View Full Version : Rush to live in Texas?

04-02-2009, 05:41 PM
Paterson Bids Rush Limbaugh Farewell (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/02/paterson-bids-rush-limbaugh-farewell/?hp)

By David M. Halbfinger (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/author/david-m-halbfinger/) http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2009/03/03/us/03limbaugh_190.jpg

Rush Limbaugh is fed up with taxes in New York and with Gov. David A. Paterson in particular. The radio talk-show host denounced the so-called millionaires’ tax in the new state budget and then announced on the air this week that he would be packing up and leaving town.

Aside from putting his New York condominium — a penthouse at 1049 Fifth Avenue — on the market, Mr. Limbaugh’s vow won’t change much, and it won’t mean a loss of a lot of revenue for a state awash in red ink. According to The Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/03/31/2009-03-31_conservative_radio_host_rush_limbaugh_sa-1.html), Mr. Limbaugh said he only stays in New York around 15 days a year, mostly to avoid hurricanes headed for Florida, where he spends most of his time. He told his listeners he would look for a backup studio somewhere else, maybe in Texas.

04-02-2009, 05:44 PM
geez, you guys can't catch a break.

04-02-2009, 05:45 PM
oh...and thanks for the picture.

04-02-2009, 05:53 PM
Rush said he's tired of being audited every year for the past 12 years. He has to prove every which way the days he's actually in New York. As soon as he said he's fed up with NYC, he got calls from people (radio station managers) from several different, no-state income tax states, offering to have him come there. And one of them was from Dallas.

04-02-2009, 05:55 PM
Poor oppressed Rush.

04-02-2009, 06:00 PM
oh...and thanks for the picture.I briefly considered it as an avatar, but can rest content now that I am certain it has already made you suffer. :p:

04-02-2009, 06:02 PM
......he got calls from people (radio station managers) from several different, no-state income tax states, offering to have him come there. And one of them was from Dallas.

just imagine if he could get W to come into the studio....

I would definitely crank up the radio for that one.

04-02-2009, 06:05 PM
Poor oppressed Rush.
He never said he was oppressed - he's just fed up with all the hassle. He did say that when he moved from NYC to Florida, it made a pretty significant difference in his disposable income not having to pay the oppressive NYC taxes!

04-02-2009, 06:05 PM
He never said he was oppressed - he's just fed up with all the hassle. He did say that when he moved from NYC to Florida, it made a pretty significant difference in his disposable income not having to pay the oppressive NYC taxes!So you are saying he's oppressed.

04-02-2009, 06:06 PM

04-02-2009, 06:08 PM
That would be awesome if he picked San Antonio. He doesn't need an international airport like DFW because he has the G550.

04-02-2009, 06:08 PM
just imagine if he could get W to come into the studio....

I would definitely crank up the radio for that one.
Rush hardly ever has guests - but I imagine he'd make an exception for GWB! In fact, they're pretty friendly. On the day of Rush's 20-year anniversary on the air, he received a phone call from the White House - and he talked live with Bush 41, GWB and Jeb. They all congratulated him on his success - and you could tell by the conversation that they genuinely liked each other.

04-02-2009, 06:09 PM
So you are saying he's oppressed.
Yeah - twelve years ago before he moved his permanent residence to Florida. :lol

04-02-2009, 06:10 PM
Poor oppressed Rush.

04-02-2009, 06:12 PM
Rush hardly ever has guestsHe fears actual discussion.

04-02-2009, 06:13 PM
He never said he was oppressed - he's just fed up with all the hassle. He did say that when he moved from NYC to Florida, it made a pretty significant difference in his disposable income not having to pay the oppressive NYC taxes!Not content to continue to cry in his vast pile of money, he's picking it up and moving away. Wah.

Texas already has enough ignorant, conceited assholes IMO. I hope he goes somewhere else, but that has nothing to do with it. Rush gets to pick.

I wonder where he would go.

04-02-2009, 06:13 PM
Poor oppressed Rush.


