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04-06-2009, 10:31 AM
What the fuck is this shit. I ran over to the corner store for a drink and bag of chips and I come back with a fucking ticket.

I proceed through a green light at below normal speed. Then a car comes right out of parking lot and across the oncoming lanes without yielding or even slowing down. So I look to my right and I'm clear. I hit my signal and hit the gas to move past the vehicle that has essentially cut in front of me without regard. I did not exceed the speed limit and I didn't break traction or slide in any way shape or form. Here come the sirens.

I had my shit out and handed it to him when he got to my window.

Dickfaced Cop: You in a hurry?

Me: nope

Cockeyed Bitch Cop: then why did you drop gear and hit the gas like that?

Me: A car flew across two lanes of oncoming traffic and a turn lane to cut right in front of me. I promptly moved over and got out of the way.

...I used my turn signal and I wasn't speeding.

Massive Ego'd Asshole: You can't drive aggressively like that. Its excessive.

Me: :blanklookofutterconfusion:

Me: Any chance I could get off with a warning. I attempted to move over safely and I wasn't speeding?

Fuckface Cocksucker: It'll be a ticket.

Me: :rolleyes I wasn't speeding. I didn't commit any moving violations. You're writing me a ticket for accelerating? You can't be serious?

Then he goes into "ignore mode". This is the kind of shit my kid does when he's in trouble and doesn't want to look me in the eye. I thought about not saying anything which is what I promised myself at the beginning of the year when it came to confrontational situation because I have a tendency to blow things up for no reason other than a total hatred for people.

So here I go....

Me: I suppose you wrote your congressman and explain that there needs to be some new laws about the ability of a vehicle to accelerate within some predetermined undefined range. Makes sense doesn't it. We'll call it the "Using Your Gas Pedal Law" and insert it below the "Excessive Display of Speed Law" right under subsection "Doesn't Exist". Probably right near the "Unnecessary Harassment" Chapter.

Assfuck: You want to keep going? I can arrange for you to pickup your car at the pound later this afternoon when you're finished up.

Me: :blankstare:

He hands me my ticket and thats the end of it. The notation on it reads.

"improper (spelled inproper) lane change to due to excessive speed"

....but not speeding.

FUCKING BULLSHIT. I changed lanes too quick. I guess I'm guilty of flooring it. Is that even a violation? Fucking worthless asshole.

04-06-2009, 10:34 AM
You shoulda told him you were on your way to see your dying mother in law.

04-06-2009, 10:40 AM
You shoulda told him you were on your way to see your dying mother in law.


04-06-2009, 10:40 AM
Was it the end of the month? You know they need to make their monthly quota of tickets...

04-06-2009, 10:42 AM
Was it the end of the month? You know they need to make their monthly quota of tickets...I don't know...does April 6th sound like its the end of the month :rolleyes? I could be wrong but I don't think the "quota" statement exists. I'm pretty sure that's an urban legend.

04-06-2009, 10:43 AM
I don't believe he rightfully could have towed your car for a simple moving violation.

It's their go-to line, though.

04-06-2009, 10:44 AM
Sounds like you get upset when you don't get your way.

04-06-2009, 10:46 AM
Well you can always get it dismissed by taking the Defensive Driving course, which essentially condones the type of action you got the ticket for in the first place!

04-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Well you can always get it dismissed by taking the Defensive Driving course, which essentially condones the type of action you got the ticket for in the first place!I just paid off a number of tickets so I think thats out of the question.

04-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Sounds like you get upset when you don't get your way.My way or the right way?

04-06-2009, 10:49 AM
Ticket seems excessive to me, but I can see how moving over to pass someone on the right could be seen as aggressive.

Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 10:49 AM
Maybe you shouldn't have accelerated.

04-06-2009, 10:51 AM
I just paid off a number of tickets so I think thats out of the question.

As long as you haven't taken the course in the last 12 months, you can do it.

04-06-2009, 10:52 AM
My way or the right way?

Isn't your way always the right way?

04-06-2009, 10:52 AM
Ticket seems excessive to me, but I can see how moving over to pass someone on the right could be seen as aggressive.

B2B, do you drive a "cop bait" vehicle? I can see some busybody cop pulling over a Camaro or a Mustang for a right side pass.

Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 10:53 AM
B2B, do you drive a "cop bait" vehicle? I can see some busybody cop pulling over a Camaro or a Mustang for a right side pass.

If I'm not mistaken he drives a Mini Cooper.

04-06-2009, 10:54 AM
Maybe you shouldn't have accelerated.Pushing the gas pedal is illegal? So one vehicle covering 30' faster than the next vehicle results in breaking the law?

Ticket seems excessive to me, but I can see how moving over to pass someone on the right could be seen as aggressive.
Changing lanes while using a turn signal and making a pass without exceeding the speed limit are not just within the law but much defines everyday driving.

Not only that but I moved over lanes to pass a guy who cut in front of me from across three lanes.

04-06-2009, 10:55 AM
I got a ticket once for "cutting across property."

I was leaving the damn car wash.

Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 10:55 AM
Pushing the gas pedal is illegal? So one vehicle covering 30' faster than the next vehicle results in breaking the law?


