View Full Version : Battle of Alamo Reenactment

The Reckoning
03-05-2009, 06:22 PM
its tomorrow from 6 AM to 7 AM and is FREE.

so whos all going?


03-05-2009, 06:46 PM
Phil Collins.

jack sommerset
03-05-2009, 08:50 PM
Just a hour and it starts at 6 in the morning on a Friday. Who's bright idea was this?

03-05-2009, 09:12 PM
i would if i was in san antonio, stuff's neat.

03-06-2009, 11:36 AM
Just a hour and it starts at 6 in the morning on a Friday. Who's bright idea was this?

Santa Anna's on March 6, 1836.

There are other reenactments throughout the day, but the 6 AM one actually marks the real time of the battle.

peewee's lovechild
03-06-2009, 11:43 AM
The battle of The Alamo was the most pointless battle in history.

03-06-2009, 12:17 PM
I'd rather witness the Civil War's reenenactment.

peewee's lovechild
03-06-2009, 12:32 PM
I'd rather witness the Civil War's reenenactment.

I'd rather witness an elephant take a shit.

03-06-2009, 12:38 PM
I'd rather witness an elephant take a shit.

:lol Just watch the elephant cam @ San Diego Zoo.

peewee's lovechild
03-06-2009, 12:40 PM
I'd rather witness the Civil War's reenenactment.

I'd rather witness ATRAIN banging maalox.

Wait, scratch that.

03-06-2009, 01:27 PM
The battle of The Alamo was the most pointless battle in history.

And your post was the most pointless post in history.

Do some research (outside of Hollywood) and then try to say that.

peewee's lovechild
03-08-2009, 11:46 AM
And your post was the most pointless post in history.

Do some research (outside of Hollywood) and then try to say that.

Hey, idiot, how about you try doing some research before you blurt stupidity out of your pie hole.

That battle was the most pointless battle in the history of war.

Did you know, of course you didn't, because you're a stupid ass, that Sam Houston pretty much begged Travis to leave the Alamo because he, and the rest of the Texan forces, knew that the Alamo was defenseless?

Travis was a complete moron. All the bravado bullshit that is associated with the Battle of The Alamo is completely overrated. Sure, they were brave and what not, but it was idiotic to to think you could defend a mission with earthen walls with only a handful of so-called soldiers against thousands upon thousands of Mexican forces that had 50 times the artillery the Texan forces had.

You are a complete idiot if you buy into the Texas History Textbooks that glorify this bullshit battle.

Oh, by the way, did you know that the battle itself, not the siege, lasted maybe about 15-20 minutes at the most?

Yea, they were badass alright.

peewee's lovechild
03-08-2009, 11:50 AM
Instead of screaming "Remember The Alamo", Houston should have screamed "Remember the pointless battle where the commander decided to sacrifice the lives of his soldiers needlessly because he was an absolute moron!"

03-08-2009, 12:16 PM
You'd think a Mexican would take more pride in the Battle of the Alamo since that's like the only battle the Mexicans have ever won.

the spurs have 4 rings.

03-08-2009, 12:52 PM
Peewee stfu.

Easy to talk shit almost 200 years later while you watch Maury and stuff tacos down your face. LOL at Mexicans having to sneak back across into Texas. Scoreboard bitch.

03-08-2009, 05:25 PM
Pee Wee your an idiot.

the battle of the Alamo, even tho Sam Houston did not want Travis and his men there, stalled the Mexican Army long enough for Texas to draft it's independence and for Sam Houston to gather up more men, get organized, and escape farther from the main Mexican Army.

the battle of the Alamo slowed down the Mexican army for 13 day's. Perhaps without the battle of the Alamo the Mexican army would've caught up quicker with the slow paced Sam Houston and crushed the Texas Army.

The battle lasted 20 minutes or so, but don't forget the Mexican Army had made at least 2 attempts before the main siege to take the fort, but they were fought back.

03-09-2009, 12:18 AM
My favorite line in the movie is when Crocket, played by Billy Bob Thornton, says...when they're talking about how to defend the Alamo, says, 'I was under the impression all the fighting was over. Ain't it ?'

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 10:26 AM
Peewee stfu.

Easy to talk shit almost 200 years later while you watch Maury and stuff tacos down your face. LOL at Mexicans having to sneak back across into Texas. Scoreboard bitch.

That's a typical inbred hillbilly response.

Hey, do you guys still fuck your sisters?

