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03-02-2009, 10:11 PM
Anyone watching it?

omg! :pctoss

03-02-2009, 10:22 PM
I know it is "reality" television and so I hope this trainwreck of a conclusion is scripted and not indicative of actual events.
Although, I am sure this sort of thing has happened to some couples somewhere.

But how bad it is... I can't even get a fairy tale ending on television anymore?!??!???!???

03-02-2009, 10:34 PM
this dude has banged like 10 chicks on this show and you're okay with it?


03-02-2009, 10:41 PM
It is a horrible show... you are right.
I can't justify why I watch it.

03-02-2009, 10:42 PM
Nice Poker face there, Chris.

03-02-2009, 10:50 PM
this is like a game thread but of a tv show?

03-02-2009, 10:54 PM
I needed to vent. :lol

03-02-2009, 10:55 PM
The piece of you that is confused, Molly, is common sense trying to get through to you.

Run Molly run!

03-02-2009, 10:57 PM
So ironic how the girl who lost in the Finals was from Dallas. :lol

Terrible joke, I know.

Seriously, I feel sorry for Melissa getting treated like that but she is seriously better off free of Jason.

David Bowie
03-02-2009, 11:26 PM
This is the first time I watched reality TV in a long time. IT felt really scripted. I think that this is a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side."

I really don't understad how all these chicks are just soooooooooo in love with this avarege dude after knoiwng him for like 2 days. I know there's love at first sight, and I've felt it (and it always failed miserably, always got my heart broken) but I just can't believe that everybody just loves one another soooo much after such a short period of time.


I don't think that what he did to Melissa was wrong. It's usually best to end a relationship if you feel it isn't right or isn't going anywhere.


03-03-2009, 08:23 AM
That guy totally played both of them girls. I didnt watch it from the beginning but I had it on that channel last night and watched it while I read a book.

Molly is stupid to have taken him back. What makes her think that if he didnt pick her the first time that it would work a second.

In my opinion, he's an asshole.

03-03-2009, 09:24 AM
Jason is a mama's boy, and Melissa is the one that got off lucky. He just let a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader go.....that is free drinks in any bar for the rest of his life.

What a loser.


I Love Me Some Me
03-03-2009, 09:50 AM
That guy totally played both of them girls. I didnt watch it from the beginning but I had it on that channel last night and watched it while I read a book.

Molly is stupid to have taken him back. What makes her think that if he didnt pick her the first time that it would work a second.

In my opinion, he's an asshole.

Maybe he is...but all those attention-craving whores knew the risks when they signed to compete with 24 other girls to get a guy to fall in love with them. It's hard for me to feel bad for a girl who gets hurt like that, when she signed up for a 96% chance to be dumped on national TV.

Oh...and Molly's a whore. She should have told that guy (whose eyes were waaaaaaaay too close together) to go fuck himself.

03-03-2009, 09:56 AM
I do not watch the show but who could escape the PR on it. The major thing I did not get is how him having a kid somehow automatically made him a great catch?

03-03-2009, 09:57 AM
Maybe he is...but all those attention-craving whores knew the risks when they signed to compete with 24 other girls to get a guy to fall in love with them. It's hard for me to feel bad for a girl who gets hurt like that, when she signed up for a 96% chance to be dumped on national TV.

Oh...and Molly's a whore. She should have told that guy (whose eyes were waaaaaaaay too close together) to go fuck himself.

:lmao And another thing, he wasn't that hot.

03-03-2009, 10:10 AM
It seems to me that when he actually had to try to have a real relationship in the real world- outside all the hoopla of the Bachelor- he couldn't handle it. What I can not believe from reading the stories this morning is that they introduced both women to his kid.:vomit:

03-03-2009, 10:28 AM
Maybe he is...but all those attention-craving whores knew the risks when they signed to compete with 24 other girls to get a guy to fall in love with them. It's hard for me to feel bad for a girl who gets hurt like that, when she signed up for a 96% chance to be dumped on national TV.

Oh...and Molly's a whore. She should have told that guy (whose eyes were waaaaaaaay too close together) to go fuck himself.