I love this forum

04-02-2009, 06:15 PM
Rush hardly ever has guests - but I imagine he'd make an exception for GWB! In fact, they're pretty friendly. On the day of Rush's 20-year anniversary on the air, he received a phone call from the White House - and he talked live with Bush 41, GWB and Jeb. They all congratulated him on his success - and you could tell by the conversation that they genuinely liked each other.

I have absolutely no doubt they all genuinely like each other.

do you have a transcript of the phone conversation?

04-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Not content to continue to cry in his vast pile of money, he's picking it up and moving away.
Yep - that's the beauty of living in a free country! If you don't like the laws, taxes, or even just the weather of a particular state - you can just up and move - and you don't even have to ask permission. :rollin

04-02-2009, 06:20 PM
New York will miss him and the extra 0.75% tax for five years that he wouldn't pay anyway.

04-02-2009, 06:27 PM
I have absolutely no doubt they all genuinely like each other.

do you have a transcript of the phone conversation?

Yep - here it is!

RUSH: What are...? (interruption) Interrupting for what?


RUSH: Oh, jeez. The president?

THE PRESIDENT: Rush Limbaugh?

RUSH: Yes, sir, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: President George W. Bush calling to congratulate you on 20 years of important and excellent broadcasting.

RUSH: Well, thank you, sir. You've stunned me! (laughing) I'm shocked. But thank you so much.

THE PRESIDENT: That's hard to do.

RUSH: (laughing) I know, it is.

THE PRESIDENT: I'm here with a room full of admirers. There are two others that would like to speak to you and congratulate you, people who consider you friends and really appreciate the contribution you've made.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. Put 'em on.

THE PRESIDENT: How you doing? This is my swan song? If this is all you got for me, I'm moving on.

RUSH: (laughing) No! The show's yours; take as much time as you want.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I'm just calling along with President 41 and the former governor of Florida. We're fixing to have lunch here, and I said, "Listen, we ought to call our pal and let him know that we care" for you. So this is as much as anything, a nice verbal letter to a guy we really care for.

RUSH: Well, thank you, sir, very much. I'm overwhelmed. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this and how much you've surprised me.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, that was the purpose of the phone call.

RUSH: You succeeded.


RUSH: They were waving at me trying to tell me you were on the line, and I didn't know what was going on. So you succeeded here in the surprise. How are you doing, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I am great. We're doing very good, thank you very much, sir. Concerned about our economy, obviously, but know we need to be drilling for some oil and gas in order to take the pressure off the gas prices -- and I'm pleased with the progress in Iraq.

RUSH: Have you heard what Senator Obama wants to do? He wants another stimulus check of a thousand dollars to every American paid for by the oil companies.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Well, what we ought to be doing is encouraging oil companies to find oil, and that's the best way to take the pressure off the gasoline prices. We're on a very strong push to get the Congress to allow for there to be offshore drilling, and most Americans understand now that an increase in oil, particularly here in America, will help take pressure off of price. And I tell people I'd rather, you know, be buying American oil instead of sending our money overseas.

RUSH: You know, Mr. President, it's amazing. In 2004 during your campaign, Senator Kerry was constantly criticizing you for not "jawboning" with the Saudis enough to bring the price of oil down. Now, four years later, they're doing everything they can to keep the price from coming down. They apparently want it to remain high.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, they may want to, but the American people want to see some relief. It would be like a massive tax cut when the gasoline prices decline. So we're in times of economic uncertainty and the more money people have in their pockets the quicker we'll be able to recover, in my judgment. You asked how I'm doing. My spirits are high; I'm going to finish strong. I love my family and I'm spending two days here with mother and dad before I head overseas.

RUSH: Well, that's right. You've got China on your agenda.

THE PRESIDENT: I do. But listen, President 41. You might remember him.

RUSH: I do. (laughing) Yes, I do. We all do.

THE PRESIDENT: You know what? He remembers you.

RUSH: Good.

