View Full Version : Bill and Sean

03-27-2009, 12:29 AM
who thinks we have the best broadcat team with bill land and sean elliott?
i love those two!

:lobt2::lobt2::lobt2::lobt2:+ 2009=:lobt2:

03-27-2009, 12:33 AM
I loved Sean as a player, but sometimes he just makes me cringe when he's broadcasting the games with Land. Gotta love the enthusiasm they bring, but I usually just turn the TV sound down and listen to Bill Schoening make the call on WOAI.

03-27-2009, 12:42 AM
Sean is funny but too much homerism is annoying.

He pisses me off at times cause he tends to say a game is over when its far from over.

03-27-2009, 12:43 AM
I think Elliott comes off like a tool.

03-27-2009, 12:51 AM
I love those guys... I love the homer shit too

I used to think Dick Stockton and Sean couldn't be topped, but I've learned to love Bill Land more, he loves the Spurs more.

03-27-2009, 01:55 AM
Why wouldn't you want homerism? I don't yell out during games "Great flop Manu!" "Nice defense Kobe!" "Timmy obviously fouled Dirk" I say "Manu draws the charge", "Mason needs more lift on that shot" and "That was the most retarded call I've seen all night."

Now after the game, we can be nice and objective. Theres few things worse than an exclusive national broadcast game where I have to hear the announcers give the Spurs few props. The games where they talk about something totally un-related to basketball when we bring it up the floor but when the Celtics do something its '"OHHHHH KEVIN GARNET WITH THE <SUPERFLOROUS ADJECTIVE> SLAM DUNK!!!!!".

I'll take Bill and Sean.

03-27-2009, 02:06 AM
Why wouldn't you want homerism? I don't yell out during games "Great flop Manu!" "Nice defense Kobe!" "Timmy obviously fouled Dirk" I say "Manu draws the charge", "Mason needs more lift on that shot" and "That was the most retarded call I've seen all night."

Now after the game, we can be nice and objective. Theres few things worse than an exclusive national broadcast game where I have to hear the announcers give the Spurs few props. The games where they talk about something totally un-related to basketball when we bring it up the floor but when the Celtics do something its '"OHHHHH KEVIN GARNET WITH THE <SUPERFLOROUS ADJECTIVE> SLAM DUNK!!!!!".

I'll take Bill and Sean.


Elliott and Land are my favorite combination of all-time. It used to be Barnett and Dietrick but Elliott and Land are now tops.

Yes, Elliott is a homer and he's obviously not the most well prepared color commentator of all-time but he's still damn good. He's basically a part of the coaching staff so his knowledge is firsthand. He's friends with most of the players. He knows the game and he's played recently enough to know exactly what the players are going through and what Pop is thinking. And while he's a homer, he's also constantly riding Duncan to make faster decisions, for Parker to control the offense more, etc. It's not like he doesn't give his fair share of criticism.

Land is goofy but he has good chemistry with Elliott. And both of them obviously care about whether or not the Spurs win. A lot of people in the business not only don't care, they end up resenting the teams they cover. Elliott and Land are two of the bigger Spurs fans on the planet. Elliott might be the biggest. He lives and dies with the team.

If you can't take Elliott's homerism and overconfidence (the same trait he had as a player) with everything else he brings to the table, you must not be much of a Spurs fan. Elliott flows with pertinent Spurs knowledge throughout his broadcasts.


03-27-2009, 02:21 AM
Why wouldn't you want homerism? I don't yell out during games "Great flop Manu!" "Nice defense Kobe!" "Timmy obviously fouled Dirk"

funny, but that is how i usually watch the games. its why i cant stand to watch spurs games with random spurs fans. it becomes a bit grating watching a spurs player take 5 step, get called for the travel, and then have to listen to 2 minutes of random spurs fan ranting about how the refs are blind/stupid/biased.

most times, id rather watch a game with someone who is a legit/knowledgeable basketball fan, who may or may not be a spurs fan (being a spurs fan would just be a bonus).

03-27-2009, 03:48 AM

Elliott and Land are my favorite combination of all-time. It used to be Barnett and Dietrick but Elliott and Land are now tops.

Yes, Elliott is a homer and he's obviously not the most well prepared color commentator of all-time but he's still damn good. He's basically a part of the coaching staff so his knowledge is firsthand. He's friends with most of the players. He knows the game and he's played recently enough to know exactly what the players are going through and what Pop is thinking. And while he's a homer, he's also constantly riding Duncan to make faster decisions, for Parker to control the offense more, etc. It's not like he doesn't give his fair share of criticism.

Land is goofy but he has good chemistry with Elliott. And both of them obviously care about whether or not the Spurs win. A lot of people in the business not only don't care, they end up resenting the teams they cover. Elliott and Land are two of the bigger Spurs fans on the planet. Elliott might be the biggest. He lives and dies with the team.

If you can't take Elliott's homerism and overconfidence (the same trait he had as a player) with everything else he brings to the table, you must not be much of a Spurs fan. Elliott flows with pertinent Spurs knowledge throughout his broadcasts.


