View Full Version : Kerr: Pistons have best chance to beat the Spurs

03-07-2005, 10:51 PM
Makes and Misses: Remember the … Pistons
By Steve Kerr, Yahoo! Sports
March 7, 2005

Yahoo! Sports' NBA analyst Steve Kerr dips into his mailbag to respond to users' questions.

Who do you think has the best shot at knocking off the San Antonio Spurs in the playoffs – East or West – and why? Or do you not see anyone knocking off the Spurs?
Rochester, N.Y.

I believe the team with the best chance of knocking off San Antonio is the Detroit Pistons.

The Spurs have proven that they can play any style – slow, fast, big, small – and so it's difficult to see Phoenix, Seattle or Dallas beating them in a seven-game series. Miami certainly could be a threat, but I don't think the Heat are balanced enough to handle San Antonio.

Detroit, on the other hand, is deep, tough and strong defensively. The Pistons can throw the two Wallaces – Ben Wallace and Rasheed Wallace – at Tim Duncan and bother him. And you can't measure the confidence that comes with being the world champs.

I foresee a San Antonio vs. Detroit finals, and I believe it could be the most competitive championship series the NBA has seen in years.

What do you think of Peja Stojakovic's role and destiny with the Kings now that Chris Webber is gone?

I think Peja Stojakovic will be a King for a long time.

The rift between Peja and Webber after last season's playoffs was well-documented, and Rick Adelman did a great job this season getting the two to play well together. Webber's contract potentially could have kept Stojakovic from re-signing with the Kings. The trade of Webber to Philadelphia gives Kings president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie more flexibility down the line to attempt to make more moves.

Keeping Stojakovic will be the No. 1 priority. He's only 27 and entering his prime. I think the Kings will re-sign him.

You keep using the term "world champ" in reference to NBA champions. Well, the NBA champions aren't world champions. America is not the world, although it's a common misconception in the States.
Cuba Rosa

You're right, Cuba. Especially now that we have lost the Olympic gold medal.

Basketball has become a global sport, and I cannot assume that the NBA champion is the best team in the world anymore. From now on, I will make an effort to refer to the title winners as "NBA champs."

Did bringing back Antoine Walker to the Boston Celtics make good "business sense," or was it clear evidence that Danny Ainge made a mistake dealing Walker in the first place?
Woodbridge, Va.

This is an interesting dilemma. Poor Danny Ainge got vilified for trading Walker in the first place, and now he's being chastised for reacquiring him. I believe that Ainge probably made a mistake the first time he traded him and showed great courage in bringing him back. The reason I believe the original trade was a mistake was because Ainge didn't get a lot in return in either talent or salary-cap relief.

I agree with Ainge that Walker shoots too much and dominates the ball, but he's also a guy who will score 20 points and get you eight to nine boards every night. He's a very valuable player, whether he fits your liking or not. Ainge did the right thing in bringing him back for the stretch run, and I think Walker will help the Celtics hang on and win the Atlantic Division. But I doubt Ainge will re-sign him next season.

It took you until now to realize the Pistons are a top-five team? I was wondering all season how long it was going to take you. How are you going to save face when they win it all again? Don't make excuses. When the time comes, just admit you were wrong for the entire season. Keep riding the no-defense teams of the West like Seattle, Phoenix, Dallas, etc. They will all lose in the end. Miami is good with Shaquille O'Neal, but they're not the Pistons.
Loren Kahle
Longwood, Fla.

Loren, I do think the Pistons belong in the top five now, but they certainly didn't early in the season. I never rank teams based on potential. I rank them on production. And it wasn't until the past month that Detroit really started to turn it on.

Even with their current three-game losing streak, I believe the Pistons are primed for a return trip to the finals. But I won't rank them ahead of teams who are performing better.

Do you think the Chicago Bulls are going to go far in the playoffs, if they make it? Do you think they will be a threat in a couple of years?
Bryant Ornes

Bryant, I think the Bulls have an excellent chance to make the playoffs. With the right draw, they could win a series.

Chicago must find a way to climb to the sixth spot or higher in order to avoid Detroit and Miami in the first round. If the Bulls can do that and face a team like Boston, Cleveland, Washington or Orlando, I don't see why they couldn't win. They compete every night, they have good young talent and they're well-coached. And for those reasons, I believe they have a good future.

Do you think the Portland Trail Blazers have a chance to make the playoffs?


Regarding your assessment of the Knicks and their cap problem, it was right on – with one addition. The Knicks' hand was forced somewhat regarding Ewing because he refused to take the Wilt Chamberlain route at the end of his career. Ewing should have stepped into a defensive role like the Lakers' great center instead of insisting that the offense still revolve around him. It won Wilt a championship and might well have done so for Patrick.
Neil Citrin
Los Angeles

Will, you're exactly right. Ewing did force the Knicks' hand, and I should have addressed that in my column.

I've always believed that an organization never can allow itself to be bullied by a player, even one of Ewing's stature. Had the Knicks stated very clearly and simply to their fans that they wanted to keep Ewing but not extend his contract, he might have made a huge fuss. But in the end, he would have looked like a fool and the Knicks' hands would have been clean. After all, at that point in his career, Ewing didn't deserve a contract extension.