THE PRESIDENT: Fondly, I might add. Anyway, here he is. Congratulations.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much, again.


BUSH 41: Hey, Rush?

RUSH: Mr. President, sir.

BUSH 41: How are you doing?

RUSH: I am never better. I'm so glad that you three called me. I'm stunned here. It's great to hear from you.

BUSH 41: I've got some advice for you.

RUSH: Tell me.

BUSH 41: Slow down your backswing.

RUSH: (laughing)

BUSH 41: (laughing) That's what I'm doing is giving advice. I remember playing with you and enjoying it. How are you?

RUSH: I'm great.

BUSH 41: Proud of you, always.

RUSH: Well, thank you. I'm doing great. And you? You're looking well, too.

BUSH 41: Well, yeah. I'm kind of on the sidelines, but I can't do golf and all that stuff anymore. But life is good. It's wonderful, and it's great having the family up here in Maine, and all is well. Do you see our man Ailes at all?

RUSH: Oh, yeah. I saw Roger at Tony Snow's funeral.

BUSH 41: Oh, did you?

RUSH: And a couple of times earlier this summer.

BUSH 41: Are we on the radio, are we?

RUSH: (laughing)

BUSH 41: I didn't know that. I'll clean up my act here. I'm glad they told me.

RUSH: Yeah, we're on the radio.

BUSH 41: It's wonderful talking to you, I'll tell you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir. Same here.

BUSH 41: Wait a minute, Jeb -- Governor Jeb -- wants to speak to you.

RUSH: That's great.

BUSH 41: We've got the whole family lined up.

RUSH: Put him on.

BUSH 41: All Limbaugh fans. Just a sec. Here.

JEB: Hey, Rush, congratulations on your longevity.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. This is a thrill.

JEB: One of the highlights, one of the great things about your show is it's broadcast in the Sunshine State, for which a whole lot of Floridians are very grateful, including me.

RUSH: It's a great place to live, governor. It really is, as you well know.

JEB: We've got a few challenges, but it's not a bad place at all.

RUSH: What's your future? What are you going to do?

JEB: I'm staying below the radar. That's what I'm doing. I love policy, and I have an education policy to try to help folks that are running for office be bold on education reform, which I think is a huge challenge and a great opportunity for our country. So my political stuff is really focused on that, which I love.

RUSH: Well, good. Keep at it, because if there's something that needs reform in this country, it's certainly that.

JEB: Absolutely.

RUSH: Particularly public education. Well, thank you guys so much. This is unexpected and a real honor for me to hear from all of you guys at the same time.

JEB: All right. Take care.

RUSH: Thanks, sir, very much.

JEB: Bye-bye.

RUSH: Wow. And as I was saying... As I was saying... (laughing) Anyway, we gotta go to commercial break. See, folks, I got a note from a friend -- a little instant message flash -- right before the program started that said, "You're going to have so much fun this afternoon."

I said, "Yeah. The thing is, I'm sure there are going to be lots of surprises, and I don't know what they are, and they always make me nervous."

When they were waving their arms, they had given me a written note on the computer monitor here: "President's on the line! President's on the line!" and I was looking at my story here talking about Obama and his stupid idiot idea for Big Oil to give everybody a check for a thousand bucks. Then, finally, Brian starts waving his arms and so forth, and that's when I noticed it. So we're off to a rousing start. Who knows what's coming? Certainly I don't.


04-02-2009, 06:28 PM
Yep - that's the beauty of living in a free country! If you don't like the laws, taxes, or even just the weather of a particular state - you can just up and move - and you don't even have to ask permission. :rollin

that's funny, because if you ask some around here, we are living in a country with a fascist President.

04-02-2009, 06:30 PM
that's funny, because if you ask some around here, we are living in a country with a fascist President.
Yeah - well, he hasn't had time yet to limit our personal freedoms. He's been too busy buying dvds and IPods and planting that vegetable garden. :lol

04-02-2009, 06:31 PM
Oh - and Blake - that transcript you asked for is a few posts up.

