View Full Version : Titles and New User Profile Options

03-13-2009, 04:40 PM

Since the task of updating titles by hand has become too tedious, we've now changed it so that you can go to "Edit Your Details" in your Control Panel and change it yourself.

(Kori Edit: Don't cuss in your title. Thanks.)

Profile Picture

The profile pictures have now been automatically given a width of 250 pixels. Default profile pictures have also been added.

To edit your profile picture go to "Edit Profile Picture" in your Control Panel.

What's Up?

Go to "Edit Options" in your Control Panel to update the What's Up section of your profile. There is a 121 character limit.

Add Music

You can add music to your profile. Go to Kori's profile page (http://spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=6) to see an example of the music player in action.

To add music to your profile, do the following steps:

1) Go to Playlist.com.

2) Create an account at Playlist.com.

3) Create a playlist and add songs to it.

4) Click on "Generate code" when you are on your playlist page.

5) Click on "Get the code for any other social network, blog or your own personal website".

6) Select your playlist.

7) Click on the green "Get Code" button (don't worry about the above options).

8) Scroll down until you see a line in the code that looks like this:


It should be on about the 17th line of the code. You need to copy the part that is bolded above. It should be a series of numbers between the equal sign and the ampersand.

9) Go to your SpursTalk control panel and click on "Edit options".

10) Paste the series of numbers you got from Playlist.com in the "What's your Playlist.com ID?" box.

Once you have completed the steps, you can add and delete songs from your Playlist.com account and it will automatically update in your profile. You don't have to repeat the above steps.


FTL :pctoss

03-13-2009, 06:07 PM