04-06-2009, 10:56 AM
Isn't your way always the right way?According to my calculation I'm 92.6% correct. That dates back to 1989.

B2B, do you drive a "cop bait" vehicle? I can see some busybody cop pulling over a Camaro or a Mustang for a right side pass.

Yes I drive a cop bait vehicle. I know I know profiling isn't illegal.

If I'm not mistaken he drives a Mini Cooper.You're mistaken.

04-06-2009, 10:57 AM
Changing lanes while using a turn signal and making a pass without exceeding the speed limit are not just within the law but much defines everyday driving.

Not only that but I moved over lanes to pass a guy who cut in front of me from across three lanes.

I already said I thought the ticket was excessive.

I still stand by my thought that a right side pass, especially passing a dick who just cut in front of you, could be seen as road rage-y and aggressive. That's not an unreasonable impression.

04-06-2009, 10:57 AM
Apparently.No way a law exists for accelerating. Might as well make every performance vehicle and most luxury vehicles illegal.

Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 10:57 AM
No way a law exists for accelerating. Might as well make every performance vehicle and most luxury vehicles illegal.

Plead not guilty and state your case.

04-06-2009, 10:58 AM
I already said I thought the ticket was excessive.

I still stand by my thought that a right side pass, especially passing a dick who just cut in front of you, could be seen as road rage-y and aggressive. That's not an unreasonable impression.I don't like your thought. I think a lawful pass being viewed as aggressive is unreasonable. Its not as if I pulled next to the guy and taunted him.

04-06-2009, 10:59 AM
I already said I thought the ticket was excessive.

I still stand by my thought that a right side pass, especially passing a dick who just cut in front of you, could be seen as road rage-y and aggressive. That's not an unreasonable impression.

I concur.

04-06-2009, 11:00 AM
I got a ticket once for "cutting across property."

I was leaving the damn car wash.

I got a ticket for tailgating ... in rush hour traffic.

I was not amused.

04-06-2009, 11:02 AM
Not only that Funt but road rage-y is pretty subjectional. I'm certain that there has to be some kind of parameter to define whats excessive and whats not. It can't be left up to opinion.

04-06-2009, 11:04 AM
Are you sure you did not gas it to cut off the dick who cut you off? I know, because I do that all the time as well.

04-06-2009, 11:05 AM
Actually there is a law against accelerating too quickly. It's supposed to be a way to allow officers to pull over/ticket people at stop lights or where ever who are starting to drag race.

Your violation didn't really violate the spirit of the law, and you're right in that you didn't really do anything wrong, but if a cop really wants to give you a ticket there's a myriad of ways in which they can pull something out of their ass to give one.

04-06-2009, 11:05 AM
Challenge it.

04-06-2009, 11:05 AM
Bullshit!!! Sounds like someone just wanted to give out a ticket.

04-06-2009, 11:06 AM
Not only that Funt but road rage-y is pretty subjectional. I'm certain that there has to be some kind of parameter to define whats excessive and whats not. It can't be left up to opinion.

Apparently the cop has a different opinion of what aggressive driving is and from what you describe I can clearly see why you were pulled over.

04-06-2009, 11:06 AM
Are you sure you did not gas it to cut off the dick who cut you off? I know, because I do that all the time as well.Nope. I hit the signal and then the gas to move into the right hand lane. I proceeded on that lane and made no attempt to move back over after the pass. I even let off the gas to not exceed the speed limit. I didn't even look at the fuckface who cut me off. I restrained from making a scene over it.

04-06-2009, 11:07 AM
Are you sure you did not gas it to cut off the dick who cut you off? I know, because I do that all the time as well.

That is how I think the cop saw it.

04-06-2009, 11:07 AM
You got a ticket for driving a vette like a vette.

04-06-2009, 11:08 AM
Apparently the cop has a different opinion of what aggressive driving is and from what you describe I can clearly see why you were pulled over.I described a lane change where the gas pedal was depressed. What exactly can you clearly see? I didn't bait the guy and I didn't return the cutoff. I made a fucking lane change.

Have you never pressed the gas pedal and passed someone? Do you let off the gas to make a pass. To come to a fucking crawl to make a lane change. STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME MELT.

04-06-2009, 11:09 AM
take it to court

04-06-2009, 11:10 AM
You got a ticket for driving a vette like a vette.I think so. I signaled and stayed within the speed limit. I think I got a ticket because there was exhaust rumbling involved. Oh the humanity.

04-06-2009, 11:10 AM

04-06-2009, 11:11 AM
That is how I think the cop saw it.Thought and saw are two different things. I never returned to the other lane. Assuming I would retaliate shouldn't result in a ticket. So I'm guilty of a crime I have yet to commit?

04-06-2009, 11:12 AM
http://emmagoodegg.blogs.com/thebeehive/images/screenshot_4_10.pngI would completely understand if I received a ticket for acting like a jackass. Didn't happen.

04-06-2009, 11:12 AM
Have you never pressed the gas pedal and passed someone?

On the right and to get away from a dick who'd just cut me off? Of course I have.

And every single time I was being slightly road rage-y and aggressive.

