View Full Version : I got robbed

03-03-2009, 12:24 PM
Sooooo, my wife and I went to Arizona this past weekend for some R&R.

We have two dogs we do not like to board, so we usually have someone stay at the house instead. It always the same person, a lifetime friend of my wife, you would basically call him a family member. He stood up in our wedding and just to knee-cap the expected response, he is most certainly gay, so no, he isnt sleeping with my wife.

Anyway, we left him in charge of the household. Hes a bar-fly, so him going out and getting toasty is expected.

What is not expected is for him to bring total strangers into our house.

According to his story (which I am very much in doubt at this point), he was all fucked up at the bar and wanted to take a cab home. Two twnety-something guys talk him into driving him and his car back to our house.

According to his story, he went inside and went to bed. Woke up to find his wallet missing and his cell phone. Moreover, he cant find one of our dogs.

He calls the police. The police respond to a "suicidal call" (his response to the police "i couldnt live with myself if I lost one of their dogs"). They enter the home and find the dog locked in a closet. So our two babies are fine and in good health.

Our friend, beside himself with grief, checks into rehab (wtf? really? coward...). Leaves the house as is and never calls us (nor did the cops). My wife and I are in AZ, calling him all day Sunday with no response. We know something is wrong, she speaks with him everyday, especially when he is in charge of our house.

We finally get his call at 8:00pm on Sunday (10:00 EST). He says some bullshit like I just explained and that "my computer router/modem is missing".

Obviously, we are anxious to get home after that phonecall.

We get home yesterday at 7:30 EST now knowing what to expect once inside. We got fucking robbed.

My "computer router/modem" is sitting right where it should....what is gone though, is my fucking computer. And my wife's.

And her 20 or so Coach purses.

Oh yeah, and my Xbox 360, my PS3, my Wii, my surround sound system and any number of games/accesories (they actually searched the house for the Wii nunchuks and took those too, they werent with the other gaming shit).

Obviously, I call the police to come back out immediately. Nice deputy shows up. Goes through the motions, makes a few phonecalls to our now suddenly sick, depressed and severly medicated "friend".

Our friend says he didnt invite them in, that the must have followed him through the garage and got in. I call bullshit, there are multiple filled ashtrays and 3 seperate kinds of pop cans in the basement.

I think our "friend" got to bragging at a bar that he was house-sitting his friends nice house and caught the ear of interested criminals. They probably pulled some info out of him about how long we were gone, etc etc. They play nice guy and offer a ride home. Our "friend" then invites them inside for a couple drinks (fucking asshole), as he is already shit-faced, he doesnt last long and passes out wherever.

So these guys go about the house checking things out, seeing whats valuable, and start unloading shit. They took everything out our back door (which makes no sense) and walk around the side of the house.

Oddly, the took a dog cage outside and left it out there (this, I dont understand, unless they thought about stealing one of our dogs).

The cops are coming over today (after I get out of work) to take finger prints on some areas of the house. I hope one of those thieves have a drunk driving or some other offense that required finger prints, because theyre everywhere in certain areas.

So, all in all, our losses look like this...

(20+) Coach/Louis Vuitton purses/handbags/wallets = ~$10k+
(1) Bad-ass, liquid cooled, custom painted computer = $7k
(1) One generic Dell computer = ~$2k
Xbox 360, 4 games, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$700
PS3, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$600
Wii system, 4 controller, 2 nunchuks, 2 charge stations = ~$500
All my HDMI cables, Component cables = ~$200
JVC surround sound system = $800 (5 years old)
Total: ~$22,000.00

It isnt so much the material shit that pisses me off, its the information on the computers, the personal work unfinished on said computers, all the crap that can be used against us later, down the road. I mean, with my computer alone, I might want to consider my identity being stolen at some point in the future.

To the Motherfuckers who stole my shit and are probably playing my fucking games right now and going through the "Favorites" of Internet Explorer seeing what kind of person I am...

I'll see you soon. Real soon. I really dont want any of my shit back....keep it. But I'd sure like to meet you. Do you want to meet me?

Fucking cowards.

03-03-2009, 12:29 PM
dude that's really messed up. i hope they find them. u have insurance?

03-03-2009, 12:32 PM
That really sucks. Condolences, man.

There are some really shitty people out there. I can't really blame you for being upset with your friend; regardless of whether or not he meant for this to happen, part of the responsibility of house sitting is to make sure this sort of shit doesn't happen.

Best of luck. Hopefully they are able to track something down on the losers that did it; criminals tend to be too dumb to cover their tracks a lot of the time.

03-03-2009, 12:36 PM
you got home and contents insurance?

looks like AIG will need another $22k bailout money to compensate ur losses.....

hence buy new stuff, stimulate the economy man....:D

hey those console games, dont they have a serial number on the back where u need to register if you wanna use the online services? maybe you should contact them manufactures or site if anyone tries to re-register that console online with another username? get IP recorded and get cops onto their asses.....

03-03-2009, 12:37 PM
I wonder , if you murdered your wife's friend right now for being the cause of this, you could get away with it as a "crime of passion". That might be worth considering.

03-03-2009, 12:39 PM
Oh that is fucked up!!

I hope you seriously kick your "friends" ass!!

Hope you get everything straightened out.

03-03-2009, 12:41 PM
That really sucks dude. My work laptop was stolen at a bar I frequent a few months ago, but the idiot came back to the place the following weekend and got busted! :lol So I got my laptop back within 3 weeks of it being stolen. I was lucky.

Your "friend" sounds like an idiot and I would disown him if I were you.

03-03-2009, 12:42 PM
Sorry to hear about this, DR. My house was robbed about two years ago. Glad your dogs are okay, that was our biggest concern as well.

The upside was that with some smart shopping with the insurance money we received for everything that was stolen, we upgraded pretty much everything we lost... So aside from the loss of our sense of security, we're better off now.

03-03-2009, 12:47 PM
The worst part is the data on your computers that is likely lost forever.

03-03-2009, 12:54 PM
what's your xbox name? Check to see if they are online right now

03-03-2009, 12:59 PM
We need to have one of those message board rallies where we find this fucker's Facebook, show up at his driveway, and YouTube his arrest.

03-03-2009, 01:06 PM
dude that's really messed up. i hope they find them. u have insurance?

Yes, of course.

The worst part is the data on your computers that is likely lost forever.

That is exactly what cannot be replaced and what I am most concerned about.

Marcus Bryant
03-03-2009, 01:08 PM
They will eventually make a mistake.

Your friend is a douchebag and you'd probably be better off without him in your life.

At least your dogs weren't harmed.

03-03-2009, 01:10 PM
that sucks man, I hope they find out who did this. And I hope you or your wife checks your "friend".

03-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Oh man that really sucks. So glad your dogs are okay though. Hey I hate to be such a bitch but that sounds EXACTLY like what happened to me with a fucked up lush/cocaine addict FAG friend of mine. He was such a jerk I can't even call him "gay" because that would be too respectful. They get so obsessed with getting laid and fucked up that nothing else matters and they'll backstab anyone and then hide like a coward. In fact my friend is so much like yours---he was my wedding coordinator! I finally got tired of getting used and ripped off by him that I wrote him off, and we had been friends since childhood.
I think you should make your friend take you to that bar---there's a good chance those assholes will return.

