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03-16-2009, 03:33 PM
I was watching ESPN, and with Cutler now asking to be traded, Mike Golic said the best, and most fair trade would be Cutler for Romo. Cowboys fans, and NFL fans, what do you think? I'm a Lifelong Cowboys fan..I haven't decided what I think about this. Cutler is young, and would be a great addition, but Romo, with TO out of the picture, might be able to focus better. Thoughts?

Read farther down..I completely changed my mind. Wouldn't even think about this trade after what Cutler did.

03-16-2009, 03:35 PM
Maybe if the Broncos are on tweak. The Broncos would be a lot smarter to go after Quinn, and Shaun Rodgers.

03-16-2009, 03:36 PM
Cowboys would be idiots. Romo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cutler.

03-16-2009, 03:43 PM
Cowboys would be idiots. Romo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cutler.
I think so too...I just think Romo needed to get TO out of the picture.

03-16-2009, 03:50 PM
If Cutler cried his ass off over this he'd definitely go Ryan Leaf in Dallas in a heartbeat. Too soft mentally where as Romo just wasn't emotionally there. I'd take neutral over soft any day.

peewee's lovechild
03-16-2009, 03:53 PM
Who would be there to coach Cutler anyway?

Wade "Cream Puff" Phillips?
Jason "I can't come up with new offensive schemes" Garrett?

Let's just make due with what we have and take it from there.

03-16-2009, 04:00 PM
I've been wondering a lot the past few days if Jerry is going to make a run for Crabtree in the draft. No way he's put this much stock in the existing core and we haven't seen or heard of him pursuing anyone via FA. No way this receiving core starts the season off as-is.

03-16-2009, 04:01 PM
If Cutler does get traded, it better not be to a big east coast media market. If he couldn't handle criticism in Denver, he will go bat shit crazy in NYC.

03-16-2009, 04:04 PM
If Cutler does get traded, it better not be to a big east coast media market. If he couldn't handle criticism in Denver, he will go bat shit crazy in NYC.

You'd be surprised in Denver honestly. The local fanbase and media is extremely tough on any quarterback, (ask Griese and Plummer). They are soft to the rest of the team, but they can get overwhelming for a quarterback.

All future qb's can thank Elway for that.

03-16-2009, 04:10 PM
You'd be surprised in Denver honestly. The local fanbase and media is extremely tough on any quarterback, (ask Griese and Plummer). They are soft to the rest of the team, but they can get overwhelming for a quarterback.

All future qb's can thank Elway for that.

Given the love the city has for the Broncos I am not surprised but I think the Media scrutiny would be tougher in New York.

I read on CNNSI that Detroit might be interested. He will be treated well there...until he steps on the field.

03-16-2009, 04:24 PM
Given the love the city has for the Broncos I am not surprised but I think the Media scrutiny would be tougher in New York.

I read on CNNSI that Detroit might be interested. He will be treated well there...until he steps on the field.

I would never compare it to the local New York media, I'm just saying it's tougher on the players then everyone thinks, in particular, the quarterback position.

The media really couldn't care less about the Nuggets, Avs, and Rockies...........unless they are winning............which lately isn't really that often.

03-16-2009, 04:31 PM
Romo is cream puff soft. I'd trade him for a houseplant at this point.

Extra Stout
03-16-2009, 05:03 PM
Why would the Cowboys replace their emotionally immature QB with another emotionally immature QB who is a diva on top of it?

jack sommerset
03-16-2009, 05:06 PM
Won't happen but I would applaud Jones for that trade!

03-16-2009, 05:31 PM
I read on CNNSI that Detroit might be interested. He will be treated well there...until he steps on the field.

It's true. Two positions that get the most heat are Lions QB and Red Wings goalie. He'd get a year or two pass before the heat would really come down, though.

I would take the lol,Cutler every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Cutler/Smith/CJ would be a really nice, young trio to build from. I think the darkhorse team here is Philly. Would not be surprised if they made the move and I also wouldn't be surprised if he fans burned down the Linc.

03-16-2009, 07:29 PM
Cutler is better than Romo, but I doubt the Cowboys realize that.

03-16-2009, 07:39 PM
Pass on the crybaby.

03-16-2009, 07:46 PM
That was the first thing I thought of when I heard he asked for the trade, but if Cutler is too thin skinned for Denver, he'd never be able to withstand Dallas. I'd rather take my chances that Romo starts holding the ball with both hands when he scrambles than bet the future on Cutler.

