View Full Version : Looks like our window is closing fast!

03-13-2009, 02:24 AM
Even with the new acquisitions of Hill, Mason, and Gooden. We are still no match for the Lakers. I want to be optimistic, but the Lakers are even better then they were last year. It seems like they aren't even intimidated by us anymore. They feel like they can beat us anytime they want.

And to think they were playing a back to back on our home floor. The last game was a close one and we managed to pull through with a win even though we got lucky with mason's 3pt play and the refs calling a travel on Ariza when he only took 2 steps and got fouled. This season could've been an easy sweep for the Lakers. Which is why im worried. I was optimistic last season because the spurs just dissapointed me in the end.

We are too old and Kobe is just too good. Its time to face the facts and not Hate but congradulate cause I seriously enjoyed watching them play today and I'm a die hard spurs fan. Just being real. Lets hope for a western conference rematch...or lets just hope we dont get swept!!! :depressed

03-13-2009, 02:26 AM

03-13-2009, 02:39 AM
Even with the new acquisitions of Hill, Mason, and Gooden. We are still no match for the Lakers. I want to be optimistic, but the Lakers are even better then they were last year. It seems like they aren't even intimidated by us anymore. They feel like they can beat us anytime they want.

And to think they were playing a back to back on our home floor. The last game was a close one and we managed to pull through with a win even though we got lucky with mason's 3pt play and the refs calling a travel on Ariza when he only took 2 steps and got fouled. This season could've been an easy sweep for the Lakers. Which is why im worried. I was optimistic last season because the spurs just dissapointed me in the end.

We are too old and Kobe is just too good. Its time to face the facts and not Hate but congradulate cause I seriously enjoyed watching them play today and I'm a die hard spurs fan. Just being real. Lets hope for a western conference rematch...or lets just hope we dont get swept!!! :depressed


03-13-2009, 02:39 AM
You stfu. I'm simply stating the facts. Bi@tch.

03-13-2009, 02:40 AM
u sure u are a spurs fan?

your 1st post~

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
03-13-2009, 02:42 AM
:lol @ "Spurs are the best"

03-13-2009, 02:42 AM
Yep..been a die hard fan since birth, but I really want to be real. Lakers are just on another level. I'm tired of being optimistic because look what happened last year.

03-13-2009, 02:43 AM
Yep..been a die hard fan since birth, but I really want to be real. Lakers are just on another level. I'm tired of being optimistic because look what happened last year.

a real spurs fan keeps hope.

03-13-2009, 02:45 AM
thats fine

that way if we lose in the playoffs, we can take it lightly

if we win, then great!


u dont have to feel down when we lose

03-13-2009, 02:48 AM
One could also argue that we looked pretty average in 2007 when the most dynamic team in the league (one of the most dominant in regular season play that got bounced in the 1st round) and we won it then. Granted, the injury situation was different as well as the level of overall league competition, but the lesson there is NOTHING is to be assumed...even by the faint of heart in the darkest of hours. Especially when it comes to Pop and the Spurs.

03-13-2009, 02:48 AM
Yep..been a die hard fan since birth, but I really want to be real. Lakers are just on another level. I'm tired of being optimistic because look what happened last year.

lakers are not an easy team, no doubt about that... but the Spurs can beat the best.. they have proved that in the past, and they can prove it again for sure..

03-13-2009, 02:50 AM
A real spurs fan would admit what is realistic and not post a thread that says...LAKERS HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINST THE SPURS IN THE PLAYOFFS. I'm stating the fact that the Lakers are far better then us even with a healthy Manu. With Bynum back it will be even harder to score in the paint. We got our butts whooped tonight and theres a difference between being realistic and being absolutely ignorant. We need to face facts thats all. Maybe if when we do it'll stop people posting up ridiculous posts.

03-13-2009, 02:51 AM
A healthy manu is all we need.

03-13-2009, 02:52 AM
We got our butts whooped and then cut the deficit down substantially against a better team.