03-03-2009, 01:14 PM
That really sucks. Condolences, man.

There are some really shitty people out there. I can't really blame you for being upset with your friend; regardless of whether or not he meant for this to happen, part of the responsibility of house sitting is to make sure this sort of shit doesn't happen.

Best of luck. Hopefully they are able to track something down on the losers that did it; criminals tend to be too dumb to cover their tracks a lot of the time.

Thats the entire point of having someone house-sit, is it not? I havent felt this kind of betrayal in a looong time.

Your "friend" sounds like an idiot and I would disown him if I were you.

Your friend is a douchebag and you'd probably be better off without him in your life.

Done. Little fucking coward cant even stay sober long enough to return phone calls. He's resting comfortably in his mother's lap as we speak, pumped up on Xanax and whatever-else people take who fuck up royally and cant stand to man up and take responsibility.

Depression/Personality disorder is the lamest excuse the world over. This guy is actually receiving sympathy for being a total fuck-wad. Unbelievable...un-fucking-belivable.

What I want to know is, how and where can I get a depression problem so as to not have to take responsibility for anything I say or do because I'm "sick"?

My mother does it. This asshole does it. My not-retarded, social-security-check receiving loser associate does it. I hear any number of stories about it, I read it in the news all the time about people being bipolar or whatnot as if that has anything at all to do with the fact that they hit and killed a kid while driving home from who-gives-a-shit.

I want my built-in excuse. I want that luxury...to not be a responsible adult who owns up to their mistakes, so I can run and hide under the guise of disorder when things go south because Im an impulsive douchebag with little grip on the reality of my dismal, unimportant existence.

Oh, thats right. Im better than that. Almost forgot.

03-03-2009, 01:14 PM
I wonder , if you murdered your wife's friend right now for being the cause of this, you could get away with it as a "crime of passion". That might be worth considering.


Dr. Gonzo
03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
I didn't read any of it because it's a long post and I'm lazy as hell. But please pick a response that is appropriate.

1.) That sucks. Hope you feel better.
2.) Way to go!
3.) That's a great sweater. It looks warm.
4.) I had a car like that once. It gave me all sorts of problems too.
5.) :ttiwwp:

03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
What bar was he at?

03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
holy shit, paki is in rehab!?

i think he did this shit to mr. dio too...

03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
Oh man that really sucks. So glad your dogs are okay though. Hey I hate to be such a bitch but that sounds EXACTLY like what happened to me with a fucked up lush/cocaine addict FAG friend of mine. He was such a jerk I can't even call him "gay" because that would be too respectful. They get so obsessed with getting laid and fucked up that nothing else matters and they'll backstab anyone and then hide like a coward. In fact my friend is so much like yours---he was my wedding coordinator! I finally got tired of getting used and ripped off by him that I wrote him off, and we had been friends since childhood.
I think you should make your friend take you to that bar---there's a good chance those assholes will return.

That's a good point. Although it's unfortunate, your "friend" is your only hope in getting those computers back. You need to go to that bar with him and have him finger the perpetrators.

03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
Of course you might have to pretend to be gay to pull it off...

03-03-2009, 01:17 PM
Not that there is anything wrong with that...

03-03-2009, 01:17 PM
no surveillance tape from the bar?

no descriptions from the "friend"?

no description of the vehicle?

03-03-2009, 01:18 PM
Sorry to hear about this, DR. My house was robbed about two years ago. Glad your dogs are okay, that was our biggest concern as well.

Yeah, to be honest, thats all I could think about when I was in AZ. Those two mutts. Sorry to hear the same shit happened to you.

The upside was that with some smart shopping with the insurance money we received for everything that was stolen, we upgraded pretty much everything we lost... So aside from the loss of our sense of security, we're better off now.

That issue (security) is what is hardest to deal with at the moment. Not me, I know what happened (i think). These people just had a stroke of luck and took what they wanted and left, to never come back.

Try telling that to my wife. She doesnt want to be in the house, she doesnt want to be alone, Im getting a phone call every 10 minutes at work, etc.

I feel horrible for her because I love her to death and want to make her feel safe immediately, but its just not that easy.

03-03-2009, 01:18 PM
What bar was he at?

Hamlin Pub, 25 and Van Dyke

03-03-2009, 01:18 PM
That's a good point. Although it's unfortunate, your "friend" is your only hope in getting those computers back. You need to go to that bar with him and have him finger the perpetrators.

And if there's even a remote chance he'll get "fingered" back, he'll be all for it! :lol

03-03-2009, 01:20 PM
Hamlin Pub, 25 and Van Dyke

From that place?

I call bullshit on the entire story. Nathan Lane is in on it.

03-03-2009, 01:21 PM
I think you should make your friend take you to that bar---there's a good chance those assholes will return.

Yeah, thats my intention, but there is a problem.

They know what me and my wife look like. Remember, they have our computers. Thats....our entire life of pictures.

Shit, I just remembered that...our fucking pictures....oh man...

03-03-2009, 01:22 PM
Oh man that really sucks. So glad your dogs are okay though. Hey I hate to be such a bitch but that sounds EXACTLY like what happened to me with a fucked up lush/cocaine addict FAG friend of mine. He was such a jerk I can't even call him "gay" because that would be too respectful. They get so obsessed with getting laid and fucked up that nothing else matters and they'll backstab anyone and then hide like a coward. In fact my friend is so much like yours---he was my wedding coordinator! I finally got tired of getting used and ripped off by him that I wrote him off, and we had been friends since childhood.
I think you should make your friend take you to that bar---there's a good chance those assholes will return.

They? Seriously?

03-03-2009, 01:23 PM
no surveillance tape from the bar?

no descriptions from the "friend"?

no description of the vehicle?

03-03-2009, 01:24 PM
no surveillance tape from the bar?

no descriptions from the "friend"?

no description of the vehicle?

1) Maybe, but the bar owner is being a dick. Cops are visiting him today.

2 & 3) "Friend" was an inebriated mess who claims "blackout". My only hope is a neighbor noticed a strange vehicle late, LATE Saturday night (actually, Sunday morning).

03-03-2009, 01:26 PM
They? Seriously?

No hijack for you, but yeah, I get what youre saying and it made me kind of cringe as well.

In her defense, I think she meant "they" as a descriptor for "cocaine addicted lushes", not homosexuals.

03-03-2009, 01:29 PM
2 & 3) "Friend" was an inebriated mess who claims "blackout". My only hope is a neighbor noticed a strange vehicle late, LATE Saturday night (actually, Sunday morning).

so, the guy remembers that he said "i'll take a cab" and then remembers "we'll drive you home and drop you off with your car" and then says "i didn't know they were coming in, until they did", suddenly claims blackout?

03-03-2009, 01:30 PM
Hopefully the bar has surveillance tape that shows your "friend" and whomever he was with.

03-03-2009, 01:31 PM
so, the guy remembers that he said "i'll take a cab" and then remembers "we'll drive you home and drop you off with your car" and then says "i didn't know they were coming in, until they did", suddenly claims blackout?

That alone isn't too surprising. There have been plenty of times I've been fuzzy enough to consider it a legitimate blackout, but I've still remembered bits and pieces of random details.

Red Hawk #21
03-03-2009, 01:32 PM
That's messed up Amigo, I don't really think there is much you can do at this point (legally). You just have to hope that the Police can catch the guys who did this to you. And one more thing, cut ties with this so called "Friend" of yours.