03-16-2009, 07:50 PM
Won't happen but I would applaud Jones for that trade!
Why? Cutler is supposed to be the leader of that team and didn't even show up today for the first team meeting. How can you bring in a guy that is supposed to be QB1 of a team and won't even show up to a team meeting where everyone is there? That's ridiculous. I wouldn't have even put this post up if I had known that. It my opinion, it's not even close. At least Romo TRIES to be a leader. Cutler doesn't even try. I'll take Romo in a landslide. At least he cares about his teammates.

03-16-2009, 07:52 PM
Cutler is better than Romo, but I doubt the Cowboys realize that.
And T.O. is better than a lot of receivers..that doesn't mean he's the best bet for that team. Cutler is a whiner, and didn't even show up for the team meeting today. If a guy is supposed to be a team leader and doesn't show up for his team's first meeting of the season, he's showing he doesn't give a shit about his teammates...guys like that don't deserve to play the game...period.

Harry Callahan
03-16-2009, 08:06 PM
Cutler is diabetic. I wouldn't want that issue with my quarterback.

03-16-2009, 09:44 PM
I would take Cutler over Romo in a heartbeat!

03-16-2009, 09:54 PM
Why would the Cowboys replace their emotionally immature QB with another emotionally immature QB who is a diva on top of it?

Pass on the crybaby.

+1 He'd meltdown in the Dallas media spotlight. If you judge a man by how he handles adversity, Cutler's butt-hurt act fails miserably.

03-16-2009, 09:58 PM
The Jets are going to swoop in and make a deal for Cutler. They are hurting bad at QB.

03-16-2009, 10:13 PM
I think so too...I just think Romo needed to get TO out of the picture.

TO made Romo. Romo sucks just watch.

03-16-2009, 10:14 PM
It's true. Two positions that get the most heat are Lions QB and Red Wings goalie. He'd get a year or two pass before the heat would really come down, though.

I would take the lol,Cutler every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Cutler/Smith/CJ would be a really nice, young trio to build from. I think the darkhorse team here is Philly. Would not be surprised if they made the move and I also wouldn't be surprised if he fans burned down the Linc.

You forgot Pistons Center in the gets heat department.

03-16-2009, 10:36 PM
TO made Romo.

LOL just like TO made Jeff Garcia & Donovan McNabb, right?

03-16-2009, 11:13 PM
LOL just like TO made Jeff Garcia & Donovan McNabb, right?

So true stats don't lie. Did any of those teams get better after he left?

03-17-2009, 07:57 AM
TO made Romo. Romo sucks just watch.

The way Moss made Cullpepper.

jack sommerset
03-17-2009, 09:51 AM
Why? Cutler is supposed to be the leader of that team and didn't even show up today for the first team meeting. How can you bring in a guy that is supposed to be QB1 of a team and won't even show up to a team meeting where everyone is there? That's ridiculous. I wouldn't have even put this post up if I had known that. It my opinion, it's not even close. At least Romo TRIES to be a leader. Cutler doesn't even try. I'll take Romo in a landslide. At least he cares about his teammates.

Cutler didn't show up because he wants TRADED now. Romo doesn't care period. He says it. He says its just a game. Bullshit. You don't spend 1.1 billion dollars for a new stadium for just a game. You don't get paid 67 million for just a game. You don't go off to Cancun the week before a playoff game, unless you don't care.

Romo is a douchebag. No question what so ever that Romo is the best QB the Cowboys have had since Aikman. Cutler has a chance to be a Hall of Famer. 25 year old with a canon of a arm. The guy can straight up play. I know this trade will never ever happen but damn I would not think twice about pulling the trigger.

03-17-2009, 10:03 AM
Cutler is diabetic. I wouldn't want that issue with my quarterback.

That actually has made his work ethic better. I read somewhere that he works out harder and eats better because he has too. So while he is working out and becoming a better athlete Romo is out jacking around in Jessica Simpson's panties.

03-17-2009, 12:46 PM
I was watching ESPN, and with Cutler now asking to be traded, Mike Golic said the best, and most fair trade would be Cutler for Romo. Cowboys fans, and NFL fans, what do you think? I'm a Lifelong Cowboys fan..I haven't decided what I think about this. Cutler is young, and would be a great addition, but Romo, with TO out of the picture, might be able to focus better. Thoughts?

straight up? I'd make that trade. But that's just off the top of my head....if I really sat down and rought up the pros/cons my view would be different.

03-17-2009, 01:22 PM
So true stats don't lie. Did any of those teams get better after he left?

Philly is just fine without him, and the 49ers were already bad with TO, they got worse when they let Garcia go.