04-06-2009, 11:13 AM

04-06-2009, 11:15 AM
Just look at it as karma payback for not getting caught spraying that SUV with carb cleaner back in February. A rebalancing of the energy, so to speak.

04-06-2009, 11:15 AM
I described a lane change where the gas pedal was depressed. What exactly can you clearly see? I didn't bait the guy and I didn't return the cutoff. I made a fucking lane change.

Have you never pressed the gas pedal and passed someone? Do you let off the gas to make a pass. To come to a fucking crawl to make a lane change. STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME MELT.

Doesn't seem like it takes much to make you melt.
What I meant was that the cop saw you accelerate to pass someone who had just cut you off and that can be seen as aggressive driving. Isn't that hard for me to see that but I also only know your version of what happened.
If you feel that strongly you can tell it to the judge and see if he/she sees things your way....or the right way.

04-06-2009, 11:19 AM
Just look at it as karma payback for not getting caught spraying that SUV with carb cleaner back in February. A rebalancing of the energy, so to speak.Sad to say but this is the most logical statement made in this thread.

You people justifying a completely unfounded ticket make me sick. I should have to actually commit a crime to be ticketed. No crime was committed.

04-06-2009, 11:20 AM
Sorry to hear about your ticket Back to Basics. I understand your frustration.

Since you were not speeding and had a reasonable explanation for your actions, I do not see why the officer did not let you off with a warning.

Unless, maybe when he ran your lisence he saw the record of your other tickets, he concluded that you repeatedly drive recklessly.

04-06-2009, 11:21 AM
You people justifying a completely unfounded ticket

I haven't seen anyone do that.

04-06-2009, 11:22 AM
I just paid off a number of tickets so I think thats out of the question.

So what were these tickets for? Is it possible there is a pattern of semi-aggressiveness in your driving style?

04-06-2009, 11:25 AM
Sad to say but this is the most logical statement made in this thread.

You people justifying a completely unfounded ticket make me sick. I should have to actually commit a crime to be ticketed. No crime was committed.


04-06-2009, 11:25 AM
So what were these tickets for? Is it possible there is a pattern of semi-aggressiveness in your driving style?

Could it be his way of driving?

04-06-2009, 11:26 AM
Sad to say but this is the most logical statement made in this thread.

You people justifying a completely unfounded ticket make me sick. I should have to actually commit a crime to be ticketed. No crime was committed.

Then you are innocent. Rip up the ticket and forget about it.

04-06-2009, 11:26 AM
Sorry to hear about your ticket Back to Basics. I understand your frustration.

Since you were not speeding and had a reasonable explanation for your actions, I do not see why the officer did not let you off with a warning.

Unless, maybe when he ran your lisence he saw the record of your other tickets, he concluded that you repeatedly drive recklessly.:gasp: a police officer illegally profiling me. Never.

So what were these tickets for? Is it possible there is a pattern of semi-aggressiveness in your driving style?A pattern means nothing you can't ticket someone because you think they might do something. I have had tickets and each one of them was legit however I haven't been ticketed for over 4 years.

04-06-2009, 11:30 AM
Thought and saw are two different things. I never returned to the other lane. Assuming I would retaliate shouldn't result in a ticket. So I'm guilty of a crime I have yet to commit?


It's starting...

...but I'd echo another poster's sentiments and fight it. However, if your previous tix were for moving violations (specifically, speeding), that could bite you in the ass while pleading your case.

04-06-2009, 11:31 AM
Maybe he just wanted your autograph B2B.


Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 11:31 AM
A pattern means nothing you can't ticket someone because you think they might do something.

Apparently they can.

04-06-2009, 11:34 AM

It's starting...

...but I'd echo another poster's sentiments and fight it. However, if your previous tix were for moving violations (specifically, speeding), that could bite you in the ass while pleading your case.Speeding tickets from 5 and 7 years ago shouldn't factor in whether or not I broke the law on April 6th 2009. It should be about today.

Dr. Gonzo
04-06-2009, 11:36 AM
Speeding tickets from 5 and 7 years ago shouldn't factor in whether or not I broke the law on April 6th 2009. It should be about today.

I feel the same way about my possession of marijuana charge from 99 but it factored in my recent case.

04-06-2009, 11:42 AM
I feel the same way about my possession of marijuana charge from 99 but it factored in my recent case.If I actually broke the law I could how something like a record could factor in. I broke no law.

04-06-2009, 11:43 AM
Speeding tickets from 5 and 7 years ago shouldn't factor in whether or not I broke the law on April 6th 2009. It should be about today.

Oh, ok. I wasn't aware of how long it'd been since you got your last tix. You may have already mentioned that and I missed it. It may not be a problem then.

04-06-2009, 11:43 AM
Something similar happened to me on July 31st last year. It was nearing midnight and I'm sure dispatch just sent out an alert to all units to ticket any moving violation whatsoever because they were still 200 citations under quota, but still. This is in Hays County.