03-03-2009, 01:34 PM
i'd ask your friend if he canceled his credit cards. and ask him to prove it.

03-03-2009, 01:39 PM
From that place?

I call bullshit on the entire story. Nathan Lane is in on it.

<-- Dark Reign

PM the details of what you mean to this account.

side note: this is my one and only troll I ever created and it was very early in my time here at ST. It was stupid when I created it and even dumber that I remember it now. But at least it finally served a purpose.

03-03-2009, 01:41 PM
so, the guy remembers that he said "i'll take a cab" and then remembers "we'll drive you home and drop you off with your car" and then says "i didn't know they were coming in, until they did", suddenly claims blackout?

Exactly. Hes bullshitting, but I think for benign reasons.

He doesnt want to be held responsible lawfully. What he doesnt know is that even if I wanted to press charges against him, I couldnt.

As the cop said "He had a right to be here and if he invited them in, so did they (so no B&E). The only thing he is guilty of is bad judgement...nothing criminal."

03-03-2009, 01:43 PM
Exactly. Hes bullshitting, but I think for benign reasons.

He doesnt want to be held responsible lawfully. What he doesnt know is that even if I wanted to press charges against him, I couldnt.

As the cop said "He had a right to be here and if he invited them in, so then they had a right as well (so no B&E). The only thing he is guilty of is bad judgement...nothing criminal."

Just to clarify what I meant, I forgot to logout to edit my post. Oh well.

03-03-2009, 01:44 PM
Sorry that happened to you. However, how do you know for sure that this friend isn't the one who ripped you off, blaming it on so called people he met at a bar?

03-03-2009, 01:45 PM
I think he's going to find out.

03-03-2009, 01:45 PM
i'd ask your friend if he canceled his credit cards. and ask him to prove it.

he claims to have had his wallet stolen, right?

03-03-2009, 01:46 PM
Sorry that happened to you. However, how do you know for sure that this friend isn't the one who ripped you off, blaming it on so called people he met at a bar?

Well, of course I am not 110%, abso-fucking-lutely positive.

But I am as confident as one can be that he didnt do it. I know as certain as I am alive he wouldnt steal from us (or anyone for that matter). If he does end up being responsible...it'd be the first time I was ever speechless.

03-03-2009, 01:48 PM
No hijack for you, but yeah, I get what youre saying and it made me kind of cringe as well.

In her defense, I think she meant "they" as a descriptor for "cocaine addicted lushes", not homosexuals.

:tu Thank you, but it doesn't really matter to me. She will take issue with anything I say, no matter how it was meant. Oh well, I ain't losing sleep over it. ;)

03-03-2009, 01:49 PM
To the Motherfuckers who stole my shit and are probably playing my fucking games right now and going through the "Favorites" of Internet Explorer seeing what kind of person I am...[/B]

I'll see you soon. Real soon. I really dont want any of my shit back....keep it. But I'd sure like to meet you. Do you want to meet me?

Fucking cowards.


1) Strangulation leaves no bloodstains, rope is very cheap, and rope can be paid for with cash.

2) Ants make great reducers. If you leave a dead carcass next to or on top of a large fire-ant hill in the boonies under a tarp and a few inches of soil, they will strip the bones of soft tissue in a rather astonishingly short amount of time.

3) Industrial strength vinegar dissolves calcium rather efficiently, and can be bought in bulk for cash from many grocery stores.

4) Your wife cannot be forced in a court of law to testify against you.

Not that you should do anything with this information, mind you, but if you do something... rash, just don't be stupid about it.

Good luck in getting your stuff back. Fuck.

03-03-2009, 01:49 PM
he claims to have had his wallet stolen, right?

Had to call the wife to check the police report. No, his wallet was not stolen. Just his cellphone (my error in the first post).

Also, these people didnt take any jewelry. Tiffany jewelry, at that. They would take the time and multiple trips to hustle out the electronics and handbags, but not pocket the jewelry sitting on the dresser?!

03-03-2009, 01:50 PM
Of course, if he is on it, all he has to do is go the bar and get shitfaced while they are taking all of your shit. He takes their car to the bar while his stays.

Pick him up afterwards, drop him off and bolt.

03-03-2009, 01:51 PM
Let me know when you shoot that PM, DLF.

03-03-2009, 01:51 PM
Had to call the wife to check the police report. No, his wallet was not stolen. Just his cellphone (my error in the first post).

Also, these people didnt take any jewelry. Tiffany jewelry, at that. They would take the time and multiple trips to hustle out the electronics and handbags, but not pocket the jewelry sitting on the dresser?!

Easier to sell.

03-03-2009, 01:51 PM
Already did.

03-03-2009, 01:52 PM
:tu Thank you, but it doesn't really matter to me. She will take issue with anything I say, no matter how it was meant. Oh well, I ain't losing sleep over it. ;)

Oh, please. I didn't even realize it was your post until after DarkReign responded -- the use of "she" and "her" is what inspired me to go back and look at the original post.

03-03-2009, 01:53 PM
Already did.

Read it. Gotcha. Definitely something to consider.

03-03-2009, 01:57 PM
I usually don't buy these stories. Are you supposed to believe that two guys who didn't know the sitter thought he wouldn't be a problem just because he passed out?

I'd imagine anyone worth his salt would at least tie his ass up.

03-03-2009, 01:58 PM
So, all in all, our losses look like this...

(20+) Coach/Louis Vuitton purses/handbags/wallets = ~$10k+
(1) Bad-ass, liquid cooled, custom painted computer = $7k
(1) One generic Dell computer = ~$2k
Xbox 360, 4 games, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$700
PS3, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$600
Wii system, 4 controller, 2 nunchuks, 2 charge stations = ~$500
All my HDMI cables, Component cables = ~$200
JVC surround sound system = $800 (5 years old)
Total: ~$22,000.00

That is a lot of stuff. Hopefully the dollar amount involved will force the police to pursue it a bit more than someone who just lost a TV or something.

Talk to the county prosecutor's office as well, if the cops aren't going after it hard enough to suit you.

The police might not be elected, but the prosecutor is, and that give you a bit more leverage to get some action.

03-03-2009, 02:01 PM
Shit, I just remembered that...our fucking pictures....oh man...

That is my worst nightmare!

Which is why a couple of years back I started backing up our entire system at 3 separate locations..... just in case of fire, robbery, user error.

I could bear losing the electronics and money, that's easily replacable.

But I'd kill the fucker that was responsible for taking away those precious momentos of family memories.

03-03-2009, 02:01 PM
That is a lot of stuff. Hopefully the dollar amount involved will force the police to pursue it a bit more than someone who just lost a TV or something.

Talk to the county prosecutor's office as well, if the cops aren't going after it hard enough to suit you.

The police might not be elected, but the prosecutor is, and that give you a bit more leverage to get some action.

All very good ideas. So far, lets just say I am not too impressed with the police.

But I fall just north of city jurisdiction (as in, across the street). Its the sheriff's department case (an elected position). Depending on how today goes, this is good info to have.

03-03-2009, 02:02 PM
I usually don't buy these stories. Are you supposed to believe that two guys who didn't know the sitter thought he wouldn't be a problem just because he passed out?

I'd imagine anyone worth his salt would at least tie his ass up.

