View Full Version : Absolutely no words for how impressive (read: HOT) this is:

Cry Havoc
03-13-2009, 01:18 AM
Normally I would post something like this in "The Geek Zone". But it's so damned impressive I think I'll share it with the club, since more people look around these parts.


If that isn't an incredibly well executed costume, I don't know what is.

A full costume of Samus Aran from the Metroid series, complete with 30+ working LED lights.


More here. I'm speechless by the crafts(wo)manship.

03-13-2009, 01:26 AM
Damn impressive, I must say.

03-13-2009, 08:21 AM
When my husband's had enough coffee and logged on, he'll probably find it impressive. :lol

03-13-2009, 08:49 AM
Metroid was such a good fucking game.

03-13-2009, 08:51 AM
Never heard of it.

03-13-2009, 09:45 AM
Never heard of it.

How old were you in like 1986? Dont answer that.

Metroid is one of the most revered video game/Nintendo franchises of all time.

...and that costume is accurate as hell.

03-13-2009, 09:52 AM
How old were you in like 1986? Dont answer that.

Metroid is one of the most revered video game/Nintendo franchises of all time.

...and that costume is accurate as hell.

I was 25 but I guess I wasn't into that video game but I'm not a real video game junkie at least no the extent that I would revere any game.

The Reckoning
03-13-2009, 09:52 AM
itd be even more impressive if she could do a morph ball.
metroid is a badass game.

03-13-2009, 10:46 AM
Wow...she even kind of looks like Samus...

Cry Havoc
03-13-2009, 10:52 AM
How old were you in like 1986? Dont answer that.

Metroid is one of the most revered video game/Nintendo franchises of all time.

...and that costume is accurate as hell.

The canon arm is just unspeakably awesome. Can you imagine the amount of attention that attracted at the cosplay convention? I'd wear that thing in public!

03-13-2009, 11:27 AM
Metroid was such a good fucking game.

It really was, one of my favorites.

03-13-2009, 11:39 AM
When my husband's had enough coffee and logged on, he'll probably find it impressive. :lol


Yes, indeed. Guess what you're getting for Christmas...

03-13-2009, 12:26 PM
I was 25 but I guess I wasn't into that video game but I'm not a real video game junkie at least no the extent that I would revere any game.

:lol Its cool, man. We young'ins (i was 6) look at Metroid as one of the single greatest virtual experiences we've ever had.

I have a terrible memory (as in, almost non-existent), but I remember a few awe-inspiring moments in my gaming history.

1st - Seeing the NES for the first time at my friends house. He was playing Super Mario Brothers....chills, man. Chills.

2nd - Playing Metroid for the first time on the NES. The story, the level design (verticality! unheard of at the time.) which you were always exploring and going back to when you got a new ability, the boss fights, the weapon systems....the frickin morph ball w/bombs!! Ripley, you bastard! The Mother Brain boss fight's diffculty, missle packs....man...

3rd - Seeing Mortal Kombat at my local bowling alley. There was a moment of silence that day. The newest, baddest-ass game in the arcade world actually existed in Podunk, Michigan's local bowling alley. Usually, to play the coolest games in our area, you had to go to the mall (place called The Tilt). Not so that day. Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch and your head was pulled from your body with spine attached.

03-13-2009, 12:28 PM
The canon arm is just unspeakably awesome. Can you imagine the amount of attention that attracted at the cosplay convention? I'd wear that thing in public!

I havent read the article yet that you posted, but did one person design and manufacture that suit?

Because its all sorts of awesome, even though I think those individuals who participate in cosplay are....off kilter.

But that suit with that woman (who looks surpringly like Samus) belong at the next announcement Nintendo makes about Metroid. Especially at the E3 booth (if E3 returns to form, that is).

03-13-2009, 12:29 PM
I'd hit it, if I could find a way in. And that's she's legal.

peewee's lovechild
03-13-2009, 12:31 PM
Metroid was all sorts of badass.

I would play that game all day long as a kid.

I wish I still had that game.

Cry Havoc
03-13-2009, 02:06 PM
I havent read the article yet that you posted, but did one person design and manufacture that suit?

Because its all sorts of awesome, even though I think those individuals who participate in cosplay are....off kilter.

But that suit with that woman (who looks surpringly like Samus) belong at the next announcement Nintendo makes about Metroid. Especially at the E3 booth (if E3 returns to form, that is).

I agree with your thoughts that she belongs in an announcement. I've never seen a personally crafted video game costume that's so accurate.

She didn't make it entirely by herself, but from the sound of her interview it was mostly her hands that did the dirty work. How much you want to believe that is up to you.



MDb: What is the most expensive costume you've ever made?

>>> Sure was Samus. It cost me around $350.00 just in materials.

MDb: Have you participated in any skits/one acts?

>>> Only in cosplay contests. I'm too shy!

(lol... she's shy)

MDb: Please describe the process and materials involved in the creation of the Varia Suit.