Now I've heard a lot of shit about HCPD being a bunch of faggots. Probably not nearly as bad as Williamson County. Standard WillCo pull over procedure:

"I pulled you over because you're sticker's expired... Whoops, I thought that 8 was a 6, my bad. Are you a smoker sir? Oh, so you smoke Camels. You have any marijuana in the car, anything illegal? OK, just thought I'd ask because there's a funny smell coming from your vehicle. Can you please step out of the vehicle, I'd like to ask you a few questions. How much have you had to drink tonight? Nothing? I'm not sure you're sober enough to drive, so we're going to do this thing called nine steps forward, nine steps back. Oh, well you did fine. Go home."

04-06-2009, 11:50 AM
Welcome to the real world.
If you think this sucks, take the ticket to the Judge. :lol

04-06-2009, 11:51 AM
That's a shame...:wakeup

04-06-2009, 11:57 AM
I got four tickets in my Mach 1 coming home from Thanksgiving driving under the speed limit with my wife in pre-term labor just because a small town cop wanted to dick with me.

You got caught doing something you wouldn't have done if you'd known a cop was watching you. Pay your ticket and move on. If you can't handle a cop magnet car, get rid of it. You know as well as I do you're likely to get pulled over even if you do everything exactly right.

04-06-2009, 12:04 PM
I don't believe he rightfully could have towed your car for a simple moving violation.

It's their go-to line, though.

I have a similar story and also was warned that I'd be arrested.

I was leaving a Spurs game one evening and while driving home, was stopped for absolutely no apparent reason. The officer approached my window and asked me if I knew that the light above my rear license plate was out. I told him I didn't know that and assured him that I would get it corrected immediately. He then asked me for license and insurance, and I complied. When he returned to my vehicle, he had written me a ticket -- with a fine of something like $110 -- for the burned out light. I immediately went into smart ass mode and the situation escalated.

I asked him how I was supposed to know that the light was burned out without standing behind a running car. I said, I thought it was helpful of him to save me the risk of standing behind a moving car by pulling me over to advise me, but that giving me a ticket for it was complete and utter bullshit. He asked me if I wanted to go to jail; I said "for what?" He told me that because I wouldn't sign his ticket, the charge would be resisting arrest. I told him he had to have an arrestable offense first and that he still didn't have one. He said he didn't care and got on his shoulder walkie-talkie and called for a tow truck.

Allowing my indignation to give way to some sensibility, I signed the ticket, but wrote a lengthy protest on it -- for whatever it was worth. He was obviously pissed and threatened again to have me arrested for writing my protest. I quickly finished.

I went the next day, before sunset, to have the light replaced. I went down to the municipal court a couple of weeks later. First I talked to a brick wall prosecutor who would bargain my fine down only $10. I advised him that I'd be happy to take the ticket to trial. He told me I'd have to enter a plea with the judge. So I went before the judge and before I could even open my mouth, she started laughing. She asked why I had come; I said I was there because I thought the ticket was nonsense. She laughed again, said, "I'm sorry you've been harassed. The Legislature is going to change this law, but even if it didn't, there's no way I'd allow someone to pay a fine for a ticket like this one. The charge is dismissed."

And to think that I almost got arrested for it. . . .

04-06-2009, 12:05 PM
I got four tickets in my Mach 1 coming home from Thanksgiving driving under the speed limit with my wife in pre-term labor just because a small town cop wanted to dick with me.

You got caught doing something you wouldn't have done if you'd known a cop was watching you. Pay your ticket and move on. If you can't handle a cop magnet car, get rid of it. You know as well as I do you're likely to get pulled over even if you do everything exactly right.I wouldn't have done anything differently had I known the cop was right there watching. Didn't know and never thought acceleration was a crime. I'm not going to give up my vehicle just because a few asshole feel like ticketing me for no good reason.

This thread is worthless unless you post some pics of your Mach 1.

04-06-2009, 12:27 PM
Not sure exactly what you did, but I doubt you deserved more than a warning. I hope you have the time to contest. I'd be pissed in the same situation.

Joe Chalupa - if this happened to you, you'd be playing the tiniest borrowed violin in the world for 3 years so the only reason I can think for you to side with the policeman is B2B gets under your skin.

04-06-2009, 12:31 PM
stop breaking the fucking law you criminal

jack sommerset
04-06-2009, 12:35 PM
Are u the guy who threw something at a car while driving a few months back.

04-06-2009, 12:38 PM
Are u the guy who threw something at a car while driving a few months back.
Probably not

04-06-2009, 12:39 PM
Well, since someone wrote that you were in a Corvette..

"People that can afford to drive a Vette can afford to pay a bullshit ticket, especially in this shitty town. Man, I'm jealous. I'm paying $500 a month for a Ford Fusion", thinks Officer KrispyKreme. "Besides, only assholes drive Vettes and pass like that. This will take up thirty minutes or so, and then I can go to lunch and commiserate with my crime fighting brethren."

04-06-2009, 12:40 PM
Not sure exactly what you did, but I doubt you deserved more than a warning. I hope you have the time to contest. I'd be pissed in the same situation.

Joe Chalupa - if this happened to you, you'd be playing the tiniest borrowed violin in the world for 3 years so the only reason I can think for you to side with the policeman is B2B gets under your skin.

