View Full Version : An IPod?

04-01-2009, 08:42 PM
I mean, come on!

baseline bum
04-01-2009, 08:49 PM
I would ask what the fuck, but this thread makes more sense than most of the other ones you post and I know it's not plagiarized.

04-01-2009, 10:46 PM
I was waiting for this thread.

04-01-2009, 10:49 PM
A queen. wtf

They haven't grown out of that yet?

Def Rowe
04-01-2009, 10:50 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about. Very vague topic.

04-01-2009, 10:59 PM
I guarantee you that she is enjoying her video Ipod. So, in the end, its a great gift.

04-01-2009, 11:12 PM
LMAO I knew I'd find this at the top of the Drudge report.

And given what it had on it, it's at least as thoughtful as a silverframed photograph of yourself. :p

Don Quixote
04-01-2009, 11:15 PM
Hope and Change has come to the State Dept! I just knew the new administration would sweep the world off its feet, after that cowboy made us look awful, etc.

I mean ... the DVD's, I might get for my friend for Christmas, when I can't think of anything else to give him. But did he get the IPod at the airport store right before boarding the plane? Did he even get it out of the shopping bag before giving it to the Queen? Did he at least remember to take the bar code and price tag off?

Can't make this stuff up.

04-01-2009, 11:18 PM
Hope and Change has come to the State Dept! I just knew the new administration would sweep the world off its feet, after that cowboy made us look awful, etc.

I mean ... the DVD's, I might get for my friend for Christmas, when I can't think of anything else to give him. But did he get the IPod at the airport store right before boarding the plane? Did he even get it out of the shopping bag before giving it to the Queen? Did he at least remember to take the bar code and price tag off?

Can't make this stuff up.

Actually... per the Drudge report/ABCNews, it came with...

President and First Lady Obama gave Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II a video iPod with inscription, songs uploaded and accessories, plus a rare musical songbook signed by Richard Rodgers.
Uploaded onto the iPod:

Photos from the Queen's 2007 White House State Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
Video from the Queen's 1957 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Richmond Visit
Photos from President Obama's Inauguration
Audio of then-state senator Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address
Whereas they gave us...

Britain's Press Association reports that the Royal couple gave the Obamas "a silver-framed, signed photograph of themselves."

Honestly, is their gift better than ours? lol

04-01-2009, 11:23 PM
Actually... per the Drudge report/ABCNews, it came with...

President and First Lady Obama gave Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II a video iPod with inscription, songs uploaded and accessories, plus a rare musical songbook signed by Richard Rodgers.
Uploaded onto the iPod:

Photos from the Queen's 2007 White House State Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
Video from the Queen's 1957 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Richmond Visit
Photos from President Obama's Inauguration
Audio of then-state senator Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address
Whereas they gave us...

Britain's Press Association reports that the Royal couple gave the Obamas "a silver-framed, signed photograph of themselves."

Honestly, is their gift better than ours? lol
The silver frame is probably worth a couple of bones.

Don Quixote
04-01-2009, 11:31 PM
Actually... per the Drudge report/ABCNews, it came with...

President and First Lady Obama gave Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II a video iPod with inscription, songs uploaded and accessories, plus a rare musical songbook signed by Richard Rodgers.
Uploaded onto the iPod:

Photos from the Queen's 2007 White House State Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
Photos from the Queen's 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
Video from the Queen's 1957 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown Visit
Video from the Queen's 2007 Richmond Visit
Photos from President Obama's Inauguration
Audio of then-state senator Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address
Whereas they gave us...

Britain's Press Association reports that the Royal couple gave the Obamas "a silver-framed, signed photograph of themselves."

Honestly, is their gift better than ours? lol

Drudge is an invaluable resource. Would we have ever heard of Monica Lewinsky without him? (Probably not -- the media would have buried it). Anyway ...

I think the Brits got wise this time around. And the I-Pod, with this stuff uploaded, sounds much better than the DVDs. And a silver-framed autographed photo of the Royals is worth quite a bit itself.

Still ... didn't the royals already have video of all this? And 2004 Obama's Convention speech they can get on Youtube. (Why not something of Churchill?)

04-02-2009, 12:10 AM
I like this trend.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-02-2009, 12:22 AM
me too. i'm guessing the next gift that we give to a leader of a country, that we'll profusely apologize to that we're sorry for all the bad we've done, will be a weekend trip to the sundance film festival if that hasn't passed already. joy
i mean, even cnn was making light of it. i wonder if it was bedazzled or if it contained bling. i'm guessing the latter.

04-02-2009, 07:49 AM
So where's mine? :lmao I'd like to meet the genius who thought of this gift?

04-02-2009, 08:03 AM
I'm thinking Hu Jintao ends up getting an Obama autographed Yao Ming jersey................

04-02-2009, 08:04 AM
Gotta hand it to him though, it was a better idea then the "reset" button.

04-02-2009, 08:05 AM
I'm thinking Hu Jintao ends up getting an Obama autographed Yao Ming jersey................

LOL that'd be awesome...

But honestly, his next gift has gotta be a Wii signed by Shigeru Miyamoto :D

04-02-2009, 08:12 AM
:lol That would be cool too.

I wonder if world leaders do the whole re-gifting thing? That DVD collection Obama gave Gordon Brown has to be in Indonesia by now.

04-02-2009, 08:14 AM
:lol That would be cool too.

I wonder if world leaders do the whole re-gifting thing? That DVD collection Obama gave Gordon Brown has to be in Indonesia by now.

:lol :lol There's nothing wrong with re-gifting, everyone does it.

04-02-2009, 08:20 AM
He should have given her a framed copy of W's helicopter leaving White House grounds forever.

04-02-2009, 08:24 AM
:lol That would be cool too.

I wonder if world leaders do the whole re-gifting thing? That DVD collection Obama gave Gordon Brown has to be in Indonesia by now.



For you, special price! DVD Obama! Very good deal!

04-02-2009, 09:06 AM
Filled with his speeches.

What a surprise!

Obama needs to quit giving these disgusting capitalist products to our foreign comrades.

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 09:24 AM
Filled with his speeches.

What a surprise!

What a narcissist.

04-02-2009, 10:00 AM
What a narcissist.

I know! It's almost as bad as giving a fancy picture of yourself to someone!

Wait a sec... lol

04-02-2009, 10:08 AM
I do hope we're all in agreement that the whole practice of world leaders exchanging trinkets is lame to begin with.

04-02-2009, 10:10 AM
I do hope we're all in agreement that the whole practice of world leaders exchanging trinkets is lame to begin with.


04-02-2009, 10:16 AM
I know! It's almost as bad as giving a fancy picture of yourself to someone!

Wait a sec... lol

The picture of herself is a tradition.

04-02-2009, 10:31 AM
The picture of herself is a tradition.
So a repeated tradition of narcissism makes it, what, not narcissistic?

Fuck the Queen anyways. Who cares about whether some shriveled up old windbag of a tabloid figurehead like her Ipod or not?

04-02-2009, 10:42 AM
So a repeated tradition of narcissism makes it, what, not narcissistic?

Fuck the Queen anyways. Who cares about whether some shriveled up old windbag of a tabloid figurehead like her Ipod or not?

Wow - you are one mean and ugly individual. You may not care about the Queen - but she is far more than a tabloid figurehead. The monarchy goes back, what, at least a thousand years - and there is protocol and tradition that goes with it.

The IPod was a ridiculous gift - especially with it being loaded with Obama's speeches! Anyway - the Queen already has one! Maybe if they'd give as much thought to these gifts as they did in planning Michelle's White House garden, they wouldn't make such gaffes.

I mean, the dvds given to Gordon Brown wouldn't even play on British dvd players - how could you be so stupid as to not know that?

And the Obamamaniacs here don't care - but the Brits are insulted by Obama's behavior - they're certainly not very impressed!

04-02-2009, 10:51 AM
Hey, old people love gadgets! My grandmother thinks email is magical :)

And how do you know about what region the DVD's were, and whether or not the Queen has an Ipod? Are you friends with someone over there? :D

04-02-2009, 10:53 AM
You may not care about the Queen - but she is far more than a tabloid figurehead.
Really, enlighten us, what policy decisions has the queen been involved with? In fact, what has she ever done other than make public appearances and preside over a family of tabloid celebrities?

The monarchy goes back, what, at least a thousand years - and there is protocol and tradition that goes with it.
Sure the monarchy does, so what, it's a powerless and meaningless facade at this point. And what the fuck about the monarchy's protocol and tradition says that they can't use 21st century technology? What ancient decree do they live by that prohibits expensive Apple products from entering their lives?

The IPod was a ridiculous gift - especially with it being loaded with Obama's speeches!Imagine if everybody who ever got an ipod as a gift acted that way? When I got one for my ex GF back in 2005, she seemed to think it was a great gift. And hers didn't come pre-loaded with historic video footage.

And the Obamamaniacs here don't care - but the Brits are insulted by Obama's behavior - they're certainly not very impressed!
Really, what Brits have you been talking to? I'm yet to see anybody actually cite a piece of anti-obama rhetoric from the british press in relation to this whole incident, therefore I KNOW you haven't read one. It must be that Rush told you. But whatever, presumptive and petty accusation is par for the course from your racist bitch ass, crookshanks.

04-02-2009, 11:05 AM
Hey, old people love gadgets! My grandmother thinks email is magical :)

And how do you know about what region the DVD's were, and whether or not the Queen has an Ipod? Are you friends with someone over there? :D

I listen to the news all day long and I read news on the internet. The following is an article from the UK Telegraph from yesterday.

Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 United States visit to Richmond, Jamestown and Williamsburg in Virginia. In return, the Queen gave the President a silver framed signed photograph of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh - apparently a standard present for visiting dignitaries.

It is believed the Queen already has an iPod, a 6GB silver Mini version she is said to have bought in 2005 at the suggestion of Prince Andrew.

UPDATE: Pool reporter Richard Wolf of USA Today says that an Obama aide told him the President also gave the Queen a "rare songbook signed by Richard Rodgers". END UPDATE

Earlier, Mr Obama had spoken of his admiration for Her Majesty but indicated that his wife was handling the details of their royal meeting. "There's one last thing that I should mention that I love about Great Britain, and that is the Queen," he said at the end of his joint press conference with Gordon Brown.

"And so I'm very much looking forward to meeting her for the first time later this evening. And as you might imagine, Michelle has been really thinking that through -- because I think in the imagination of people throughout America, I think what the Queen stands for and her decency and her civility, what she represents, that's very important."

Mr Brown added: "Well, I know the Queen is looking forward to welcoming you and she's very much looking forward to her discussion with you."

There was widespread criticism in Britain and from Anglophiles in the US of Mr Obama's recent present to Mr Brown of a box set of classic American movies on DVDs that were not compatible with British DVD players.

04-02-2009, 11:12 AM
Oh a 6GB mini? How dare they try to replace that? And I wasn't talking about the DVD's. I know he took heat from those.

What I find funny is this. That you're all up in arms about the queens honor. You don't give a fuck about the Queen. This is somebody who's most famous for publicly squabbling with her brain-dead son and a litany of his ex-wives. So if you want to feign indignation that Obama somehow besmirched her good name, whatever, but don't pretend like the rest of us don't know that's motivated in fact by you being the most prototypically partisan and idiotic member of the right on this entire board. It has nothing to do with the queen and everything with you being a hate-filled cunt when it comes to our President.

04-02-2009, 11:16 AM
prototypically partisan and idiotic member of the right on this entire board. It has nothing to do with the queen and everything with you being a hate-filled cunt when it comes to our President.

This pretty much describes you if you just replace "right" with "left" and "President" with "all republican thoughts or ideals".

04-02-2009, 11:18 AM
Republicans don't have any thoughts or ideals.

And if that's the case (it isn't), fine, at least I don't pretend otherwise with this feigning indignation bs.