The more and more I start down this line of thinking, the more it tends to make more sense than the alternative.

But thats just because I want retribution, I think...lest my retribution be misplaced.

The tapes will show.

03-03-2009, 02:03 PM
That is my worst nightmare!

Which is why a couple of years back I started backing up our entire system at 3 separate locations..... just in case of fire, robbery, user error.

I could bear losing the electronics and money, that's easily replacable.

But I'd kill the fucker that was responsible for taking away those precious momentos of family memories.

Fuck, when I think about it, I have the last pictures of my father on that computer.

Bad day just got worse.

03-03-2009, 02:06 PM
That is a lot of stuff. Hopefully the dollar amount involved will force the police to pursue it a bit more than someone who just lost a TV or something.

I'm probably looking at around the same dollar amount of crap in my house(just swap the coach purses for electronics, my wife's a tech geek), which made it a no brainer to get video surveillance. You might think of that after you've worked through this ordeal to get that "secure" feeling back.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 02:09 PM
I'm glad ur friend is ok. He could have been hurt.

03-03-2009, 02:18 PM
This absolutely fucking sucks, sorry to hear about it.

People that rob other people's homes should be fucking killed.

If it makes you feel better DR, a buddy of mine in Tampa had his house robbed a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the day. His pets were left ok as well but they caught the fuckers a week later. So maybe this will end up with a happy ending as well.

03-03-2009, 02:18 PM
I'm glad ur friend is ok. He could have been hurt.

His friend needs to be put down.

03-03-2009, 02:20 PM
This absolutely fucking sucks, sorry to hear about it.

People that rob other people's homes should be fucking killed.

If it makes you feel better DR, a buddy of mine in Tampa had his house robbed a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the day. His pets were left ok as well but they caught the fuckers a week later. So maybe this will end up with a happy ending as well.

I can only hope.

His friend needs to be put down.

:lmao He'll get his, this I am quite sure of.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 02:27 PM
Just remember he is ur friend. You trusted him enough to watch ur shit in the first place. Seek him out,give him a hug and tell him its ok. Those guys might have raped ur friend and he is to embarass to tell anyone,perhaps thats why he checked into rehab.

03-03-2009, 02:28 PM
Just remember he is ur friend. You trusted him enough to watch ur shit in the first place. Seek him out,give him a hug and tell him its ok. Those guys might have raped ur friend and he is to embarass to tell anyone,perhaps thats why he checked into rehab.

Or option B: Have him put to sleep.

Heath Ledger
03-03-2009, 02:33 PM
Whats up with all of the Coach purses? What a fucking waste of money.

03-03-2009, 02:38 PM
Whats up with all of the Coach purses? What a fucking waste of money.

coach purses rock.

03-03-2009, 02:40 PM
Whats up with all of the Coach purses? What a fucking waste of money.

Gotta keep up with the Jones' don't ya know? :lol

Cry Havoc
03-03-2009, 02:45 PM
Sorry to hear that Dark. :( You've always been a classy poster on ST. At least your dogs are ok and you and yours are in good health, though that doesn't take away from how much this SUCKS.

03-03-2009, 02:47 PM
Whats up with all of the Coach purses? What a fucking waste of money.

We arent starving, she can spend her money on any damn thing she wants.

..but i get your point.

03-03-2009, 02:53 PM
Just remember he is ur friend. You trusted him enough to watch ur shit in the first place. Seek him out,give him a hug and tell him its ok. Those guys might have raped ur friend and he is to embarass to tell anyone,perhaps thats why he checked into rehab.

if he got raped he deserved it for taking strangers to the house.

03-03-2009, 02:54 PM
We arent starving, she can spend her money on any damn thing she wants.

..but i get your point.

Hindsight is 20/20, but you could've gotten a nice video security setup with the money spent on a couple of those purses.

How long have ya'll lived at that house? I know that I was never able to get that "secure" feeling back after I had my cars broken into.

I sold 2 cars after they were broken into, just because I was constantly thinking about the thieves going through it.

03-03-2009, 02:56 PM
I still believe that the "friend" was in on it.

It would be one thing for the theives to overhear him bragging about having a nice house to house-sit.

But cmon, to take a chance on just someone bragging and knowing for sure what kind of loot there was are two different things.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 02:56 PM
Hindsight is 20/20, but you could've gotten a nice video security setup with the money spent on a couple of those purses.

How long have ya'll lived at that house? I know that I was never able to get that "secure" feeling back after I had my cars broken into.

I sold 2 cars after they were broken into, just because I was constantly thinking about the thieves going through it.

Security, his best friend let the crooks in. Still you should take ur buddy out to dinner and let him know it was not his fault and u love him. I'm sure he feels bad.

03-03-2009, 02:59 PM
Security, his best friend let the crooks in. Still you should take ur buddy out to dinner and let him know it was not his fault and u love him. I'm sure he feels bad.

Regardless if he let them in, there would be video of all that transpired that night. Hooked up to some beefy hard-drives and you have unlimited time of video to see what really happened.

03-03-2009, 03:01 PM
Security, his best friend let the crooks in. Still you should take ur buddy out to dinner and let him know it was not his fault and u love him. I'm sure he feels bad.

he bolted from the house and checked into rehab, without calling DR.

he's not telling the whole story.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 03:03 PM
Regardless if he let them in, there would be video of all that transpired that night. Hooked up to some beefy hard-drives and you have unlimited time of video to see what really happened.

But this was his best freind. You trust ur best friend. Thats why he left him with all his shit. You just don't do that unless you love the guy.Chances are he would know were the video is at and know all the codes.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 03:04 PM
he bolted from the house and checked into rehab, without calling DR.

he's not telling the whole story.

I agree, I think he was assholed by the crooks.

03-03-2009, 03:05 PM
he never said he was HIS best friend.

03-03-2009, 03:05 PM
But this was his best freind. You trust ur besy friend. Thats why he left him with all his belongings. You just don't do that unless you love the guy.Chances are he would know were the video is at and know all the codes.

Camera are rolling whenever I'm not at my house, no codes, no nothing. If it's not your house, then you shouldn't be doing anything you wouldn't want taped.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 03:08 PM
Camera are rolling whenever I'm not at my house, no codes, no nothing. If it's not your house, then you shouldn't be doing anything you wouldn't want taped.

I get what u are saying. I think its a great thing. I'm just saying DR has his best buddy watch his house and that DR would show him all the security. I hope DR does not throw his friendship away over silly merchandise. DR make sure u change the locks.

03-03-2009, 03:15 PM
I'm calling troll job by sommerset in this thread.

03-03-2009, 03:18 PM
I'm calling troll job by sommerset in this thread.

maybe he was raped by home intruders once

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 03:20 PM
I'm calling troll job by sommerset in this thread.

I'm serious. I have seen stupid shit like this wreck friendships. Its crap, DR has insurance, he trusted him with his house and everything in the house. Something went wrong just don't blame him,blame yourself.

03-03-2009, 03:21 PM
million to one the fruit has the purses stashed...

03-03-2009, 03:23 PM
I'm serious. I have seen stupid shit like this wreck friendships. Its crap, DR has insurance, he trusted him with his house and everything in the house. Something went wrong just don't blame him,blame yourself.