I wouldn't go that far as to call them whores but it does bring up the thought as to why anyone would put themselves through that kind of potential heartache.

I Love Me Some Me
03-03-2009, 11:06 AM

I wouldn't go that far as to call them whores but it does bring up the thought as to why anyone would put themselves through that kind of potential heartache.

To be on TV. These girls are all relatively good-looking, so I doubt there's a shortage of untelevised gentleman who would enjoy dating them. They all wanted to be on TV...no more, no less.

03-03-2009, 11:19 AM
To be on TV. These girls are all relatively good-looking, so I doubt there's a shortage of untelevised gentleman who would enjoy dating them. They all wanted to be on TV...no more, no less.

Of course ... at least these are a better choice of woman, considering the tramps that Rock of Love pulled in.


03-03-2009, 01:21 PM
:lol I saw this and was shocked. Actually, I saw the season finale, where he proposed to Melissa and thought that was the end and went to sleep. Didn't watch the After Rose ceremony or whatever it's called until I read about it in the paper today and I couldn't believe it!

Personally, both girls were not very bright. Melissa for letting him go so easily...she just cried and didn't get super mad and yell or even throw the ring at him. And that Molly girl for taking him back so easily.

And to think...this bachlor has a 3 year old son he is responsible for. If he can't even make a decision like this on TV, how's he making decisions for his son?...this is a stretch, yes I know, :lol

Extra Stout
03-03-2009, 01:52 PM
The show is not totally scripted, but the events are not real. Everything that happens is planned and manipulated by the producers, and the participants are paid to be there.

Maybe the first couple seasons people were being sincere, but eventually people should be able to figure out that when a dozen women/men all fall madly in love with a moderately attractive but otherwise unremarkable man/woman after spending maybe two hours alone with them, season after season, like clockwork, and that the one relationship that lasted ABC has to shove in everybody's face repeatedly every day for five years, and that the man/woman each year apparently is madly in love with twelve women/men at the same time, yet can't think up anything to say about any of them except the word "amazing" one hundred and fifty times per minute --- eventually people should clue in that perhaps this is all an act.

It also should be obvious that a normal human being is not going to wait until he is on national television to dump his fiancee for another woman, so that her humiliation can be seen by millions of people, unless the "dumping" is just a contrived stunt to drive up interest in a flagging old show well past its prime.

03-03-2009, 07:38 PM

03-03-2009, 10:01 PM
After the final rose part two

On now. :corn:

03-03-2009, 10:26 PM

Ex-'Bachelor' stars Trista Sutter, Andy Baldwin slam Jason Mesnick

By John Bracchitta, 03/03/2009

You can count former The Bachelorette and The Bachelor stars Trista Sutter and Andy Baldwin among those who aren't impressed with current The Bachelor star Jason Mesnick's decision to choose Melissa Rycroft over Molly Malaney only to later decide to dump Melissa on-air for a second chance with Molly during last night's season finale of the ABC reality dating series.

According to Sutter -- the first-season The Bachelorette star that still currently holds the distinction of being the only The Bachelor or The Bachelorette star to actually marry the suitor she chose on the show -- Mesnick has demonstrated that he's too fickle to trust.

"How could you go from being engaged to someone to kissing someone else on the couch?!" Sutter told momlogic.com on Tuesday. "He doesn't deserve to walk away scot-free. I mean, what disappointed me as a mom is that he introduced both girls to [his son] Ty. Melissa was around, and now she's gone. What is Ty going to think?"

"How can you trust him?" Sutter said. "I wouldn't trust what [Mesnick] is saying to me. He is obviously fickle. He didn't want to fight for the relationship between he and Melissa. He gave up. If you have such strong feelings for someone, at least give it a chance before making such a big decision."

Sutter added that she had texted Rycroft on Monday evening with encouraging words.

"I texted her last night and said, 'I'm proud of the way you handled it.' She deserves so much better!" Sutter said. "Melissa hasn't been able to say anything about this until now, so I think she's relieved."

"I am happy she can finally move on. As far as I'm concerned, this is a blessing in disguise," she added. "Now she can find someone who truly loves her."