Wrong. I'd show up to challenge the ticket or take defensive driving. I'm not siding with the police office I'm just saying that I can see how the cop interpreted it as aggressive driving.
B2B doesn't get under my skin. Remember that HE was the one that was beginning to melt, not me.
I think he just gets annoyed when others don't see things HIS way. :lol
And more often than not I agree with his rants but I also try to see both sides to a story and play devil's advocate.

04-06-2009, 12:42 PM
He told me that because I wouldn't sign his ticket, the charge would be resisting arrest. I told him he had to have an arrestable offense first and that he still didn't have one. He said he didn't care and got on his shoulder walkie-talkie and called for a tow truck.

In that scenario, not signing the ticket is an arrestable offense (unless TX law varies). It is your bond. IIRC, some dude in Utah or Arizona found out the hard way and got tazed for it.

EDIT: Found it, guy doesn't listen to instructions too well.


Once the ticket is written up, it's pointless to argue then and there. You're only going to make it worse for yourself.

You're much better off saving it for the judge.

04-06-2009, 12:45 PM
Well, since someone wrote that you were in a Corvette..

"People that can afford to drive a Vette can afford to pay a bullshit ticket, especially in this shitty town. Man, I'm jealous. I'm paying $500 a month for a Ford Fusion", thinks Officer KrispyKreme. "Besides, only assholes drive Vettes and pass like that. This will take up thirty minutes or so, and then I can go to lunch and commiserate with my crime fighting brethren."Afford? I paid 9k for the car. Thats it. Maybe only an asshole who can afford a 500 dollar a month payment should be ticketed.

04-06-2009, 12:55 PM
I like it when people re-tell stories, and they throw in that they had some really witty, Dawson's-Creek-verbiage-type rebuttal that completely put the story's villain in their place.

Sorry about your ticket, though, Pacey.

04-06-2009, 12:58 PM
In that scenario, not signing the ticket is an arrestable offense (unless TX law varies). It is your bond. IIRC, some dude in Utah or Arizona found out the hard way and got tazed for it.

EDIT: Found it, guy doesn't listen to instructions too well.


Once the ticket is written up, it's pointless to argue then and there. You're only going to make it worse for yourself.

You're much better off saving it for the judge.

Perhaps -- and it worked out well in my case, since the judge was the one person in the process who realized just how absurd the ticket was (and did so without any need for argument from me). I don't think, however, that it's unreasonable for a citizen to inquire about the basis and the justification for a ticket before signing the ticket. And I don't think it's particularly reasonable for an officer to threaten arrest upon the first inquiry into why the stop resulted in a ticket rather than a warning or simply a notification.

Of course, I've been more vocal in disagreeing with officers who stop me after some experiences earlier in life. While returning to school after spring break, I was stopped on Interstate 10 for driving "suspicously slowly," after I stayed slightly below the speed limit while coming down a relatively steep hill and seeing a trooper's car in the median at the bottom. The stop went even further than that. I wasn't just stopped for that "offense;" but I was made to get out of the car, patted down, and asked to sit about 100 feet in front of my vehicle while the interior and trunk were searched (I consented, but only because I didn't want to wait for the guy to get a warrant). The result of the stop? A ticket for an expired inspection.

04-06-2009, 01:07 PM
I don't think, however, that it's unreasonable for a citizen to inquire about the basis and the justification for a ticket before signing the ticket. And I don't think it's particularly reasonable for an officer to threaten arrest upon the first inquiry into why the stop resulted in a ticket rather than a warning or simply a notification.

Of course not, but in my experience, you're best suited doing that before the ticket is written.

And politely.

04-06-2009, 01:08 PM
Afford? I paid 9k for the car. Thats it. Maybe only an asshole who can afford a 500 dollar a month payment should be ticketed.

Sure. But perception is reality, especially to a busybody cop that would actually write a ticket for something like you got yours for. Maybe he's got penis envy or thinks you're loaded 'cause you roll in a Corvette.

04-06-2009, 01:09 PM
If I actually broke the law I could how something like a record could factor in. I broke no law.

what was the section the cop used on the ticket?

04-06-2009, 02:05 PM
I like it when people re-tell stories, and they throw in that they had some really witty, Dawson's-Creek-verbiage-type rebuttal that completely put the story's villain in their place.

Sorry about your ticket, though, Pacey.So you watched a lot of Dawson's Creek?

what was the section the cop used on the ticket?I didn't even look I just read the hand written load of garbage. Surely he checked a box for lane change or something. No speeding and no mph were listed.

04-06-2009, 02:13 PM
I didn't even look I just read the hand written load of garbage. Surely he checked a box for lane change or something. No speeding and no mph were listed.

I'm wondering if he tried getting you for 'passing on the right'

04-06-2009, 02:14 PM
So you watched a lot of Dawson's Creek?


04-06-2009, 02:26 PM
I'm wondering if he tried getting you for 'passing on the right'
wouldn't I have had to return to the previous lane?

04-06-2009, 02:28 PM
In that scenario, not signing the ticket is an arrestable offense (unless TX law varies). It is your bond. IIRC, some dude in Utah or Arizona found out the hard way and got tazed for it.

EDIT: Found it, guy doesn't listen to instructions too well.


Once the ticket is written up, it's pointless to argue then and there. You're only going to make it worse for yourself.