03-13-2009, 02:57 AM
Dude may be onto someting...about this year. But the "window" is not closing quite yet. Spurs just need to put a few pieces together next year if this year does not work out...

Spurs will compete for a title for at least 3 more years.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
03-13-2009, 03:03 AM
Why are people having conversations with this phony? He's likely just a Laker fan messing around after the Laker win.

What's sad is that it probably took him 30 minutes to come up with the username, "Spursarethebest" because "I'maSpursfan" and "Spursfan4Life" were already taken.

03-13-2009, 03:03 AM
What do we have to offer given that they will not separate the nucleus of Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili. There's is no one we can trade that would make a significant impact. Only way to make an impact is to sign a free agent and we dont have much cap space to do so. We are getting older by the second and our window is closing with all these injuries. Duncan is not the same. Manu won't be fully healthy untill next year. And the Lakers are young and experienced. So with that said..we need to pull something out of our a$$es to win this year.

03-13-2009, 03:05 AM
- Manu wasn't playing. He's is our difference maker.
- Gooden played 3 minutes.
- Duncan is still a little hurt.

We're obviously not healthy yet. Yes the Lakers are a better team right now. but we have as good as a chance as them to win the title this year.

03-13-2009, 03:07 AM
What do we have to offer given that they will not separate the nucleus of Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili. There's is no one we can trade that would make a significant impact. Only way to make an impact is to sign a free agent and we dont have much cap space to do so. We are getting older by the second and our window is closing with all these injuries. Duncan is not the same. Manu won't be fully healthy untill next year. And the Lakers are young and experienced. So with that said..we need to pull something out of our a$$es to win this year.

This statement could've seemingly been made about the Spurs teams of the last several years, including the ones where we won it all. Just replace Manu's name in the injury area with someone else's and the Lakers with another team. Not saying you haven't made valid points, but they can be just as easily dismissed as they can be accepted IMO.

03-13-2009, 03:14 AM
This statement could've seemingly been made about the Spurs teams of the last several years, including the ones where we won it all. Just replace Manu's name in the injury area with someone else's and the Lakers with another team. Not saying you haven't made valid points, but they can be just as easily dismissed as they can be accepted IMO.

All im saying that we do have a good team, but without a miracle there is no way we can bulldoze thru the Lakers to the NBA finals. If we keep saying us being healthy is an excuse then the Lakers can say they aren't healthy either. The fact is they are younger..more athletic and most of all they have kobe. In a 7 game series we can give it our all, but I've lost faith until someone gives me a logical reason that we can win the NBA title. Not just meet the lakers in the playoffs but WIN!!!

Whisky Dog
03-13-2009, 03:15 AM
It's pretty obvious that's a Lakers fan postering.

Not much to take from this game other than Duncan needs to get his mojo back come playoff time. There is no way to know who would win if both teams are 100% healthy as it's a very even and close matchup. If either team goes in less than 100% then the other team has the advantage. No way the Spurs win in the playoffs without Manu so the only thing this game means is that the Lakers would win in a series with Manu and Gooden out. No surprise there.

03-13-2009, 03:15 AM
Spurs are fine. Drink less. Smoke less. Whatever it is that made you start this thread.

03-13-2009, 03:16 AM
All im saying that we do have a good team, but without a miracle there is no way we can bulldoze thru the Lakers to the NBA finals. If we keep saying us being healthy is an excuse then the Lakers can say they aren't healthy either. The fact is they are younger..more athletic and most of all they have kobe. In a 7 game series we can give it our all, but I've lost faith until someone gives me a logical reason that we can win the NBA title. Not just meet the lakers in the playoffs but WIN!!!

Here is your logical reason.


03-13-2009, 03:19 AM
Don't count out a team until after their playoff series is over. Who is to say the Spurs will even have to face the Lakers? What if (big what if), the Lakers get bounced out in the first round ala Mavericks? Wait until the playoffs start before you start posting these panic threads man.

