View Full Version : Safari 4 Beta

02-24-2009, 07:44 PM
Safari 4 (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10171145-2.html)

Google's latest version of Chrome has claimed the lead in my JavaScript speed tests, but Apple's new Safari 4 beta is the first browser to challenge it on Google's own performance benchmark.
JavaScript is a programming language that powers not just innumerable ordinary Web sites, but also many Web-based applications such as Google Docs. With the computing industry's major push to cloud computing, Web application performance is increasingly important, and there's a race on to see who's got the best JavaScript engine. JavaScript engines even have become a named feature, with Chrome's V8, Firefox's TraceMonkey, Opera's Futhark and upcoming Carakan, and now the Safari's newly branded Nitro, which is Apple's version of WebKit's Squirrelfish.

Anybody try it yet? I like it, but the "new" features have been around in a lot of other browsers, namely Opera, for ages. Though it is pretty, I do not like the decision to put the tabs on the top of the page instead of under the menu bar.