04-02-2009, 11:19 AM
Republicans don't have any thoughts or ideals.

Point proved.

04-02-2009, 11:19 AM
hey crooks, is your name amanda?

04-02-2009, 11:25 AM
Point proved.

And that's BS anyways, I have more than enough knowledge and respect for traditional conservative values. Goldwater conservatism is something I may not subscribe to, but I have at least an admiration of it's logical coherency and its right to exist. But if you think the Republican part is that, buddy wake up, because the republican party is a fucking cruel joke right now.

And if I were you, as a conservative, I'd spend a bit more time worrying about it.

04-02-2009, 11:26 AM
fuck the queen!

04-02-2009, 11:30 AM
balli - I've had it with you! You are a vile and obscene excuse for a human being! The names you call me are so vile and offensive - and the fact that you think it's okay to use that kind of language towards a person you don't even know tells me you are an uncouth and uncivilized human being with no sense of tact or decency.

If you said those things to my face (although I think you're probably a coward who hides behind the anonymity of the internet) I would slap you so hard you'd wear my handprint for a week!

You have nothing interesting or intelligent to say, so you just call people names. Yes - I despise Obama - but it has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. I think he's an egotistical, narcissistic bastard and I despise everything he stands for. It's my right to have a difference of opinion - just as you disagreed with me about President Bush.

But there's absolutely no reason to call me those offensive and vile names. That word is THE MOST OFFENSIVE thing you can call a woman - so grow up and learn some decent social skills!

I'm not wasting any more time or energy on you - you are now on ignore.

04-02-2009, 11:32 AM
some people hide behind "ignore".

04-02-2009, 11:36 AM
balli - I've had it with you! You are a vile and obscene excuse for a human being! The names you call me are so vile and offensive - and the fact that you think it's okay to use that kind of language towards a person you don't even know tells me you are an uncouth and uncivilized human being with no sense of tact or decency.

If you said those things to my face (although I think you're probably a coward who hides behind the anonymity of the internet) I would slap you so hard you'd wear my handprint for a week!

You have nothing interesting or intelligent to say, so you just call people names. Yes - I despise Obama - but it has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. I think he's an egotistical, narcissistic bastard and I despise everything he stands for. It's my right to have a difference of opinion - just as you disagreed with me about President Bush.

But there's absolutely no reason to call me those offensive and vile names. That word is THE MOST OFFENSIVE thing you can call a woman - so grow up and learn some decent social skills!

I'm not wasting any more time or energy on you - you are now on ignore.

Cool. But, you are a racist. I seem to remember you making plenty of posts about black people getting all uppity as a result of Obama's election and basically, I think based on that and every other post you've made that you're a monster. Nevermind what you say about them, it's beyond ridiculous that you'd dismiss anybody as "the blacks."

If I've offended you, good, you're fucking trash.

04-02-2009, 11:37 AM
some people hide behind "ignore".

I'm not hiding behind anything. I've tried and tried to ignore his vile name-calling. But it gets to a point when you decide to stop exposing yourself to that level of vitriol and hatred - and I've reached that point.

04-02-2009, 11:41 AM
But it gets to a point when you decide to stop exposing yourself to that level of vitriol and hatred - and I've reached that point.

you do that already with levin, willingly with approval.

you should of saved your money and listen to his incoherent babble on the radio.

thats what i do.....every day.

04-02-2009, 11:41 AM
And you know, you're right. I shouldn't call any woman that name. And so I truly do apologize. I feel bad on behalf of other women who may have read it. But I still think you're an absolute shell of a human. So you decide which is the less offensive sentiment.

04-02-2009, 12:17 PM
lol Balli sure does hate crookshanks.

What would be the ideal gift to give to the queen that is worthy as a royal gift?

04-02-2009, 12:25 PM
lol Balli sure does hate crookshanks.

What would be the ideal gift to give to the queen that is worthy as a royal gift?

I feel bad about it. I recently made a big fuss in the club about treating people like shit. And I almost made a caveat for my treatment of crookshanks, cause I know I've been over the top with her. I was thinking about it the whole time. So I'm going to leave her be.

But honestly, she can't make a single, utterly close-minded post that doesn't drive me up the walls. So we'll have to ignore each other.

04-02-2009, 12:31 PM

04-02-2009, 12:35 PM

Yeah. Kind of. But she has a right to be pissed.

04-02-2009, 12:37 PM
Yeah. Kind of. But she has a right to be pissed.

yeah i'd be pissed to... at myself if i supported a cocksucker like bush for 8 yrs. :lol

04-02-2009, 12:53 PM
Look - this board is filled with people with very strong opinions who very often disagree with each other. That is fine with me - I don't understand the mindset of libs and you libs can't fathom how a person could even be a conservative, much less like people such as George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin. So we can disagree - but what I find so disconcerting is when people start making it so personal and stoop to juvenile name-calling.

Boutons and NBAdan used to drive me nuts; and I'll never agree with their view of the world - but they didn't make it personal. Kori is very lenient with this board - but just because she doesn't censor us doesn't mean we shouldn't exercise some self-restraint.

And using the "ignore" feature allows us to filter out those people who really push our buttons - and then we can remain civil.

04-02-2009, 02:24 PM
Continue bitching about gifts and citing the British media as source please. It proves how out of touch you are.

baseline bum
04-02-2009, 02:24 PM
I hope Obama gives Hannah Montana tickets as his next gift to Britain.

04-02-2009, 02:31 PM
British media as source
I used the British media to back up my statements about the Queen already having an IPod and the dvds not being compatible with British players.

However, you should read the comments in the British papers - from people all around the world - quite interesting!

04-02-2009, 02:36 PM
I used the British media to back up my statements about the Queen already having an IPod and the dvds not being compatible with British players.

However, you should read the comments in the British papers - from people all around the world - quite interesting!

No - I should spend no more reading about this than I should spend time reading about what weight Jessica Simpson is at or whether or not Britnety Spears is wearing underwear today or who Tom Cruise is fucking today because its all the same irrelevant bullshit you're trying to pass off as important.

Seriously, please go read more about this. We all need to be aware of what these gifts are because its an incredibly important topic. Actually, do me a favor - if you're going to insist on reading about this find out how the Queen felt about the gift

04-02-2009, 02:40 PM
I hope the gifts get tackier. A singing bass for king of Saudi Arabia and a Slap Chop for the emperor of Japan.

04-02-2009, 02:43 PM
I don't understand the mindset of libs and you libs can't fathom how a person could even be a conservative, much less like people such as George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin.

you're such a conservative and yet you back these fools... ha. maybe you're a catholic priest too who fucks little alter boys but you're a priest so it's all good and you'll get away with it sort of like starting an unneeded war with iraq for oil, buying a shit ton of Oxycontin without a prescription, and running your mouth like you know a thing or two on tv. bad analogy but you get the point.

the conservative way is to do the complete opposite of what your party's "morals" are and then acting as if it's all good and nothing ever happened by sweeping that shit under the rug.

04-02-2009, 02:49 PM
Admit it. DVD box set and an iPod? Aren't these gifts that you'd expect "dumbya" to give a head of state? These gifts just don't seem to fit the sophisticated, cerebral image of Obama that the media has portrayed.

04-02-2009, 02:50 PM
To tell you the truth I never gave a shit about the gifts heads of state gave to one another.

Still don't.

When did you start to care?

04-02-2009, 02:53 PM
To tell you the truth I never gave a shit about the gifts heads of state gave to one another.

Still don't.

When did you start to care?

At least he didn't get her a pocket rocket.

04-02-2009, 02:54 PM
Admit it. DVD box set and an iPod? Aren't these gifts that you'd expect "dumbya" to give a head of state? These gifts just don't seem to fit the sophisticated, cerebral image of Obama that the media has portrayed.

why give anything? i don't understand... and what the fuck do you get a bunch of rich ass people that they don't already own or can't get on their own with a snap of their fingers?

you get the queen some new depends, you pay for charles 1 millionth divorce, buy the boys some drugs and some floozies. that's what they really wanted and needed instead.

04-02-2009, 02:57 PM
Admit it. DVD box set and an iPod? Aren't these gifts that you'd expect "dumbya" to give a head of state? These gifts just don't seem to fit the sophisticated, cerebral image of Obama that the media has portrayed.

I had never heard about a gift before the DVD set. I don't care what these guys give each other. In any event, why the focuss on the Ipod when he gave her a signed book from a composer of songs she loves?

Its all fucking stupid.

04-02-2009, 02:57 PM
I'm sure this will be a big part of the history books 20 years from now.

04-02-2009, 02:58 PM
Dang crookshanks...you really got the faux intelligensia riled up today...:lmao

04-02-2009, 02:59 PM
Dead cat!

04-02-2009, 03:04 PM
bull rally?...:lmao

Maybe a positive stock market reaction to the fact that congress is scared to death of passing Obama's budget.

It sure wasn't the unemployment numbers.

04-02-2009, 03:05 PM
You just can't bring yourself to think that anything positive could happen in the market because of Obama.

It's cute.

I figure it's possible, though anything is really hard to prove.

04-02-2009, 03:07 PM
Anyway, it's clear the Queen hates the Obamas.


Viva Las Espuelas
04-02-2009, 03:17 PM
a man banging his shoe on some desk became history.

04-02-2009, 03:20 PM
Admit it. DVD box set and an iPod? Aren't these gifts that you'd expect "dumbya" to give a head of state? These gifts just don't seem to fit the sophisticated, cerebral image of Obama that the media has portrayed.

Honestly, I'd rather him not racking his brains at night thinking about the 'perfect gift!' when he should be thinking about, ya know, the economy.

Of course, he could always hire someone to take care of it for him, but I'm sure then that conservatives would blast him for boondoggles and unnecessary spending and earmarks.

As said earlier, the whole trinkets secret santa gift giving is a bit ridiculous anyways; I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

04-02-2009, 03:21 PM
a man banging his shoe on some desk became history.



Viva Las Espuelas
04-02-2009, 03:23 PM
potatoe became history

04-02-2009, 03:23 PM
a man banging his shoe on some desk became history.Are you seriously equating an iPod to Khruschev's speech to the UN General Assembly?

04-02-2009, 03:24 PM
Crookshanks, what is the ideal gift that Obama should give a Queen?

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 03:39 PM
Look - this board is filled with people with very strong opinions who very often disagree with each other. That is fine with me - I don't understand the mindset of libs and you libs can't fathom how a person could even be a conservative

Stop right there. You're completely wrong. I could absolutely understand why a person would be conservative. For most of my life, I have been a conservative, republican member, and in every election voted for and supported the republican nominee for president.

This current republican party is not the party I used to support. I'm just old enough to remember a completely different group of individuals that didn't actively try to screw the American consumer out of their money in the name of big business.

much less like people such as George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin. So we can disagree - but what I find so disconcerting is when people start making it so personal and stoop to juvenile name-calling.

Really? You mean like how one of the leading members of the republican party stated that Obama might give British PM Gordon Brown anal poisoning?


So yes. Some of the members of the liberal party can be classless. The LEADING MEMBERS of your party can be like that, and instead of stating so on a random sports message board, they broadcast it to their entire audience. I'll leave it up to you to decide if either are acceptable.

Boutons and NBAdan used to drive me nuts; and I'll never agree with their view of the world - but they didn't make it personal. Kori is very lenient with this board - but just because she doesn't censor us doesn't mean we shouldn't exercise some self-restraint.

And using the "ignore" feature allows us to filter out those people who really push our buttons - and then we can remain civil.

And the difference here is that, from what I've seen, the liberal members of this board keep an open mind and are willing to have a little back and forth debate about the issues. It's not a two-way street from what I've seen. If you want to exercise some self-restraint, how about showing a little maturity, as an adult, and not making a big deal out of the fact that our President gave the Queen an iPod. I mean, really? That's what you want to focus on? That's what you think is important in today's global economy and climate of uncertainty? An iPod?