McNabb and Garcia were still good quarterbacks without TO, and Romo will also be just fine without him and his bullshit.

03-17-2009, 03:01 PM
Cutler didn't show up because he wants TRADED now. Romo doesn't care period. He says it. He says its just a game. Bullshit. You don't spend 1.1 billion dollars for a new stadium for just a game. You don't get paid 67 million for just a game. You don't go off to Cancun the week before a playoff game, unless you don't care.

Romo is a douchebag. No question what so ever that Romo is the best QB the Cowboys have had since Aikman. Cutler has a chance to be a Hall of Famer. 25 year old with a canon of a arm. The guy can straight up play. I know this trade will never ever happen but damn I would not think twice about pulling the trigger.
That's shit, dude. Doesn't matter if he wants to be traded or not. Right now, he's a Bronco. As the team leader, he should be there. If he doesn't get traded, no one in that locker room will respect him. He's throwing his team under the bus. You douchebags need to make up your mind about Romo too. You make fun of him for crying after the Seattle game, and now you say he doesn't care. Cutler will NOT be a HOFer. If he can't handle stress in Denver, how the hell will he handle stress as a Cowboy? And a LOT of players go on vacation a week before the playoffs. It was just broadcasted because he's a Cowboy.

jack sommerset
03-17-2009, 03:53 PM
That's shit, dude. Doesn't matter if he wants to be traded or not. Right now, he's a Bronco. As the team leader, he should be there. If he doesn't get traded, no one in that locker room will respect him. He's throwing his team under the bus. You douchebags need to make up your mind about Romo too. You make fun of him for crying after the Seattle game, and now you say he doesn't care. Cutler will NOT be a HOFer. If he can't handle stress in Denver, how the hell will he handle stress as a Cowboy? And a LOT of players go on vacation a week before the playoffs. It was just broadcasted because he's a Cowboy.

It really does matter if he wants to be traded. His team threw him under the bus not the other way. Its hard to be a team leader when the team wanted another QB. The team is the owner and coach. The message they sent to the rest of the team was Cutler was not the man and then tried to lie about it all.

This douchebag did not make fun of Romo or blame Romo for losing that Seattle game. I made up my mind 2 years later that he is a douchebag. I think the guy is talented. I think if he screws his head back on he could be a good QB in this league. The question was "Romo for Cutler. Thoughts" I would take that trade in a heartbeat. In time you will see Cutler is one bad motherfucker.

I don't get where you say he does not handle stress. Because a rookie coach does not want him and lied to him? If a owner and/or Manager/supervisor did not want me to work for them I would leave. I wouldn't waste my time and my effort working for those fuckers. I would go get a job with the competition and shove it down thier stupid throats.

Like I said this trade won't happen. Jerry Jones believes in Romo and wants the team to believe in Romo. Something the Broncos should be doing for Cutler. Thats one of the reason T.O is gone. I will be cheering and hoping Romo does good but I will always think this guy is a freaken Douchebag.

03-17-2009, 07:21 PM
Didn't Romo make a pro bowl before Owens was a Cowboy?

03-17-2009, 07:26 PM
No. Romo's first season as a starter was 2006-2007. The same season TO got to Dallas.

Harry Callahan
03-17-2009, 08:22 PM
That actually has made his work ethic better. I read somewhere that he works out harder and eats better because he has too. So while he is working out and becoming a better athlete Romo is out jacking around in Jessica Simpson's panties.

You have no idea about how hard Tony Romo works or does not work because you aren't there. Tony Romo is a terrific athlete (and a better athlete than Cutler). He is a scratch golfer in addition to being an excellent basketball player. His escapability allows him to make big plays on the football field.

Your Texans would improve at the QB position with Tony Romo.

I actually like Cutler, but he seems to be a little bit of a loose cannon at times. Would he react well to the pressure of playing in Dallas? Maybe not.

03-17-2009, 09:08 PM
You have no idea about how hard Tony Romo works or does not work because you aren't there. Tony Romo is a terrific athlete (and a better athlete than Cutler). He is a scratch golfer in addition to being an excellent basketball player. His escapability allows him to make big plays on the football field.

Your Texans would improve at the QB position with Tony Romo.

I actually like Cutler, but he seems to be a little bit of a loose cannon at times. Would he react well to the pressure of playing in Dallas? Maybe not.

I would rather have that loose cannon of a QB. I really wish the Cowboy's had someone with some swagger like Cutler or Phillip Rivers that isn't afraid to get in the face of a big LB or DT/DE.

