View Full Version : People.

04-04-2009, 04:00 PM
I love people, despite my combatitive streak in this forum, I actually am the type that would go nuts in a desserted island for the simple fact that i need interaction amongst people to know i exist.

Some of the most life changing exchanges and dialogue have come from viewpoints i despised and convictions i could not bare. Furthermore, i realize that i as a human being do not have the power or energy to fully investigate, try, sample, test every principle, belief or theory there's around. I, like everyone here on this board, have recieved my principles and beliefs from spoken word, and secondary sources. WHat i'm trying to convey is that, although i believe in a Creator, i wasn't there to see him create, and while i believe that capitalism is better than socialism, i've yet to live in a socialist country, or better yet live in a true free market country. Therefore my comprehension, validity, and assurance of these things i hold dearly are limited. And i feel at ease with knowing this.

So, when i have friends i hold in high regard come to me with opposing viewpoints, i delight in this because i realize that sometimes; i'm just a stubborn horse needing to be lead near water, and while at the time i may not be thirsty, it's only a matter of time before I will drink from the well of enligthenment. I wouldn't bet my life on some of my beliefs, therefore i can stomach information that opposes my systems of beliefs. The way i see it, the story of a person who lost his faith when a loved one perished to a terminal disease is just as valuable to me as the person whose faith was reinforced by a miracle.

Opposing viewpoints are needed. Everyone needs to hear each other out. Having said that.....

I hate it when a good friend decides it's necessary to oppine on politics, religion, morals etc, and once she/he's surprised that there is civil and respectful resistance to his/her ideas they immediately try to end the converstion with a cop out like " i just don't like discussing politics, religion blah blah blah".

Well buddy you did! And you do!

By your actions, you seem to have a liking to discussing issues, but only to your sympathizers. Instead of having dialogues you want monologues. Well i'm sorry but you can't take a shit in someone's yard and expect them to clean it up for you or not chunk it back at your yard.

I just think, that if you don't like discussing controversial issues, do the rest of us a favor, and don't bring them up.

If you can dish it but can't stand the fight, sit on the sidelines!


04-04-2009, 06:03 PM
i almost read all that.

04-04-2009, 06:33 PM

The Franchise
04-05-2009, 12:01 PM
I hate people.

04-05-2009, 12:15 PM
phuck you

04-05-2009, 12:49 PM
"Hell is other people"

Jean-Paul Sartre disagrees with you