04-02-2009, 06:32 PM
tell us more about your personal freedoms.

04-02-2009, 06:33 PM
that's funny, because if you ask some around here, we are living in a country with a fascist President.He's a fascist-communist-marxist-hitlerian-stalinist-pinko-mussoliniesque-socialist-tojo.

04-02-2009, 06:35 PM
that's funny, because if you ask some around here, we are living in a country with a fascist President.Like who? I don't think so.

04-02-2009, 06:36 PM
Like who?You're kidding, right?

04-02-2009, 06:37 PM
He's a fascist-communist-marxist-hitlerian-stalinist-pinko-mussoliniesque-socialist-tojo.
Chump - you've finally seen the light! :lol

04-02-2009, 06:38 PM
Yeah - well, he hasn't had time yet to limit our personal freedoms. He's been too busy buying dvds and IPods and planting that vegetable garden. :lol

don't forget that he was wasting valuable time filling out an NCAA tournament bracket.

I hope big government doesn't end up filling out my bracket for me.

04-02-2009, 06:39 PM
Chump - you've finally seen the light! :lolYou have yet to substantiate any such claim.

04-02-2009, 06:40 PM
You're kidding, right?Am I supposed to know who he has in mind? Do you?

04-02-2009, 06:41 PM
Am I supposed to know who he has in mind? Do you?In a word: aw hell yeah.

04-02-2009, 06:47 PM
In a word: aw hell yeah.Ok, then spill. Who all did he mean besides WC and AHF and maybe Crookshanks, or LockBeard or ignignokt or Yonivore? There could be like twenty or thirty people Blake was talking about. Who was he talking about?

04-02-2009, 06:49 PM
Who all did he mean besides WC and AHF and maybe Crookshanks, or LockBeard or ignignokt or Yonivore?:lol

04-02-2009, 06:50 PM
you forgot dead cat and snottt

04-02-2009, 06:57 PM
Yep - here it is!


THE PRESIDENT: I'm here with a room full of admirers. There are two others that would like to speak to you and congratulate you, people who consider you friends and really appreciate the contribution you've made.

I'm glad the three Bushes were doing important things like calling Rush, patting him on the back (head....whatever), and gushing over each other instead of doing something stupid like planting a garden.

THE PRESIDENT: I am great. We're doing very good, thank you very much, sir. Concerned about our economy, obviously, but know we need to be drilling for some oil and gas in order to take the pressure off the gas prices -- and I'm pleased with the progress in Iraq.

was this before or after he flew in on the battleship and declared victory?


THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Well, what we ought to be doing is encouraging oil companies to find oil, and that's the best way to take the pressure off the gasoline prices. We're on a very strong push to get the Congress to allow for there to be offshore drilling, and most Americans understand now that an increase in oil, particularly here in America, will help take pressure off of price. And I tell people I'd rather, you know, be buying American oil instead of sending our money overseas.

Man, if only we had started drilling when he had first suggested it........we might be paying 30 cents a gallon right now like Iran.

RUSH: You know, Mr. President, it's amazing. In 2004 during your campaign, Senator Kerry was constantly criticizing you for not "jawboning" with the Saudis enough to bring the price of oil down. Now, four years later, they're doing everything they can to keep the price from coming down. They apparently want it to remain high.

Well if 4 years later the price is still high, then I'm guessing he really didn't jawbone enough.....

although I'm thinking neither jawboning nor drilling offshore would put much of a dent in the high price of oil from a year or so ago.

RUSH: It's a great place to live, governor. It really is, as you well know.

"....however Texas might be a better place to have my backup studio......as you may know, New York is oppresive."

RUSH: Well, good. Keep at it, because if there's something that needs reform in this country, it's certainly that.

JEB: Absolutely.

RUSH: Particularly public education.

Rush: "....because we both know that "No Child Left Behind" has sucked a$$."

