View Full Version : New List most hated teams

03-10-2005, 07:25 AM
1) Suns by a landslide - no comparison s/p this owner and Amare's antics, these are now good times = a rivarly that the league needs, bring it on!

2) Lakers for old times sake

3) Miami just because of Shaq's mouth

4) Dallas just because of Cuban's mouth

5) Wolves just because of Garnett's punk mouth.

6) Kings - just can't stand Bibbly although I give him props as a player.

7) Nets - only play them 2 x a year but Vince is an idiot.

03-10-2005, 08:17 AM
Amare's scarred, in my eyes, for going to the Olympics and averaging like 2 points and allowing teams like Puerto Rico and Argentina to make him look like an unskilled stiff board. Then again, you can throw Dwayne Wade, Shawn Marion and a host of other players in there not named Tim Duncan and Allen Iverson into that mix. Amare is a nice young NBA "baller" who'll get his via dunks and running the floor. But he does not play defense and will never win a championship as long as Tim Duncan is around. So, having said that, the Spurs own Phoenix.

Most loathed teams:

In no particular order, the Suns and Wolves. Amare and Garnett are both irritating non-championship ring sporting loud mouths. Its a miracle that Wally has not gone gangsta upside Garnett's down at least a dozen times.

03-10-2005, 08:31 AM
The Spurs proved last night to the league that the Suns are shit ... to watch an "awesome" team almost be beat by a team that had it's two All-Stars not even playing is rather pathetic considering most of our bench players would start for other teams, just shows all it takes is confidence ... we weren't even playing defense that well most of last night!

03-10-2005, 09:18 AM
"playing defense that well most of last night"

Suns got 56 points in the paint, and destroyed the Spurs on the boards, 53 - 37. When I saw the Spurs poor defense and general lack of energy and hustle in the first quarter, I knew we were in trouble.

Laughably bad in the 3 pointers (2-15, 15%), had the Spurs wanted to win this game, just little more defense, and some 4th qtr offnse from Tony, would have sufficed, easily.

Strangely, the Suns didn't play a very good game, either. A totally weird game. It seemed like neither team wanted to win.

"I don't want. Here, you take it"

"Naw, I don't want either. You can have it"

Starting with the last-minute Tim/Manu surprise, then that chicken-banker POS, Beno/Robert sitting the 4th, Brent yet another no show pussy (showed up by little, young Mike's aggressiveness), a totally freaky, distasteful evening and game. blech!

03-10-2005, 10:13 AM
I don't know if you're mocking my statement boutons, or agreeing with it but my statement was that the defense sucked, you're just quoting what you want out of it ... are you this boards Michael Moore?

03-10-2005, 10:15 AM
1. Miami

03-10-2005, 10:17 AM
being -16 in RBs is very much part of "defense sucked"

"you're just quoting what you want out of it "

Don't flatter yourself. I can post without any need to quote anything out of anyone.

03-10-2005, 10:20 AM
1) Suns by a landslide - no comparison s/p this owner and Amare's antics, these are now good times = a rivarly that the league needs, bring it on!

2) Lakers for old times sake

3) Miami just because of Shaq's mouth

4) Dallas just because of Cuban's mouth

5) Wolves just because of Garnett's punk mouth.

6) Kings - just can't stand Bibbly although I give him props as a player.

7) Nets - only play them 2 x a year but Vince is an idiot.
Seems to me you're worrying more about what they're saying, and not so much HOW they're playing. I think you've got you're priorities all messed up.

03-10-2005, 11:23 AM
Re above, Mr. Manumania (Like the name!)When the time comes in the playoffs I will "hate" with the rest of them, but for now this is my list. I tend to like teams that play old school basketball - notice that even though they may be the Spurs most formidable opponent when all is said and done that the Pistons are NOT on the current list. Most of the time they just play, don't taunt etc.

Don't like it? Make your own, would love to see other lists!