Word... :smokin

03-27-2009, 05:03 AM
Oh mama!

03-27-2009, 08:46 AM

Elliott and Land are my favorite combination of all-time. It used to be Barnett and Dietrick but Elliott and Land are now tops.

Yes, Elliott is a homer and he's obviously not the most well prepared color commentator of all-time but he's still damn good. He's basically a part of the coaching staff so his knowledge is firsthand. He's friends with most of the players. He knows the game and he's played recently enough to know exactly what the players are going through and what Pop is thinking. And while he's a homer, he's also constantly riding Duncan to make faster decisions, for Parker to control the offense more, etc. It's not like he doesn't give his fair share of criticism.

Land is goofy but he has good chemistry with Elliott. And both of them obviously care about whether or not the Spurs win. A lot of people in the business not only don't care, they end up resenting the teams they cover. Elliott and Land are two of the bigger Spurs fans on the planet. Elliott might be the biggest. He lives and dies with the team.

If you can't take Elliott's homerism and overconfidence (the same trait he had as a player) with everything else he brings to the table, you must not be much of a Spurs fan. Elliott flows with pertinent Spurs knowledge throughout his broadcasts.


Damn right.:smokin

03-27-2009, 09:49 AM
I love Sean Elliott, homer glasses and all.

Bill Land is a decent analyst and commentator, but I hate how the guy talks like my grampa sometimes.


"Oh mama!"

"Golly, Sean!"

03-27-2009, 09:54 AM
Oh Mama!!

Nothing gets me more pumped.

03-27-2009, 09:57 AM
Great broadcast team, or Greatest broadcast team? Thats how I would of worded the question.

03-27-2009, 10:20 AM
If you can't take Elliott's homerism and overconfidence (the same trait he had as a player) with everything else he brings to the table, you must not be much of a Spurs fan.

I can dig the homerism but not too much of it. And Sean has that tendency to over do it. Also who can forget his infamous "Its Over" rant against the Celtics last year and we lost the game...he still does that at times and it does get me upset. Thats because im a hardCore Spurs fan :flag:

03-27-2009, 10:26 AM
I love Bill and Sean. Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Lu ck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_ is a huge homer and Land is a really nerdy white guy, but like Timvp said, they have great chemistry and truly care about the Spurs.

Oh MAMA!!!!

did anyone catch this during the last game: while Tony was going off in the fourth, Sean was commenting on Tony's dramatic improvement from when he first came into the league, and Tony hit something like 2 or three shots in a row and Bill yells out, "Keep talking Sean and Tony'll keep hitting em!"

03-27-2009, 10:29 AM
Sean makes Spurs loosing more bearable. He's a homer yes, but the right kind. More power to both guys :toast

03-27-2009, 10:41 AM
they are the best.

03-27-2009, 11:04 AM
Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Lu ck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_ is a huge homer

:lmao I was waiting for it.

03-27-2009, 11:15 AM
People here know that I absolutely can not stand Bill Land.

To those who think they are the best ever- how much do you watch other teams' telecasts? (not you LJ)

As to homerism, I prefer objective analysis and credit where credit is due over homer broadcasts.

funny, but that is how i usually watch the games. its why i cant stand to watch spurs games with random spurs fans. it becomes a bit grating watching a spurs player take 5 step, get called for the travel, and then have to listen to 2 minutes of random spurs fan ranting about how the refs are blind/stupid/biased.

most times, id rather watch a game with someone who is a legit/knowledgeable basketball fan, who may or may not be a spurs fan (being a spurs fan would just be a bonus).
That is how I watch games, too, and I can not stand fans who whine and complain about every call. If a guy makes a great play, no matter whom he is playing for, I will admit it and appreciate it. Then again, I admit that I am a basetball fan, then a player fan, and then a team fan.

03-27-2009, 11:51 AM

Elliott and Land are my favorite combination of all-time. It used to be Barnett and Dietrick but Elliott and Land are now tops.

Yes, Elliott is a homer and he's obviously not the most well prepared color commentator of all-time but he's still damn good. He's basically a part of the coaching staff so his knowledge is firsthand. He's friends with most of the players. He knows the game and he's played recently enough to know exactly what the players are going through and what Pop is thinking. And while he's a homer, he's also constantly riding Duncan to make faster decisions, for Parker to control the offense more, etc. It's not like he doesn't give his fair share of criticism.

Land is goofy but he has good chemistry with Elliott. And both of them obviously care about whether or not the Spurs win. A lot of people in the business not only don't care, they end up resenting the teams they cover. Elliott and Land are two of the bigger Spurs fans on the planet. Elliott might be the biggest. He lives and dies with the team.

If you can't take Elliott's homerism and overconfidence (the same trait he had as a player) with everything else he brings to the table, you must not be much of a Spurs fan. Elliott flows with pertinent Spurs knowledge throughout his broadcasts.


Hell yeah. :toast

03-27-2009, 11:53 AM
I think Bill and Sean are great. I could see how non-Spurs fans could be annoyed by their homerism (particularly Sean's), but as a Spurs fan I thoroughly enjoy them.