You're much better off saving it for the judge.

Ballijuana's girlfriend is kinda cute.

04-06-2009, 02:55 PM
I like it when people re-tell stories, and they throw in that they had some really witty, Dawson's-Creek-verbiage-type rebuttal that completely put the story's villain in their place.

Sorry about your ticket, though, Pacey.

:lol :lol

04-06-2009, 03:02 PM
wouldn't I have had to return to the previous lane?

I could be wrong, but I don't think you do.

Sec. 545.057. Passing to the Right.
(a) An operator may pass to the right of another vehicle only if conditions permit safely passing to the right and:

(1) the vehicle being passed is making or about to make a left turn; and

(2) the operator is:
(A) on a highway having unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles and sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction; or
(B) on a one-way street or on a roadway having traffic restricted to one direction of movement and the roadway is free from obstructions and wide enough for two or more lines of moving vehicles.
(b) An operator may not pass to the right by leaving the main traveled portion of a roadway except as provided by Section 545.058.


It's why I'm curious as to what he got you on.

I think you can win this one easily enough in court because "passing" is a judgement call on the policeman.

04-06-2009, 03:07 PM
Thats some good info.

I Love Me Some Me
04-06-2009, 03:29 PM
Why did you change lanes?

If you did it because you were pissed that you got cutoff and wanted to get in front of or next to the dude that cut you off, then perhaps the officer's interpretation of your aggressive driving was accurate.

04-06-2009, 03:33 PM
Why did you change lanes?

If you did it because you were pissed that you got cutoff and wanted to get in front of or next to the dude that cut you off, then perhaps the officer's interpretation of your aggressive driving was accurate.

if...if....if...if...if...if and so fucking on.

I changed lanes because the asshole was in my way. The officer can't be accurate because I never got back in the previous lane. I never taunted the guy and furthermore interpretation unless founded isn't a crime.

Changing fucking lanes isn't a crime.

04-06-2009, 03:34 PM
So you watched a lot of Dawson's Creek?

Enough to have you figured out.

04-06-2009, 03:35 PM
:gasp: a police officer illegally profiling me. Never.

A pattern means nothing you can't ticket someone because you think they might do something. I have had tickets and each one of them was legit however I haven't been ticketed for over 4 years.

Oh sorry I thought you said you had just paid off some tickets, I didn't realize you meant 4 yrs ago. And you're right a pattern doesn't mean anything to the cop here. I meant there may be a pattern in your driving, that you, after some introspection, can see and correct.

But probably not. ;)

04-06-2009, 03:41 PM
maybe you shouldnt have changed lanes?

04-06-2009, 03:43 PM
Welcome to the real world.
If you think this sucks, take the ticket to the Judge. :lol

Yea really. I went to traffic court a couple of weeks ago. I had a 15 over the limit speeding ticket. I had not been ticketed in almost 20 yrs. The judge was a total dick. He wouldn't even listen to me because he wouldn't let me speak because he was so busy chastising me about my irresponsibility. But as I sat there waiting for my turn, I heard him give breaks to every drunk, drug paraphanalia holder, no license, no insurance, leaving the scene of an accident asshole he talked to. I guess I didn't have enough crime on my record to warrant his consideration!!

I Love Me Some Me
04-06-2009, 03:43 PM
if...if....if...if...if...if and so fucking on.

I changed lanes because the asshole was in my way. The officer can't be accurate because I never got back in the previous lane. I never taunted the guy and furthermore interpretation unless founded isn't a crime.

Changing fucking lanes isn't a crime.

None of it is a crime, it's just a traffic violation, and all of those (with the exception of speeding captured on radar) are just the officer's interpretation of your driving.

jack sommerset
04-06-2009, 03:46 PM
I got off the highway and was pulled over almost immediately. The officer said "My right back tired crossed over the double white lines" and I got a ticket. I have to say I gave cops alot of shit in the past but not one time did they threaten to tow my wheels. Is this new?

04-06-2009, 03:56 PM
Oh sorry I thought you said you had just paid off some tickets, I didn't realize you meant 4 yrs ago. And you're right a pattern doesn't mean anything to the cop here. I meant there may be a pattern in your driving, that you, after some introspection, can see and correct.

But probably not. ;)I did just pay off old tickets. Nothing recent only recently paid off.

Enough to have you figured out.Whatever boosts your ego.

None of it is a crime, it's just a traffic violation, and all of those (with the exception of speeding captured on radar) are just the officer's interpretation of your driving.I committed no violation. Its not a violation of the law to push your gas pedal and change lanes. It happens every fucking day without incident.

04-06-2009, 03:58 PM
you just recently paid off 4 yr. old tickets?

04-06-2009, 04:00 PM
you just recently paid off 4 yr. old tickets?
Actually 5 and 7 years old.

04-06-2009, 04:02 PM
I love how you guys can justify anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense. No doubt that I could tell a story about being ticketed for jaywalking in a parking lot and some of you fucking losers would offer a pathetic attempt to back it up. As if your interpretation of whats lawful or not makes more sense of the bullshit ticket being discussed. You guys are finding justification in the ticketing of a legal lane change because a man of the law says so. Great job comprehending on a logical level.

