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View Full Version : UTSA proposing anyother tuition hike

03-09-2005, 07:44 PM
Currently UTSA is gearing to propose a 5% increase in tuition. I think this is BS. They are litterally robbing their students. I'm tired of how they are always using this growth as an excuse for every cost they raise on us.

03-09-2005, 09:12 PM
yeah, fuck them... we will probably see ricardo romo getting busted for accepting bribes just like the accd school officals..

03-10-2005, 09:25 AM
Just another result of the continuing reduction of state money into public colleges.

03-10-2005, 11:13 AM
Yeah, everyone bitched when I brought up rerergulating tuition. This is what happens. Don't expect it to change with a republican legislature.

Who needs college anyhow?