View Full Version : Game Thoughts: Rockets @ Bulls - Feb.28

03-01-2009, 02:55 AM
After demolishing Cavs at home, the atmosphere of smug grew rapidly in the locker room of the rocketst team. With 100% confidence the rockets headed to Chicago to play the first game of their 4game/5day voyage. Houston planned to start that hard trip with a win over Chicago Bulls which are not pretty well this season, hoping to extend their winning streak to 7 game. Houston Rockets have been playing good since all-start break, but their winning streak snapped tonight thanks to the bulls that beat them 102-105.

With their "No.1" out for the season, the other rockets players choose to play tougher and harder to make it up, instead of losing heart and give the season up as they did in 05-06 season. Rockets played damn good in their past 6 wins, 4 of which they won by over 10pts. But the Bulls didn't let it back off themselves, instead, the Bulls played confidently in the first quarter and kept up with the rockets till the end of the 2nd quarter. by the end of the first half, the rockets had just got a 3pt-leading gap over Bulls, 58-55 Bulls down by 3.

Although the Bulls kept afloat and got through the first half, the game still went for the rockets team in the 3rd quarter during which the rockets outscored 14pts over bulls. in this single quarter rockets scored 30pts while just allowing their opponents to get 16 through this period, and made the entire 4th quarter seem like a 12min-long garbage time.

It was a big pity for those fans who considered the 4th quarter as garbage time and turned off the TV, as the highlights were totally cohered there in the fourth. the 3rd quarter used to be the comb of the rockets, but that team has developed alot and successfully delayed their collapse to the 4th quarter. During this quarter the rockets scored 14pts while their opponent Bulls got 34pts. dramatically the Bulls turned the game around and got the win at home, 105-102 Bulls got a precious win over the arrogant rockets.

Ming Yao

34 minutes, 17 points, one assist, seven rebounds
6-for-14 from the field, 2-for-2 at the line, 3 block-shots, five fouls

Since the former president of the rockets team got wasted and out of this season, it's unavoidable for yao to take over the team from tmac's frail back. He played as the team leader in their past 6 straight wins and brought more than we expected to his team. Rockets team was becoming more and more like spurs with Yao as the team-leader and Aaron Brooks at PG. Yao was undeniably the axis of the rockets team on both ends of the floor, just like what Duncan is to the spurs. and the rockets team also benefit alot from Aaron Brooks who is effectively contributing his energy to the team, with his speed and his offensive awareness aaron brooks is more than enough to do the work that Tony parker has been doing for the spurs. Yao continued playing good in the first quarter, in which he scored 13pts himself. Although yao didn't score many points in the following two quarter, his teammates still ran the game well and managed to take control of the game in the 3rd quarter. However, when his team needed him to do something... yao was still sucking and didn't score even one point in the 4th quarter. As the teamleader, yao's emotion of all those of his teammates' have effects on the moral of his team. Instead of fighting back against the Bulls, yao went on to suck after he was subsituted on in the 4th quarter and kept his score at 17pts, which were all the points he got in the first three quarters and the entire game as well. It's undenial that yao is a good player, or even a superstar. but tonight's game has already shown he is not capable enough to act as the leader of a team, even a sucking team.


Ron Artest
43 minutes, 32 points, six rebounds, one assist, 13-for24 from the field, 6-12 on three-pointers, 5 turn-overs

For the rockets team Ron Artest was the only man that was still playing basketball in the 4th quarter. During this quarter Ron contributed 9pts to his team while his teammates just scored get 5pts in total. :lol It's the unavoidable responsibility to rescue his team when his team is in trouble and his "commander" sucks. Ron did tried his best to fulfill his obligation but his efforts didn't pay off to bring him a win. His stats looked outstanding on his 32pts which were the team high, along with the 32pts his 43mins game time was also the longest on the rockets team, and his 5 TOs as well. :lol


Luis Scola

41 minutes, 16 points, 12 rebounds ,7-for-10 from the field, 2-for-2 at the line, four fouls

Scola played an important role in their past 6 straight wins and he did a good job tonight too. With Landry sidelined due to injury, scola has to take more minutes at PF and also he has to play at C temporarily to earn yao some minutes to rest. Scola got the only double double for the rockets team, but his double double looks faded compared to Noah's 10pts + 15rebs.