03-10-2005, 11:33 AM
Suns still aren't on the list for me. There is no real history to hate just yet. Yeah amare has been one of those pose after a meaningless dunk player but he does have a shot outside of the paint so he is not a one trick pony. He is a year or two from becoming Garnett. They are similar in that they are athletic freaks but have not shown much in the playoffs(by the goings of things, you could say last year was an anomoly by the pups). The owner has not made any news that I am aware of save for his chicken antics. He is not cuban just yet. However as things are shaping up, it may very well be the next team to be up there. It's kinda hard to dislike them at this point because for all intents and purposes they are comprised of seemingly good guys.

03-10-2005, 12:29 PM
Most hated?

The next one, and after that, the next and the next and the next

In the Playoff: The Fisrt Round, the Conf Semis, the Con Fin and the Nba Finales

All the teams in front must be hated, you must to enter to field to kick all the ass who are in the Field with the Other Jersey, and so The Refs

03-10-2005, 01:07 PM
Damn, I never thought I would see the day that the suns would be the number 1 hated team. Wow! Lakers will always be mine no matter what other teams do.

03-10-2005, 01:10 PM
I am Laker's biggest supporter right now. I want them to get that 8th spot.

I do not hate any teams any more. Minn sucks, Lakers suck, how can anyone hate Dallas or Houston any more?

Teams I want to avoid is playoffs, in decending order:

1. Phoenix
2. Dallas
3. Houston
4. Denver
5. Memphis
6. Detroit
7. Miami

03-10-2005, 01:14 PM
I have family from LA, they are die hard laker fans, Im the only family from Phoenix so we've always gone back and forth, they have more championships so its easier for them to go at me, but the time I got my cousin a KJ poster for christmas, made him hang it up in his room, than the following year we beat them in the playoffs to come back from 0-2 oh wow, i still laugh when I think about it but the poster was destroyed, not quickly he tortured it....then left it up for me to see when I went out to visit,

03-10-2005, 01:19 PM
I have family from LA, they are die hard laker fans, Im the only family from Phoenix so we've always gone back and forth, they have more championships so its easier for them to go at me

More? Slight understatement there. :lol

03-10-2005, 01:21 PM
More? Slight understatement there. :lol
Yeah let me re phrase a lot to zero....

03-10-2005, 01:32 PM
Suns still aren't on the list for me. There is no real history to hate just yet. Yeah amare has been one of those pose after a meaningless dunk player but he does have a shot outside of the paint so he is not a one trick pony. He is a year or two from becoming Garnett. They are similar in that they are athletic freaks but have not shown much in the playoffs(by the goings of things, you could say last year was an anomoly by the pups). The owner has not made any news that I am aware of save for his chicken antics. He is not cuban just yet. However as things are shaping up, it may very well be the next team to be up there. It's kinda hard to dislike them at this point because for all intents and purposes they are comprised of seemingly good guys.

I have to disagree with u max. he isnt two years from KG. before KG was KG he could get numbers by himself. amare cant. he is only being mentioned this year because he is being spoon fed by nash. look at the games nash didnt play. he SUCKED. He is just a young fool that has a lot of maturing to do. Nash is one of theonly players with class on that team. i lost respect for marion after he trash talked boston after beating them, and amare for his antics, and Q for that head banging thing after me makes every shot (even tho its funny). My most hated are the lakers, then the suns, then seattle, then minny, then boston

03-10-2005, 04:31 PM
Suns still aren't on the list for me. There is no real history to hate just yet. Yeah amare has been one of those pose after a meaningless dunk player but he does have a shot outside of the paint so he is not a one trick pony. He is a year or two from becoming Garnett. They are similar in that they are athletic freaks but have not shown much in the playoffs(by the goings of things, you could say last year was an anomoly by the pups). The owner has not made any news that I am aware of save for his chicken antics. He is not cuban just yet. However as things are shaping up, it may very well be the next team to be up there. It's kinda hard to dislike them at this point because for all intents and purposes they are comprised of seemingly good guys.