Something like this should ruin a fucking friendship. I know I would no longer want to be friends with a douche like this guy. And it was too DR's buddy that is to blame. If he would have just watched the house like a normal fucking housesitter should, then this wouldn't have happened.

Fuck this guy.

03-03-2009, 03:23 PM
million to one the fruit has the purses stashed...

That's a good point too.

Blue Jew
03-03-2009, 03:25 PM
The mere fact that the robbers took their time is proof they did not fear the owners coming home and proves it was an inside job.

03-03-2009, 03:28 PM
Getting robbed sucks.

03-03-2009, 03:29 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 25 (15 members and 10 guests)
Soundbyte, Blue Jew, Danyo, MoSpur, init2winit, timvp, HighLowLobForBig-50, jack sommerset, dimsah, Bender, Taco, The Franchise, MannyIsGod, DarkReign, Heath Ledger


03-03-2009, 03:29 PM
Damn, that sucks. Hope it works out for you :tu

I'm not sure how it works where you live but in San Antonio, the police wouldn't be of much help in that situation. They'll run the fingerprints but that's about it.

If you really want to catch the perps, hire a PI. Preferably one of shady moral character who only takes cash upon completion of the investigation. Might have to drop a few G's but as long as the "friend" was honest, it sounds like a very solvable crime.


Agree with you 100% concerning the medication. :lol @ living in a society where you go on a drug cocktail because you are sad you F'ed up.

03-03-2009, 03:31 PM

Was ST in your bookmarks? Were you automatically logged in? If so, they will probably stumble onto it.

Let me do some IP digging . . . :hat

03-03-2009, 04:02 PM
I used to work with a gay guy who got rolled on a semi-regular basis. Apparently gay bars are popular with crooks because gay guys don't usually report crimes to the police. I could never understand why the guy I worked with kept getting ripped off. You'd think he would have learned his lesson after the first 5 or 6 times he had to replace all of his shit.

03-03-2009, 04:05 PM
Was ST in your bookmarks? Were you automatically logged in? If so, they will probably stumble onto it.

Let me do some IP digging . . . :hat

Youre the man. And yes, I do stay logged in. I just hope I didnt forget to close my browser at work.

wife #7
03-03-2009, 04:10 PM
I used to work with a gay guy

How is Chris Duel these days?

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 04:17 PM
I used to work with a gay guy who got rolled on a semi-regular basis. Apparently gay bars are popular with crooks because gay guys don't usually report crimes to the police. I could never understand why the guy I worked with kept getting ripped off. You'd think he would have learned his lesson after the first 5 or 6 times he had to replace all of his shit.

Thats what I'm saying. Gay sex is involved with this crime.

03-03-2009, 04:21 PM
I'm serious. I have seen stupid shit like this wreck friendships. Its crap, DR has insurance, he trusted him with his house and everything in the house. Something went wrong just don't blame him,blame yourself.

I *see* what youre saying, but this is the "I must have tripped, slipped on a bar soap and accidently stuck my dick in your wife" kind of fuck up. (ty Last Boy Scout).

Besides, my wife is the one calling the shots on this particular topic and lets just say the preliminary results arent in his favor.

03-03-2009, 04:23 PM
I used to work with a gay guy who got rolled on a semi-regular basis. Apparently gay bars are popular with crooks because gay guys don't usually report crimes to the police. I could never understand why the guy I worked with kept getting ripped off. You'd think he would have learned his lesson after the first 5 or 6 times he had to replace all of his shit.

Again, weird coincidence. This situation has happened to him in his apartment twice before this.

On your own time and your own dime is one thing....on mine is unforgivable.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 04:36 PM
DR use this clip to help ur friend. Show the wife. U guys can share a great moment.


03-03-2009, 04:40 PM
If you really want to catch the perps, hire a PI. Preferably one of shady moral character who only takes cash upon completion of the investigation. Might have to drop a few G's but as long as the "friend" was honest, it sounds like a very solvable crime.

We're taking this advice immediately.

03-03-2009, 04:41 PM
Security, his best friend let the crooks in. Still you should take ur buddy out to dinner and let him know it was not his fault and u love him. I'm sure he feels bad.

All the more reason why dude should try to make amends instead of hiding like a pussy.

03-03-2009, 04:41 PM
Miraculously, DarkReign is no longer viewing this thread.

03-03-2009, 04:42 PM
mouse is for hire.

you have to pick him up and provide snax though.

he has this search light he wears on his head, usually for dumpster diving, but i'm pretty sure he can use it to solve the crime...

also, hide your jewelry.

03-03-2009, 04:43 PM
Damn, DR. I am sorry to hear about that. I know how your wife is feeling, because I was the victim of a home invasion a couple of years ago, bastard broke in while I was asleep in my bedroom. For a couple days afterwards, everything scared me, especially since I had to spend time alone at night in the house. The next day, I was pouring soda in a glass with ice, and the the clinking sound that the resettling of the ice cubes in the glass makes made me jump so bad I swear I might have scraped the ceiling.

It gets better, but it takes time. Just do everything you can to assure her that they got everything they want and so likely won't come back, and maybe even signing her up for a self-defense class might help. We got a gated screen door for our entry, and it looks ghetto as fuck, but I don't care because it makes me feel infinitely safer. Patience is probably the real key, though. Good luck solving the crime and I hope she feels safe again soon.

03-03-2009, 04:49 PM
I'm serious. I have seen stupid shit like this wreck friendships. Its crap, DR has insurance, he trusted him with his house and everything in the house. Something went wrong just don't blame him,blame yourself.

Insurance don't replace trust, peace of mind, or things that are sentimentally priceless.

When I was in high school I lived with my sister because my parents kicked me out. I was a prick as a teenager. While I lived with her, my tweeker sister stole my tv, vcr, Super Nintendo (hold your laughter, this was 14 years ago), cd player, speakers, and all my cds (including a few given to me by a friend before he went to prison) while I was at school. My parents' insurance replaced everything (except the cds from my friend) but it didn't replace the trust. I still don't have a relationship with my sister and I don't want one because she doesn't accept responsibility. She falls back on the "It wasn't her fault, it was the drugs that drove her to steal" excuse.

Material shit is just that: material shit. It's the emotional variables that really matter. That's the hardest hit from which to heal.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 04:52 PM
Insurance don't replace trust, peace of mind, or things that are sentimentally priceless.

When I was in high school I lived with my sister because my parents kicked me out. I was a prick as a teenager. While I lived with her, my tweeker sister stole my tv, vcr, Super Nintendo (hold your laughter, this was 14 years ago), cd player, speakers, and all my cds (including a few given to me by a friend before he went to prison) while I was at school. My parents' insurance replaced everything (except the cds from my friend) but it didn't replace the trust. I still don't have a relationship with my sister and I don't want one because she doesn't accept responsibility. She falls back on the "It wasn't her fault, it was the drugs that drove her to steal" excuse.

Material shit is just that: material shit. It's the emotional variables that really matter. That's the hardest hit from which to heal.

Go to her now.You need a hug from ur sister. She was a drugee and u were a prick as a teenager. Lover ur sister. Forgive her.

03-03-2009, 04:59 PM
Go to her now.You need a hug from ur sister. She was a drugee and u were a prick as a teenager. Lover ur sister. Forgive her.


Spare me the bullshit. She had her own nice shit she could have pawned for drug money. She chose to rip me off instead. I took better care of her fucking kids while she was strung out and she thanks me by jacking my shit?