....When they were waving their arms, they had given me a written note on the computer monitor here: "President's on the line! President's on the line!" and I was looking at my story here talking about Obama and his stupid idiot idea for Big Oil to give everybody a check for a thousand bucks. Then, finally, Brian starts waving his arms and so forth, and that's when I noticed it. So we're off to a rousing start. Who knows what's coming? Certainly I don't.

hey Crookshanks, what did Rush have to say about McCain's policy about healthcare in regards to giving everyone a flat amount and letting them go nuts with it at the doctor's office?

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 10:17 PM
Actually ... Rush does not live in New Yawk. He moved away 12 years ago. He is only there, he says, when there is a hurricane. Or perhaps when he has business to do. So he pays NY taxes on a per diem basis. The amount of $$ involved, and perhaps his name, cause him to be audited every year. I almost got audited once -- it sucked. So I don't blame him.

And besides, he is only shopping for a BACKUP studio. And Texas is one possibility.

I understand that Oscar Goodman, the mayor of Las Vegas (one of the best mayors in America), called him personally. He wants Rush to come. And NV has no state tax either.

04-02-2009, 11:06 PM
Geez Blake - you asked for the transcript and I provided it. I didn't ask for your running commentary. And besides, what's the big deal about this phone call? They were simply calling to congratulate him and they made a little small talk.

And surely you can't think the President shouldn't take time out of his day for lunch with his father and brother. The whole phone call lasted about 10 or 15 minutes - about as much time as a smoke break for Obama.

Don Quixote
04-02-2009, 11:40 PM
The hatred some people have for Limbaugh, Bush, Cheney, et al!

Um ... you guys WON! Why you angry?

Everybody calm down, take a deep breath ... if Rush wants to set up a backup studio in Texas somewhere, good for him. It won't hurt anybody. In fact, it would probably bring a few jobs here. That's good.

Cry Havoc
04-02-2009, 11:47 PM
Geez Blake - you asked for the transcript and I provided it. I didn't ask for your running commentary.

Did he force you to read his post? Just curious.

The hatred some people have for Limbaugh, Bush, Cheney, et al.

Really? This kind of comment after an iPod thread about Obama? I don't hate Bush or Cheney (although the latter does make my blood boil much more than the former). And I only have such disdain for Limbaugh because he intentionally appeals to the lowest common denominator. Not saying that you have to be stupid to like Rush, but I think his methods are obscene biased to the point of no objectivity at all.

Don Quixote
04-03-2009, 12:16 AM
Really? This kind of comment after an iPod thread about Obama? I don't hate Bush or Cheney (although the latter does make my blood boil much more than the former). And I only have such disdain for Limbaugh because he intentionally appeals to the lowest common denominator. Not saying that you have to be stupid to like Rush, but I think his methods are obscene biased to the point of no objectivity at all.

Perhaps the iPod gaffe (and the DVD gaffe) would be allowed as a simple mistake if (a) Obama's people hadn't presented their guy as this brilliant mastermind of negotiation and singularly able to repair America's soiled image, and (b) the media wouldn't have jumped on Bush's every goof, real or made-up. I know I would have.

As for Rush: yeah, I've heard that criticism. Are you a listener? Can you give examples of conservative commentators, or writers, that you like better? Why are they better? I would love to know.

04-03-2009, 12:29 AM
iPod gaffeWho says it's a gaffe? Apparently she really liked it, as well as the other gift that went along with it. Apparently you are ignorant of it. No surprise.

Cry Havoc
04-03-2009, 01:06 AM
Perhaps the iPod gaffe (and the DVD gaffe) would be allowed as a simple mistake if (a) Obama's people hadn't presented their guy as this brilliant mastermind of negotiation and singularly able to repair America's soiled image,

Interesting that you would think the iPod gift is a bad one. What part of this is difficult to comprehend?