We need somone like that on the Cowboys to lead. Shit I wish we would have gotten Ray Lewis too for the D side for the same reason.

03-17-2009, 10:03 PM
Philly is just fine without him, and the 49ers were already bad with TO, they got worse when they let Garcia go.

McNabb and Garcia were still good quarterbacks without TO, and Romo will also be just fine without him and his bullshit.

That's laughable Philly was way better when McNabb had TO on the team.

03-17-2009, 10:09 PM
That's laughable Philly was way better when McNabb had TO on the team.

Philly was a game away from the Super Bowl without him. To say they couldn't have made it there without him is laughable.

jack sommerset
03-17-2009, 10:16 PM
You have no idea about how hard Tony Romo works or does not work because you aren't there. Tony Romo is a terrific athlete (and a better athlete than Cutler). He is a scratch golfer in addition to being an excellent basketball player. His escapability allows him to make big plays on the football field.

Your Texans would improve at the QB position with Tony Romo.

I actually like Cutler, but he seems to be a little bit of a loose cannon at times. Would he react well to the pressure of playing in Dallas? Maybe not.

I have a hard time getting past ur first line. Do you have any fucking clue how hard Romo works? Do you have a inside that none of us have?

Lets pretend for a moment this fucker is the hardest worker in the NFL. He trains year round like no footballer that has ever lived. You mean to tell me all of a sudden Romo is going to say " I need a vacation, sometime off. Hey Jessica lets go to Cancun....... I have a playoff game after finishing 13-3, a first round bye, I think this gives myself and my team the best chance to win!" Are you fucking kidding me?

Harry Callahan
03-17-2009, 10:44 PM
I have a hard time getting past ur first line. Do you have any fucking clue how hard Romo works? Do you have a inside that none of us have?

Lets pretend for a moment this fucker is the hardest worker in the NFL. He trains year round like no footballer that has ever lived. You mean to tell me all of a sudden Romo is going to say " I need a vacation, sometime off. Hey Jessica lets go to Cancun....... I have a playoff game after finishing 13-3, a first round bye, I think this gives myself and my team the best chance to win!" Are you fucking kidding me?

You don't have any idea, just like I don't have any idea - YOU ARE NOT THERE - how hard is that to understand? ATRAIN doesn't know and JSommerset does not know.

The entire team was given a weekend off with practices before and after that time - that was on the coach. Watch the NY game again and you'll note plenty of mistakes made by defensive players and offensive players not named ROMO.

03-17-2009, 11:14 PM
And T.O. is better than a lot of receivers..that doesn't mean he's the best bet for that team. Cutler is a whiner, and didn't even show up for the team meeting today. If a guy is supposed to be a team leader and doesn't show up for his team's first meeting of the season, he's showing he doesn't give a shit about his teammates...guys like that don't deserve to play the game...period.

I guess going to Cabo with Jessica Simpson before a playoff game shows more leadership? :rolleyes

03-17-2009, 11:18 PM
Philly was a game away from the Super Bowl without him. To say they couldn't have made it there without him is laughable.

My point is there were better with him.

03-18-2009, 12:22 AM
I guess going to Cabo with Jessica Simpson before a playoff game shows more leadership? :rolleyes

He's not the only one on the team that went on vacation, he's just the only one you know about. The difference between Tony Romo's weekend off before that game and everyone else's is that there were photographers hiding in the bushes to take pictures of him, or to be more precise, of his girlfriend. If you have a problem with someone related to something stupid like that, the person you should be criticizing is the coach that gave them those days off.

03-18-2009, 12:29 AM
My point is there were better with him.

Yeah, I guess the same logic applies when I say they were better with Freddie Mitchell too :rolleyes

03-18-2009, 12:54 AM
It really does matter if he wants to be traded. His team threw him under the bus not the other way. Its hard to be a team leader when the team wanted another QB. The team is the owner and coach. The message they sent to the rest of the team was Cutler was not the man and then tried to lie about it all.

This douchebag did not make fun of Romo or blame Romo for losing that Seattle game. I made up my mind 2 years later that he is a douchebag. I think the guy is talented. I think if he screws his head back on he could be a good QB in this league. The question was "Romo for Cutler. Thoughts" I would take that trade in a heartbeat. In time you will see Cutler is one bad motherfucker.

I don't get where you say he does not handle stress. Because a rookie coach does not want him and lied to him? If a owner and/or Manager/supervisor did not want me to work for them I would leave. I wouldn't waste my time and my effort working for those fuckers. I would go get a job with the competition and shove it down thier stupid throats.