As for the sub-conversation going on here, I try to watch the game objectively. If Timmy takes 4 steps and they call a travel on him, I don't get upset with the refs at all (unless they're not calling it both ways). The major difference is if Kevin Garnett gets tapped by Duncan and they call the ticky-tack foul, I'll yell at the refs ("What in the world are you looking at??!"). If the foul happens the other way around and goes in the Spurs favor, I'm more likely to calmly turn to the person I'm sitting next to and say, "I'm not too sure about that call." (Shrug and smile.)

03-27-2009, 11:59 AM
i love them. i don't understand the "too much homerism" argument. they like YOUR team, they're cheering for YOUR team.

03-27-2009, 12:30 PM
I can dig the homerism but not too much of it. And Sean has that tendency to over do it. Also who can forget his infamous "Its Over" rant against the Celtics last year and we lost the game...he still does that at times and it does get me upset. Thats because im a hardCore Spurs fan :flag:Elliott has always been overconfident. That's part of what made him such a good player. In 1995 when the Spurs fell down 0-2 against the Rockets, he said that they'd go win both in Houston. And they did. Even in 2001, he said the Spurs still had a good chance to climb out of the 0-3 hole against the Lakers.

And last time I checked, a color commentator doesn't control how a team plays on the court. Spurs fans melting down after that Celtics game was one of the dumbest Spurs fans meltdowns of all time .... and that's saying something.

03-27-2009, 12:35 PM
Elliott has always been overconfident. That's part of what made him such a good player. In 1995 when the Spurs fell down 0-2 against the Rockets, he said that they'd go win both in Houston. And they did. Even in 2001, he said the Spurs still had a good chance to climb out of the 0-3 hole against the Lakers.

And last time I checked, a color commentator doesn't control how a team plays on the court. Spurs fans melting down after that Celtics game was one of the dumbest Spurs fans meltdowns of all time .... and that's saying something.

I love Sean too much as a person/ex-player to see him make a fool of himself in public on a regular basis. That, in a nutshell, is my only gripe with him as a color commentator. It's actually the complete opposite of what our franchise has been about since Pop took the helm.
He runs his mouth when we're up 10-12 points in the 1st quarter, and I'm already thinking to myself :nope...
He's still not at Heinsohn level blind homerism yet, but he can get damn close at times.

03-27-2009, 12:42 PM
Sean constantly gives props to opposing teams and players.

03-27-2009, 12:45 PM
See for me, watching LP has given me a whole new appreciation. I want the color commentary/hometeam commentary to be a little biased. Why not? I like it when the people calling the game are obviously fans of the team, and that is I love getting Spurs broadcasts. I would be annoyed if Sean were doing that on ESPN, but I love it with the Spurs.

And no way are they anywhere near as bad as some (cough, Houston, cough). They are always willing to criticize the players and coaching decisions. I've listened to Sean make fun of Manu flopping or acknowledge that Tony got away with a travel or call out Timmy for his free throw shooting. I've heard them talk about bad calls against other teams and sincerely hope another team's player isn't injured and give props to good plays by the other teams.

To me - it's a great balance between knowledge of the game, the team, what they are trying to do, being fans but not being blind homers. Here in Houston, you'd have to believe that the Rockets never commit a foul and the refs just hate on them if you listened to Drexler. He's truly awful.

Much as I enjoy listening to other teams give props to the Spurs, I always feel a little bad when we get the other team's broadcast and they are going on and on and on about how much they like the Spurs/Pop/Duncan/Etc. because I wouldn't want to hear that if I were watching at home.

I think Bill and Sean are near the top at what they do.

03-28-2009, 06:34 PM
whos the one that goes OHHHH MAMMAAA???

03-28-2009, 07:08 PM
Elliott has always been overconfident. That's part of what made him such a good player. In 1995 when the Spurs fell down 0-2 against the Rockets, he said that they'd go win both in Houston. And they did. Even in 2001, he said the Spurs still had a good chance to climb out of the 0-3 hole against the Lakers.

And last time I checked, a color commentator doesn't control how a team plays on the court. Spurs fans melting down after that Celtics game was one of the dumbest Spurs fans meltdowns of all time .... and that's saying something.

Fans/Players are always superstitious about little things like that. The commentators saying things like "Hes a great clutch FT shooter" and the player misses it. or "This player NEVER gets hurt" and the player gets hurt.

As a BIG Spurs fan it does bother you when a commentator says a game is over in the 1st or 2nd quarter when the Spurs are notorious for blowing leads. It doesnt really piss me off but it does bother me. Dont get me wrong Sean is VERY entertaining to listen to and his insider info is top notch but i like to listen to him be a little more objective and not insult the other teams as much as he does.

03-28-2009, 08:38 PM
Sean Elliott and Bill Land are great! Even though they are biased towards the Spurs I'd much rather have a little bias and enthusiasm when it comes down to the team I watch. I hate when I turn on a game and instead of commentating on the actual game I hear Bill Walton choking on his spit and talking about some old man basketball glory days and how he got his son a pony for his birthday.