Sutter admitted that given she did not fall in love with two men during her time starring on The Bachelorette, she couldn't directly relate to what may have been going through Mesnick's head and said that it probably was "difficult" for him. However, she added that he should not have proposed to Rycroft if he had any doubts.

What do you think about The Bachelor's ending?

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"I did not fall in love with two people, so I cannot speak to that. If that's the case, I'm sure it was difficult," she said. "But why put a ring on someone's finger if you're that torn? He took that away from Melissa. She only wanted to get engaged ONE time. He took that from her."

Sutter also told momlogic.com that she doesn't believe recent unsubstantiated allegations that the season's ending was somehow fabricated by The Bachelor's producers.

"I don't know what Jason's contract says, but I don't believe the producers could have manipulated the ending to this extent," Sutter said. "I think Jason definitely had a choice in how he broke off the engagement -- either publicly or in private. Ryan and I don't think the producers could force him into something like that."

Baldwin, the star of The Bachelor's tenth season, was more succinct in his criticism of Mesnick.

"Andy is glad when he was the Bach. He was a man and didn't sell his soul and cave. Such a sellout," Baldwin wrote in a self-promoting update of his Facebook status, according to Us Weekly.

"You do NOT break up on national television," he later posted a second criticism of Mesnick, according to Us. "That is the opposite of a gentleman."


'The Bachelor' star Jason Mesnick defends his flip-flopping decision

By John Bracchitta, 03/03/2009

Jason Mesnick followed up ABC's Monday night broadcast of the finale of his The Bachelor season with a late night appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in which he defended his decision to choose Melissa Rycroft over Molly Malaney but later decide to dump her for a second chance with Molly.

"It was my real life, and people can question that or doubt that, but they're real feelings and I, on that last day, was falling in love with two girls," Mesnick told Kimmel of the indecision he felt before the show's Final Rose Ceremony in which he had to choose either Rycroft or Malaney. He added later that he had chosen Rycroft over Malaney initially because she had been exactly what he thought he was looking for in a wife.

"Everything I was ever looking for at that time in my life was Melissa," he said. "I had this preconceived notion, and on that very last day that's exactly what I wanted."

However, Mesnick reiterated his The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special comments that problems began once he and Rycroft left the reality dating series' confines and began continuing their relationship in the real world. By the time of the special -- which was filmed six weeks after the show's finale was filmed in New Zealand last fall -- Mesnick said that he had spent enough time with Rycroft to know that she wasn't the one for him.

"I was able to spend a lot of time with Melissa. We had secret rendezvous, we spent the whole Christmas time together, and what really happened is the chemistry was completely different, the relationship was completely different," Mesnick told Kimmel. "The openness and how we reacted and related to each other and the conversations that were so great on the show were completely different. How was I supposed to lead somebody on or keep it going it if really wasn't there?"

What do you think about The Bachelor?

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Mesnick told Kimmel he would never say anything negative about Rycroft and added that he wasn't proud of his decision to break-off their engagement and hurt her.

"If I could go back and take that pain away from her... I would take it away form her because I regret hurting her," he told Kimmel

As for the couple's actual breakup, Mesnick attempted to dispell the idea that he had blindsided Rycroft with his decision on the After the Final Rose special, telling Kimmel that they were already not a couple by the time she appeared on stage with him.

"She knew before we walked out for that After the [Final] Rose -- before what everybody saw -- we were not together," Mesnick said.

"She knew that the question was 'Are you really even gonna wear your ring because we're not together?' So I know it might seem when you see stuff that it looked like we were [still together], but she knew exactly what was going on."

Mesnick also said that, while he had not enjoyed it, he had ended his relationship with Rycroft on television instead of in private because of prior agreements that he would live out his relationship in the public eye.

"We could not see each other before that, so we had to have conversations over the phone and... we had the only real live conversation we could have because my relationship, good and bad, was agreed by everybody, [would] be in front of the cameras," Mesnick told Kimmel. "So I had to do it in front of everybody, and I hated that."

"If I could've done it in person with her one-on-one of course that's the right thing to do. But my relationship was agreed by everybody who was involved to be in front of everybody," he added.