You see, it's funny. You participate so vehemently against our President in a thread like this, and then you have the gall to call someone out for needing to act more mature and exercise restraint. If you could admit this is a ridiculous topic and a hullabaloo about nothing except to stir up anger amongst the liberal members here and a pointless attack on Obama, I'd have a lot more respect for you.

Crookshanks, what is the ideal gift that Obama should give a Queen?

Maybe if he would have presented her with a golden calf, the republicans would be more satisfied with the show of wealth by our President.

04-02-2009, 03:44 PM
Crookshanks, what is the ideal gift that Obama should give a Queen?

Hey - I didn't start this thread - why is everybody picking on me? I merely stated that these gifts gave the impression that Obama didn't really care about tradition or our long-standing alliance with Britain.

As far as gifts - I think the idea is you don't give something that they can go out and buy at the local department store! As I understand it, there's usually some historical significance to the gift.

So I don't know what the ideal gift is - but I do know they have people in the White House whose job it is to advise the President on matters of protocol. Here's an article I found on the internet - interesting reading, especially for you Manny!

Gifts of State

The exchange of gifts among kings and chiefs and presidents and premiers is a centuries-old tradition. From the ancient civilizations of Rome and Egypt to the native tribes of North America, ceremonial gifts have paved the way for peaceful coexistence between peoples of different cultures. They are universal symbols in the language of diplomacy.

In 1787 a young America defied this old custom and banned the acceptance of foreign gifts by government officials. For citizens of a new democracy, gifts bore both the distasteful odor of aristocracy and the distinct scent of danger: A bribe in betrayers' hands could topple a government. In spite of the prohibition, the strong tradition of diplomatic exchange compelled foreign leaders to continue to send gifts. Refusing them proved impossible; it was at best impolite and at worst a stinging offense. Despite early ideals, Presidents often had no choice but to accept foreign gifts; indeed, every President since George Washington has received gifts of state.

Today gift-giving between heads of state is an important part of modern-day international relations. U.S. Presidents routinely meet face to face with leaders from every corner of the earth. These state visits shimmer with pomp and ceremony, including formal welcomes, elaborate dinners, and the exchange of gifts. As tokens of this ritual of diplomacy, gifts are enduring emblems of international cooperation and friendship.

Though gifts from foreign leaders bear a symbolic meaning, they also resonate with the variety and vibrancy of all the nations of the world. They range from native arts or antiques-prized pieces of a country's culture and heritage–to sparkling gold and gemstones. Other gifts are surprisingly sentimental, symbols of national or personal friendship. All enrich the relations between two countries and their leaders. And each recalls a moment in history, when two nations–often separated by oceans or ideology–briefly clasped hands.


Gee Manny - sounds like this is a pretty significant tradition! Here's the website - it shows pictures of various gifts and the significance behind them. Kinda makes the dvds and IPod look rather silly! :lmao



Viva Las Espuelas
04-02-2009, 03:45 PM

04-02-2009, 03:46 PM
Crookshanks, what is the ideal gift that Obama should give a Queen?

I'm guessing she'll say the complete works of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O' Reilly and Mark Steyn. ;)

baseline bum
04-02-2009, 03:47 PM
Not wearing the flag pin
Painting his plane with the Hope logo
Giving a set of DVDs
Giving an ipod

Fuck this Obama guy; what an asshole! He deserves the black AIDS.

04-02-2009, 03:47 PM
Hey - I didn't start this thread - why is everybody picking on me? I merely stated that these gifts gave the impression that Obama didn't really care about tradition or our long-standing alliance with Britain.You just gave the impression you're an idiot.

04-02-2009, 03:49 PM
I'm guessing she'll say the complete works of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O' Reilly and Mark Steyn. ;)

See my post above Einstein...

04-02-2009, 04:38 PM
Anyway, it's clear the Queen hates the Obamas.

Mrs. Obama clearly made an impression with the 82-year-old monarch — so much that the smiling queen strayed slightly from protocol and briefly wrapped her arm around the first lady in a rare public show of affection.

04-02-2009, 04:50 PM
You guys didn't know the queen was bi?

04-02-2009, 04:57 PM
Worthless without pics.

04-02-2009, 04:59 PM
I do not like this buddy buddy citizen of the world bullshit while our leaders meet, toasting drinks to The New World Order.

It is both funny and sad to watch these anti-capitalists protesting outside buildings which contain anti-capitalist use-global-warming-to-transfer-wealth-to-us politicians.

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 07:02 PM
See my post above Einstein...

Careful. You're name-calling there. You wouldn't want to be tactless and unbelievably, ridiculously hypocritical, would you?

Oops. Too late. Nice to know that your code of conduct for behavior applies to everyone except yourself. It is absolutely not surprising to me that you would make such a big deal about someone attacking you, but you can rip on someone with a sarcastic retort like that. Almost humorous how quickly you show your true colors.

And before you start in with the, "Well what I said wasn't as bad", you can kindly shut your mouth. It is not up to you to decide how rude and spiteful your words are. They shouldn't be said, according to you. Learn some decency.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-02-2009, 07:18 PM
dude, chill out. this is just a damn message board. no need to flex your e-muscles.

last i checked, dude wasn't derogatory in anyway.

04-02-2009, 07:52 PM
Careful. You're name-calling there. You wouldn't want to be tactless and unbelievably, ridiculously hypocritical, would you?

Oops. Too late. Nice to know that your code of conduct for behavior applies to everyone except yourself. It is absolutely not surprising to me that you would make such a big deal about someone attacking you, but you can rip on someone with a sarcastic retort like that. Almost humorous how quickly you show your true colors.

And before you start in with the, "Well what I said wasn't as bad", you can kindly shut your mouth. It is not up to you to decide how rude and spiteful your words are. They shouldn't be said, according to you. Learn some decency.

oh boy - what got your boxers in a twist? Regardless of what YOU think, there's a HUGE difference between using sarcasm (like calling someone Einstein), and the words balli used to attack me. He's apologized - and we've agreed to just ignore each other - so it's really none of your business now, is it?

And for the record, I've never objected to rudeness or name-calling - just outright vile obscenities.

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 08:09 PM
oh boy - what got your boxers in a twist?

Pot? Meet kettle. More hypocrisy. And, FYI, what bothers me is how transparent you are.

Regardless of what YOU think, there's a HUGE difference between using sarcasm (like calling someone Einstein), and the words balli used to attack me. He's apologized - and we've agreed to just ignore each other - so it's really none of your business now, is it?

And for the record, I've never objected to rudeness or name-calling - just outright vile obscenities.

What a nice slippery slope you've put yourself on there. So let's be clear -- name calling is okay as long as you don't object to it? But if you're offended, well that's a different story and totally out of line and you have EVERY RIGHT to be upset by the nasty things that evil man said!


04-02-2009, 08:15 PM
You two should get a room, before the tension becomes merely tedious. :wow

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 08:28 PM
I'm guessing she'll say [the ideal gift for a Queen is] the complete works of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O' Reilly and Mark Steyn. ;)

Maybe. But those wouldn't be appropriate gifts either.

The President needs to give things that are rare, unique, irreplaceable, or of great significance. Something like, I don't know, a tattered flag from WW2. Or an original signed copy of the Declaration. Something like that. Not an iPod full of his speeches. We all know he is a gifted speaker.

Of course, I would LOVE the complete works of Limbaugh. He is not a writer, but an extemporaneous speaker, and a great one at that, no teleprompter needed. I would LOVE to listen to the shows from the 1992 campaign, or the 194 congressional races. Big fan. I'm also an admirer of Steyn, not so much O'Reilley. But those would be partisan presents, not appropriate for royalty, who is ABOVE that.

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 08:31 PM
I know! It's almost as bad as giving a fancy picture of yourself to someone!

Wait a sec... lol

No ... that part would be okay. It's ... personal. It's nice. No qualms about our heads of state exchanging signed framed photos. So long as it's not the primary gift.

I have signed photos of David Robinson. And there's a guy in Metairie that has autographs of every president.

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 08:58 PM
Of course, I would LOVE the complete works of Limbaugh.

Yeah, not everyone can come up with anal poisoning on the spot. He's a genius.

Oh, Gee!!
04-02-2009, 09:16 PM
That word is THE MOST OFFENSIVE thing you can call a woman - so grow up and learn some decent social skills!

I guess he called you a bitch or a c*nt?

I think he's [obama's] an egotistical, narcissistic bastard and I despise everything he stands for.
But there's absolutely no reason to call me those offensive and vile names.

historically speaking and all, isn't bastard the most OFFENSIVE thing you can call a man?

04-02-2009, 09:17 PM
We finally have a classy president back in the White House and Michelle is now officially proud of her country.

The next head of state is getting a six pack of Schlitz and a Sham Wow.

04-02-2009, 09:19 PM
DaRRInS rofl dude. You should retract that statement ^^ It is all too obvious you Repugs hate this country.

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 10:12 PM
Yeah, not everyone can come up with anal poisoning on the spot. He's a genius.

In an actual debate, no teleprompters, I would predict a Limbaugh rout over Obama, or pretty much anyone. He is that good. The inspirational, and biting, and sarcastic, and funny stuff he can say off the cuff is unrivaled.

Oh, Gee!!
04-02-2009, 10:28 PM
In an actual debate, no teleprompters, I would predict a Limbaugh rout over Obama, or pretty much anyone. He is that good. The inspirational, and biting, and sarcastic, and funny stuff he can say off the cuff is unrivaled.

you seem to be a real cheerleader for rush---like, you're not being sarcastic or ironical. wtf dude, did you get a brain injury? I know WC would suck the dude off if he ever met him, but WC is fucking retarded. You seem semi-intelligent OTOH.

04-02-2009, 10:40 PM
In an actual debate, no teleprompters, I would predict a Limbaugh rout over Obama, or pretty much anyone. He is that good. The inspirational, and biting, and sarcastic, and funny stuff he can say off the cuff is unrivaled.


Thats why Rush is so loved and revered across this country. Because of his endless ability to reach people and make them see his point of view.

Yeah no. Rush reaches a certain demographic and that demographic really feels a resonance with what he has to say, but please don't mistake that for somehow having actual debating skills or an overall appeal to the average person. Most people dont find him appeal at all.

04-02-2009, 10:50 PM
I guess he called you a bitch or a c*nt?

historically speaking and all, isn't bastard the most OFFENSIVE thing you can call a man?

Historically speaking - he IS a bastard - that's the term for a child born to unwed parents right?

Oh, Gee!!
04-02-2009, 10:52 PM
Historically speaking - he IS a bastard - that's the term for a child born to unwed parents right?

presently speaking, you are a bitch.

04-02-2009, 10:54 PM
Pot? Meet kettle. More hypocrisy. And, FYI, what bothers me is how transparent you are.

What a nice slippery slope you've put yourself on there. So let's be clear -- name calling is okay as long as you don't object to it? But if you're offended, well that's a different story and totally out of line and you have EVERY RIGHT to be upset by the nasty things that evil man said!

Now you're just being deliberately obtuse. You can't really expect me to believe you don't see the difference between calling someone Einstein and the names balli called me. And if you don't see the difference, there's no reason to try to have a dialogue with you.

04-02-2009, 10:58 PM
presently speaking, you are a bitch.
Yeah - well dealing with idiots like you and trying to defend my opinions all day long with some of the others here can do that to you.

I'm tired and I've had enough for one day - so adios to all of you!

04-02-2009, 11:02 PM
God save the Queen.

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 11:12 PM
Now you're just being deliberately obtuse. You can't really expect me to believe you don't see the difference between calling someone Einstein and the names balli called me. And if you don't see the difference, there's no reason to try to have a dialogue with you.