This is your position:


*The queen proceeds to hug Michelle Obama*


*The queen comments on how much she likes the Obama family*


Do you not see how ridiculous of an argument this is? The royal family LOVES Obama. How much more clearly does this need to be stated? If a boyfriend comes over to visit his g/f's family, and they ask him when he's planning to marry their daughter, it doesn't matter that he forgot to bring a rose for the mother. He's in. And that's assuming that Obama made a faux pas here. But this is not up for debate. The fact that several people are crowing about how the queen already has an iPod... really? Seriously? A 6 GB mini is equal to a full size video iPod now? Are you all really going to break it down to a that level of... for lack of anything else to describe it... obstinate silliness? At this point, I'm just shaking my head and laughing at how ridiculous you are. Seriously. This is THE most ridiculous thread I have ever seen in the political forum that wasn't an express troll-job. And that's saying a hell of a lot.

You don't have a leg to stand on here. I really wish you'd just admit that you're wrong and making a huge deal out of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. But I don't have my hopes up. That would take the ability to see past your own noses, and I haven't seen that from many conservative ST members in this forum.

and (b) the media wouldn't have jumped on Bush's every goof, real or made-up. I know I would have.

I am so sick to death of pointing out the facts here for every wounded conservative that has to make it appear that Bush couldn't get a break in the media in order to exonorate their party of any wrongdoing and claim unfairness. Sooo, I'm forced to make it in big text just so I can be sure you all read it this time.

Bush's approval rating in 2001: 92% , the highest in U.S. history. Yep, you're right, the media did nothing but criticize Bush. Oh, wait, he had the entire country behind him and pissed it away by lying right to our face about WoMD, the war on terror (in IRAQ?!) and torture. Gee, I wonder why the media rips him apart now?

Besides, if you admit this kind of thing is so dastardly and wrong, why are you doing it to Obama? If you're really convinced the media is SO unfair, why sink to their level? Oh, that's right, because it's the only way to make yourselves feel better about the current presidency.

As for Rush: yeah, I've heard that criticism. Are you a listener? Can you give examples of conservative commentators, or writers, that you like better? Why are they better? I would love to know.

I'm just attempting to counter the sentiment that seems to be present regarding Rush that every conservative in the country thinks he's the sole hope for our country (well, outside of Sarah Palin :lol). I don't think all republicans are partisan hacks, but most of the ones that post on Spurstalk are toeing the line, if not completely diving into their never ending circle jerk of hate towards any kind of view that opposes their own.

04-03-2009, 01:46 AM
The fact that several people are crowing about how the queen already has an iPod... really? Seriously? A 6 GB mini is equal to a full size video iPod now? Are you all really going to break it down to a that level of... for lack of anything else to describe it... obstinate silliness?

My brother bought me an 2nd gen iPod Nano for my Bday last year and I was so PISSED! He knew I already owned an iPod Shuffle, that thoughtless bastard!


OTO, if Obama had given her a Zune instead, then we would have a legit gaffe crisis on our hands now.

04-03-2009, 07:40 AM
GTFO.....we have no more rooms at the inn.

George Gervin's Afro
04-03-2009, 08:29 AM
Wow! Texas attracts the worst crowd..

04-03-2009, 08:45 AM
Did he force you to read his post? Just curious.

I'm a fascist poster.

04-03-2009, 08:47 AM
Geez Blake - you asked for the transcript and I provided it.

Thanks again. I found it entertaining.

And surely you can't think the President shouldn't take time out of his day for lunch with his father and brother. The whole phone call lasted about 10 or 15 minutes - about as much time as a smoke break for Obama.

or enough time for Obama to fill out his NCAA bracket

04-03-2009, 08:50 AM
Interesting that you would think the iPod gift is a bad one. What part of this is difficult to comprehend?

This is your position:


*The queen proceeds to hug Michelle Obama*


*The queen comments on how much she likes the Obama family*


Do you not see how ridiculous of an argument this is? The royal family LOVES Obama.

From what I've read so far, the British media loves Michelle Obama too.

04-03-2009, 08:52 AM
Lots of wealth is leaving New York, Cali, and all of these other liberal failures that push for insane taxes.