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 10:30 AM
Pee Wee your an idiot.

the battle of the Alamo, even tho Sam Houston did not want Travis and his men there, stalled the Mexican Army long enough for Texas to draft it's independence and for Sam Houston to gather up more men, get organized, and escape farther from the main Mexican Army.

the battle of the Alamo slowed down the Mexican army for 13 day's. Perhaps without the battle of the Alamo the Mexican army would've caught up quicker with the slow paced Sam Houston and crushed the Texas Army.

The battle lasted 20 minutes or so, but don't forget the Mexican Army had made at least 2 attempts before the main siege to take the fort, but they were fought back.

Chief, you're a moron.

The Mexican Army pretty much surrounded the Alamo and waited until the Texan's provisions were dried up.

It's actually a pretty good move. Every general would have approached it the same.

So, you're saying that the Texans couldn't have drafted their Independence anywhere else? The original colonies did it while facing British soldiers, a force far greater than the Mexican force.

I guess the Texan colonoists were idiots.

Dr. Gonzo
03-09-2009, 10:33 AM
The Alamo gave us Davey Crockett. Davey Crockett gave us coon skin hats. Therefore The Alamo battle was not pointless. It gave us coon skin hats.

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 10:36 AM
The Alamo gave us Davey Crockett. Davey Crockett gave us coon skin hats. Therefore The Alamo battle was not pointless. It gave us coon skin hats.

I real man can make do without a coon hat.

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 10:36 AM
You know what would've been funny?

If Crockett had decided to go with a beaver hat instead of a coon hat.

The jokes would've been endless 200 years later.

03-09-2009, 04:59 PM
Pee Wee your an idiot.

the battle of the Alamo, even tho Sam Houston did not want Travis and his men there, stalled the Mexican Army long enough for Texas to draft it's independence and for Sam Houston to gather up more men, get organized, and escape farther from the main Mexican Army.

the battle of the Alamo slowed down the Mexican army for 13 day's. Perhaps without the battle of the Alamo the Mexican army would've caught up quicker with the slow paced Sam Houston and crushed the Texas Army.

The battle lasted 20 minutes or so, but don't forget the Mexican Army had made at least 2 attempts before the main siege to take the fort, but they were fought back.

Gotta go with the Chief on this one.

I don't think you're an idiot p-dub, but I think you are off base on this one.

03-09-2009, 05:11 PM
Chief, you're a moron.

The Mexican Army pretty much surrounded the Alamo and waited until the Texan's provisions were dried up.

It's actually a pretty good move. Every general would have approached it the same.

So, you're saying that the Texans couldn't have drafted their Independence anywhere else? The original colonies did it while facing British soldiers, a force far greater than the Mexican force.

I guess the Texan colonoists were idiots.

CHIEF answered the first part already. Feel free to call people names if it makes you feel better.

The Alamo had more artillery than the Santa Anna army, including the biggest cannon in Texas in the southwest corner facing San Antonio de Bejar. The Texans had captured the artillery from Santa Anna's bro-in-law just 2 months earlier. It was the Mexican Army who wanted to fortify the old mission. San Antonio de Bejar was on the frontier of the Texas, and Bowie & Travis (both sent to destroy the Alamo) saw it as an outpost to fight off the Mexican Army. They both saw it as a post to repel the Mexican Army and preserve Texas. Otherwise, Santa Anna's army could sweep the colonies and basically burn Texas to the ground.

Houston wanted it destroyed all right, but was then ordered to relieve the Alamo from the convention. Houston still didn't believe their was a Mexican solider inside Texas' Mexican state lines for miles and simply dismissed Travis' letters as poitical "party purposes". He didn't ride out until it was too late for the Texans in the Alamo. He got as close as Gonzales when he found Mrs Dickenson and heard about the fall of the Alamo three days later.

CHIEF was wrong about one thing - the Alamo cost Santa Anna more than 13 days. He was an impatient man, who could not imagine a victory without bloodshed. His commanding officers did not want to storm the mission. They simply wanted to wait until the heavy artillery arrived and then they could bring down the walls. Tarvis & his men would either be annilated or surrender. Santa Anna didn't want either - he wanted to kill the Texan spirit in one battle. He would have preferred Houston come to the Alamo and end it with that one battle. That is why Travis' letters sent by courier were able to get thru the surrounding Mexican army continusouly.

Once Santa Anna realized Houston wasn't coming, he was then concerned about winning the war against the 'rebels' with speed. That's what motivated him to move his army from Mexico City to San Antonio de Bejar in less than 30 days - in the middle of the winter, a winter that included a snow storm. That is partly why the Texans ran into the Alamo in the first place - they never expected Santa Anna to arrive so quickly. Of course, that left his army spread across south Texas and northern Mexico.