Shane Battier


39 minutes,6 points, nine rebounds, 2-for-6 from the field, 2 -for-6 on three-pointers

Although Shane isn't efficient in offense, his prison-like defense always make his opponent suck ass. Despite the lack of athletism, Battier is a good defender with remarkable defensive awareness and a variety of defensive skills that are even more effective than bowen's. :lol


Aaron Brooks
35 minutes, eight points, one rebounds, seven assists,
2-for-9 from the field, 1-for-5 on three-pointers, 3-for-3 at the line

The rockets team benefits alot from Aaron Brooks who is effectively contributing his energy to the team, with his speed and his offensive awareness aaron brooks is more than enough to do the work that Tony parker has been doing for the spurs. Brooks performed damn perfect during their 6 winning streak and he also promoted his scoring average to 10.5 ppg for this season. Brooks was drafted at 26th by rockets in 07, so there was no wonder he was blown out tonight by Derek Rose who is the No.1 draft of 08. Although Aaron plays one more year than Rose and even more than 1yr older than Rose biologically, he still sucked tonight in front of the bulls' no.1 draft. 2-9 from the field, 1-5 on three-pointers, and 3TOs combined showed how bad he sucked, though his 7 assists wasn't so bad compared to his season average which is just 2.7/game.


Von Wafer

23 minutes, 11points, two rebounds, one assist, 4-11 from the field, 1-4 on three-pointers, 2-2 at the line, 4 fouls

For a period of time when tmac was sucking terribly, Wafer gave a slim hope to the rockets fans. The rockets fans even concern how to re-sign him at the end of this season when his 1yr-450,000 contract expires. Now they don't need to be concerned any more, as wafer has already come back to "reality". :lol


Brent Barry


8minutes, two points, one rebound 1-for-3 from the field, 0-for-1 on three pointers

As a former spur, Brent Barry was incredibly welcome by the rockets fans. Maybe his affiliate with spurs has been diluted by his father Rick and brother Jon that both have played for the rockets team. Now barry is more like a branch of the coach than a pure roster, his masterful run and jump also emphasize the differences he has from other players. barry always keeps calm on the court, never let his feet both in air even when he makes a jumper.


Kyle Lowry


16minutes, ten points, two assists, two rebounds, 4-for-5 from the field, 2-for-2 at the line, 5 fouls
After being traded to houston, lowry played better and better as the time elapsed. Tonight Lowry still was the most efficient guy on the rockets team, contributing 10pts within 16mins, 4-5 from the floor, and 5 fouls within 16mins :lol. Lowry should have played longer, and his team might have packed this win if he had done more. but he was troubled by fouls and had to limit his time to only 16mins, though he played his best game tonight since he arrived in houston.

Rick Adelman

Getting old is the inevitable destiny for everyone, for sure Rick Adelman isn't excluded either. After being fired by kings in the summer of 06, Rick stayed unemployed for over a year until he found his current job in houston. He impressed the rockets fans in his first year as the head coach of rockets team. after getting through a dark time at the beggining of 07-08 season, rockets team began to bounce back since they entered year 08. They got 22 winning streak which is the second longest in the history of NBA, but that's also the only thing they can boast of that season. They were beaten again by Utah Jazz in the post season, even played one less game in that series than they did in JVG's administration.

Rick's reaction is too slow for today's NBA games, he should have called a time-out and made some subtitution when he found the sign of collapse in the 4th quarter. He did made some change but that was already too late.



Rockets executed their offense with precision except in the 4th quarter. Rockets were the winner of the game in the first 3 quarters, but they had already run out their energy during the 3 quarters and had nothing to do but suck after entering the fourth. 47% from the field and 35% on three-points seemed pretty good, and their perfect performances at the line were also pretty impressive. However, all those things would be even more brilliant if a game just took 3 quarters.


Owning two of the league's best defenders on team, the rockets have no excuse to suck on that front. The defensive systerm worked pretty well tonight, especiall in the 3rd quarter. Rockets could have won the game if their defense hadn't sucked in the 4th quarter, but it did sucked even worse than their offense. despite the 34pts Bulls got in the 4th quarter, the rockets sucked at almost every area at defensive end, from defensive rebound to forcing TOs, paint to 3pt-line...

Drive to Five

The Rockets definitely deserve to feel confident and content with their 6 winning streak, maybe they're still enjoying very much on their 22 winning streak that they often mention. But the 22 winning streak has already become history like their two championships. Now it's time for the rockets to view forward and plan for the future. at least they're still standing on the 4th place of the west and is likely to gain the home advantage for the playoffs, like they did in the past two seasons. :lol


03-01-2009, 03:11 AM
Lol, Drive to Five.

03-01-2009, 03:15 AM

03-01-2009, 03:28 AM

Rogue continues his rockets ownage.