Like I said this trade won't happen. Jerry Jones believes in Romo and wants the team to believe in Romo. Something the Broncos should be doing for Cutler. Thats one of the reason T.O is gone. I will be cheering and hoping Romo does good but I will always think this guy is a freaken Douchebag.
No..his team didn't throw him under the bus. This is a business. It's part of the business. If he can't handle that, he shouldn't be a professional football player. He's making millions...if he can't handle being on the trading block, he needs to go bag groceries or something. You don't get where I say he can't handle stress? Not showing up for the first team meeting when you're the team leader is a start. It's not about his coach not wanting him...it's the owner...the GM. Now I wasn't saying you were the one making fun of Romo..I was just saying some people did. I was a QB myself, and when I first heard the possibility of Romo vs. Cutler, I thought it might be interesting, till I heard he was acting like a little kid, and didn't show up at the first team meeting. That's just wrong. Yes..I agree if a team trades a QB, especially one with the talent level of Cutler, you should shove it down their throats. But if they don't, you realize it's a business, pick your head up, put on your helmet, stop your damn whining, and get your ass in their with the rest of your teammates who look to you when they need a leader. Otherwise, you'll lose all respect from your teammates, and not only will that affect you if you don't get traded, it will affect your future options on other teams.

03-18-2009, 12:56 AM
I guess going to Cabo with Jessica Simpson before a playoff game shows more leadership? :rolleyes
Hot off the press....a LOT of people go on vacation a week before playoff games. It's not just Romo..and he also wasn't the only player who went on vacation. Romo does well when he's having fun.

03-18-2009, 12:57 AM
You don't have any idea, just like I don't have any idea - YOU ARE NOT THERE - how hard is that to understand? ATRAIN doesn't know and JSommerset does not know.

The entire team was given a weekend off with practices before and after that time - that was on the coach. Watch the NY game again and you'll note planty of mistakes made by defensive players and offensive players not named ROMO.
Exactly...if Patrick Crayton catches that pass right in his hands, he gets a TD and Dallas wins that game and has a good path to the SB themselves.

03-18-2009, 12:58 AM
I would rather have that loose cannon of a QB. I really wish the Cowboy's had someone with some swagger like Cutler or Phillip Rivers that isn't afraid to get in the face of a big LB or DT/DE.

We need somone like that on the Cowboys to lead. Shit I wish we would have gotten Ray Lewis too for the D side for the same reason.
You mean like the kind of guy who'll tell his coach.."No..we aren't going to punt on 4th and an inch...we can GET THIS!!" And then they go out and get it, and end up scoring? Yeah...that's Romo.

jack sommerset
03-18-2009, 09:57 AM
No..his team didn't throw him under the bus. This is a business. It's part of the business. If he can't handle that, he shouldn't be a professional football player. He's making millions...if he can't handle being on the trading block, he needs to go bag groceries or something. You don't get where I say he can't handle stress? Not showing up for the first team meeting when you're the team leader is a start. It's not about his coach not wanting him...it's the owner...the GM. Now I wasn't saying you were the one making fun of Romo..I was just saying some people did. I was a QB myself, and when I first heard the possibility of Romo vs. Cutler, I thought it might be interesting, till I heard he was acting like a little kid, and didn't show up at the first team meeting. That's just wrong. Yes..I agree if a team trades a QB, especially one with the talent level of Cutler, you should shove it down their throats. But if they don't, you realize it's a business, pick your head up, put on your helmet, stop your damn whining, and get your ass in their with the rest of your teammates who look to you when they need a leader. Otherwise, you'll lose all respect from your teammates, and not only will that affect you if you don't get traded, it will affect your future options on other teams.

Give us a break with the Godfather reference. "Its a business" Guess what. The guy can make the same money at another "business". I have nothing esle to say. I would just repeat myself. Peace.

03-18-2009, 03:22 PM
Give us a break with the Godfather reference. "Its a business" Guess what. The guy can make the same money at another "business". I have nothing esle to say. I would just repeat myself. Peace.
But you know what..he signed a contract. When you sign a contract, you live by it. Unless you're not a man. It's not up to Cutler where he plays right now..it's up to Denver. Until he's a free agent, Denver decides where he plays...that's why you sign a contract..that's why you make millions...don't be a baby.

jack sommerset
03-18-2009, 03:55 PM
But you know what..he signed a contract. When you sign a contract, you live by it. Unless you're not a man. It's not up to Cutler where he plays right now..it's up to Denver. Until he's a free agent, Denver decides where he plays...that's why you sign a contract..that's why you make millions...don't be a baby.