03-13-2009, 03:19 AM
One can understand your hysteria to a degree. We all have those moments, epsecially during games. But we have no idea what the new pieces will contribute when all active at the same time, nor do we know how Pop will adjust to L.A. come playoff time. The fact that we came back against a better Laker team that clearly outplyed us should scare L.A., regardless of the health situation. The game should never have gotten that close. Nothing is guaranteed come the postseasn except that Duncan and Kobe have the propensity to go off at any moment in any game of the postseason as long as they have legs to stand on.

03-13-2009, 03:32 AM
One can understand your hysteria to a degree. We all have those moments, epsecially during games. But we have no idea what the new pieces will contribute when all active at the same time, nor do we know how Pop will adjust to L.A. come playoff time. The fact that we came back against a better Laker team that clearly outplyed us should scare L.A., regardless of the health situation. The game should never have gotten that close. Nothing is guaranteed come the postseasn except that Duncan and Kobe have the propensity to go off at any moment in any game of the postseason as long as they have legs to stand on.

Thanks NewJerSpur for giving me faith and the rest of us. I understand that this game was not a playoff game, but we can't just say this game didn't mean nothing because it did. It said that we got beat 2 out of 3 games. It could've been all 3 games but we got lucky the second one.

The lakers take it a whole nother level in the playoffs especially Kobe. I'm afraid we don't have the mental toughness to compete. Even with the new aquistions they are too young and lack experience. Every game the Duncan is playing he is getting older and needs rest for the playoffs. I'm afraid he won't have enough in him when we meet them in the playoffs.

03-13-2009, 03:38 AM
Thanks NewJerSpur for giving me faith and the rest of us. I understand that this game was not a playoff game, but we can't just say this game didn't mean nothing because it did. It said that we got beat 2 out of 3 games. It could've been all 3 games but we got lucky the second one.

The lakers take it a whole nother level in the playoffs especially Kobe. I'm afraid we don't have the mental toughness to compete. Even with the new aquistions they are too young and lack experience. Every game the Duncan is playing he is getting older and needs rest for the playoffs. I'm afraid he won't have enough in him when we meet them in the playoffs.

1) The Spurs take their play to another level during the playoffs as well.

2) The Spurs current foundation was built on mental toughness.

3) Only Hill is truly "young and inexperienced" out of the bunch.

4) I repeat, if Duncan has a leg to stand on he'll be ready for the playoffs.

5) Anytime. :toast

03-13-2009, 03:43 AM
Have the playoffs started yet? I thought this was just another meaningless regular season game in which Pop was fucking up with his rotations and game plan.

Do you not watch games? Do you only look at boxscores? Is this your first season being a Spurs fan? If not, then you should know better.

03-13-2009, 03:44 AM
1) The Spurs take their play to another level during the playoffs as well.

2) The Spurs current foundation was built on mental toughness.

3) Only Hill is truly "young and inexperienced" out of the bunch.

4) I repeat, if Duncan has a leg to stand on he'll be ready for the playoffs.

5) Anytime. :toast

True...but we don't have home court advantage. I can't shake off what happened last year. And nothings changed except for injuries :wow

03-13-2009, 03:48 AM
We've won before without locking up HC throughout the playoffs.

03-13-2009, 04:11 AM
Yes I am a spurs fan. I'm being a real one with realistic views and opinions. Did you not watch this game tonight? Stop with the pop is experimenting with his lineup or what not. Kobe simply can't be stopped. We need to focus on the role players. Because the sure as hell stepped up tonight.

Am I the only one in here telling like it is?

03-13-2009, 04:39 AM
Yes I am a spurs fan. I'm being a real one with realistic views and opinions. Did you not watch this game tonight? Stop with the pop is experimenting with his lineup or what not. Kobe simply can't be stopped. We need to focus on the role players. Because the sure as hell stepped up tonight.

Am I the only one in here telling like it is?