Two words: fuck that.

Stromile Swift
03-03-2009, 05:09 PM
i feel bad for you

The Franchise
03-03-2009, 05:13 PM
You should make your friend pay for all the shit that he allowed someone to take.

03-03-2009, 05:22 PM
I guess that's what you get for letting a fagot watch your house, and for trying to over-value your shit...

03-03-2009, 05:24 PM
I guess that's what you get for letting a fagot watch your house, and for trying to over-value your shit...


So youre a homophobe that knows nothing about how much shit costs?

Got it. Youre not only clueless, but bigoted too. Wonderful combination.

03-03-2009, 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by timvp

If you really want to catch the perps, hire a PI. Preferably one of shady moral character who only takes cash upon completion of the investigation. Might have to drop a few G's but as long as the "friend" was honest, it sounds like a very solvable crime.

We're taking this advice immediately.

That is a good bit of advice as well.

For what it is worth, I know of some guys in Austin that I used to work for, (yes, RG was a licensed private investigator at one time) if you would like their address.

They aren't quite "shady", but were very honest guys I would trust with anything. They wouldn't actively help you do anything illegal, but they wouldn't really ask what you would do with the information from their investigation either.

jack sommersett
03-03-2009, 05:28 PM
I guess that's what you get for letting a fagot watch your house, and for trying to over-value your shit...

It's "faggot," you stupid fuck. And by the way, we prefer to be called "Queens."


03-03-2009, 05:29 PM
Sorry, DarkReign. That sucks.

03-03-2009, 05:33 PM
That is a good bit of advice as well.

For what it is worth, I know of some guys in Austin that I used to work for, (yes, RG was a licensed private investigator at one time) if you would like their address.

They aren't quite "shady", but were very honest guys I would trust with anything. They wouldn't actively help you do anything illegal, but they wouldn't really ask what you would do with the information from their investigation either.


Thanks, but I live in Michigan.

jack sommerset
03-03-2009, 05:33 PM
You should make your friend pay for all the shit that he allowed someone to take.

GAWD. The guy has insurance. Thats what insurance is for.

DR:::"Can uo come to my house and take care of it for me, I am going out of town, I need my dogs feed, I really need the favor best freind"

Best Friend: "Sure buddy, I'll help you out"

DR:::: "Oh and if any of my shit gets stolen you are fucking paying for it"

Give me a freaken break. I don't even want to say the guy fucked up. He had a couple of dudes over (For sex I bet) and they ripped off DR. Like he knew they were going to do that. Amazes me how some of you are acting.

03-03-2009, 05:40 PM
coach purses rock.

First step, start scanning ebay and craigslist.

ebay offers some decent searches that would allow sorting by offer date.

Seem coach purses are popular items.

Do different sorts of coach purses by date, and distance, and see if anybody in the your area suddenly has a bunch of them to sell in recent days.

Further, have your wife do it and see if she recognizes any of the pictures of the offered items.

Do the same for craigslist.

You might even want to check for the dog in this manner. It may be that they are trying to pawn the dog off.

It is possible that one of the theives was female, given that purses were involved.

Beats the f*** out of me why the jewelry wasn't touched, my guess is that it would have been too hard to sell.

The Franchise
03-03-2009, 05:42 PM
GAWD. The guy has insurance. Thats what insurance is for.

DR:::"Can uo come to my house and take care of it for me, I am going out of town, I need my dogs feed, I really need the favor best freind"

Best Friend: "Sure buddy, I'll help you out"

DR:::: "Oh and if any of my shit gets stolen you are fucking paying for it"

Give me a freaken break. I don't even want to say the guy fucked up. He had a couple of dudes over (For sex I bet) and they ripped off DR. Like he knew they were going to do that. Amazes me how some of you are acting.

The bottom line is you don't bring people you met at a bar to party at someone elses' house. Had they broken in and stolen everything it would be different, but he let these people in for a sex party so he would be paying for my shit. Either with Money or blood it would be his choice.

03-03-2009, 05:42 PM

Thanks, but I live in Michigan.

Ooops. My bad. better to get someone local. Given Michegan's unemployment at the moment, you might be able to find a good deal on a shady type.

03-03-2009, 05:42 PM
Being robbed has got to be one of the ugliest feelings ever. I read all the posts in here and I can't shake drugs and payment , it keeps coming up ... 22k in drugs in a few days is a helluva binge. Followed by rehab. Makes some sense.

F'n Douchebag housesitting queer of a friend. I hope you recover your computer man. All the rest doesnt matter , insurance can get it back. Stay strong.

03-03-2009, 05:47 PM
Being robbed has got to be one of the ugliest feelings ever. I read all the posts in here and I can't shake drugs and payment , it keeps coming up ... 22k in drugs in a few days is a helluva binge. Followed by rehab. Makes some sense.

F'n Douchebag housesitting queer of a friend. I hope you recover your computer man. All the rest doesnt matter , insurance can get it back. Stay strong.

Hmm. That is a distinct possibility.

One would not get the full $22k from selling the items though.

If this were the case, the items were unloaded at a local pawn shop or something similar, as online auctions or sales from ads in the newspaper would have taken a bit too long.

Still one could inquire of Ebay for their cooperation if the auction is already closed.

Have the police pursue that line of inquiry, as Ebay is likely experienced at dealing with the police for this very thing. I would imagine ebay would be more than willing to help.

Horn Tooter
03-03-2009, 05:49 PM
(20+) Coach/Louis Vuitton purses/handbags/wallets = ~$10k+
(1) Bad-ass, liquid cooled, custom painted computer = $7k
(1) One generic Dell computer = ~$2k
Xbox 360, 4 games, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$700
PS3, 2 controllers and a charge station = ~$600
Wii system, 4 controller, 2 nunchuks, 2 charge stations = ~$500
All my HDMI cables, Component cables = ~$200
JVC surround sound system = $800 (5 years old)
Total: ~$22,000.00


03-03-2009, 05:49 PM
Fuck, when I think about it, I have the last pictures of my father on that computer.

Bad day just got worse.

As far as sentimental items you can't replace go, this one broke my heart. Having lost a father as well, I completely understand how valuable things like these are. I'm really sorry, bud.

03-03-2009, 05:51 PM
GAWD. The guy has insurance. Thats what insurance is for.

One might think that, but you would have to have a very good listing of the items stolen, if it is even covered by the policy.

One note to all who think their shit is covered by a policy:

Can you prove any of it existed or how much it was worth if it disappeared?

Periodically take pictures or inventory (once every year or so) of your stuff that might be valuable enough to steal. Get serial numbers on everything that might have them.

It makes a world of difference when dealing with the insurance company and/or police.

03-03-2009, 05:54 PM
One might think that, but you would have to have a very good listing of the items stolen, if it is even covered by the policy.

One note to all who think their shit is covered by a policy:

Can you prove any of it existed or how much it was worth if it disappeared?

Periodically take pictures or inventory (once every year or so) of your stuff that might be valuable enough to steal. Get serial numbers on everything that might have them.

It makes a world of difference when dealing with the insurance company and/or police.

Good advice. Thanks.

The Franchise
03-03-2009, 05:55 PM
One might think that, but you would have to have a very good listing of the items stolen, if it is even covered by the policy.