You know what? You're right about that. I withdraw my comment. But you still called Obama a bastard.

But even so, why would I want to have a dialogue with you after you've shown a complete lack of ability to have a rationale debate with any POTENTIAL openness to anyone with an opposing point of view? Your participation in a thread like this is proof that you have no ability to objectively view our President. You are so biased and ridiculous that I think pretty much this entire forum is through trying to discuss things in an adult manner with you. The fact that there are people over the age of 16 in a political forum ripping on Obama for a gift (note the idea implied in that word, as in, an unrequired gesture of friendship or companionship) is proof positive that we will never make any progress until you stop this obscene hate-mongering. You aren't here to debate, you're here to gang up with people about how horrible them damn liberals are. You will find any and everything to give you just the tiniest bit of leverage about the president so that you can talk about how horrible he is. :rolleyes

I'm not even a liberal (though people label me as such because I try to stay in the middle in these things, which is completely liberal to any conservative I've seen on these boards) and it makes me sick. I said I was leaving the political forum earlier, I think I might actually do that now. Nothing positive comes out of this. The conservatives hate Obama to the point of celebrating if he was assassinated, and the left hates them for such overwhelming spite.

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 11:28 PM
Well, not quite. I personally dislike Obama and his politics -- he is a narcissist, he is a liberal (and all that entails), and is not at all experienced enough for the job of President. That said, I would not celebrate an assassination or anything close to it. This is America, not some banana republic.

And ... I can't even say Vice President Biden without throwing up in my mouth a little. Could you imagine him as President?

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 11:35 PM

Thats why Rush is so loved and revered across this country. Because of his endless ability to reach people and make them see his point of view.

Yeah no. Rush reaches a certain demographic and that demographic really feels a resonance with what he has to say, but please don't mistake that for somehow having actual debating skills or an overall appeal to the average person. Most people dont find him appeal at all.

I see I have violated ST Politics Rule #3: Rush is a stupid buffoon, and if you listen to/like him, that makes you a stupid buffoon too. Well, I didn't expect everyone to agree with me. But let's face it, personal politics aside, he has as great a speaking ability as the President, and can do it without a teleprompter. Moreover, I share his love of liberty, limited govt, low taxes, and respect for traditional values. It was partly due to him that I turned Right -- he helped make a convert out of me and a great many other former liberals.

And he has a broad appeal to the average guy. His ratings attest to that. He also has an appeal to educated, somewhat intelligent conservatives, like me. I am proud to say I am a Rush listener.

(But don't take my word for it. Take the Rush challenge! Listen to him for a couple of weeks. Even if you don't agree with him, he'll entertain the hell out of you. And you'll get a better idea of what he is saying than what the MSM says that he says.)

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 11:41 PM
I see I have violated ST Politics Rule #3: Rush is a stupid buffoon, and if you listen to/like him, that makes you a stupid buffoon too. Well, I didn't expect everyone to agree with me. But let's face it, personal politics aside, he has as great a speaking ability as the President, and can do it without a teleprompter. Moreover, I share his love of liberty, limited govt, low taxes, and respect for traditional values. It was partly due to him that I turned Right -- he helped make a convert out of me and a great many other former liberals.

And he has a broad appeal to the average guy. His ratings attest to that. He also has an appeal to educated, somewhat intelligent conservatives, like me. I am proud to say I am a Rush listener.

(But don't take my word for it. Take the Rush challenge! Listen to him for a couple of weeks. Even if you don't agree with him, he'll entertain the hell out of you. And you'll get a better idea of what he is saying than what the MSM says that he says.)

"Limbaugh is the most awful piece of shit the world has spawned....in the medium of talk radio."

That quote courtesy of my extremely conservative friend.

04-02-2009, 11:48 PM
I see I have violated ST Politics Rule #3: Rush is a stupid buffoon, and if you listen to/like him, that makes you a stupid buffoon too. Well, I didn't expect everyone to agree with me. But let's face it, personal politics aside, he has as great a speaking ability as the President, and can do it without a teleprompter. Moreover, I share his love of liberty, limited govt, low taxes, and respect for traditional values. It was partly due to him that I turned Right -- he helped make a convert out of me and a great many other former liberals.

And he has a broad appeal to the average guy. His ratings attest to that. He also has an appeal to educated, somewhat intelligent conservatives, like me. I am proud to say I am a Rush listener.

(But don't take my word for it. Take the Rush challenge! Listen to him for a couple of weeks. Even if you don't agree with him, he'll entertain the hell out of you. And you'll get a better idea of what he is saying than what the MSM says that he says.)

The Rush you have in your head is not the Rush in reality. His ratings? His approval rating was measured at 19% not even a month ago. His radio ratings reprent - just like i said - a very small segment of the population. How many people listen to talk radio? Very few. How many of those listen to Rush? And even smaller number.

Oh, and lol @ Rush having values. Rush is a pill popping blowhard but to each his own. You can try to elevate him to the level of the POTUSA (whomever it may be - not just Obama) but that is simply laughable.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 12:07 AM
Wow. You should have written Bagdad Bob's speeches. You would also fit in at Pravda. Good grief. No, Meester Limbaugh has no audience, peeeple is turning off thee radio, hees leeseners are surrenduring een droves.

Very well then. I would retort that the Obama you have in your head is not the Obama of reality. First of all, I have read his approval rating down in the 50ies, still good for a Pres, but hardly the stuff of Hope and Change, let alone the One. And they're down quite a bit from the 80s he was in around Inauguration. Stock market mini-crashes and a habit of selecting tax cheats for his Cabinet have a way of doing that. And the American people are rightly suspicious of the government running any segment of the economy. And did I mention this onerous budget, full of pork? Hope and Change indeed.

(I know alot of non-liberals who voted for the guy are wondering right now -- is this what I voted for? Well, I tried to warn you!)

Second, do you really want to go down the "drug" road with a conservative? Really? I will reply that, unlike the liberals who either flaunt their drug use or are in and out of rehab, Rush got hooked on Rx stemming from surgery. I've known guys that happened to. He owned up to it, got help, and he beat it. (Are you aware the kind words he had for Al Gore's son when he had drug problems?)

And lastly ... I'm not elevating him to the Messiah's level. Lord No! Barack H. Obama is the greatest man ever! No one can reach that holy mountain. I do suggest however, that Rush could stand toe to toe with him in a debate, no teleprompters. And as for the values, yes, he generally has them and preaches them. Hard work, no gummint handouts. Respect for life and traditional values. A realistic view of the world -- seeing radical Islam and communism as the horrible systems they are, refusing to compromise with them. And America as the world's best hope of overcoming them.

But hey, we Rush listeners are all knuckle-draggers. Not at all in touch with reality.

04-03-2009, 12:22 AM
Wow. You should have written Bagdad Bob's speeches. You would also fit in at Pravda. Good grief. No, Meester Limbaugh has no audience, peeeple is turning off thee radio, hees leeseners are surrenduring een droves.The new straw shipment has arrived, I see.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 12:31 AM
Gotta hand it to him though, it was a better idea then the "reset" button.


(bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia)

What!? Is the President his subject now? Is this going to be the norm for our era of Hope and Change?

Somewhere, Hillary is laughing ... :lol

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 12:38 AM
I understand that Team Obama has not yet appointed a chief of protocol? Is this true? If it is, that might explain some of this.

"Oh, yeah, did I forget to tell y'all about that? So sorry about that. Gooooo, Team!"


04-03-2009, 12:39 AM

You're an idiot.

04-03-2009, 06:48 AM
Well, not quite. I personally dislike Obama and his politics -- he is a narcissist, he is a liberal (and all that entails), and is not at all experienced enough for the job of President. That said, I would not celebrate an assassination or anything close to it. This is America, not some banana republic.

And ... I can't even say Vice President Biden without throwing up in my mouth a little. Could you imagine him as President?

Says the guy who supports Sarah Palin. :rolleyes

04-03-2009, 07:37 AM
We finally have a classy president back in the White House and Michelle is now officially proud of her country.

The next head of state is getting a six pack of Schlitz and a Sham Wow.

lol Sham Wows rock.

04-03-2009, 07:38 AM
I want a ShamWow. I want the six pack of Schlitz, too.

04-03-2009, 07:38 AM
In an actual debate, no teleprompters, I would predict a Limbaugh rout over Obama, or pretty much anyone. He is that good. The inspirational, and biting, and sarcastic, and funny stuff he can say off the cuff is unrivaled.

It's easy to win over the masses with emotional appeals using poor arguing and logical fallacies. :)

Now, I'd definitely like to see a scored debate between Obama and Limbaugh, with people who can appreciate the things I mentioned above. THAT would be interesting.

04-03-2009, 07:41 AM
(But don't take my word for it. Take the Rush challenge! Listen to him for a couple of weeks. Even if you don't agree with him, he'll entertain the hell out of you. And you'll get a better idea of what he is saying than what the MSM says that he says.)

I've listened to Limbaugh and he just sounds trite. O'Reilly is somewhat entertaining, but only because I picture him getting home and saying, "Man... my listeners are a bunch of rubes."

Viva Las Espuelas
04-03-2009, 08:13 AM

muslims look at this as a sign of "submission".


this is done as a sign of respect. all presidents/leaders do this. with the exception of muslim leaders.

apples and oranges, really.

George Gervin's Afro
04-03-2009, 08:26 AM
I mean, come on!

Did it have a Presidential seal? That would rock!

George Gervin's Afro
04-03-2009, 08:27 AM
muslims look at this as a sign of "submission".
this is done as a sign of respect. all presidents/leaders do this. with the exception of muslim leaders.

apples and oranges, really.

so now your'e an expert on muslims? Do all muslims feel this way?

Viva Las Espuelas
04-03-2009, 08:42 AM
The conservatives hate Obama to the point of celebrating if he was assassinated, and the left hates them for such overwhelming spite.that's a pretty f'n stupid ass statement to post. post what you will. it's your opinion, but you're trying to scold crookshanks about her debating skills, her close-mindness, and her name calling yet you make that jackass statement. not some conservatives...not most conservatives...not conservatives from the south, but conservatives in general. i, for the most part, am fairly conservative and your asinine statement is far from the truth for me. before every meal, when i wake up and when i go to bed i pray to God for my family, friends, this country and our president. no, i didn't leave out "the assassination" between "our" and "president" in my previous sentence. sorry to dissapoint you and proving you wrong based off your jackass statement. i truly pray that he does good for us. i don't hold him on a pedestal like most people, here and abroad, do. believe me. mccain would more than likely be doing the same. sorry to reveal that shocker.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-03-2009, 08:48 AM
so now your'e an expert on muslims? Do all muslims feel this way?
no, not an expert. i should've used "muslim leaders" instead of saying "muslims" in general. sorry.

<sarcasm begins now> boy, that was a cry havoc-like jackass move on my part.<sarcasm stops>

thanks for calling me out, GGA

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:00 AM
Well ... Americans never bow to any royalty whatsoever. They shouldn't anyway. We're not their subjects.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:06 AM
It's easy to win over the masses with emotional appeals using poor arguing and logical fallacies. :)

Now, I'd definitely like to see a scored debate between Obama and Limbaugh, with people who can appreciate the things I mentioned above. THAT would be interesting.

Can you provide an example of poor arguments and logical fallacies in a specific argument that Rush has used? Should I take it that Obama never uses ad hominems, straw men, red herrings, or appeals to authority himself? Hell ... when the Pres was trying to sell us his massive porkulus bill, he was on the airwaves saying that Republicans didn't want to do anything. Which wasn't true, the GOP offered alternatives that (naturally, being the minority party) died in committee.

