to a team like that where they've been kind of like ehh, whatever, a little been of change like that and get into the playoffs and get some excitement back. I love Chicago as a city so that's a bit of a bonus for me."

However, Miller will undoubtedly miss Sacramento.

"Definitely my first year here," Miller said of his favorite memory with the Kings. "Probably the first home game, to see it packed crazy, that was my favorite year of my entire life playing basketball in terms of how good the fans where. It's gonna be tough [crying] ... My daughter was born here in Sacs, so there's a lot people I'm going to miss and it's just tough."


02-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Classy guy, I have always liked Brad Miller.

02-19-2009, 04:36 PM

ah yeah nigga, ya dig?

02-19-2009, 04:52 PM
Got to like a guy that plays dirty and picks a fight with Shaq.

02-19-2009, 04:52 PM
I completely understand what he's going through. I'd cry too, if I ever had to leave LA.

02-19-2009, 05:05 PM
He gets to go back to the Midwest and be right next door to where he grew up at. Hang out with his peeps from Indiana. Go to Boilermaker games and float around on Lake James where he bought a big A$$ house.

02-19-2009, 07:56 PM
When it is a place where your child is born, it is emotional to leave.

02-19-2009, 08:00 PM
i was ready to laugh until he said daughter. oh well just makes the kings easier to beat now

02-19-2009, 08:01 PM
It just shows that pro athletes are human too.