Mesnick also maintained that he never cheated on Rycroft and added that he felt the two would become friends "at some point," eliciting some chuckles from both Kimmel and the studio audience.

"You and Melissa, Israel and Iraq," Kimmel quipped.

Mesnick also said that he and Malaney were still together, "very happy," and haven't discussed getting engaged.

"There is no talk about that right now," Mesnick said with a smile. "We are taking it at our own pace."

As for any potential backlash he may receive from fans for his decision to dump Rycroft, Mesnick said he was ready to face criticism but maintained that they would just be criticizing the way he honestly went about his own personal life.

"If people can blame me for living my life, that's the way I have to face it. I mean I lived my honest true life and I developed feelings for two different girls," he said.

He added that while his ending to The Bachelor had been somewhat messy, that it had just been an example of "real life," and said that he knew as well as anyone that real life was not always easy.

"The engagement was one thing, but if people expect me to go through with an engagement and not be in love with somebody... I mean everybody knows in the real world that engagements do end, as hard as it has to be. I've been through a marriage and that ended. And as hurtful as that was, [that's] real life."

03-03-2009, 10:37 PM

Chris Harrison: "Something changed" between 'The Bachelor' couple

By John Bracchitta, 03/03/2009

The Bachelor host Chris Harrison has added his take on last night's ABC broadcast which featured thirteenth-season star Jason Mesnick picking Melissa Rycroft in the show's Final Rose Ceremony but dumping her in favor of Molly Malaney -- the woman he originally rejected in favor of Rycroft -- during the season's subsequent After The Final Rose special.

According to Harrison, he had thought the show had struck romantic gold when Mesnick proposed to Rycroft in New Zealand during the pre-Thanksgiving taping of the season's Final Rose Ceremony.

"They were both very much in love and the scene couldn't have been better. It appeared to us he had found a terrific woman who would become his wife," Harrison wrote in a posting on his Entertainment Weekly website blog. "You have to understand that we want a proposal and we want a true happy ending. I would have sworn up and down that that is what we had that night."

Harrison added that he spoke with the couple "several times" following the proposal and that everything had been going well between the two. That is, until the holiday season ended.

"After the holidays something changed. Jason was struggling with Melissa and he told me something was wrong and things had changed between them," Harrison wrote. "A few weeks after that I heard that Jason was going to break up with Melissa and that he still had feelings for Molly. I will be honest when I tell you that my heart sank. I loved Jason and Mel as a couple and selfishly knew that their success together would be great for our show. A true love story with a perfect ending, but all that was shattered with that phone call."

"My first thought was, Oh my god, he's going to do the unthinkable and make the switch. Turns out I was right," Harrison added. "Jason knew he and Melissa were through and wanted another shot with Molly, who he had also fallen in love with."

With Mesnick and Rycroft on the outs and Molly potentially re-entering the picture while The Bachelor's season had just started airing on ABC, Harrison said that the show was faced with the difficult decision of choosing whether or not to address the situation and, if they chose to, how to do so appropriately.

What do you think about The Bachelor's ending?

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"It's not like Jason was breaking up with Mel and just going away. He was asking for a shot with the girl you saw him break up with in New Zealand," he wrote.

Harrison added that the show ended up coming to the decision to restructure the After the Final Rose special so The Bachelor viewers could get caught up on what had transpired.

"I know this has been controversial but in my mind the only thing we could do out of respect for all of you watching was to show, as delicately as possible, what the hell was happening," Harrison wrote. "Not that it makes it any better or easier, but the fact is everybody knows when they sign up for this show everything about their story will be public. It's a TV show and that is not a big secret. They are well aware of what they got into."

Harrison also reiterated Mesnick's claims that Rycroft was not "blindsided" by his decision.

"We quickly put together the first After the Final Rose special and brought the three of them together to play it out," Harrison wrote. "I won't speak for Melissa but I can tell you she wasn't blindsided. She knew things weren't going well. Did she know Jason was going to break up with her? Honestly, I don't know. You'll have to ask her."

He also added that while the show was hardly a walk in the park for anyone involved, he felt Rycroft had dealt with the news well.