And I'm concerned over who would score this debate. It's moot -- the Pres turned it down. But I wish the campaign had had a real debate, not these scripted charades. A debate about Constitutional philosophy, the role of govt, the nature of church-state relations, social morality, et al.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:08 AM
Says the guy who supports Sarah Palin. :rolleyes

Yep, I love her. She believes what I believe, and I am appalled by the way she was treated.

Do I currently support or endorse her for President or VP? No. I like her where she is, as a governor.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-03-2009, 10:12 AM
fuel for the obamatrons.

At Buckingham Palace, Felipe Calderon was presented with a first edition of George Orwell's nightmarish book, which tells of a totalitarian regime and coined the concept Big Brother.
The Royal Household seeks guidance from the staff of incoming VIPs when deciding what to offer during the official exchange of gifts.

A Palace spokeswoman said: "Apparently the president really admires George Orwell."
The 1949 book was boxed in leather by the bindery at Windsor.
Mr Calderon also received the traditional present given to guests - framed photographs of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.
The president's wife Margarita Zavala received a small silver box with EIIR inscribed in gold on the lid.
The Queen received a Maque tray from Michoacan, the Mexican state from which the president comes. Philip received a wooden Olinala chest.
The exchange of gifts between rulers is a long-standing custom. In 1520 Henry VIII and Francis I of France exchanged gifts at the Field of Cloth of Gold in northern France.
During a state visit, the exchange usually happens on the first day and serves as a gesture of goodwill between the two nations.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:19 AM
Our leaders (and ordinary citizens) should not stoop to ANY foreign leader. We look em in the eye. I'm sure it was just an honest mistake by Obama, he didn't realize this.

And what is Ted Kennedy doing accepting a knighthood? (I know, old news.) I mean, apart from whether the Crown ought to be knighting him to begin with, what is an American doing accepting ANY title of nobility?

04-03-2009, 10:27 AM
We should have just given them the Liberty Bell or something. Jesus Christ, it's a fucking trip to the UK... not some damn meeting with extraterrestrials. There is not a gift on Earth that could have been given that would have appeased a right winger.

It would either have been too expensive or too cheap. Give me a fucking break.

Yesterday must have been a really slow news day.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:31 AM
We should have just given them the Liberty Bell or something. Jesus Christ, it's a trip to the UK... not some damn meeting with extraterrestrials. There is not a gift on Earth that could have been given that would have appeased a right winger.

Yesterday must have been a really slow news day.

That's not true. I just thought the iPod, loaded with his own speeches, was trite and tacky. I gave some suggestions -- perhaps a nice oil portrait of Churchill, or having a poem commissioned and read. Perhaps a tattered flag from some old battle. Those would have been nice.

04-03-2009, 10:35 AM
That's not true. I just thought the iPod, loaded with his own speeches, was trite and tacky. I gave some suggestions -- perhaps a nice oil portrait of Churchill, or having a poem commissioned and read. Perhaps a tattered flag from some old battle. Those would have been nice.

I haven't had the time for this thread yet, but I do think the iPod was a bit silly.

I guess it all depends on the circumstances. I would give almost anything to know what Her Majesty actually thought about the gift.

04-03-2009, 10:37 AM
:lol at this being a multi-paged thread already.

04-03-2009, 10:47 AM
Yep, I love her. She believes what I believe, and I am appalled by the way she was treated.

Do I currently support or endorse her for President or VP? No. I like her where she is, as a governor.

So you wouldn't have voted for the McCain/Palin ticket or would vote for Palin 2012 even though she has your beliefs in politics and/or religion?

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:48 AM
I haven't had the time for this thread yet, but I do think the iPod was a bit silly.

I guess it all depends on the circumstances. I would give almost anything to know what Her Majesty actually thought about the gift.

The Queen is a VERY gracious lady. She will go out of her way to cover the faux pas of others.

Like I said, if the protocol office were staffed adequately, I imagine these things wouldn't even be discussed.

04-03-2009, 10:49 AM
Should have given her some astroglide and a rabbit. Looks like she needs it.

04-03-2009, 10:49 AM
muslims look at this as a sign of "submission".

this is done as a sign of respect. all presidents/leaders do this. with the exception of muslim leaders.

apples and oranges, really.

In the White House the President of the United States does not bow to the heads of state he is receiving, they bow to him and he gives a handshake, hug or some other form of welcome. When the President is visiting a foreign country then he usually bows, or in some way defers to the head of state that is receiving him. The extent to which he defers varies depending on the state of relations between the US and the host nation and also the circumstances of the meeting; i.e. should the President be visiting a nation (like Ukraine lets say) in order to attend a conference (in this case a NATO conference to which Ukraine is not a member) then the President and the head of state receiving him are generally considered equal and neither defers to the other. This also occurs when the President meets a head of state at a UN conference, at the UN he would only bow to the Secretary-General not another head of state attending. The protocol obviously can change based on the exact circumstances but these are ground rules.

A generation earlier, there were smiles all around when one of President Reagan's male officials curtsied like a flower-girl before Prince Charles. Months later, at Charles and Di's wedding, Nancy Reagan was forgiven for shaking the Queen's hand instead of bowing. There was a general amnesty, too, for the supporters of Brian Cowen who last May breached Leinster House protocol (and security) to celebrate his elevation to Taoiseach with a raucous rendition of The Offaly Rover


Interesting history there.

Apparently Clinton also got in trouble for a brief nod to the Japanese emperor.

Seems like it is s slight mistake, but does offer fodder for the right to blather on about things they like to blather on about.

04-03-2009, 10:51 AM
Michelle Obama charms queen away from protocol

LONDON — Michelle Obama's meeting with Queen Elizabeth II began with a handshake and ended in a hug.

The first lady arrived Wednesday with President Barack Obama. After separate meetings on the eve of the G-20 summit, the couple attended an evening reception for world leaders hosted by the queen.

Mrs. Obama clearly made an impression with the 82-year-old monarch — so much that the smiling queen strayed slightly from protocol and briefly wrapped her arm around the first lady in a rare public show of affection.

It was the first time Mrs. Obama — who is nearly a foot taller — had met the queen. The first lady also wrapped her arm around the monarch's shoulder and back.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman who asked not to be identified because of palace policy said he could not remember the last time the queen had displayed such public affection with a first lady or dignitary.

"It was a mutual and spontaneous display of affection," he said. "We don't issue instructions on not touching the queen."


Interesting anecdote.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:51 AM
So you wouldn't have voted for the McCain/Palin ticket or would vote for Palin 2012 even though she has your beliefs in politics and/or religion?

No, I did vote for McCain-Palin. And if she emerged as the nominee in 2012, then she'd have my vote. (But, no, she does not have my endorsement as of now, as if that counted for anything.)

And it's because she shares my beliefs in, once again, the Constitution, energy policy, low taxes, and limited govt. I, and a great many conservatives, think the world of her. You may not. That's fine. I don't expect (or want) liberals to love her.

04-03-2009, 10:53 AM
When the former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating put his arm around the queen in 1992, the tabloids dubbed him the "Lizard of Oz." When his successor, John Howard, was accused of doing the same, a spokesman insisted: "We firmly deny that there was any contact whatsoever." In 2007, President George W. Bush gave the queen a sly wink during a visit she paid to the United States.

I think the US of A will manage to survive the occasional diplomatic faux-pas...

04-03-2009, 10:53 AM
lmao this thread is too funny. We got a global economic issue and one of the longest threads here is whether Obama should have bowed or not or had given a better gift.

04-03-2009, 10:53 AM
Sarah Palin and her supporters are a disease. She doesn't even speak in coherent language, it's just a garbled barrage of political buzzwords. Random interjections of the word "families" or "American people" or "Defend". It's so Orwellian it's just sickening.

When I look at the other decent potential Republican candidates out there; Huntsman, Romney, Huckabee, even Jindal, it just blows my mind that anybody could possibly be in support or defense of that scab on America, Sarah Palin. Her supporters are brain dead.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:55 AM

Interesting history there.

Apparently Clinton also got in trouble for a brief nod to the Japanese emperor.

Seems like it is s slight mistake, but does offer fodder for the right to blather on about things they like to blather on about.

I'm sorry if you think I'm blathering. :lol But what Obama did was more than a quick, polite nod of the head. Dude went halfway down before he seemed to remember, oh wait, I'm the President. I saw the video.

That said, I also didn't like Pres Bush holding hands with the guy. I think the Bushes are way too cozy with the House of Saud. They are not democratic leaders, do not support freedom and human rights, and are unreliable allies at best in the Middle East.

I think Pres Obama should have looked him in the eye, shook his hand, and went from there.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:55 AM
Sarah Palin and her supporters are a disease. She doesn't even speak in coherent language, it's just a garbled barrage of political buzzwords. Random interjections of the word "families" or "American people" or "Defend". It's so Orwellian it's just sickening.

When I look at the other decent potential Republican candidates out there; Huntsman, Romney, Huckabee, even Jindal, it just blows my mind that anybody could possibly be in support or defense of that scab on America, Sarah Palin. Her supporters are brain dead.

Okay. Well, it's good to know what you think of me. Thanks! :toast

04-03-2009, 10:56 AM
No, I did vote for McCain-Palin. And if she emerged as the nominee in 2012, then she'd have my vote. (But, no, she does not have my endorsement as of now, as if that counted for anything.)

And it's because she shares my beliefs in, once again, the Constitution, energy policy, low taxes, and limited govt. I, and a great many conservatives, think the world of her. You may not. That's fine. I don't expect (or want) liberals to love her.

Forgive me but I dont understand. If you don't support her candidacy now, they why would you support her down the road? She will most likely be the same person then as she is now.

04-03-2009, 10:58 AM
Well, at the end of the day, whatever. But if as a republican, you intend to support people like Palin, buddy, it's your own party's grave.

04-03-2009, 10:59 AM
No, I did vote for McCain-Palin. And if she emerged as the nominee in 2012, then she'd have my vote. (But, no, she does not have my endorsement as of now, as if that counted for anything.)

And it's because she shares my beliefs in, once again, the Constitution, energy policy, low taxes, and limited govt. I, and a great many conservatives, think the world of her. You may not. That's fine. I don't expect (or want) liberals to love her.

I am seriously hoping that Palin gets the nomination in 2012. Please, please, please, please, nominate her...

---says every Democrat in the country.

The problem with that is that the left will hate her, the right will love her, and the middle will side with the left on this because she really isn't that bright.

Palin 2012 would be a slam dunk for the Democrats.

Sorry. I have some respect for you, but if you think she is electable for any national office, you are letting your own opinion of her obscure the wider view of how she is perceived by the rest of the country, and especially by the swing voters who actually decide elections.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 10:59 AM
In American politics, we have these things called primaries and caucuses. And in these primaries and caucuses supporters of various candidates debate and have polls, and the candidate who wins the most polls gets the nomination for the general election. The supporters of the losing candidates unite around the nominee and we have an election. McCain drew his voters from his supporters, as well as supporters of Guliani, Huck, Romney, and others. Obama got enough Hillary voters to win. That's how it works. Understand now?

Right now, I would support ... Jindal. But as a conservative, I will vote for the Republican regardless.

04-03-2009, 11:02 AM
I'm sorry if you think I'm blathering. :lol But what Obama did was more than a quick, polite nod of the head. Dude went halfway down before he seemed to remember, oh wait, I'm the President. I saw the video.

That said, I also didn't like Pres Bush holding hands with the guy. I think the Bushes are way too cozy with the House of Saud. They are not democratic leaders, do not support freedom and human rights, and are unreliable allies at best in the Middle East.

I think Pres Obama should have looked him in the eye, shook his hand, and went from there.

I think you are probably right about that. A polite head-of-state nod to royalty, but that should have been it.

Personally I don't really know what the formal protocol was, but it seems the guy at yahoo answers seemed to have it right.

As I said, it gives the right ammunition for their "he's niave and inexperienced" narrative, and as such, it will be hyped endlessly, pointlessly.

