View Full Version : Parker FTA

02-27-2009, 05:56 AM
I was looking at Tony's statistics.
I can't understand how Tony can only be #50 in the league in FTA/game.
Despite taking more jumpshots than he used to, he is still taking more shots inside that any guard in the league. He is also a master at scoring after contact.

Do someone have a clue how he can shoot so few FT?

I would have think about his status but he is now a 3 time All Star, a Finals MVP and shoot less FT than Westbrook or Sessions. I don't buy into a referees bias... Status and bias could explain why he shoot less FT than Paul or Wade... but not a 50th place in the league.

I guess a part of the answer is that the Spurs opponents play less time in "the penalty". But I have a hard time believing that's all.

Does it has something to do with his game?
Why defense don't foul him much when he is a spectacular finisher inside?

Thanks for your lights on this subject.

man on wire
02-27-2009, 06:28 AM
Good question I am sure you will get many good answers by 8AM

02-27-2009, 07:33 AM
I think it is because Tony contorts his body so well to avoid contact so that he can get his shot off and ends up on the ground. Then when he actually does receive contact referees assume there was none and the foul goes uncalled. It is a real shame since he is shooting over 80% from the line this year.

02-27-2009, 07:41 AM
I was looking at Tony's statistics.
I can't understand how Tony can only be #50 in the league in FTA/game.
Despite taking more jumpshots than he used to, he is still taking more shots inside that any guard in the league. He is also a master at scoring after contact.

Do someone have a clue how he can shoot so few FT?

I would have think about his status but he is now a 3 time All Star, a Finals MVP and shoot less FT than Westbrook or Sessions. I don't buy into a referees bias... Status and bias could explain why he shoot less FT than Paul or Wade... but not a 50th place in the league.

I guess a part of the answer is that the Spurs opponents play less time in "the penalty". But I have a hard time believing that's all.

Does it has something to do with his game?
Why defense don't foul him much when he is a spectacular finisher inside?

Thanks for your lights on this subject.

You are making a good point, I noticed that too!
I think it because he has to "learn" how to draw faults...
You can see with manu or Wade, it's a matter adapting your move to your opponent's and seems a "natural skill" for them...
Tony HAS to learn with manu how to get more calls and I'm sure he'll do it!
Guess he still has things to add to his game these next years...
Just imagine the stats he'd have if he was just an average FTA shooter...

02-27-2009, 07:49 AM
I think it is because Tony contorts his body so well to avoid contact so that he can get his shot off and ends up on the ground. Then when he actually does receive contact referees assume there was none and the foul goes uncalled. It is a real shame since he is shooting over 80% from the line this year.

I also noticed that when he wasn't a good FT shooter he did try to avoid
getting to the FT line, because it didn't meant 2pts as it does for manu, it meant embarassement and 65%...
Now we all noticed how mad he is going at the refs these times, always contesting their decisions...
I mean I never saw him screaming at them since he is in the league!!
Maybe this will pay in the future...

02-27-2009, 07:53 AM
you think he deserve star calls?

most of his floaters are non-contact shots

and his drives to the lane are usually spin, reverse spin which doesnt allow much contact cause the defender most of the time is to slow to react once he spins opposite direction and easy basket

02-27-2009, 07:59 AM
You can argue that he hits a lot more open lay ups than all other guards. As you said, given his speed and finishing, some defenders just avoid contact on purpose.
2 >>>> and 1

02-27-2009, 08:02 AM
most of his floaters are non-contact shots

and his drives to the lane are usually spin, reverse spin which doesnt allow much contact cause the defender most of the time is to slow to react once he spins opposite direction and easy basket

Unusual to go your way but I think pretty much the same thing. Tony's high% comes from his ability to get easy uncontested shots.

02-27-2009, 08:03 AM
you think he deserve star calls?

most of his floaters are non-contact shots

and his drives to the lane are usually spin, reverse spin which doesnt allow much contact cause the defender most of the time is to slow to react once he spins opposite direction and easy basket

I don't think any star deserve star calls.
My problem is not to understand why Tony should less FT than Wade. It is to understand why he is only #50.
More important, it is to understand if it is something he can improve in the next seasons.