Seriously dude, are you fucking kidding? I swear to God I am not being a dick to you but I have to know what the fuck are you talking about?

NFL owners cut players all the fucking time. T.O had a contract. Does that mean Jerry Jones is not a man for cutting him. Roy Williams had a contract. LT had to take a pay cut this season even though he had a contract. Jason Taylor had a contract. I can go on and on and on with players who had contracts and the owner cut there ass without pay.

Contracts mean SHIT in the NFL so I don't want to hear anyone hold any players accountable because they signed the contract when the owner of ALL teams will cut there ass in a heart beat.

03-18-2009, 08:32 PM
Seriously dude, are you fucking kidding? I swear to God I am not being a dick to you but I have to know what the fuck are you talking about?

NFL owners cut players all the fucking time. T.O had a contract. Does that mean Jerry Jones is not a man for cutting him. Roy Williams had a contract. LT had to take a pay cut this season even though he had a contract. Jason Taylor had a contract. I can go on and on and on with players who had contracts and the owner cut there ass without pay.

Contracts mean SHIT in the NFL so I don't want to hear anyone hold any players accountable because they signed the contract when the owner of ALL teams will cut there ass in a heart beat.
You want to know what I'm talking about? The guy is signed to a contract. That should be all that matters. You put your signature on that contract and you should stand by it. It's called being a man. You don't become a little baby because a team tries to trade you. It's part of the NFL. People get traded. And sometimes they don't. Apparently the Cutler deal didn't go through...he can't be a little whiner and say..."wah..you tried to trade me..wah..I don't feel loved...wah..trade me.." I guess I'm a 28 year old dude who remembers the old school, where the owners were in charge, and the inmates didn't run the asylum.

jack sommerset
03-18-2009, 10:55 PM
You want to know what I'm talking about? The guy is signed to a contract. That should be all that matters. You put your signature on that contract and you should stand by it. It's called being a man. You don't become a little baby because a team tries to trade you. It's part of the NFL. People get traded. And sometimes they don't. Apparently the Cutler deal didn't go through...he can't be a little whiner and say..."wah..you tried to trade me..wah..I don't feel loved...wah..trade me.." I guess I'm a 28 year old dude who remembers the old school, where the owners were in charge, and the inmates didn't run the asylum.

Its safe to say we disagree. I'm curious how you feel about a owner who signs a contract with a player only to cut him and not pay him? Shouldn't the team/owner be held to the same standards as the players you describe?

03-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Its safe to say we disagree. I'm curious how you feel about a owner who signs a contract with a player only to cut him and not pay him? Shouldn't the team/owner be held to the same standards as the players you describe?

Don't act like signing bonuses aren't part of the equation. The players union agreed to this system, and a player is bound to honor a contract until the team cuts him. If you aren't going to be honest about the way it works, then stay the hell out of the argument.

jack sommerset
03-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Don't act like signing bonuses aren't part of the equation. The players union agreed to this system, and a player is bound to honor a contract until the team cuts him. If you aren't going to be honest about the way it works, then stay the hell out of the argument.

I know how it works alright. Its bullshit is what I am saying. The agents are working around the fact these owners do not have anyone holding them accountable for the contracts so they get as much in a signing bonus as they can which is still a small part of the actual contract.

Again it does amaze me how some of you want to hold the players accountable but not the owner when it comes to the contract. How hard is it to grasp that two partys sign a contract and both should honor it. For better or worse.

03-19-2009, 02:43 PM
You put your signature on that contract and you should stand by it. It's called being a man.

Did I miss something or is the player's signature the only one on the contract?

And when the team asks a player to renegotiate, should the player tell the owner to stop whining, stand by the contract and be a man?

03-19-2009, 04:02 PM
Its safe to say we disagree. I'm curious how you feel about a owner who signs a contract with a player only to cut him and not pay him? Shouldn't the team/owner be held to the same standards as the players you describe?
I would say yes...the team/owner should be held to the same standards. But the player isn't paying the team millions...the team is paying the player millions.

03-19-2009, 04:06 PM
Did I miss something or is the player's signature the only one on the contract?

And when the team asks a player to renegotiate, should the player tell the owner to stop whining, stand by the contract and be a man?
No..the player's signature is not the only one on the contract. But tell me what the contract is for? It's to play for the team. Not to whine when you feel someone isn't giving you your love. It's BS. The guy is a pansy who is crying because someone thought about trading him, when that's part of the business. Don't stand up for the guy just because you want him on your team. Truth is, he's a punk who doesn't mind making the money involved in the business, but doesn't want to believe that it IS a business.