It was a mistake, I'm sure there will be others. We have more important things to worry about.

04-03-2009, 11:03 AM
Right now, I would support ... Jindal. But as a conservative, I will vote for the Republican regardless.
Even if that republican is a brain dead monster? Hypothetically, let's say Palin wasn't that- brain dead or monstrous.

But let's say the republicans nominated someone who you felt was extremely dim-witted... and sort of evil in their ignorance. Would you still vote for them, simply because you're a conservative and they were the republican nominee?

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 11:04 AM
I am seriously hoping that Palin gets the nomination in 2012. Please, please, please, please, nominate her...

---says every Democrat in the country.

The problem with that is that the left will hate her, the right will love her, and the middle will side with the left on this because she really isn't that bright.

Palin 2012 would be a slam dunk for the Democrats.

Sorry. I have some respect for you, but if you think she is electable for any national office, you are letting your own opinion of her obscure the wider view of how she is perceived by the rest of the country, and especially by the swing voters who actually decide elections.

Actually I am worried about that. And I didn't say I want her to be the nominee. But I think the large part of public perception of her was shaped by a hostile media, as well as McCain's ham-handed use of her. Face it, when she got selected, we conservatives finally got excited about the ticket and believed we could win. It's because she is smarter than you give her credit for (but blast away with the stereotypes), and she, again, believes what we believe.

Would I prefer her to be our nominee? No. But if she is, and she attacks Obama on the taxes, and the big-govt, and everything else, then she might have a chance. But I would prefer Jindal.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 11:04 AM
Even if that republican is a brain dead monster? Hypothetically, let's say Palin wasn't that- brain dead or monstrous.

But let's say the republicans nominated someone who you felt was extremely dim-witted... and sort of evi in their ignorance. Would you still vote for them, simply because you're a conservative and they were the republican nominee?

We did. His name was McCain.

04-03-2009, 11:06 AM
I'd have to say that Palin was much more evil.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 11:07 AM
I think you are probably right about that. A polite head-of-state nod to royalty, but that should have been it.

Personally I don't really know what the formal protocol was, but it seems the guy at yahoo answers seemed to have it right.

As I said, it gives the right ammunition for their "he's niave and inexperienced" narrative, and as such, it will be hyped endlessly, pointlessly.

It was a mistake, I'm sure there will be others. We have more important things to worry about.

I know. I just wonder if his external actions reflect a set of beliefs, or an ignorance of American tradition. I know he doesn't think the U.S., the UK, or Western democracies are anything special. We're just 1 or 2 of "190 nations." In fact, we should be ashamed of ourselves for all the trouble we've caused. That's what I get from him.

And Thomas Jefferson would have bitch-slapped Obama if he had seen him bowing to anyone, let alone a third-world monarch.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 11:08 AM
I'd have to say that Palin was much more evil.


You're right. She's plain evil.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Honestly, though, I don't want liberals to like, appreciate, or understand Sarah Palin, Rush, or other important conservatives. Not as long as they are liberals.

If they did ... then something would be wrong.

Cry Havoc
04-03-2009, 11:46 AM
that's a pretty f'n stupid ass statement to post. post what you will. it's your opinion, but you're trying to scold crookshanks about her debating skills, her close-mindness, and her name calling yet you make that jackass statement. not some conservatives...not most conservatives...not conservatives from the south, but conservatives in general. i, for the most part, am fairly conservative and your asinine statement is far from the truth for me. before every meal, when i wake up and when i go to bed i pray to God for my family, friends, this country and our president. no, i didn't leave out "the assassination" between "our" and "president" in my previous sentence. sorry to dissapoint you and proving you wrong based off your jackass statement. i truly pray that he does good for us. i don't hold him on a pedestal like most people, here and abroad, do. believe me. mccain would more than likely be doing the same. sorry to reveal that shocker.

Obviously I didn't mean ALL conservatives. It was a statement out of frustration and disgust, and merely how I feel about some people after reading continuous threads on ST. Not targeted at any one individual.

04-03-2009, 12:59 PM
Wow. You should have written Bagdad Bob's speeches. You would also fit in at Pravda. Good grief. No, Meester Limbaugh has no audience, peeeple is turning off thee radio, hees leeseners are surrenduring een droves.

Very well then. I would retort that the Obama you have in your head is not the Obama of reality. First of all, I have read his approval rating down in the 50ies, still good for a Pres, but hardly the stuff of Hope and Change, let alone the One. And they're down quite a bit from the 80s he was in around Inauguration. Stock market mini-crashes and a habit of selecting tax cheats for his Cabinet have a way of doing that. And the American people are rightly suspicious of the government running any segment of the economy. And did I mention this onerous budget, full of pork? Hope and Change indeed.

(I know alot of non-liberals who voted for the guy are wondering right now -- is this what I voted for? Well, I tried to warn you!)

Second, do you really want to go down the "drug" road with a conservative? Really? I will reply that, unlike the liberals who either flaunt their drug use or are in and out of rehab, Rush got hooked on Rx stemming from surgery. I've known guys that happened to. He owned up to it, got help, and he beat it. (Are you aware the kind words he had for Al Gore's son when he had drug problems?)

And lastly ... I'm not elevating him to the Messiah's level. Lord No! Barack H. Obama is the greatest man ever! No one can reach that holy mountain. I do suggest however, that Rush could stand toe to toe with him in a debate, no teleprompters. And as for the values, yes, he generally has them and preaches them. Hard work, no gummint handouts. Respect for life and traditional values. A realistic view of the world -- seeing radical Islam and communism as the horrible systems they are, refusing to compromise with them. And America as the world's best hope of overcoming them.

But hey, we Rush listeners are all knuckle-draggers. Not at all in touch with reality.

19%. I never said he had no audience, I said it was a very small percentage of people in this country. 19% of this country is still near 50 million people. (and he's got no where near 50 million tuning in - I'm just making a point) You sure so do love the strawman argument though.

And I said nothing about elevating him to Obama's level. I said to the level of a PRESIDENT, because I knew immediately where you would go.

LOL @ you still railing on about communism. Please point me to the communist threat the United States (or anyone for that matter) faces. The cold war has been over for 20 years dude.

George Gervin's Afro
04-03-2009, 12:59 PM
Honestly, though, I don't want liberals to like, appreciate, or understand Sarah Palin, Rush, or other important conservatives. Not as long as they are liberals.

If they did ... then something would be wrong.

Hush is an entertainer with an opinion. you probably think libs don't like him because they don't get him. Your wrong. We don't like him because he is intellectually dishonest and passes his opinion as if it was verifiable fact. What libs don't get is how his minions can claim libs have talking points and are brain dead yet not understand their own hypcocrisy. If you don't 'get it' his sheep are the one's who parrot talking points and rely on hush to give them their information..!

04-03-2009, 01:07 PM
I was going to rag on Don for saying Palin is electable, but then again there is not a single person on the right who is electable for president at the moment. That party is beyond complete disarray.

The Democrats were there in the recent past, but one thing is for damn sure, Dean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steele.

baseline bum
04-03-2009, 01:12 PM
Actually I am worried about that. And I didn't say I want her to be the nominee. But I think the large part of public perception of her was shaped by a hostile media, as well as McCain's ham-handed use of her. Face it, when she got selected, we conservatives finally got excited about the ticket and believed we could win. It's because she is smarter than you give her credit for (but blast away with the stereotypes), and she, again, believes what we believe.

Would I prefer her to be our nominee? No. But if she is, and she attacks Obama on the taxes, and the big-govt, and everything else, then she might have a chance. But I would prefer Jindal.

The south won't vote for Jindal and Palin has zero shot at getting anyone who isn't already a Republican.

04-03-2009, 01:22 PM
The south won't vote for Jindal and Palin has zero shot at getting anyone who isn't already a Republican.
That may be true now; but after 4 years of Obama and his band of misfits, it might be a completely different matter.

04-03-2009, 01:37 PM
Didn't they just give the Queen what she requested?

04-03-2009, 01:52 PM
Didn't they just give the Queen what she requested?

That is a good question. If it is what the woman wanted, then it is exactly what she should have gotten.

04-03-2009, 01:53 PM
That is a good question. If it is what the woman wanted, then it is exactly what she should have gotten.

Politico cited criticism of Obama's iPod gift by "etiquette expert," but WH says queen requested it

Summary: The Politico reported that President Obama presented Queen Elizabeth II with "a personalized iPod," and noted criticism of the gift by an "etiquette expert," but did not mention that the White House reportedly said Queen Elizabeth asked for the iPod.

In an April 1 article, the Politico reported that President Obama presented Queen Elizabeth II with "a personalized iPod," and added, "The bestowing of the Royal iPod brought a cringe from one top etiquette expert, who said it confirmed that Obama hasn't figured out presidential gift giving." But while Politico staff writer Nia-Malika Henderson noted criticism of the gift by "etiquette expert" Anna Post of the Emily Post Institute, Henderson did not mention that the White House reportedly said Queen Elizabeth asked for the iPod that Obama gave her.

Indeed, while the Politico article reported that "perhaps surprisingly for folks in the U.S. the queen is no stranger to the iPod, because she already has one," it did not point out, as was reported earlier that night on Fox News' Special Report, that according to the White House, the queen requested a video iPod because she did not yet have one of that type.

04-03-2009, 02:22 PM
That's not true. I just thought the iPod, loaded with his own speeches, was trite and tacky. I gave some suggestions -- perhaps a nice oil portrait of Churchill, or having a poem commissioned and read. Perhaps a tattered flag from some old battle. Those would have been nice.Still ignorant of what she was given, eh. One would think after being called ignorant and told there was more to the gift, you might think to find out what it might be.

Instead, you are quite proud of your continued ignorance. :toast

Now she might have even asked for the iPod? Aren't you happy you got all worked up about this?

04-03-2009, 03:00 PM
Can you provide an example of poor arguments and logical fallacies in a specific argument that Rush has used? Should I take it that Obama never uses ad hominems, straw men, red herrings, or appeals to authority himself? Hell ... when the Pres was trying to sell us his massive porkulus bill, he was on the airwaves saying that Republicans didn't want to do anything. Which wasn't true, the GOP offered alternatives that (naturally, being the minority party) died in committee.

And I'm concerned over who would score this debate. It's moot -- the Pres turned it down. But I wish the campaign had had a real debate, not these scripted charades. A debate about Constitutional philosophy, the role of govt, the nature of church-state relations, social morality, et al.

First, Obama does use logical fallacies as well. That's why I said I'd like to see a debate with those two. I didn't say Obama would wipe the floor with him, though I do believe he'd win.

As far as bad arguing... here's one example... http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/rushlimbaugh/a/limbaughquotes.htm

"This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation...I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of the need to blow some steam off?" --on the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal

That obviously isn't the case, and I'm sure Rush knows it, but he'll use the faulty comparison to rile up his listeners.

Another one is this quote, "The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them."

Statements like that, deliberately dumbed down for the masses, so stupid people can listen to the radio and say, "YEAH!"

(Note: I'm not saying only stupid people listen to Rush. I am saying that the stupid people are listening to dog whistles on his show and jumping in the air. Yes, it happens with liberal shows too.)

04-03-2009, 03:00 PM

This is the guy with values who would destroy Obama?



Do conservatives not realize how far off kilter they've gone?

Cry Havoc
04-03-2009, 03:08 PM
"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting." --on an ad by Michael J. Fox endorsing Claire McCaskill for Senate for supporting embryonic stem cell research

All you need to know about Rush Limbaugh. That is one of the meanest, most ignorant things I have ever heard on TV or talk radio.


04-03-2009, 03:59 PM
Actually, the more I think about this, the more I realize that it doesn't mean a damn thing.

With all that's going on in the world, who really gives a shit?