02-27-2009, 08:04 AM
He does get his shot blocked sometimes, other times he forces the issue and turns the ball over. I wonder if they keep stats on those.

02-27-2009, 08:05 AM
Unusual to go your way but I think pretty much the same thing. Tony's high% comes from his ability to get easy uncontested shots.

I would agree if Tony didn't have 13% of his inside shot blocked (this is rather high). Wade (the only guard who is taking similar FGA/game inside) has only 7%.

02-27-2009, 09:12 AM
He does get his shot blocked sometimes, other times he forces the issue and turns the ball over. I wonder if they keep stats on those.

And what does that have to do with FTA?

02-27-2009, 09:37 AM
I pretty much agree with these posts. He's just one of the best at finishing.

02-27-2009, 10:39 AM
he shots so few free throws because the refs never call fouls when he attacks the rim
if he was james or kobe he would be leading the league in free throw attempts

02-27-2009, 10:43 AM
he's faster than the foul

02-27-2009, 10:52 AM
There are a few possibilities, or thoughts that may come to mind. Agree with everyone saying he tries to avoid contact. He knows his angles and knows how to avoid them and put the ball in the hole. My question is if there is a stat that show how many times those are and 1's. I know that would change the number dramatically, but Tony as we all know is one of the best finishers in the league. If he has one and 1 per game that jumps him up to 27th in FTA/game. Yes i know everyone else have them as well, but I'd love to see a stat of how many and 1's he has that are in the paint or something along those lines.

02-27-2009, 11:28 AM
Tony is too quick, the defenders have not the time to foul him.
And he has mastered his moves to attack the rim.
Sometimes he starts on the left side of the basket, reverses under the rim using his protection to avoid the blocks... and his defender blocks in the wrong side : so no fouls.
Sometimes he uses his left hand.
Sometimes he shows good body contortion to make the off-balance lay-up.
In fact he has too much technique in the paint to draw fouls regularly.

02-27-2009, 11:48 AM
If Tony had been the best shooter of the team, probably he could be a Top 20 in the league, because he don´t shoot the Technicals and Clutch FT, he is 4.5 FTA and with only one more he could be 30.
Manu have more FTs than Tony, 4.6, because when the game is over he shoot the FTs

02-27-2009, 12:08 PM
Better that Parker takes less contact and shoots less FTs than draws contact and risks injuries a la Wade.

02-27-2009, 12:09 PM
What does this say about the officiating in the league? Tony picks his butt off of the floor more than any body in the league, and I know that alot of that has to do with the way he lays the ball in the basket when he is driving, but Tony obviously doesn't get all the calls he should. He gets battered around like a bean bag. Damn refs.

02-27-2009, 12:33 PM
spurs are a small market.

Lady M
02-27-2009, 01:02 PM
league average is 0.3 FTA for 1FG
this year Tony is 0.26
Spurs are the last in FTA
2 game at home with no Tim and Manu and spurs 24(16+8) FTA, Mavs (25) and Portland (17)= 42FTA
Tony never shoot more than 14 FTA, he made 55 pts with 10 FTA (9 made) 76 pts in 2 games with 11FTM-13FTA

the referees are biased with him, they never saw fault

this year 104 performances with 15 fta and no Tony
Tony have 7 games with more than 30 pts only one with more than 10 FTA

02-27-2009, 01:17 PM
Did an analysis a few years back

Basically, it's running a regression model on the FTAs against FGM from different spots on the floor.
It took a while, but the results show that the level of bias in the league really wasn't as pronounced as people think.

If anybody has the time, you can do a similar analysis and see where Tony stacks up.

Cry Havoc
02-27-2009, 01:25 PM
Tony DOES get a lot of uncontested layups, where the big man is so slow to rotate that he doesn't even try.

Also, Parker is so fast (probably the fastest in the league to the rim from the 3 point line) that the officials likely have trouble seeing the contact because it develops so rapidly.