One note to all who think their shit is covered by a policy:

Can you prove any of it existed or how much it was worth if it disappeared?

Periodically take pictures or inventory (once every year or so) of your stuff that might be valuable enough to steal. Get serial numbers on everything that might have them.

It makes a world of difference when dealing with the insurance company and/or police.

Your absolutely right. My wife is a claims adjuster and her job is basically to find reasons not to pay people. When you do get paid a lot of companies may not want to renew your homeowners insurance depending on the amount. The insurance route can be a pain.

03-03-2009, 05:59 PM

03-03-2009, 06:02 PM
So sorry to hear about this, DR. I hope you are able to find the people who did this. I'm going to make sure all our photos are updated and stored off site and save my important stuff off site as well (and take a look at RG's precautions as well) but I'm sorry that reminder for us comes at such a cost for you.

As for your wife's 'friend' - yeah, I don't stay in relationships of any kind when there has been such a breach of trust and fellowship. Good for you and your wife for letting that one go.

03-03-2009, 06:06 PM
To the Motherfuckers who stole my shit and are probably playing my fucking games right now and going through the "Favorites" of Internet Explorer seeing what kind of person I am...

I'll see you soon. Real soon. I really dont want any of my shit back....keep it. But I'd sure like to meet you. Do you want to meet me?


03-03-2009, 06:09 PM
... You just have to hope that the Police can catch the guys who did this to you. And one more thing, cut ties with this so called "Friend" of yours.

So... in your sig you thank Che "i don`t give a f...ck about private property" Guevara, but then you hope they catch the robbers?

you are as full of shit as Che "i`ll fucking kill you if you not share my retarded ideology" Guevara.

03-03-2009, 06:16 PM

Ok, thats pretty funny.

03-03-2009, 07:02 PM
Hamlin Pub, 25 and Van Dyke

i am really sorry this happened we should all go to that bar and fuck them up, i fucking hate people like that

03-03-2009, 07:22 PM
by the way,

Texas and Florida institute the "Castle doctrine"

If anyone breaks into your home, you can legally kill them, no questions asked.

03-03-2009, 07:58 PM
by the way,

Texas and Florida institute the "Castle doctrine"

If anyone breaks into your home, you can legally kill them, no questions asked.

Dude, you can shoot them just for spray-painting your house.

"Is that my TV in your hands?"

"um, well, I, uh..."


Yippie ki yay mother fucker.

03-03-2009, 08:34 PM
Hey bro, that sucks. 22K? Wow I feel mad when I lose 10 dolllars.

Hopefully you catch these guys. Also you should cut of their hand from which they stole from. lol

03-03-2009, 08:50 PM
I'm sorry you were robbed. I hope you fully recover everything that was taken from you.

03-03-2009, 10:21 PM
First of all I am really sorry to hear about your loss. But I must say

(20+) Coach/Louis Vuitton purses/handbags/wallets = ~$10k+

WTF Damn!

03-03-2009, 10:39 PM
I only read the first 2 pages and I saw someone post it, so is the Xbox or PS3 online? Whats the Xbox gamer tag see the last log on time.

Don't send messages but see if they keep playing. On another gaming board someones Xbox was stolen and the cops were able to get info from Microsoft and the ISP to track them down and they did get busted.

This will only help if you had a online account and remeber do not mail them talking shit because it may scare them from playing online. Hell they may even be stupid enough to change the bio and put there myspace or some shit.

03-03-2009, 10:42 PM
I'm sorry you were robbed. I hope you fully recover everything that was taken from you.

03-03-2009, 11:36 PM
O-yea you should PM Mouse because I bet those PCs some how find there way into his place for some reason or another.

Blue Jew
03-03-2009, 11:41 PM
He stop working on PCs a month ago!

Mouse got a job with
Microsoft Corporation (http://www.microsoft.com/)

- www.microsoft.com
8000 Ih 10 W, San Antonio - (210) 525-7975

03-03-2009, 11:45 PM
He stop working on PCs a month ago!

Mouse got a job with
Microsoft Corporation (http://www.microsoft.com/)

- www.microsoft.com
8000 Ih 10 W, San Antonio - (210) 525-7975

And he has also said he would quit posting here at SpursTalk many times and how did that work out?

Viva Las Espuelas
03-03-2009, 11:49 PM
sorry about that, man. sorry, but i think your "friend" knows exactly what went where.

03-04-2009, 12:25 PM
sorry about that, man. sorry, but i think your "friend" knows exactly what went where.


I think he knows more than he's telling. I also think he's involved more than he's telling.

03-04-2009, 07:21 PM
And he has also said he would quit posting here at SpursTalk many times and how did that work out?


03-05-2009, 03:04 AM
DR, also know that pawn shops are required to submit serial and model number information to the police on all items people sell to the store. If they hawked the game systems for quick cash and you can match serial numbers and recover your equipment.

I'd also check craigslist and ebay ads for anyone selling the consoles you owned in lots with the exact same set of games and equipment (controllers, memory cards, cables, etc) in or near your location. If they were stupid enough to leave behind fingerprints then they're probably trying to flip this stuff for quick cash.

03-05-2009, 07:33 AM
DR, I'm sorry to hear that you got robbed.

I sincerely hope they find the fuckers that did this and you are able to get those pics back.

Fat Bones
03-05-2009, 08:14 AM
by the way,

Texas and Florida institute the "Castle doctrine"

If anyone breaks into your home, you can legally kill them, no questions asked.
As long as they're still in your house...two weeks later you go shooting the alleged perp...oh yeah, there's gonna be questions.

So yeah, no questions asked....for a limited time only.

03-06-2009, 03:29 PM
Any updates, DR?

03-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Hey DR,
Go to this site. http://www.lifelock.com/
We signed up. It's $10/mo x 2 (you & your wife) = $20/mo.
They guarantee your identity theft protection up to $1,000.000. The president of this company has an ad where he gives out his real SSN as a way to tout how safe it is.

We signed up after someone in the netherlands attempted to charge a $3,000 plane ticket using my husband's amex.

03-06-2009, 08:58 PM
You know that lifelock dude had his indentity stolen right? LMFAO still... you would be insured so it really doesn't matter.

Yes it was, also he no longer is the CEO of the company after reports came out about his past, one being he stole his dads identity to get credit cards.


03-06-2009, 09:10 PM
For some reason I thought this was a really old thread that had been bumped so I didn't read it until now, but damn, that sucks DR. Even worse than the material loss, getting robbed is a really creepy feeling. I hope those dickless fucks either get caught and/or burn in hell for what they've done to you.

03-07-2009, 11:38 AM
Any updates, DR?

We are 90% sure who did it. Will know more next Wednesday.

It wasnt the guy we left in charge of the house.

jack sommerset
03-07-2009, 12:30 PM
We are 90% sure who did it. Will know more next Wednesday.

It wasnt the guy we left in charge of the house.

Now you really should swallow ur pride and go give him a hug and tell him you are sorry and knew the entire time it was not his fault. Love ur best buddy.

03-07-2009, 01:05 PM
We are 90% sure who did it. Will know more next Wednesday.

It wasnt the guy we left in charge of the house.

Well then. I take back everything I said comparing him to my worthless POS ex-friend! :)


03-07-2009, 03:27 PM
We are 90% sure who did it. Will know more next Wednesday.