04-03-2009, 04:07 PM
Especially since the queen apparently asked for it.

And got another, more personal gift too boot.

04-03-2009, 04:08 PM
There's an Emily Post Institute? :lol

04-03-2009, 04:09 PM
Actually, the more I think about this, the more I realize that it doesn't mean a damn thing.

With all that's going on in the world, who really gives a shit?

Holy shit! Darrin sees the light!:toast:clap

04-03-2009, 04:36 PM
Actually, the more I think about this, the more I realize that it doesn't mean a damn thing.

With all that's going on in the world, who really gives a shit?


04-04-2009, 03:10 AM
It (the gift) could have been worse, it wasn't a bad gift anyways, it could have been a gift certificate to Payless Shoes or something.

For the record, I don't care what gifts were given or recieved. We have all these problems in the world and there are people who care what gifts were traded?

Don Quixote
04-04-2009, 10:27 PM
I was going to rag on Don for saying Palin is electable, but then again there is not a single person on the right who is electable for president at the moment. That party is beyond complete disarray.

The Democrats were there in the recent past, but one thing is for damn sure, Dean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steele.

Dean was a total surprise. I thought for sure after his YEEEEAH moment that he would be a lousy chair. But he did a great job.

Steele I don't know about. I would have preferred someone with more conservative bona fides.

And I never said Palin was electable as President. In fact, I have expressed doubts about that. But I do think the world of her and wish her luck against the media and liberals. She has her work cut out for her. I do know this ... if she were a liberal woman, she would be lauded for her courage and folksiness.

Don Quixote
04-04-2009, 10:33 PM

This is the guy with values who would destroy Obama?



Do conservatives not realize how far off kilter they've gone?

Love how they sped up the tape for the first go-around on the clip of Limbaugh. They did this during the Michael J. Fox controversy too. Second, spare me the righteous indignation. What Rush said about Brown's sucking up to Obama is nothing compared to the slander Bush and Rush got/get on a daily basis from the media. Anal poisoning? That's nothing.

And third, who is the commentator? Never heard of him. This is a classic CNN hatchet job, nothing more.

Don Quixote
04-04-2009, 10:46 PM
First, Obama does use logical fallacies as well. That's why I said I'd like to see a debate with those two. I didn't say Obama would wipe the floor with him, though I do believe he'd win.

As far as bad arguing... here's one example... http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/rushlimbaugh/a/limbaughquotes.htm

"This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation...I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of the need to blow some steam off?" --on the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal

That obviously isn't the case, and I'm sure Rush knows it, but he'll use the faulty comparison to rile up his listeners.

Another one is this quote, "The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them."

Statements like that, deliberately dumbed down for the masses, so stupid people can listen to the radio and say, "YEAH!"

(Note: I'm not saying only stupid people listen to Rush. I am saying that the stupid people are listening to dog whistles on his show and jumping in the air. Yes, it happens with liberal shows too.)

I don't know much about what happened at Abu Ghraib. I know that prisoners were mistreated. The soldiers involved were disciplined and that was that. I think Rush was objecting to the Left's using it to protest the war in general.

Second, I care more about the substance of the message than the debating skill, although the ability to articulate a message is important too. In my opinion, Obama offers a warmed-over domestic socialism from the 60's, that has been tried and failed miserably. Rush offers what I believe is a far better model -- low taxes, limited govt, and greater opportunity for all. And, without a teleprompter.

And third, I know quite a few of the quotes were ripped from their context and misreported by the MSM (standard for them). The feminism quote was a joke to tweak feminists. The Rx pain pills was an admission of his addiction (that he took full responsibility for, didn't blame anyone but himself, and got help for). I see nothing wrong with convicting white drug dealers.

The bit about Hillary Clinton sounding like a nagging ex-wife is ... true. And funny.

The phony soldiers bit was ripped from his comments about actual phony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Macbeth) soldiers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micah_Wright) and mis-applied by the MSM as if it was meant to slander real soldiers. Rush discussed this at length on his show when this problem broke. This is a standard trick of the MSM -- they hate Rush and view him as a threat.

The page in general is a typical smear job on the guy. If there's a SPECIFIC problem you have with a specific Rush quote, I'm all ears. Remember, I like him only insofar as he articulates conservative philosophy. If he were (he wouldn't) to get away from them, I would stop listening, or at least get on him harder.

04-04-2009, 11:50 PM
Love how they sped up the tape for the first go-around on the clip of Limbaugh. They did this during the Michael J. Fox controversy too.

I'd love to know what context Rush's choice of a description would endear him to mainstream America.

Second, spare me the righteous indignation. What Rush said about Brown's sucking up to Obama is nothing compared to the slander Bush and Rush got/get on a daily basis from the media. Anal poisoning? That's nothing.

Strawman. No one is elevating those people to the stature of you're elevating Rush.

And third, who is the commentator? Never heard of him. This is a classic CNN hatchet job, nothing more.

Yeah - the fact that you've never seen the guy is extremely relevant here in this discussion. Poor Rush! Always the vicitm!

04-04-2009, 11:52 PM
Rush is such a victim, his horrible things are always taken out of context which if reported correctly would paint pictures of raindows and fields full of flowers. Somehow that the guy is constant getting in trouble for what he says is a strike against everyone else but Rush. Amazing.

You should honestly never make any messiah comments again. I believe thats what is referred to as projection.

Don Quixote
04-05-2009, 12:43 AM
Not quite. Defending the guy against slander is not the same as worshiping the guy, like some Obama-followers do. Admiring someone's bravery and (let's face it) strength in the face of constant attacks from the media is not the same thing as attributing Messiah-status to him.

He's an articulate and valuable defender of conservative values. I don't think he walks on water. But I will defend him against slander. Obama, who I don't believe is a Muslim or a closet commie (that's slander), is a big govt douche-bag who is wildly overrated. His followers truly do think he's Jesus. Come to New Orleans sometimes. Good Lord!

But that's just my opinion. I don't expect liberals to like, respect, or get Rush. And I don't want them to.

04-05-2009, 12:46 AM
The only people calling Obama the Messiah are those on the right. I know of not one liberal on this board who has defended every action Obama has undertaken nor any liberal on this board who expected anything from Obama other than what we have seen so far with the excetion of a few things (the MJ remarks caught me very much offguard but I believe that was more a timing thing).

But it suits you to act as if there is an actual substative group of people who believe that way because it is your way of marginalizing him. Its really transparant.

In any event, unlike you - we're able to be critical of those we support and not simply blame everything on others. Poor Rush, always the victim of slandar (hint, its not slandar to replay ones own words) and so misunderstood.

04-05-2009, 12:52 AM
Can I get some evidence of someone slandering Rush? Everytime I hear someone talking about Rush, they are just talking about something ridiculous he said for example, the "anal poisoning". I dont think that is slander.

Don Quixote
04-05-2009, 01:04 AM
Sometimes he just says throwaway stuff. He knows it tweaks liberals, and he enjoys watching them all twisted in knots over something he said. I don't think the anal poisoning bit was worth the CNN story for starters. It wasn't even that funny.

CNN's attention to the anal bit do reveal something about them. They didn't even touch the substance of what Rush was saying. Instead, we got fake indignation about anals and stuff. Really. Like they're offended by that stuff. It was nothing.

Don Quixote
04-05-2009, 01:11 AM
The only people calling Obama the Messiah are those on the right. I know of not one liberal on this board who has defended every action Obama has undertaken nor any liberal on this board who expected anything from Obama other than what we have seen so far with the excetion of a few things (the MJ remarks caught me very much offguard but I believe that was more a timing thing).

But it suits you to act as if there is an actual substative group of people who believe that way because it is your way of marginalizing him. Its really transparant.

In any event, unlike you - we're able to be critical of those we support and not simply blame everything on others. Poor Rush, always the victim of slandar (hint, its not slandar to replay ones own words) and so misunderstood.

Okay. Fine. I know noone on the Left is actually callinh him the Messiah. That's our word for him. I get it. But just because liberals don't use the word doesn't mean that's not what they think him to be. Clearly his campaign (still running, BTW) portrayed him as this great awesome hope. It was based more about the person than anything else. Hey, it was an effective campaign.

Anyway, is there something Obama has done, or might do, to make you love him less? Did you expect the stock market crash, the tax cheats in the cabinet, and the pork? What about the deficits? What specifically do you disagree with him about? What would cause you to lose support for him?

(My disagreements with Pres Bush were well-known. Rush, not so much, but he's not an elected official anyway.)

04-05-2009, 01:13 AM
CNN's attention to the anal bit do reveal something about them. They didn't even touch the substance of what Rush was saying. Instead, we got fake indignation about anals and stuff. Really. Like they're offended by that stuff. It was nothing.

There really wasnt much substance though. The substance was that Rush hates anybody who respects and praises our President. So the reporting basically shows that an immature grown ass man resorts to middle school behavior when people are friends with people he hates. If I'm wrong about the "substance" thing, please tell me what it is.

Also, did Rush get anal poisoning from all of the praise he gave Bush?

Don Quixote
04-05-2009, 01:28 AM
There really wasnt much substance though. The substance was that Rush hates anybody who respects and praises our President. So the reporting basically shows that an immature grown ass man resorts to middle school behavior when people are friends with people he hates. If I'm wrong about the "substance" thing, please tell me what it is.

Also, did Rush get anal poisoning from all of the praise he gave Bush?

Did you listen to the program that day? I missed it. I'm sure that Rush was lampooing Brown's "endless love" for Obama. Hope and change, etc. But I don't know about the whole story. My point is, CNN, who had access to the whole segment, made two words the issue, and totally ignored what Rush was saying. And then acted like they were disgusted.

And maybe Rush does hate people who praise Obama. So what if he does? I personally don't think he does (Ann Coulter does), but so what? Don't liberals hate him? Or anyone who has a shred of respect for Bush?

And third, Rush criticized Bush ALL the time. Are you a listener? Did you listen at all during the Bush years? (I mean, listen to the show, not the clips that CNN or NBC serve up when they want to do a piece on him.) If you were, then you would know that Rush got on Bush's tail often.

Cry Havoc
04-05-2009, 03:23 AM
Did you listen to the program that day? I missed it. I'm sure that Rush was lampooing Brown's "endless love" for Obama. Hope and change, etc. But I don't know about the whole story. My point is, CNN, who had access to the whole segment, made two words the issue, and totally ignored what Rush was saying. And then acted like they were disgusted.

Perhaps if Mr. Limbaugh, as a leading representative of his party, conducted himself in a manner that wasn't bearing so much resemblance to a pubescent 7th grade student, there would be much less ado made out of him with news bits like this. And if Rush is as intelligent as you are making him out to be, he KNOWS that those statements will get airplay, which is exactly why he says them.

But please, forget about the anal poisoning comment. How about his remarks toward Michael J. Fox? Is the kind of man you want to support someone who is willing to attack and ridicule a person with an unconditionally fatal, degenerative disease? More to the point, would YOU ever make a statement like that about someone? And this was just for APPEARING in a political advertisement.


Does this look like someone who deserves to be attacked for simply voicing his opinion on television? To be honest, this was beyond low of Rush. This was a monstrous deed, and no amount of apology can really undo the incredible amount of disdain I feel towards him, for this act alone. Even THINKING about saying this kind of thing, or whispering it to a friend, is beyond comprehension to me. To actually say it on national airwaves is appallingly ludicrous.

And maybe Rush does hate people who praise Obama. So what if he does? I personally don't think he does (Ann Coulter does), but so what? Don't liberals hate him? Or anyone who has a shred of respect for Bush?