You might think the battle was "pointless", but Santa Anna would disagree. Even tho he called it "a small affair", he wanted the rest of the 'rebels in Texas' to know what happened to the men of the Alamo. The women, children, and slave (yea...Texans were also fighting to keep their slaves) were sent out to intimidate the rest of Texas.

But probably more important than anything else - the victory proved to be the ultimate defeat for the Mexican Army. Santa Anna, wanting to do everything so quickly (versus the patient Houston), would rather have his men die from their wounds suffered in the battle of the Alamo than to carry enough medical supplies to heal them following the battle. They disarmed the Alamo, and soon began leaving all heavy artillery in order to pursue Houston's army as quickly as possible. Santa Anna then went even further by splitting his own army in hopes of outflanking Houston.

It proved to be his downfall as the army defeated at San Jacinto over a month later was small versus the army he commanded at the Alamo. Nonetheless, Houston's army was smaller than Santa Anna's. But you seem to forget that the Texan army had gathered in anger & numbers by that time. Something as a direct result of the battle of the Alamo - the battle you call 'pointless'.

Oh, and the battle lasted more than 20 minutes. More like an hour. Santa Anna's hopes were to have his men up & over the walls as the Texans slept. That is why he stopped the bombardment & music the night before. The Texans awoke and repelled the Mexican army twice. Crockett and his men defended the wooden fence and forced the south attack down the wall. The northern attacks (north, east, west) all culminated at the north wall, which was a result of the Texans repelling the initial attack plans. Eventually, the Mexican rifleman began picking off the defenders as the looked over the wall to fight off the Mexican soliders at the base of the northern wall. The Mexican army then won by sheer numbers. The Alamo chapel itself was probably the last part of the fighting. The Mexican army turned around the cannons on the walls and blasted the Texans in the barracks and Alamo. Crockett was probably then captured and executed.

Enough facts for you?


Or do you need me to insult you like a school boy for you to understand, PEE WEE? Take your own advise and research a topic before posting.

03-09-2009, 05:30 PM
I've visited the Alamo once. Not the most impressive site, there's not a lot to do there. I'm a big fan of Crockett though, although not as a military but as a politician.

Anyway, hasn't the Battle of Alamo served as a propaganda weapon for the Texans, as a motivational factor, allowing them to draft more men and collect more money? I remember reading this; if that was the case, it wasn't pointless at all.

03-09-2009, 05:31 PM
I've visited the Alamo once. Not the most impressive site, there's not a lot to do there.
tell us more

03-09-2009, 05:33 PM
I've visited the Alamo once. Not the most impressive site, there's not a lot to do there.

Sounds like they didn't let you check out the basement.

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 05:45 PM
Sounds like they didn't let you check out the basement.

"There's no basement in the Alamo!"


peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 05:46 PM
CHIEF answered the first part already. Feel free to call people names if it makes you feel better.

The Alamo had more artillery than the Santa Anna army, including the biggest cannon in Texas in the southwest corner facing San Antonio de Bejar. The Texans had captured the artillery from Santa Anna's bro-in-law just 2 months earlier. It was the Mexican Army who wanted to fortify the old mission. San Antonio de Bejar was on the frontier of the Texas, and Bowie & Travis (both sent to destroy the Alamo) saw it as an outpost to fight off the Mexican Army. They both saw it as a post to repel the Mexican Army and preserve Texas. Otherwise, Santa Anna's army could sweep the colonies and basically burn Texas to the ground.

Houston wanted it destroyed all right, but was then ordered to relieve the Alamo from the convention. Houston still didn't believe their was a Mexican solider inside Texas' Mexican state lines for miles and simply dismissed Travis' letters as poitical "party purposes". He didn't ride out until it was too late for the Texans in the Alamo. He got as close as Gonzales when he found Mrs Dickenson and heard about the fall of the Alamo three days later.

CHIEF was wrong about one thing - the Alamo cost Santa Anna more than 13 days. He was an impatient man, who could not imagine a victory without bloodshed. His commanding officers did not want to storm the mission. They simply wanted to wait until the heavy artillery arrived and then they could bring down the walls. Tarvis & his men would either be annilated or surrender. Santa Anna didn't want either - he wanted to kill the Texan spirit in one battle. He would have preferred Houston come to the Alamo and end it with that one battle. That is why Travis' letters sent by courier were able to get thru the surrounding Mexican army continusouly.

Once Santa Anna realized Houston wasn't coming, he was then concerned about winning the war against the 'rebels' with speed. That's what motivated him to move his army from Mexico City to San Antonio de Bejar in less than 30 days - in the middle of the winter, a winter that included a snow storm. That is partly why the Texans ran into the Alamo in the first place - they never expected Santa Anna to arrive so quickly. Of course, that left his army spread across south Texas and northern Mexico.