03-19-2009, 09:33 PM
I know how it works alright. Its bullshit is what I am saying. The agents are working around the fact these owners do not have anyone holding them accountable for the contracts so they get as much in a signing bonus as they can which is still a small part of the actual contract.

Again it does amaze me how some of you want to hold the players accountable but not the owner when it comes to the contract. How hard is it to grasp that two partys sign a contract and both should honor it. For better or worse.

Take it up with the players' union, because they agreed to this system so they could get signing bonuses in lieu of security, and the teams agreed to it so they can rid themselves of a roster spot without having to buy out a worthless player. Give the populist shit a fucking rest. The way the system is set up, the onus is on the players to honor what they signed, and since Cutler is NOT in a position to be released outright, he needs to show up and play for the fucking team, particulary since he and his agent didn't insist on a provision in his contract saying that he couldn't be shopped or that the coaching staff had to stay in place.

03-19-2009, 09:55 PM
Didn't Romo make a pro bowl before Owens was a Cowboy?

Romo never started a game before TO.

03-19-2009, 10:54 PM
Jay Cutler is like the NFL version of Nuke LaLoosh from Bull Durham.


How come you don't like me?

'Cause you don't respect yourself, which is your problem, but you don't respect the game--and that's my problem.
You got a gift.

What do I got?

A gift. When you were a baby the gods reached down and turned your left arm into a thunderbolt.

Nuke looks at his left arm rubs his shoulder curiously.

You got a Hall of Fame arm but you're pissing it away.

I ain't pissing nothing away--I got a Porsche already. A 944 with A.C. and a quadraphonic Blaupunkt.

You don't need a quadraphonic Blaupunkt--you need a curve ball.
In the Show, everybody can hit the fastball.

You been in the Majors?


Tony and Deke overhear this and turn around. And Crash gets
wistful, lyrical, and even slightly hopeful.

I was in the Show for 21 days, once.
It was the greatest 21 days of my life. You never touch your luggage in the show--somebody else handles your bags. It's great.
The ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, the women have long legs and brains-- it's a smorgasbord.

The women are hot, eh?

Yeah--and so are the pitchers. They throw ungodly breaking stuff
in the Show--exploding sliders.

Nuke, Tony, and Deke murmur in awe at Crash's pronouncement.

You could be one of those guys-- but you don't give a fuck, Meat.

God damn it I'm sick of you calling me "Meat"! You wanta step outside!

CRASH HOPS TO HIS FEET as the bus barrels along, grabbing Nuke by the collar.

Yeah, let's go.

Nuke quickly has second thoughts--Crash can be terrifying.

No. Wait a minute. Calm down, Crash...

Nuke sits back down. Calms. Reaches for a baseball sitting nearby. He hands the ball to Crash.

Teach me how to throw a breaking ball.

Crash takes the ball gently and speaks softly:

As I was saying ya hold it like an egg.

jack sommerset
03-19-2009, 10:58 PM
Romo never started a game before TO.

He is just arguing for the sake of it

03-20-2009, 04:52 AM
No..the player's signature is not the only one on the contract. But tell me what the contract is for? It's to play for the team. Not to whine when you feel someone isn't giving you your love. It's BS. The guy is a pansy who is crying because someone thought about trading him, when that's part of the business. Don't stand up for the guy just because you want him on your team. Truth is, he's a punk who doesn't mind making the money involved in the business, but doesn't want to believe that it IS a business.

From reading about the whole situation, everyone involved completely screwed the pooch on this one, including Cutler. It gets worse by the day and the recent quotes from McDaniels and Bowlen are odd at best.

Fans will go after Cutler because it's what they do because of the money involved, but what part did Bowlen play in this? Did he tell Cutler that some of the offensive assistants would be retained regardless of who the new coach was or did he magically forget the conversation because he's "getting up there in years"?

Why did McDaniels insist that weren't trying to trade Cutler after the initial story broke but then only a few days ago say that one of the reasons why he wasn't traded was because they "were late to the dance"?

Why did the Broncos cease communications with Cutler and Cook once the trade news broke?

You keep toting the business angle...well, what has Cutler done exactly that violates his contract? And wouldn't going to a better environment with an extension on his existing contract be a smart business decision for Cutler? Or does the business side of things end with the team?