It wasnt the guy we left in charge of the house.

Good luck catching the crook and getting back those pics . . .

03-07-2009, 04:58 PM
one time my cousin stole an almond joy from me

03-08-2009, 05:33 PM
im really sorry for your loss, i hope you get your stuff recovered.

one question tho, u posted this "Anyway, we left him in charge of the household. Hes a bar-fly, so him going out and getting toasty is expected."

you left a guy in charge of your house that u knew would get "toasty" a.k.a. drunk to watch all ur stuff ?

03-09-2009, 01:40 AM
you left a guy in charge of your house that u knew would get "toasty" a.k.a. drunk to watch all ur stuff ?

Im drunk...right now....watching the absentee stuff mentioned in this thread.

Point is, hes just like the wife and I. We drink, we hang, we dont try to drink and drive....so yeah.

03-09-2009, 01:41 AM
one time my cousin stole an almond joy from me

Gave it back without almonds and said "Here's a mounds, I saaaaaaaaaaaid."

03-13-2009, 05:23 PM
any new development on this? hope you found the bastards who did this

03-16-2009, 10:43 AM
Yeah, what the **** happened? I'm dyin' to know.

03-16-2009, 10:58 AM
Gave it back without almonds and said "Here's a mounds, I saaaaaaaaaaaid."

That's funny, right there. I don't care who ya are...

03-16-2009, 03:55 PM
any new development on this? hope you found the bastards who did this

Yeah, what the **** happened? I'm dyin' to know.

Tell you in one week. We went a "different" avenue. You must realize (as i did much too late), those fuckers have access to my favorites. I have to assume they didnt sell the shit.

Less I say here, the better (shouldnt have started this thread to begin with, tbh).

03-16-2009, 03:57 PM
Tell me nao

03-16-2009, 04:05 PM
the only way to thank ur gay friend is to suck his dick nao

03-16-2009, 04:40 PM
WTF is "nao"?

Viva Las Espuelas
03-16-2009, 04:41 PM
WTF is "nao"?
an acronym

03-16-2009, 04:48 PM
Git to the chopper
do it nao!!!

03-16-2009, 05:35 PM
we want moar

03-16-2009, 05:38 PM
all your base are belong to us.

03-17-2009, 10:37 AM
I got Rick Trolled.


04-07-2009, 09:34 PM
Hey, DR. I know you became fairly hesitant to post in this thread, but I was curious...anything? You can speak in code...ike-lay is-thay.

04-08-2009, 02:10 AM
Hey, DR. I know you became fairly hesitant to post in this thread, but I was curious...anything? You can speak in code...ike-lay is-thay.

They caught the guy that did it and now he's sleepin' with the fishes, see.

04-08-2009, 01:38 PM
Hey, DR. I know you became fairly hesitant to post in this thread, but I was curious...anything? You can speak in code...ike-lay is-thay.

They caught the guy that did it and now he's sleepin' with the fishes, see.

I came across a person who could get things "done", but I elected not to use him. The more information thats been gathered, the more it had lead away from who we thought it was.

In the end, I just didnt have the heart to put someone in the way of a blunt object on a hunch.

House-sitter took a lie detector and passed with flying colors. I am not familiar with the accuracy or inaccuracies with lie detectors, but thats good enough for me. He really doesnt know who did it and he really didnt let anyone in our house (cognitively, anyway).

Better to let it end there and move the fuck on.

04-08-2009, 02:18 PM

Well, sucks that there was never any closure to it, but if you and yours are doin okay now, I suppose that's all that matters.

Here's hopin whoever responsible gets some kinda testicular disease. :toast

04-09-2009, 08:34 AM

Don't TRust Anyone!!!!!!!!!

04-09-2009, 08:36 AM
interesting story, i feel bad for what happened. but why are you sharing all this with people you dont even know on the world wide web?? Dont you care about private things? Thats what i dont get. You thought it yourself that it was not so bright idea afterwards, to make this thread.

jack sommerset
04-09-2009, 01:24 PM
I came across a person who could get things "done", but I elected not to use him. The more information thats been gathered, the more it had lead away from who we thought it was.

In the end, I just didnt have the heart to put someone in the way of a blunt object on a hunch.

House-sitter took a lie detector and passed with flying colors. I am not familiar with the accuracy or inaccuracies with lie detectors, but thats good enough for me. He really doesnt know who did it and he really didnt let anyone in our house (cognitively, anyway).

Better to let it end there and move the fuck on.

I feel so bad for ur friend. A lie detector. I hope you gave him a big hug after everything u put ur pal through.

04-09-2009, 03:02 PM
I feel so bad for ur friend. A lie detector. I hope you gave him a big hug after everything u put ur pal through.

Fuck. Him.

Trust me on that.

04-09-2009, 07:48 PM
lie detector's are not even permissible in court.

that's how ineffective they are. the only thing it does is trace changes in your responses. they compare the charts from the control questions to the actual questions.

so you can essentially stress yourself out intentionally when they ask you the control questions such as "Is your name x" and then if you stress out during the actual questions, it's all evened out on the chart and it's inconclusive.


if you are one cool cat in control of your emotions, you can lie your way through it in a cold blooded fashion. but you have to be one of those guys who can keep your emotions in check

so your lie detector trial doesn't mean anything. for all you know, it was him.

however, all this stuff about 'getting things done' and thinking of violent revenge is wrong. just move on, forget about what happened and don't allow that person to be in your home unless you are there.

jack sommerset
04-09-2009, 08:23 PM
Fuck. Him.

Trust me on that.

I have a hard time with that considering you trusted him to watch ur house then you blamed him for what other people did and looks like you made him take a lie detector test and now that he had nothing to do with it u say "Fuck Him". Dude, not cool! Not cool at all. Nothing you can say about him would sway my opinion. You thought highly of him to the point you let him watch ur house. Please go to him,hug him,beg him to accept ur apology,take him out to dinner and let him know you fucked up and still love ur best friend!

04-10-2009, 09:09 AM
lie detector's are not even permissible in court.

that's how ineffective they are. the only thing it does is trace changes in your responses. they compare the charts from the control questions to the actual questions.

so you can essentially stress yourself out intentionally when they ask you the control questions such as "Is your name x" and then if you stress out during the actual questions, it's all evened out on the chart and it's inconclusive.


if you are one cool cat in control of your emotions, you can lie your way through it in a cold blooded fashion. but you have to be one of those guys who can keep your emotions in check

so your lie detector trial doesn't mean anything. for all you know, it was him.

Thanks for the explanation.

however, all this stuff about 'getting things done' and thinking of violent revenge is wrong. just move on, forget about what happened and don't allow that person to be in your home unless you are there.

Put it this way, I thought I had a pretty good idea who was responsible. A group, actually. I still *think* it is them and to be honest, since they know me, it pisses me off more.

So yes, if I ever got the needed confirmation I need, theyd get whats coming to them, no questions asked.

Isnt the first time it went this way, probably not the last.

04-10-2009, 09:34 AM
Put it this way, I thought I had a pretty good idea who was responsible. A group, actually. I still *think* it is them and to be honest, since they know me, it pisses me off more.

So yes, if I ever got the needed confirmation I need, theyd get whats coming to them, no questions asked.

Isnt the first time it went this way, probably not the last.

I get the feeling that I know these people that you're thinking of...