Out of the 8-9 million people in New York, 40k pay for 50%. That's bullshit and the silly liberals still demonize these people and threaten to increase their taxes daily.

I know of many SWAT/LEO that are getting let go in Cali because of their horrible budget situation. Yet the state continues spending billions on illegals who leach on the taxpayers services. These states are in trouble, and I applaud anyone who says Enough and just leaves.

04-05-2009, 02:28 PM
why do you care?

04-05-2009, 03:47 PM
Renting some studio time for a couple of weeks a year is big business.

Austin will probably give him a $30 million tax abatement to relocate.

04-05-2009, 05:31 PM
The real reason Rush is doing the Texas Boogie is that it's more convenient to grab his BagO'Viagra and get his Caribbean on.

Wild Cobra
04-05-2009, 08:38 PM
New York will miss him and the extra 0.75% tax for five years that he wouldn't pay anyway.
For Rush, I don't think it actually has anything to do with money, but the principle of it. Him, and other rich people, who are having their taxes raise, will leave. NY will not generate more revenue now, but less. Rush is prominent enough that this makes the idiocy of raising taxes news.

Just my two cents worth.

04-05-2009, 11:17 PM
Let me know how many people leave after having their taxes raised. 0.75% for five years.

04-07-2009, 12:29 PM
Let me know how many people leave after having their taxes raised. 0.75% for five years.
Donald Trump was interviewed last night and he said he's leaving NYC also. He also said he's talked to a lot of people and there are a significant number who are either leaving or seriously thinking of leaving.

He said Gov. Patterson's tax hike on the wealthy is ridiculous and it will backfire.

04-07-2009, 12:32 PM
donald trump doesn't pay his bills.

you used to hate people like that.

Oh, Gee!!
04-07-2009, 12:36 PM
Donald Trump was interviewed last night and he said he's leaving NYC also. He also said he's talked to a lot of people and there are a significant number who are either leaving or seriously thinking of leaving.

He said Gov. Patterson's tax hike on the wealthy is ridiculous and it will backfire.

so, two people maybe?

04-07-2009, 01:08 PM
donald trump doesn't pay his bills.

you used to hate people like that.
Where did I say I was a fan of Trump? Personally, I don't care for him. I just used him as an example because he's wealthy and quite well known.

so, two people maybe?
I don't remember the exact number he said, so I didn't want to post something that was incorrect. However, it was more than 20 people.

04-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Like there aren't enough assholes in this state already.

04-07-2009, 03:33 PM
Like there aren't enough assholes in this state already.Is there an echo in here?

Texas already has enough ignorant, conceited assholes

04-07-2009, 03:36 PM
Might as well toss another one in the pile, we're used to these idiots here by now


Cry Havoc
04-07-2009, 03:39 PM
That's just begging for a photoshop job with Rush in it.

Oh, Gee!!
04-07-2009, 09:41 PM
I don't remember the exact number he said, so I didn't want to post something that was incorrect. However, it was more than 20 people.

omg!!! how will the NY economy survive?

04-07-2009, 09:51 PM
omg!!! how will the NY economy survive?
Yeah - well those are just the people Trump talked to personally. Who knows how many wealthy people will decide to move out of NYC. And when you have just 40,000 people providing the lion's share of the total tax revenue, it doesn't take that many to start making a difference.

04-07-2009, 10:01 PM
However, it was more than 20 people.

omg!!! how will the NY economy survive?


04-08-2009, 07:46 AM
Yeah - well those are just the people Trump talked to personally. Who knows how many wealthy people will decide to move out of NYC. And when you have just 40,000 people providing the lion's share of the total tax revenue, it doesn't take that many to start making a difference.

So what's the big deal? People move out of NY, and then NY decides whether or not it's hurting them enough to lower taxes. *shrug*

04-08-2009, 09:08 AM
Is there an echo in here?


I guess it was a pretty predictable response but this didn't seem like a "read all the way through before posting" kind of thread.