It's easy to say in retrospect, but a little bad PR over Ewing wouldn't have been nearly as bad as a devastating trade that hampered the team's future.

It's amazing that everyone bashes on the Atlantic Division when, as of March 1, it had a 128-154 record and, even with Miami, the Southeast Division was 122-154. One-star team does not a great division make.
Rob J.
McLean, Va.

No, but five bad-to-mediocre teams does not a good division make either, Rob.

How can you leave the Dallas Mavericks out of the top five when they went 5-0 on a five-game Western swing and beat three of the top 10 teams in the league? They were definitely deserving of a top-five ranking.
Jake Kuykendall
Burleson, Texas

I received a lot of mail from Mavericks fans bashing me for not having Dallas in my latest High Five list. Listen, I like the Mavericks, and I think they have a very good team. But with the injuries they've had and a recent bad spell, who was I going to rank them ahead of? Seattle? Detroit? Phoenix? I don't think so.

If the Mavericks are healthy and on a roll, they're one of the top five teams in the league. (See my rankings column from Feb. 22.) But right now, they're not.

Alonzo Mourning is a disgrace. He refuses to report to the Toronto Raptors and signs with the Miami Heat instead. He seems to have no trace of any "player integrity." Do you think the NBA should address this issue at the next labour negotiations?

Jeremy, I'm not a fan of players refusing to report to a team and then demanding a buyout. It's something we saw an awful lot of the last month. On the other hand, if it's a mutually beneficial deal, I don't have a problem with it. But when a player forces a team's hand, I don't like it.

In my mind, when you sign an NBA contract, you are fair game to be traded anywhere in the league. That is the price you pay as a fabulously compensated athlete. I was traded several times and uprooted from my family, and it was very difficult. But I always felt obligated to report to my new team because I was under contract with them.

Contracts should be honored, and players should play wherever they're asked to go. It's a privilege to play in the league, and players should realize that. Should it be addressed in the next collective bargaining agreement? Yes.

Steve Kerr is Yahoo! Sports' NBA analyst. Send him a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.

03-07-2005, 11:00 PM
I find word order to be as crucial as spelling when communicating.

03-07-2005, 11:03 PM
Holy shit! I got an edit out of Daffy!

03-07-2005, 11:26 PM
I think pistons are a little overrated
they have proved nothing since the allstar break

Mr. Body
03-08-2005, 01:39 AM
Pistons have very little offense. They couldn't score down the stretch in losses versus Phoenix, Seattle, and Sacramento this year.

03-08-2005, 02:06 AM
I think pistons are a little overrated
they have proved nothing since the allstar break

Well said, Ducks!

Spurs are too good for the Pistons... Despite of what anyone says.

03-08-2005, 07:25 AM
Pistons and Miami both have horrible records vs. West. I was concerned about the Pistons but their recent 0-3 swing makes you wonder.

I have a darkhorse to make noise in East after seeing them play = Chicago. They have some studs on their team and in 2-3 years, watch out if they keep that core.

03-08-2005, 08:40 AM
the heat's record vs the west is much better than was but who cares what he is? the east winner only has to face one west team.

03-08-2005, 08:45 AM
bulls if they keep the team intact could be scary in three years but no need to worry about them this year

03-08-2005, 10:19 AM
the champs are overrated? c'mon.

kerr sees what we all do. wallace bros and mcdyess vs TD, rash, and nazr/mass/horry.

prince is a great defender, and billups is a better outside shooter than tp.

it will be a tough series. get healthy naz. stay agressive rash. keep practicing that jumper barry/dev. everyone will have to do their part to bring the rings home. :smokin

03-08-2005, 11:17 AM
Player By player:

Parker vs Billups: Nothing
Manu vs Hamilton: Nothing
Bowe vs Prince: Nothing
TD vs Sheed: TD
Rasho vs Big Ben: Nothing

The bench:
Spurs vs Pistons: Spurs

03-08-2005, 01:46 PM
Glad you gave Rasho props although most would take B. Wallace over him.

03-08-2005, 02:48 PM
on Offense Rasho can work like Ben

03-08-2005, 03:18 PM
As scary as it sounds, that series might again depend on our outside shooting because Detroit can shut down the paint as well as anyone. Billups and Hamilton are deadly perimeter shooters and are playoff tested. Can we say the same for our guys?

I think we still prevail because the Wallace Bros. are not Shaq and Malone but I think the series goes to seven games and HCA pulls us through.

Frenchise player
03-08-2005, 07:16 PM
I don't think that Detroit is good enough to win a 2nd consecutive title.
Only great teams have done that and Detroit isn't one of those.
They haven't anyone as talented as Shaq, Jordan or Isiah Thomas.
Manu is a better all-around player than Hamilton and he has no fear.
Detroit had some good wins after the ASG, but they struggle against WCF team.
They have won a title because the Lakers collapsed and the Spurs had lost due to Fisher 0.4 second shot.