View Full Version : Parker scoring too much?

03-22-2009, 05:59 PM
Ok I think my thread was deleted lol.
But anyways, with PArker leading our scoring for most of the games, I dont think we have much of a chance. he needs to get the team involved as a real PG. It's also funny that our back-up PG is a pure shooter.

Get it together Spurs.

24 shots though.

Granted he had 12 assist, but there's others way he can create and get the team involved. His assist mainly come off of one pass to an open shooter. You know a PG is good when he can cause other players to get an assist too. lol

Theres some tweaking needed. big time.

03-22-2009, 06:00 PM
Granted he had 12 assist, but there's others way he can create and get the team involved.

:rollin :lmao


03-22-2009, 06:02 PM
You think your thread was deleted so you start another one?

It was merged into the official doom thread.

03-22-2009, 06:02 PM
Good thread. Maybe next game he can have 20 assists :jack

03-22-2009, 06:03 PM
Tony Parker deserves NO blame for his style of play right now..he's playing great basketball..the only complain I have is the missed FTs..

he would have more assists if the role players were actually playing well right now..

03-22-2009, 06:04 PM
24 shots isn't the problem, it's that his 37% today was below the team's 41%, as was Tim 37%. Those Big2 pulled down the entire team shooting %age.

03-22-2009, 06:05 PM
Ok I think my thread was deleted lol.
But anyways, with PArker leading our scoring for most of the games, I dont think we have much of a chance. he needs to get the team involved as a real PG. It's also funny that our back-up PG is a pure shooter.

Get it together Spurs.

24 shots though.

Granted he had 12 assist, but there's others way he can create and get the team involved. His assist mainly come off of one pass to an open shooter. You know a PG is good when he can cause other players to get an assist too. lol

Theres some tweaking needed. big time.
Wow...just wow...

03-22-2009, 06:05 PM
parker needs to shoot more, not less. have you seen the way the rest of the team has been playing?

for all the emphasis the team puts on popovich's "system", it's not exactly producing much offensively.

Kori Ellis
03-22-2009, 06:05 PM
When your thread is deleted or merged, don't start another one, unless you want banned.

It was merged in the other thread complaining about Parker.

Oh .. and by the way, he had 12 assists and the Spurs lost today. The Spurs have an awesome record when he leads them in scoring.