No your not telling it like it is. Your a lakers fan who registered and posed as a spurs fan to rub it in that we lost today...and why did you do this? because you wanted us to agree with you to make yourself less paranoid and feel better about the fact that the spurs are gonna creep up on your team like a mother fucker.

03-13-2009, 04:47 AM

03-13-2009, 06:14 AM
- Manu wasn't playing. He's is our difference maker.
- Gooden played 3 minutes.
- Duncan is still a little hurt.

We're obviously not healthy yet. Yes the Lakers are a better team right now. but we have as good as a chance as them to win the title this year.

true that true that
imagine a manu with 20 points up his sleave :lobt2:

03-13-2009, 07:04 AM
drhouse, is that you?

03-13-2009, 07:09 AM
we lost by less then 10 with no MANU, hav u come to realize this admission?? duncan is stilll banged up, we just neeed energy and our 3rd best scorer, it will be fine

03-13-2009, 07:24 AM

03-13-2009, 07:27 AM
The truth hurts, even an implosion has broken out inside the spurs' fan base... But I don't think you spurs fans need to take too much grief for losing a game the spurs were supposed to lose. Spurs wouldn't have beaten the lakers even if Manu hadn't been sidelined. It's an inevitable destiny for spurs to lose to lakers, and it's also their destiny to beat the suns every time facing them. the relation between spurs, suns and lakers is just like "stone, scissors and cloth".

although spurs lost the game to lakers, they are still standing at the 2nd place in the west and the spurs won't meet with the lakers in the 1st and 2nd round if spurs can keep this standing till the end of the regular season. spurs still will have a big chance to appear in the WCF for the 3rd straight time, surviving the first 2 rounds will definitely earn enough broadcasting reward for the spurs' cheapass owner.

03-13-2009, 07:49 AM
Even with the new acquisitions of Hill, Mason, and Gooden. We are still no match for the Lakers. I want to be optimistic, but the Lakers are even better then they were last year. It seems like they aren't even intimidated by us anymore. They feel like they can beat us anytime they want.

And to think they were playing a back to back on our home floor. The last game was a close one and we managed to pull through with a win even though we got lucky with mason's 3pt play and the refs calling a travel on Ariza when he only took 2 steps and got fouled. This season could've been an easy sweep for the Lakers. Which is why im worried. I was optimistic last season because the spurs just dissapointed me in the end.

We are too old and Kobe is just too good. Its time to face the facts and not Hate but congradulate cause I seriously enjoyed watching them play today and I'm a die hard spurs fan. Just being real. Lets hope for a western conference rematch...or lets just hope we dont get swept!!! :depressed

on the real, the lakers got blown out by the blazers, do you think they should tank?

03-13-2009, 07:58 AM
The truth hurts, even an implosion has broken out inside the spurs' fan base... But I don't think you spurs fans need to take too much grief for losing a game the spurs were supposed to lose. Spurs wouldn't have beaten the lakers even if Manu hadn't been sidelined. It's an inevitable destiny for spurs to lose to lakers, and it's also their destiny to beat the suns every time facing them. the relation between spurs, suns and lakers is just like "stone, scissors and cloth".

although spurs lost the game to lakers, they are still standing at the 2nd place in the west and the spurs won't meet with the lakers in the 1st and 2nd round if spurs can keep this standing till the end of the regular season. spurs still will have a big chance to appear in the WCF for the 3rd straight time, surviving the first 2 rounds will definitely earn enough broadcasting reward for the spurs' cheapass owner.

03-13-2009, 08:05 AM

LOL :rollin great picture.

03-13-2009, 08:40 AM
Face it. The Lakers are just the better team. They have won 6 out of the last 8 games between the two teams since last playoffs and one of the spurs win was on a last second shot.

Extra Stout
03-13-2009, 08:58 AM
Michael Finley outscored Kobe Bryant and the Lakers still won. Anything else?

03-13-2009, 09:03 AM
You fucking emo pussies. Fuck you.


03-13-2009, 09:19 AM
The Fakers are far from invincible. We saw how Boston literally dismantled them last year. However, they did it with a combination of great defense and timely offense.