"Believe me when I tell you that was the hardest, most uncomfortable show I've ever hosted," Harrison wrote. "I like Melissa very much, and in fact we've talked several times since the taping including Friday before the second [After the Final Rose] special. Of course, she was hurt and pissed that night we shot the special, but she feels, as do I, that everything happens for a reason and that she's better off."

Because of the "explosive" nature of the show's finale, Harrison wrote that he was not surprised when news of the breakup began leaking out and added that the show has determined "how it happened" and who was responsible.

"We could have been real A-holes and held off till we were closer to the end but that wouldn't have been fair to anybody," Harrison wrote. "So we shot that special six weeks ago."

However, Harrison said he drew the line when unsubstantiated allegations that the season's ending had somehow been fabricated that began surfacing last month.

"I'm not sure why ruining the ending of one of the most successful shows on TV wasn't enough for people but it should have been." Harrison wrote. "To hear these 'people' go on and add their own twists and turns to the story was not only laughable but flat out ridiculous. To be quite honest, I could care less, but I know Jason, Molly, and Melissa have been hurt by all this and that's where I draw the line, and I do care about that. We said this on the show but I want to make it very clear to you, that when Molly walked on that stage six weeks ago that was the first time she had seen Jason since the finale was shot."

Harrison also addressed comments he had received from some frustrated viewers who have stated they are never going to watch The Bachelor again after being disappointed by its ending. After stating that he feels many of the big questions regarding Mesnick's decision will be cleared up during the second After The Final Rose special that will air tonight at 10PM on ABC, Harrison said that The Bachelor was committed to showing whatever happened to the couple it had created, be it good or bad.

"To those of you who have said that and feel this way I say this: I'm sorry your feelings were hurt and I'm sorry you didn't get the magical ending you thought you were going to get. My promise to you is that no matter what happens on this show, good or bad, we're going to show it," he wrote. "Jason chose this path. I hope you will come back and watch the show, but if not, thanks for your support and thanks for seven great years together."

03-03-2009, 10:42 PM
His story is full of holes.

I was able to spend a lot of time with Melissa. We had secret rendezvous, we spent the whole Christmas time together, and what really happened is the chemistry was completely different, the relationship was completely different," Mesnick told Kimmel. "The openness and how we reacted and related to each other and the conversations that were so great on the show were completely different.


"We could not see each other before that, so we had to have conversations over the phone and... we had the only real live conversation we could have because my relationship, good and bad, was agreed by everybody, [would] be in front of the cameras," Mesnick told Kimmel. "So I had to do it in front of everybody, and I hated that."

"If I could've done it in person with her one-on-one of course that's the right thing to do. But my relationship was agreed by everybody who was involved to be in front of everybody," he added.

03-03-2009, 10:51 PM
I am very interested to know what Molly would say to Melissa if given the opportunity and what Melissa would say to Molly.

03-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Jason's action have served to improve my opinion of the bachelor Brad who at the end of his series did not propose to either woman.

I think Brad was the better bachelor, at least in how he handled his show's finale.

03-04-2009, 01:21 AM
Jason's action have served to improve my opinion of the bachelor Brad who at the end of his series did not propose to either woman.


Yeah b/c he's obligated morally.


Extra Stout
03-04-2009, 09:44 AM
I am very interested to know what Molly would say to Melissa if given the opportunity and what Melissa would say to Molly.
Molly: "So how did I do?"

Melissa: "You did OK for the most part, but when you had that smirk on your face when you came out, I thought it kind of gave it away. Hopefully, viewers thought you were just nervous."

Molly: "I wish I could act as well as you. You were very convincing, especially that 'why didn't you fight for me' spiel. The 'you bastard' was very, like, Melrose Place or something."

Melissa: "Yeah, well, if i could do it all again I would re-do that speech in the limo. That was a little cheesy. I was trying to do a persona of being all strong, but I overdid it."

Molly: "So how did your interview for that TV reporter job go?"

Melissa: "They haven't called me back yet."

03-04-2009, 11:54 AM
That is messed up, E.S..

Funny though.