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View Full Version : San Antonio Tea Party

02-22-2009, 09:12 AM
SA Tea Party (http://www.facebook.com/s.php?q=san+antonio+tea+party&n=-1&k=400000000010&sf=r&init=q&sid=9462d0f7c3abb20389549d0cf2e0d2c7#/group.php?sid=9462d0f7c3abb20389549d0cf2e0d2c7&gid=52886433478)

Civil Protest of the Obama Administration's recent Stimulus Bill and Mortgage Bailout plan.

Where and when TBA. Hope to see you there.

02-22-2009, 09:20 AM
I will give you my address so you can send me your stimulus check, that would be the best protest you can deliver! show them you mean business.

02-22-2009, 09:22 AM
Even the Terminator will take your money.

Fresh off a grueling budget battle in his state, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Saturday that if fellow Republican governors threatening to turn down stimulus funds follow through on their pledge, he'd be happy to have their share.

"Everyone has their own way of thinking," Schwarzenegger said of those governors in an interview with POLITICO at the National Governors Association's annual meeting. "I just hope they give me their funding."

02-22-2009, 09:26 AM
This stimulus is gonna put people to work and allow them to spend more which in turn helps you and me directly or indirectly. Quit your narrow thinking and open up your mind a little. We are in a hole and sinking fast, the deficit is out of control and even if it doesnt work as planned we were screwed anyways, by doing nothing wont help so something had to be done.

02-22-2009, 12:27 PM
Of course something has to be done, but this bill won't do shit. Planting trees in San Antonio? whoopty fucking do.

Have fun when the nation is even shitier in 4 months and the next trillion dollar theft occurs.

Cali is a joke, Awwwwnold is a joke, and that state is getting what it deserves. They talk down to the South and Midwest yet NEED their taxmoney to stay afloat. :rollin

02-22-2009, 01:30 PM
someone is gonna have to plant them trees so it's gonna be good for some lucky person.

02-22-2009, 01:49 PM
someone is gonna have to plant them trees so it's gonna be good for some lucky person.

You're right. Hey, the government should just employ everyone. Then no one would be unemployed.

02-22-2009, 04:00 PM
Once they finish stealing trillions of dollars from everyone, they will be itching to increase taxes on the only people left with self-earned money in this country at the first sign of possibility.

Then there will be the environmental bullshit taxes and the rationing of health care.

Good times ahead LOL

02-22-2009, 05:35 PM
If good times are ahead then what were the last few years? The GOP led us to this crisis not Obama and his administration. Lets face it we are fucked either way thanks to the previous administration.