View Full Version : Monroe: Unused Timeout Regretted By Spurs

04-01-2009, 12:04 AM
Unused timeout regretted by Spurs (http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/spurs/Unused_timeout_regretted_by_Spurs.html)
Mike Monroe

Spurs captain Tim Duncan regretted not calling a timeout in the final, frantic seconds of a 96-95 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder on Tuesday night at the AT&T Center.

Manu Ginobili expressed similar remorse.

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich eliminated any doubt about whether an end-game mental error had been committed.

“It should have been a timeout,” Popovich said. “Absolutely.”

Popovich had no problem with the Spurs hurrying the ball upcourt after rebounding a Thunder miss with 13.9 seconds left. He typically prefers to pressure a defense before it has a chance to get set, rather than calling a timeout.

It was after the Spurs nearly kicked the ball away, with about five seconds left, when the Spurs coach would have liked to have had a chance to reorganize his team.

Ginobili, who thought he should have called timeout a few seconds earlier, instead of passing to a well-defended Tony Parker, saved the ball to Duncan after it was knocked away from Parker.

That's when Duncan rued not asking for a timeout, with about four seconds left. Instead, he fired a pass to Michael Finley for what turned out to be a decent look at the basket for a potential game winner that bounced off the back rim.

“Just a mental lapse,” Duncan said. “I should have (called timeout). It was the right play to do at that time. I saw (Manu) going baseline and kind of faked it to him and saw the weakside defense going to him and didn't throw it. At that point, I should have called timeout to give us a chance to set something up.”

G'day, Brett: Spurs assistant coach Brett Brown was named head coach of Australia's national men's team, the Boomers, beginning this summer and carrying through to the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Brown, a Spurs assistant for the past six seasons, was head coach of the North Melbourne Giants and the Sydney Tigers in the Australian National Basketball League from 1993-2002. He was an assistant coach for Australia's Olympic teams in 1996 and 2000.

Popovich said the Spurs have cleared Brown for all the time he needs to coach the Aussies during the summer.

Oberto cleared: Spurs center Fabricio Oberto was cleared to play by doctors who examined his heart on Monday. Oberto experienced an irregular heartbeat last week. He was inactive for Tuesday's game.

04-01-2009, 01:16 AM
I've never agreed with Pop doing this so much this season, and I think it is not his normal coaching style...he's just determined to trying new shit this season from the start.

Call the time out, triangle 1, ginobili jump shot, we win.

04-01-2009, 07:39 AM
We lost like two or three games on this same fashion IIRC... there's a reason why there is a coach...

04-01-2009, 07:49 AM
Everyone in the thunder was shooting lights out, even the towel boy had double digits. The Spurs tried hard to win the game and came close. I am sure a time out would have helped at about 5 seconds before the end of the game.

04-01-2009, 10:51 AM
It should at least be mentioned that a lot of that was on Finley. When he came down with the ball, he immediately advanced the ball, which would have prevented them from getting the ball in the front court, even if they had called a time out. After he started moving with it, I'm sure he looked at the clock and saw 12 seconds, but if there had only been 4 or 5 it would have been too late to take the ball in the front court. He got lucky on that count, but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

Next, he started heading up the court with the ball, instead of immediately gettting it to Parker or Ginobili. Maybe one of those two would have had enough sense to look to Pop to see if he wanted a time out after the ball cleared mid-court. But it, also would have given them the chance to score before the Thunder's defense could get set.

Tim is a leader, and he will step up to take the bullet. But he sure as hell isn't the one I would be second-guessing.


04-01-2009, 11:02 AM
That whole sequence I was thinking...WTF...why isn't anybody calling a timeout...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

04-01-2009, 11:06 AM
Might as well get the stupid brain-farts out of the way now...

04-01-2009, 11:38 AM
8 games left and we're suddenly suffering from mental lapses.

04-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Im glad they lost this game when it was that close, if the Thunder wouldve lost by a last second shot you would have to feel for them after outplaying them for 40+ minutes.....WAKE UP POP!!!!

04-01-2009, 03:09 PM
It's almost one of those situations where the PG should try to get an easy basket by taking advantage of the fact that the defense is not set (This would probably be more effective on the better defensive teams), if he gets to the basket and sees that the defense is set, or doesn't see an opportunity he calls a quick timeout near the baseline.

04-01-2009, 03:12 PM
Popovich is saving those timeouts for the playoffs

CIA Pop.

04-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Its all just part of getting ready for play-offs. Pop knows what hes doin . It will be a whole new spurs team during play-offs .

Spurs lost this game because simply there shots were Not going down .

04-01-2009, 04:05 PM
mentally broken.

04-01-2009, 04:18 PM
trade tim duncan!!

04-01-2009, 04:21 PM
the fact that such a mistake seems so surprising from the spurs just tells how smart, poised and experienced the spurs usually are and act.

just a rare mistake here, nothing to worry about IMO. let's move on.

Oh, Gee!!
04-02-2009, 09:48 PM
Popovich is saving those timeouts for the playoffs

CIA Pop.

we'll have like 50 of them in game 7 vs. the Lakers. Brilliant:lol