I dont know how you can honestly say Amare has had no playoff success. I have a very vivid memory of the suns in Amares first year taking the 1st seeded spurs to 6 games and Amare hitting a huge 3 to put it into OT. I know that is not large playoff success, but it was AMares first year and the SUns were a very low seed. I know you guys probably have a better memory of later in that playoffs(winning the championships and all) but I assume you would have atleast a little memory of playing the Suns that year.

ANd just so you know I wasnt even a SUns fan then. THough after that game I started to like them quite a bit.

03-10-2005, 04:48 PM
1) Suns by a landslide - no comparison s/p this owner and Amare's antics, these are now good times = a rivarly that the league needs, bring it on!

2) Lakers for old times sake

3) Miami just because of Shaq's mouth

4) Dallas just because of Cuban's mouth

5) Wolves just because of Garnett's punk mouth.

6) Kings - just can't stand Bibbly although I give him props as a player.

7) Nets - only play them 2 x a year but Vince is an idiot.

1, agree
2. no, I actually like Kobe
3. agree
4. agree
5. agree
6. no
7. no

03-10-2005, 04:50 PM
1. Utah
2. LA
3. Portland

don't hate any other teams, they haven't earned that level of respect from me.

03-10-2005, 04:52 PM
1) Utah Jazz
2) Los Angeles Lakers
3) Phoenix Suns

The Suns are moving up the power rankings. I can't stand Mike D'Antoni, that chicken dancing owner, Mike D'Antoni's dentures or the thought of Steve Nash winning an MVP award.

03-10-2005, 05:09 PM
The Spurs proved last night to the league that the Suns are shit ... to watch an "awesome" team almost be beat by a team that had it's two All-Stars not even playing is rather pathetic considering most of our bench players would start for other teams, just shows all it takes is confidence ... we weren't even playing defense that well most of last night!


it was one game in a long season and do you really think the suns got up for a game when duncan and manu were out? get real, they played a poor game and got what they needed...a win thats all that matters in this league. No one cares how you do it.

suns are still a great team and took us lightly. Which can happen when guys are missing from the other team

03-10-2005, 08:58 PM
i don't hate a team bec. they're good. only some of the people around their organization:
1. Big MOUTH :blah ShaQ of Miami
2. That Chicken flabbing Sun's owner Sarver
3. Can't stand Cuban(courtside antics), but not necessarily hate the guy.
4. KG-i respect the game but not the :blah

03-10-2005, 10:17 PM
I had forgot about Utah - they are a good choice and should have been on list, Sloan is a crafty coach but his players often play dirty.

03-10-2005, 10:47 PM
1. Suns-cocky, arrogant, and all of the above. Seem to think theyre better than us. They may be, but its still rude to act that way.
2.Miami-the refs there are absolutely sickening-i am dreading us playing them in the finals because it will be torture. I watch other teams play there and it is ridiculous. And plus, they got Shaq-a stuck up brat and little flash seems to be following in his steps.

Mark in Austin
03-10-2005, 11:07 PM
1. Utah. Always and Forever. It is very satisfying to know that ever since the '98 playoffs, we have absolutely owned them. Even though we lost that series, you could see the lightbulb click on in Duncan's eyes. I'm convinced that if he hadn't gone down with the ankle injury we would have been playing the Bulls in the finals that year. Would have loved to see that... San Antonio always played played Jordan's Bulls well.

2. Lakers. Fuck 'em.

3. Houston. The Houston-SA games in the nineties were always intense. Had these two teams played in NY and NJ, the media hype would have made the rivalry legendary. I even hated their announcers. Calvin Murphy is a tool.

03-10-2005, 11:32 PM
Jazz number 1 by far. They are evil.

Lakers of course.

The Kings for being a bunch of whiners. They complain about everything and Miller always looks like he is about to cry.