View Full Version : Remember the Icy Hot Stuntaz?

Cry Havoc
03-09-2009, 01:44 AM

The Icy Hot Stuntaz were a trio of white high school-age rappers from Toccoa, Georgia that became an Internet phenomenon when their pictures appeared on the internet. Their fame was further cemented when their pictures became Farkisms

The group formed as early as 2001 in the form of a GeoCities Web site featuring "Blade" (real name Ricky Hedd), "Da Flame" (real name Brian Edmonds) and "Freeze" (real name Eric Dean) wearing flashy jewelry and acting in a way resembling black street culture. The Internet community, however, was not convinced, almost universally referring to the Stuntaz as a group of teenage posers.

Nevertheless, the Stuntaz site consistently denied being a parody. As a result, the entire site became flamebait, attracting insults, threats and hacking attempts. It has also spawned a number of parodies; so many in fact, that it is now difficult to determine which Stuntaz site is genuine.

It is also difficult to determine which music is actually theirs as well. The real group produced 6 songs, 3 of which were leaked onto the Internet. However, much more music was created by impostor groups that included large amounts of vulgar language in their songs, which hurt the Stuntaz' reputation even more so.


I happened to be googling them tonight to show a friend, and I stumbled across "Da Flame" and his new site (it's listed on the link section of the linked page).

Da Flame has been busy. He has since renamed himself B-Shoc, and was doing random hip-hop/club DJing for a while.

He has since turned his life over to Jesus and become a Christian.


This is just too hilarious. The wannabe poser thug doing a 180 and now making "Christian Club" music.

I invite you all to listen to his new shtick. It's pretty awesome. :lmao


03-09-2009, 07:52 AM
There's alot of money in Christian music, I presume that is the reason why. It's sort of an open market.

03-09-2009, 08:52 AM
the icy hot stuntaz were badass. that was back in lowtax's heyday