04-06-2009, 04:06 PM
the only ticket i was ever happy to sign off on was... the one i got for going 75 mph on 410 when i was really hitting 105 mph. the cop didn't have his radar on and asked me how fast i thought i was going, so i said 70-75 instead of how fast i knew i really was going.

took defensive driving online for that one... defensivedriving.com and i passed the test on that site by simply guessing without reading a question. couldn't have been more simple. i literally didn't read a damn question on the end of course test they give ya.

04-06-2009, 04:07 PM
Call me Mr. BacktoBasics!! That Officer's actions are an infringement on driving rights. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!!

04-06-2009, 04:07 PM
LOL...B2B he gotcha. the guy pulled out in your lane, you downshifted and punched around him. You gave him that classic Vette WOOMWOomwoom.downshift and then the BAAAAAWAAAAAAAA!!!!! punch that rattles windows. You know you did.

04-06-2009, 04:08 PM
I love how you guys can justify anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense. No doubt that I could tell a story about being ticketed for jaywalking in a parking lot and some of you fucking losers would offer a pathetic attempt to back it up. As if your interpretation of whats lawful or not makes more sense of the bullshit ticket being discussed. You guys are finding justification in the ticketing of a legal lane change because a man of the law says so. Great job comprehending on a logical level.

i could list several ST members off the top of my head who are like the ones you've described... and in many different threads here. it is what it is.

04-06-2009, 04:11 PM
I committed no violation. Its not a violation of the law to push your gas pedal and change lanes. It happens every fucking day without incident.

even if you are not speeding and you have your blinker on, reckless driving is a violation that's, again, a judgement call by the cop.

04-06-2009, 04:13 PM
I thought about not saying anything which is what I promised myself at the beginning of the year when it came to confrontational situation because I have a tendency to blow things up for no reason other than a total hatred for people.

I agree that you do have a tendency to blow things up for no reason.

04-06-2009, 04:13 PM
I love how you guys can justify anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense. No doubt that I could tell a story about being ticketed for jaywalking in a parking lot and some of you fucking losers would offer a pathetic attempt to back it up. As if your interpretation of whats lawful or not makes more sense of the bullshit ticket being discussed. You guys are finding justification in the ticketing of a legal lane change because a man of the law says so. Great job comprehending on a logical level.

a street camera viewing everything you did in this case for us to look at would be nice.

the cop obviously saw something you did that he thought warranted a pull over.

04-06-2009, 04:15 PM
I love how you guys can justify anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense. No doubt that I could tell a story about being ticketed for jaywalking in a parking lot and some of you fucking losers would offer a pathetic attempt to back it up. As if your interpretation of whats lawful or not makes more sense of the bullshit ticket being discussed. You guys are finding justification in the ticketing of a legal lane change because a man of the law says so. Great job comprehending on a logical level.

So only your interpretation matters?

04-06-2009, 04:18 PM
i live in cali.

how would you be able to get car registration, auto insurance, new license, smog check with tickets on your record?

04-06-2009, 04:20 PM
LOL...B2B he gotcha. the guy pulled out in your lane, you downshifted and punched around him. You gave him that classic Vette WOOMWOomwoom.downshift and then the BAAAAAWAAAAAAAA!!!!! punch that rattles windows. You know you did.

Ha!! You've really got his number :lmao

04-06-2009, 04:20 PM
Haha every time I've ever gotten a ticket, which was only twice, I get an attitude with the cop once I know that there's no talking my way out of it. And every time they respond with something along the lines of "Do you want to go to jail?" Those arrogant assholes are always on a power trip and think they can go so far as arresting you just for voicing an OPINION, I was never once even remotely threatening. All the stories of racial profiling, giving tickets for fun, police brutality, etc. make me sick. Remember the 13 year old girl that got the shit beat out of her for lightly tossing a shoe? What about the stroke victim driving herself to the hospital that got beat and made her condition worse for not being able to get her information out quickly enough? Something really should be done about these pigs. Every time I hear stories about these gangbangers popping a cop I almost want to laugh before I realize that maybe this guy was in the small minority of those who actually serve and protect.

04-06-2009, 04:21 PM
LOL...B2B he gotcha. the guy pulled out in your lane, you downshifted and punched around him. You gave him that classic Vette WOOMWOomwoom.downshift and then the BAAAAAWAAAAAAAA!!!!! punch that rattles windows. You know you did.
You and I both know that's not illegal. You can't ticket the Vette for punching it anymore than you can ticket the Kia.

...and I didn't do the proverbial I have a small penis revving of the engine. I'll leave that shit to the Mustang drivers.

04-06-2009, 04:23 PM
i live in cali.

how would you be able to get car registration, auto insurance, new license, smog check with tickets on your record?I don't live in Cali but I didn't have any problem other than renewing my license here in Texas. Hence I paid my tickets when my license expired.

04-06-2009, 04:24 PM
fuck the police! ha... nah but really, fuck the police.

04-06-2009, 04:25 PM
I don't live in Cali but I didn't have any problem other than renewing my license here in Texas. Hence I paid my tickets when my license expired.

gotcha. thanks for answering.