03-20-2009, 06:53 AM
The strangest aspect to me in this whole soap opera is Bowlen. He went through a similar situation with Elway and Reeves and yet is acting like this is something he's never seen before.

Maybe he is senile.

03-20-2009, 09:12 AM
The strangest aspect to me in this whole soap opera is Bowlen. He went through a similar situation with Elway and Reeves and yet is acting like this is something he's never seen before.

Maybe he is senile.

Bowlen isn't senile, in fact he's far from it. Bowlen's issue is that he's arrogant as fuck and he knows that if he throws a few soundbytes here and there, Denver media will give him a pass on the deal.

Bowlen is the exact same kind of person as Jerry Jones, just in a smaller market. If he was in Dallas, he would be no different than Jerry.

I've met the guy, he fucking screams "cocky".

03-20-2009, 09:24 AM
What's your take on the situation, js? I intitially thought Cutler was driving the situation but it seems like it's getting stranger by the day. Honestly, now it looks like Cutler may be the only one telling the truth or at least a semblance of the truth.

Just an odd way for things to have unfolded and an odd series of half-truths explaining the situation.

03-20-2009, 10:00 AM
What's your take on the situation, js? I intitially thought Cutler was driving the situation but it seems like it's getting stranger by the day. Honestly, now it looks like Cutler may be the only one telling the truth or at least a semblance of the truth.

Just an odd way for things to have unfolded and an odd series of half-truths explaining the situation.

I think the same way you do..........everyone fucked up. Initially, it wasn't a good idea to "secretly" try to work out a three way trade involving three agents, three teams, and three GM's.......this shit was going to get out.

I also don't think it would have been a good idea to trade Cutler in order to bring in Cassell because I think Cutler is a better talent with just as much if not more upside.

I also think McDaniels learned too much from Bellichek and has inherited much of the arrogance that the Pats have.

I also think McDainiels should have just been up front and honest with Cutler from the get go.

I think Bowlen should step in, restructure Cutler's contract and get him more guaranteed money to make him happy.

Cutler should stop being a bitch as well, I don't understand the "I'm so mad that they were going to trade me I think they should trade me" thing.

I'm hoping they can work it out because I honestly think Cutler is going to be an outstanding quarterback. However, if they don't work it out, I'm still going to stick with my team, and Cutler will be my least favorite player EVER.

03-20-2009, 10:12 AM
I think the same way you do..........everyone fucked up. Initially, it wasn't a good idea to "secretly" try to work out a three way trade involving three agents, three teams, and three GM's.......this shit was going to get out.

I also don't think it would have been a good idea to trade Cutler in order to bring in Cassell because I think Cutler is a better talent with just as much if not more upside.

I also think McDaniels learned too much from Bellichek and has inherited much of the arrogance that the Pats have.

I also think McDainiels should have just been up front and honest with Cutler from the get go.

I think Bowlen should step in, restructure Cutler's contract and get him more guaranteed money to make him happy.

Cutler should stop being a bitch as well, I don't understand the "I'm so mad that they were going to trade me I think they should trade me" thing.

I'm hoping they can work it out because I honestly think Cutler is going to be an outstanding quarterback. However, if they don't work it out, I'm still going to stick with my team, and Cutler will be my least favorite player EVER.

If they are honestly considering going with Simms, Stafford or Quinn and a few picks over Cutler, then they are fucking bat-shit crazy. It has to be a monster deal, above and beyond, or you just inherited the next Millen/Morningweg.

03-20-2009, 11:16 AM
McNabb and Garcia were still good quarterbacks without TO, and Romo will also be just fine without him and his bullshit.
Yes they were both very good QBs without him. But there is no question that they were much better quarterbacks with TO. With him, they were putting up some monster stats.

I think Romo will do fine, but there is no question that TO helped him a LOT.

03-20-2009, 11:19 AM
lol cutler

03-20-2009, 11:19 AM
oh crap

03-20-2009, 11:19 AM
just realized if cutler goes, then i can't say lol, cutler to johnsmith anymore...

03-20-2009, 11:31 AM
just realized if cutler goes, then i can't say lol, cutler to johnsmith anymore...

Nah, you'll be able to even more because he'll go somewhere else and keep getting better.

03-20-2009, 07:52 PM
nah, you'll be able to even more because he'll go somewhere else and keep getting better.

could he get worse

03-20-2009, 08:24 PM
Romo never started a game before TO.

Oh yeah. I couldn't remember, which is why I phrased it as a question instead of a statement. Anyway, we'll see how he does without Owens. I still maintain that the Owens who was on his best behavior was likely gone forever by the middle of last season.