It's troubling because the Spurs have somehow lost their defensive selves this year. Much has been the result of the limited play and slight decline of Bowen and poor health of Duncan - our best two defensive players. Pop has seemingly traded defense for offense, yet expects the same results.

My point is that it's troubling to see how some other teams can exploit the Fakers weaknesses, yet the Spurs seem unable to do the same. That game on Thursday was no different that what we watched last spring. Spurs holding their own in the backcourt, yet getting outquicked, outhustled, outrebounded, and outmuscled on the frontline.

As of now and until further notice, the Fakers are simply a bad matchup for the Spurs. Maybe Gooden, and the return of Manu, helps "tilt the scales" a bit, but for now it's discouraging to watch.

03-13-2009, 11:14 AM
the spurs are RIGHT THERE with LA...if we wouldn't have had TP and Manu go down early in the season, we'd be neck and neck with LA, Boston, Orlando, and Cleveland in the standings. INSPITE of all of our injuries and lack of consistency, we are still right there! people get too worried about blowouts or close losses...they mean nothing! it's late in the season, we need to be more worried about getting healthy and getting in rythum...

...as far as our window, that's a really, really subjective argument...Phoenix, Dallas, and Houston's windows are closing, if not closed...we've been one of the most winningest franchises in all of sports in the last 10 years and will be among the best in the NBA this season, next season, and probably the season after that. the answer to your question is NO.

03-13-2009, 11:19 AM
As of now and until further notice, the Fakers are simply a bad matchup for the Spurs. Maybe Gooden, and the return of Manu, helps "tilt the scales" a bit, but for now it's discouraging to watch.

valid point :toast

in addition, i would say the most important thing will be execution down the stretch...we didn't do that well yesterday and it cost us.

03-13-2009, 11:21 AM
lol @ the insecure laker trolls who feel the need to come up with new usernames :lmao ...... very entertaining indeed....

03-13-2009, 11:30 AM
Panic thread. Move on.

I'm thrilled we came within 2 points considering that donkey-fuck of a first quarter that we played. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, loss or no loss. It was fun to see Gooden's cameo, it was fun to watch Tony shooting the 3, it was fun to watch Fin heat it up from beyond the arc. It was a competitive game that we narrowed from an 18-point blowout to a single-digit loss, and when the game was over our guys walked off that floor with their heads held high.

So sack up, you pussies. We're just getting started.

03-13-2009, 12:04 PM
we had it down to a 2 point game without Ginobili, and Duncan and Mason played like crap..........we'll be fine.

the thing that kills us against the lakers is rebounding, we don't rebound for shit against them.........hopefully Gooden can help

03-13-2009, 12:08 PM
aren't you people glad the trade deadline has come and gone? we are at least spared the trade x threads until next season.

03-13-2009, 01:34 PM
Even with the new acquisitions of Hill, Mason, and Gooden. We are still no match for the Lakers. I want to be optimistic, but the Lakers are even better then they were last year. It seems like they aren't even intimidated by us anymore. They feel like they can beat us anytime they want.

And to think they were playing a back to back on our home floor. The last game was a close one and we managed to pull through with a win even though we got lucky with mason's 3pt play and the refs calling a travel on Ariza when he only took 2 steps and got fouled. This season could've been an easy sweep for the Lakers. Which is why im worried. I was optimistic last season because the spurs just dissapointed me in the end.

We are too old and Kobe is just too good. Its time to face the facts and not Hate but congradulate cause I seriously enjoyed watching them play today and I'm a die hard spurs fan. Just being real. Lets hope for a western conference rematch...or lets just hope we dont get swept!!! :depressed

Don't be a pussy :nope

03-13-2009, 02:12 PM
We just need everyone healthy, and we'll be in good shape.:flag:

703 Spurz
03-13-2009, 02:21 PM
You stfu. I'm simply stating the facts. Bi@tch.

Hey shithead, you realize cussing is allowed here right?