There is a massive difference between disliking someone for their political views and disliking someone because they have absolutely no decency. I do not dislike Rush because he's so conservative, I dislike him to the point of anger because he is a vile human being who is about nothing but his own agenda, his viewpoints, and ripping on people who disagree with him to the point of abject humiliation, such as the Michael J. Fox case above. I do not attack someone so lightly and there are very few individuals that I feel such strong negative emotions about, but Rush is one of them. He's a complete asshole and he doesn't care, because it makes him money and gets people to listen to him.

And third, Rush criticized Bush ALL the time. Are you a listener? Did you listen at all during the Bush years? (I mean, listen to the show, not the clips that CNN or NBC serve up when they want to do a piece on him.) If you were, then you would know that Rush got on Bush's tail often.

Of course Rush criticized Bush. Rush criticizes anyone who isn't in 100% complete absolute pandering worshipful agreement of his own viewpoint. Which might be an okay thing if he would ever admit to actually being wrong.

Which brings up another point. One of the most wonderful traits I know that a person can possess is humility and the ability of a person to admit, earnestly and honestly, that a mistake was made. That is wisdom -- being able to see what's right in spite of what you personally may feel at first. Rush, to me, is the opposite of wisdom. Anything that is not in express agreement with him is to be torn down and cast aside as idiotic. I don't think you're a stupid person for listening to him, but I -DO- find it idiotic for a person to even take Rush seriously, to say nothing of heralding him like a paragon of virtue and a leader of the conservative movement. It says a lot about the republican party that this guy is so elevated right now, and it makes me sick.

04-05-2009, 08:54 PM
Still ignorant of what she was given, eh. One would think after being called ignorant and told there was more to the gift, you might think to find out what it might be.

Instead, you are quite proud of your continued ignorance. :toast

Now she might have even asked for the iPod? Aren't you happy you got all worked up about this?

You notice that Yoni and crew dropped the "iPod" schtick pretty fast.

No more poo to fling.

04-06-2009, 08:27 AM
You notice that Yoni and crew dropped the "iPod" schtick pretty fast.

No more poo to fling.

Until he finds another article.

04-06-2009, 09:05 AM
I don't know much about what happened at Abu Ghraib. I know that prisoners were mistreated. The soldiers involved were disciplined and that was that. I think Rush was objecting to the Left's using it to protest the war in general.

War causes unintended consequences. Isnt' that the Right's view when it comes to Lefties messing with economic policies? I don't see how the view that war can have far-reaching unintended consequences to be that much different, or wrong.

And you know as well as I do that there's no way that those guards get away with that unless leadership is incompetent or turns a blind eye.

Second, I care more about the substance of the message than the debating skill, although the ability to articulate a message is important too. In my opinion, Obama offers a warmed-over domestic socialism from the 60's, that has been tried and failed miserably. Rush offers what I believe is a far better model -- low taxes, limited govt, and greater opportunity for all. And, without a teleprompter.

I disagree, but hey, to each their own. And really, I don't care whether or not he has a teleprompter or not :)

And third, I know quite a few of the quotes were ripped from their context and misreported by the MSM (standard for them). The feminism quote was a joke to tweak feminists. The Rx pain pills was an admission of his addiction (that he took full responsibility for, didn't blame anyone but himself, and got help for). I see nothing wrong with convicting white drug dealers.

The bit about Hillary Clinton sounding like a nagging ex-wife is ... true. And funny.

The phony soldiers bit was ripped from his comments about actual phony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Macbeth) soldiers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micah_Wright)and mis-applied by the MSM as if it was meant to slander real soldiers. Rush discussed this at length on his show when this problem broke. This is a standard trick of the MSM -- they hate Rush and view him as a threat.

The page in general is a typical smear job on the guy. If there's a SPECIFIC problem you have with a specific Rush quote, I'm all ears. Remember, I like him only insofar as he articulates conservative philosophy. If he were (he wouldn't) to get away from them, I would stop listening, or at least get on him harder.

Note: I didn't agree with the whole page, I just picked out the ones I thought were examples of bad arguing and used the page as a source. Do you not think that the Abu Ghraib situation was far different from a simple 'hazing'?

04-06-2009, 09:59 AM
His followers truly do think he's Jesus. Come to New Orleans sometimes.

Edit: You already answered this above. :)

I'd just like to point out though that there are as many people who think Obama will take care of all their problems as there are people who think Obama is the AntiChrist and is going to kick off the Apocalypse :D

04-06-2009, 10:04 AM
Anyway, is there something Obama has done, or might do, to make you love him less? Did you expect the stock market crash, the tax cheats in the cabinet, and the pork? What about the deficits? What specifically do you disagree with him about? What would cause you to lose support for him?

Many liberals on these boards have dissented with Obama's stances. On FISA, on state secrets privelege, on how far the bailout should go or whether we should have one at all, and a few other things. For the majority, liberals are going to give him a pass on alot because either A) they agree with him or B) he's only been in office a few months, so they're giving him the benefit of the doubt.

04-06-2009, 10:06 AM
And third, Rush criticized Bush ALL the time. Are you a listener? Did you listen at all during the Bush years? (I mean, listen to the show, not the clips that CNN or NBC serve up when they want to do a piece on him.) If you were, then you would know that Rush got on Bush's tail often.

Yes... for not being right enough :) I can only hope that politicians follow Rush hehe.

04-06-2009, 12:06 PM
I listen to Rush every day, so I'm very familiar with the segment where he mentioned anal poisoning. If you listen to Rush on a regular basis - you would completely understand what he was saying. Rush is always making fun of the people who just take whatever Obama hands out. He was always using the phrase "bend over and grab your ankles" when people were being "screwed" - and he used it for everyone - not just libs.

Anyway - I guess some people on his staff gave him a hard time about using that imagery - so he started calling Obama's adoring staff "Obama's butt boys". Which I thought was kinda funny. That's what he was referring to with Gordon Brown. Brown was really dissed by Obama when he came to D.C., yet there he was at the G20 just going on and on about how wonderful Obama is. Rush was saying that Brown was such an eager and willing "butt boy" that he was going to get anal poisoning.

Considering all the crude remarks on this board about guys being gay and liking anal sex - I'm kinda surprised at the outrage over Rush's comment.

04-06-2009, 12:12 PM
Considering all the crude remarks on this board about guys being gay and liking anal sex - I'm kinda surprised at the outrage over Rush's comment.

I'm not sure anyone on this board has a nationally syndicated talk show.

Cry Havoc
04-06-2009, 12:52 PM
I listen to Rush every day, so I'm very familiar with the segment where he mentioned anal poisoning. If you listen to Rush on a regular basis - you would completely understand what he was saying. Rush is always making fun of the people who just take whatever Obama hands out. He was always using the phrase "bend over and grab your ankles" when people were being "screwed" - and he used it for everyone - not just libs.

Wow, you're right. Know that I know Rush better, he seems a far more balanced, mature individual. :lol

Anyway - I guess some people on his staff gave him a hard time about using that imagery - so he started calling Obama's adoring staff "Obama's butt boys". Which I thought was kinda funny. That's what he was referring to with Gordon Brown. Brown was really dissed by Obama when he came to D.C., yet there he was at the G20 just going on and on about how wonderful Obama is. Rush was saying that Brown was such an eager and willing "butt boy" that he was going to get anal poisoning.

THAT'S the context that exonerates Rush? :wow

Considering all the crude remarks on this board about guys being gay and liking anal sex - I'm kinda surprised at the outrage over Rush's comment.

So let's be clear here: It's crude and awful for a random person (who might be any age at all) on a random sports-related message board to make a comment about such activity, but an adult male with a nationally syndicated talk-show can make such a comment for anyone who wants to hear, and suddenly we're being overly critical of him when we point out how childish, rude, and tactless he is? Is this the logic you're attempting to get us to follow here? Do you even know how many (few) people in the political forum engage in such homophobic chatter, even on the other boards or away from the keyboard?

04-06-2009, 01:15 PM
I'm too cheap to own an Ipod.

04-06-2009, 01:24 PM
She should go to rehab and write a book. Then she will have enough money to buy all the coke she wants.

Cry Havoc
04-06-2009, 01:36 PM
She should go to rehab and write a book. Then she will have enough money to buy all the coke she wants.

Wrong thread, dude.

04-06-2009, 01:37 PM

I thought I was in the Biden thread.

Ummmm...the queen should ask Obama for coke next time.

That's topical.

06-03-2019, 08:55 AM
State visit minutiae here:


06-03-2019, 09:43 AM
Trash called Megan Markle "nasty" and called the mayor of London a "stone-cold loser"

Just Trash being trash, nothing buy putrid trash of a human being.

baseline bum
06-03-2019, 09:47 AM
Drudge is an invaluable resource. Would we have ever heard of Monica Lewinsky without him? (Probably not -- the media would have buried it). Anyway ...

Oh no president got a blow job. Now these same fuckers who whined about restoring dignity to the White House back then are uber Trumptards.

06-03-2019, 09:52 AM
Nine pages on a gift to the Queen :lol

Simpler times.

baseline bum
06-03-2019, 09:55 AM
Nine pages on a gift to the Queen :lol

Simpler times.

But Obama's scandals. Then remember that time he saluted with Starbucks in his hand? Or the one time he got dijon mustard on his hamburger? Both sides man.

06-03-2019, 09:59 AM
But Obama's scandals. Then remember that time he saluted with Starbucks in his hand? Or the one time he got dijon mustard on his hamburger? Both sides man.

arugula! elitist!

the crotch salute!

feet on the desk!

there was something about a lapel pin

Fox Nuts will use anything to inflame their base.

06-03-2019, 10:24 AM
But Obama's scandals. Then remember that time he saluted with Starbucks in his hand? Or the one time he got dijon mustard on his hamburger? Both sides man.

Incredible that even with all of those crippling scandals he managed to improve the US economy at a far better rate than the current POTUS.

06-03-2019, 10:29 AM
Incredible that even with all of those crippling scandals he managed to improve the US economy at a far better rate than the current POTUS.

and achieve and maintain an approval rating that Trash will NEVER sniff

06-03-2019, 11:19 AM
Did anyone see his slacks at the church yesterday?

Looks like he could take the legs in two or three inches. Is DJT allergic to tailors?

06-03-2019, 11:37 AM
Did anyone see his slacks at the church yesterday?

Looks like he could take the legs in two or three inches. Is DJT allergic to tailors?

top-level athletes need room to move

06-03-2019, 11:44 AM
uh huh


06-03-2019, 11:58 AM
uh huh

1135538933356531712It's being audited.

06-03-2019, 02:21 PM
But Obama's scandals. Then remember that time he saluted with Starbucks in his hand? Or the one time he got dijon mustard on his hamburger? Both sides man.
that fucker actually wore a tan suit one time

06-03-2019, 03:29 PM
What a narcissist.


06-03-2019, 03:30 PM
Wow - you are one mean and ugly individual. You may not care about the Queen - but she is far more than a tabloid figurehead. The monarchy goes back, what, at least a thousand years - and there is protocol and tradition that goes with it.

The IPod was a ridiculous gift - especially with it being loaded with Obama's speeches! Anyway - the Queen already has one! Maybe if they'd give as much thought to these gifts as they did in planning Michelle's White House garden, they wouldn't make such gaffes.

I mean, the dvds given to Gordon Brown wouldn't even play on British dvd players - how could you be so stupid as to not know that?

And the Obamamaniacs here don't care - but the Brits are insulted by Obama's behavior - they're certainly not very impressed!

This has to be rmt, right?

06-03-2019, 03:34 PM
We finally have a classy president back in the White House and Michelle is now officially proud of her country.

The next head of state is getting a six pack of Schlitz and a Sham Wow.

DarrinS was super bothered by the lack of class in the White House at one time.

06-04-2019, 01:35 AM
This has to be rmt, right?I don't think so. rmt's posts lack the malicious glee and the idiosyncratic hyphenation.

06-04-2019, 09:38 PM
This has to be rmt, right?

They likely attended the same school for the mentally handicapped