You might think the battle was "pointless", but Santa Anna would disagree. Even tho he called it "a small affair", he wanted the rest of the 'rebels in Texas' to know what happened to the men of the Alamo. The women, children, and slave (yea...Texans were also fighting to keep their slaves) were sent out to intimidate the rest of Texas.

But probably more important than anything else - the victory proved to be the ultimate defeat for the Mexican Army. Santa Anna, wanting to do everything so quickly (versus the patient Houston), would rather have his men die from their wounds suffered in the battle of the Alamo than to carry enough medical supplies to heal them following the battle. They disarmed the Alamo, and soon began leaving all heavy artillery in order to pursue Houston's army as quickly as possible. Santa Anna then went even further by splitting his own army in hopes of outflanking Houston.

It proved to be his downfall as the army defeated at San Jacinto over a month later was small versus the army he commanded at the Alamo. Nonetheless, Houston's army was smaller than Santa Anna's. But you seem to forget that the Texan army had gathered in anger & numbers by that time. Something as a direct result of the battle of the Alamo - the battle you call 'pointless'.

Oh, and the battle lasted more than 20 minutes. More like an hour. Santa Anna's hopes were to have his men up & over the walls as the Texans slept. That is why he stopped the bombardment & music the night before. The Texans awoke and repelled the Mexican army twice. Crockett and his men defended the wooden fence and forced the south attack down the wall. The northern attacks (north, east, west) all culminated at the north wall, which was a result of the Texans repelling the initial attack plans. Eventually, the Mexican rifleman began picking off the defenders as the looked over the wall to fight off the Mexican soliders at the base of the northern wall. The Mexican army then won by sheer numbers. The Alamo chapel itself was probably the last part of the fighting. The Mexican army turned around the cannons on the walls and blasted the Texans in the barracks and Alamo. Crockett was probably then captured and executed.

Enough facts for you?


Or do you need me to insult you like a school boy for you to understand, PEE WEE? Take your own advise and research a topic before posting.

I know that in Texas you are trained to have a hard on for everything Alamo and what not, but it was still pointless.

It. Was. Pointless.

03-09-2009, 05:52 PM
Sounds like they didn't let you check out the basement.

Yeah, it wasn't possible. I asked them if I could visit it though; the lady there returned the predictable answer with a very tired, uninterested, impatient tone. Nevertheless, I had fun asking it.

03-09-2009, 07:17 PM
I know that in Texas you are trained to have a hard on for everything Alamo and what not, but it was still pointless.

It. Was. Pointless.

When you can't rebut a well-thought out and researched post, this is the best you can do? :lmao

Just stop now, you've been owned more times in this thread than a whore at the Mustang Ranch.

peewee's lovechild
03-09-2009, 07:47 PM
When you can't rebut a well-thought out and researched post, this is the best you can do? :lmao

Just stop now, you've been owned more times in this thread than a whore at the Mustang Ranch.

It. Was. Pointless.

03-10-2009, 11:23 AM
It. Was. Pointless.

If it inspires others, it wasn't pointless.

peewee's lovechild
03-10-2009, 11:32 AM
If it inspires others, it wasn't pointless.

So, using this rationale, the Zulu's fighting the Britsh Empire only to get crushed should get the same treatment.

03-10-2009, 01:15 PM
So, using this rationale, the Zulu's fighting the Britsh Empire only to get crushed should get the same treatment.

Apply it however you wish.

Just because you think the Battle of the Alamo was pointless, doesn't make it so. To a lot of people, those who died were heroes. People have the right to choose their heroes and no one has the right to tell someone who can and cannot be their heroes.

03-10-2009, 02:57 PM
I know that in Texas you are trained to have a hard on for everything Alamo and what not, but it was still pointless.

It. Was. Pointless.

In that case...

So. Are. You.

Thanks for confirming you don't know anything about the Alamo beyond what someone ELSE told you.

But if you are so enlightened to learn more, I'd recommend starting by reading the novel The Gate Of The Alamo by Stephen Harrigan. It is a fictional novel, but based around the facts of the Alamo & the Texas Revolution. However it clearly describes what motivated the Texans and what motivated the Mexican Army from various points of views.


I don't see you as someone to mock or call names simply because you don't know the facts. That's just called ignorance.

So, using this rationale, the Zulu's fighting the Britsh Empire only to get crushed should get the same treatment.

Since when are you concerned about "rationale"?:wow