I used various materials and processes. The arms, hand, legs and body were made with sheets of EVA(editor's note: ethylene vinyl acetate). My friend Lucas and I shaped it by hand, using EVA in 3 different thicknesses. The Hand Blaster was all done by me, also in EVA. All finishes and details in low relief, I did with the Dremel. The helmet and shoulders were made in fiber glass by me and my dad. It was modeled using a motorcycle helmet and two polystyrene balls as bases. The details were carved in polystyrene and polyurethane. The painting was done with automotive paint. Electric part was done with 73 high bright LEDs: 30 green LEDs in the shoulders, 26 green LEDs on the Body and 17 red and orange LEDs on Hand Blaster, powered by 8 AA Batteries and a 3v one. We also used neon green acrylic on the suit and neon orange acrylic on the Hand Blaster.

MDb: What were some of the obstacles you experienced during the creation of the Varia Suit?

Each part was a challenge. I wouldn't have done it all without the help of my boyfriend, my friends and my parents. But the most difficult were the shoulders. The proportions of the shoulders of the suit on the body and arms - it is very difficult to adapt to a normal human body. The shoulders are huge, and needed a complex system of straps inside the armor to be stuck in place. Furthermore, there were many LEDs inside it. The longest part was the installation of LEDs.

MDb: How about during its use?

The parts of the chest, arms and shoulders forced my arms [down] all the time. And it hurt a lot. At the end of the day, I felt as if my shoulders were out of place. O.o

MDb: Can you give us an estimate of how heavy the costume is?

I don't know… Maybe about 23 pounds, approximately.

MDb: How comfortable is the helmet?

The helmet is quite comfortable, if you don't mind seeing everything in green. ;p


Pretty awesome.

03-13-2009, 04:06 PM
Metroid was all sorts of badass.

I would play that game all day long as a kid.

I wish I still had that game.

Google JNESand download it. it's a NES Emulator. Then you can play Metroid all u want. I do.

03-13-2009, 04:15 PM


03-13-2009, 07:51 PM



Apt, indeed.

03-13-2009, 07:57 PM
@ Cucking Funt

From the above interview...

MDb: What do you think the gaming industry needs to do to improve on getting more girls/women into gaming?

The female characters in games are generally not made to create an identification with the girls. [They] are made only to please the male gaze. This is not a problem. There are games for all tastes. But it would be good if the companies are [thinking] about creating games a little more for female audience. I'm not talking about games full of cute pink stuffs. No! That's not what gamer girls want. Maybe with more humanized female characters, and a little more romance… you can appeal to girls without losing the men. And of course, they should put more handsome men in games! For example, look at Kratos. What girl would feel like playing God of War with a character like him? XP

Bah, what does that bitch know anyway?

03-13-2009, 08:43 PM
Bah, what does that bitch know anyway?


Then again, I always find myself wondering how girls can stand to play those JRPGs and fawn over the androgynous boys.

03-13-2009, 08:45 PM

Cry Havoc
03-14-2009, 12:36 AM

Then again, I always find myself wondering how girls can stand to play those JRPGs and fawn over the androgynous boys.

It's probably an adverse reaction to men like this:


03-14-2009, 12:48 AM
I still think this is the best samus

03-14-2009, 01:57 AM
Man, all those girls are fugly

03-14-2009, 02:21 AM
the last one with the blonde wig is not ugly at all

she's actually pretty

Cry Havoc
03-14-2009, 02:31 AM
I still think this is the best samus

Why? It looks like cardboard with coloring pencil on it.

03-14-2009, 04:05 AM
Holy crap... that is awesome.

03-14-2009, 05:36 AM
I was 16 in 1986. Never heard of this game. Must have been too busy playing Galaga. One of the high points of my life was having the high score on all three Galaga machines in Windsor Park Mall (Aladin's Castle, the movies lobby, and the arcade by Montgomery Wards) at one time.

And no, I never got laid in high school.


03-14-2009, 09:15 AM
BTW, I took a totally wild stab-in-the-dark guess at 1986 being the year Metroid came out.

Released in Japan 1986. 1987 in the US. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metroid)

So I was close.

03-14-2009, 10:44 AM
We young'ins (i was 6) look at Metroid as one of the single greatest virtual experiences we've ever had.
damn, DR, you're younger than I thought. By some of your posts (Political mostly) I expected you to be a little older than that.

I remember Metroid, but not enough to remember the characters, plot, and anything else. I was 26 in 1986, so that make me one year older than JoeChalupa.

Windsor Park Mall (Aladin's Castle, the movies lobby, and the arcade by Montgomery Wards) at one time.
oh yeah, I went there all the time. My friends and I during lunch at Judson High, used to zip over to Windsor Park Mall, eat at Arby's and then hit Aladin's Castle right next to Arby's.

Cry Havoc
03-14-2009, 12:24 PM
I was 16 in 1986. Never heard of this game. Must have been too busy playing Galaga. One of the high points of my life was having the high score on all three Galaga machines in Windsor Park Mall (Aladin's Castle, the movies lobby, and the arcade by Montgomery Wards) at one time.

And no, I never got laid in high school.


I find it mind-blowing that a gamer has never heard of one of the most famous, most highly-touted videogame series in history. Incredible.

Viva Las Espuelas
03-15-2009, 12:07 AM
many weekends were lost playing this when it first came out. this should be made into a movie, but they'll probably screw that up.