View Full Version : IRS Horror Stories

03-24-2009, 12:52 PM
Ok, I'm a 20 year tax payer. Always pay my taxes although I pay monthly every year.

I stop by the store to pick up some crazy glue, didn't have any cash so I used my ATM. The card came back, Cannot process this transaction. I asked the cashier to do it again because I know I have money in my account. She did, same thing. I went to the bank to find out why my card was not working, she explained to me that the Internal Revenue Service has placed a levy on my account. WTF, I had no notice that an action was going to take place on my account.

I was given a number to call the IRS agent. While trying to identify myself with the agent, she asked for my address. I gave it to her, she said that is not my address. wtf?? She asked for my old address, she again said that is not what they have on file. I guess she looked back at previous years and saw an old address of mine. It turns out that the address she had listed for me was someplace I've never stayed nor do I know where they got it from. Kind of explains why I received no notice.

She explained to me that there was a change on my 2006 tax return because the social security number that I used for my dependent (which was my fathers ss#) was wrong and they were deducting $1600 from my account. When I gave her the correct number it appeared that someone imputed the wrong number, it was off by 1 digit. Now that they've made the correction, it was determined that my return was ok after all. While speaking with her while she was scrambling to straighten things out, I asked her why did they not look at last years return and get the correct address? I have been making payments every month with them and I still owed them a $221 payment. Now she's really on the spot, anyway she notified the bank to have the levy lifted. since they were in my account, I told her to go ahead and take the final payment for last years return. That turned out to be a big mistake. When I agreed to let them take the payment they were able to charge me $90 and make the levy justified. If I did not agree with it, there would have been no charge. What makes matters worse is that it takes 3 days before the bank can remove the levy. If a payment is to be sent to the IRS, it takes an additional 2 days, which I did not know at the time nor was I told. This happened last wednesday and it was after 3:30pm so the bank considered the request to release my account received on Thursday. Great...Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and now Tuesday without access to my money. I am yet to see what will be the repercussion of the checks that I had come in at that time. Unbelievable.

I have found 2 others that the same thing happened to. What the fuck is going on? If this is change, you can keep it!

Thank you for letting me share.

03-24-2009, 01:06 PM
That sucks. Computer mistakes can be hard to fix. I had a problem on my credit report that indicated I defaulted on a mortgage in 1971. I was born in 1969.

03-24-2009, 02:00 PM
That sucks. Computer mistakes can be hard to fix. I had a problem on my credit report that indicated I defaulted on a mortgage in 1971. I was born in 1969.


03-24-2009, 04:47 PM
you ever hold down a data entry role? try reading fukn numbers where ppl use fukn pen with no ink and still handing it in or not writing the number clearly and shit...

03-24-2009, 05:49 PM
I had a friend..haven't seen him in years..he was a bartender...that's all he'd ever done...and he showed me a bill he got from the IRS for over a million dollars. lol...

He also had a cell phone bill he showed me for $60,000 and change.

Man had the luck of ...I think he was polish.

I had some money I owed the IRS and I was kinda freaked out. They wouldn't work a deal with me at the time because they said I made too much money. Then, right after that, I got sick and couldn't work and I must say....they were pretty good to me. Maybe it was the agent I had but I was satisfied. They'll work with you. Worse thing you can do is try to avoid them or ignore them. You can't ignore, or avoid, the IRS.

03-24-2009, 06:31 PM
One of the many jobs I've had was working in an IRS Service Center mail extraction room. On a typical weekday during tax season, that service center received between 100,000 and 200,000 pieces of mail. About 8% were undelivered letters from the IRS to taxpayers. Do the math.

I also have to echo TDMVPDPOY's sentiment about the condition of tax returns when they reach the IRS. Many (those that weren't already filed electronically) were professionally prepared, and computer generated. But, that only accounts for about half of all the returns handled in the service center. The rest are messes.

Hell, it appeared that some people wiped their asses with their 1040 before they stuck it in the envelope. Spaghetti stains, grease, reeking of cigarettes and alcohol. Many were, I suspect, intentionally defaced and made hard to handle because, well, taxpayers seem clueless to the fact that it is other taxpayers -- and not anybody they're really pissed at -- opening their returns.

I particularly love the idiots that enclose threatening notes... into a bag and off to the Secret Service.

If you're not filing electronically these days, you're an idiot too.

Marcus Bryant
03-24-2009, 07:01 PM
You worked for the enemy? Fuck you.

03-24-2009, 11:12 PM
The IRS, per se, isn't the enemy. They do not write the tax code.

03-25-2009, 10:39 AM
I had a friend..haven't seen him in years..he was a bartender...that's all he'd ever done...and he showed me a bill he got from the IRS for over a million dollars. lol...

He also had a cell phone bill he showed me for $60,000 and change.

Man had the luck of ...I think he was polish.

I had some money I owed the IRS and I was kinda freaked out. They wouldn't work a deal with me at the time because they said I made too much money. Then, right after that, I got sick and couldn't work and I must say....they were pretty good to me. Maybe it was the agent I had but I was satisfied. They'll work with you. Worse thing you can do is try to avoid them or ignore them. You can't ignore, or avoid, the IRS.

I have to say in speaking to the IRS, it was the best experience I have had with them. The Lady was very nice and helpful, even before she found out that it was a mistake. I could not stay mad while speaking with her. By the time she was done I was complimenting her on her service she provided.

Now Washington Mutual\Chase is another story. To this day my account is still not available to me and they can not tell me anything but they are working on it and they're sorry for the inconvenience. Man, this sucks bigtime! Im through with these clowns.