04-06-2009, 04:27 PM
You and I both know that's not illegal. You can't ticket the Vette for punching it anymore than you can ticket the Kia.

...and I didn't do the proverbial I have a small penis revving of the engine. I'll leave that shit to the Mustang drivers.

Don't forget I had one very much like yours and know exactly how to drive one...bet you never touched the brake and downshifted and let the engine rev and the compression slow the car till you got in the sweet spot...and bet you chirped the tires when you punched it and the big barrels opened...right?

04-06-2009, 04:28 PM
So it's just an empty threat when they say they'll put out an arrest warrant if you don't pay your tickets on time?

04-06-2009, 04:29 PM
Haha every time I've ever gotten a ticket, which was only twice, I get an attitude with the cop once I know that there's no talking my way out of it. And every time they respond with something along the lines of "Do you want to go to jail?" Those arrogant assholes are always on a power trip and think they can go so far as arresting you just for voicing an OPINION, I was never once even remotely threatening. All the stories of racial profiling, giving tickets for fun, police brutality, etc. make me sick. Remember the 13 year old girl that got the shit beat out of her for lightly tossing a shoe? What about the stroke victim driving herself to the hospital that got beat and made her condition worse for not being able to get her information out quickly enough? Something really should be done about these pigs. Every time I hear stories about these gangbangers popping a cop I almost want to laugh before I realize that maybe this guy was in the small minority of those who actually serve and protect.

I agree there are bad cops but I've also been very thankful when I've needed them. I'm not defending their actions just saying that there are good ones also.

04-06-2009, 04:33 PM
Don't forget I had one very much like yours and know exactly how to drive one...bet you never touched the brake and downshifted and let the engine rev and the compression slow the car till you got in the sweet spot...and bet you chirped the tires when you punched it and the big barrels opened...right?I don't chirp tires. Its a waste of tread. If I was at the track I'd do a quick knockoff but even then I wouldn't burn them up.

So it's just an empty threat when they say they'll put out an arrest warrant if you don't pay your tickets on time?Sometimes they issue a warrant and sometimes not. Of all the violations I paid I only had one warrant. Which I didn't know I had or I would have paid them sooner.

04-06-2009, 04:36 PM
So it's just an empty threat when they say they'll put out an arrest warrant if you don't pay your tickets on time?

have you never heard of the warrant roundup?

usually happens when the county/city needs money.

04-06-2009, 04:39 PM
have you never heard of the warrant roundup?

usually happens when the county/city needs money.

I have heard of it, that's why I didn't understand how he didn't pay for so long. I'd be mortified to have a warrant!

04-06-2009, 04:43 PM
I agree there are bad cops but I've also been very thankful when I've needed them. I'm not defending their actions just saying that there are good ones also.

Of course there are some good ones, and without them we'd be in alot of trouble. But where I'm from, a few years back almost the entire squad was terminated for money laundering and other things. I'd say it's about a 3:1 ratio of bad cops to good cops.

04-06-2009, 04:46 PM
I don't chirp tires. Its a waste of tread. If I was at the track I'd do a quick knockoff but even then I wouldn't burn them up.

I wasn't talking about some bleach box burnout, Just a little quick chirp when the power hooks up to the road and the ass end squats. Just keeping it right on the edge without breaking them loose. I loved running it through the gears and getting that little chirp at every shift..

04-06-2009, 04:52 PM
I wasn't talking about some bleach box burnout, Just a little quick chirp when the power hooks up to the road and the ass end squats. Just keeping it right on the edge without breaking them loose. I loved running it through the gears and getting that little chirp at every shift..
I will tell you with 100% honesty that I looked, signaled and dropped to second while changing lanes but did so without breaking traction or swinging the car around like some dangerous asshat. I know the type of driving you're talking about and I'm too old for that shit. I save it for the track. Had you been in the passenger seat you wouldn't have even reached for the armrest. I real car guy doesn't burn it up around town.

I Love Me Some Me
04-06-2009, 04:54 PM
I love how you guys can justify anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense. No doubt that I could tell a story about being ticketed for jaywalking in a parking lot and some of you fucking losers would offer a pathetic attempt to back it up. As if your interpretation of whats lawful or not makes more sense of the bullshit ticket being discussed. You guys are finding justification in the ticketing of a legal lane change because a man of the law says so. Great job comprehending on a logical level.

Would it really even be worth the conversation if everyone just said, "Awwww....poor BacktoBasics. I can't believe how horribly you were treated! Did you cry? Do you want a hug?"

C'mon...nobody is justifying anything, only considering that there may be a different version of the story that we haven't heard.

04-06-2009, 04:55 PM
I have heard of it, that's why I didn't understand how he didn't pay for so long. I'd be mortified to have a warrant!

from what I understand, they only do the roundup for a couple of weeks....

so if you aren't home the three or four times they come by and ring the doorbell, then you are home free until the next roundup........or until you get pulled over.

04-06-2009, 04:57 PM
Its hit and miss. Sometimes they issue a warrant for an unpaid ticket and sometimes not. Usually the warrant is for a failure to appear.

04-06-2009, 04:57 PM
Would it really even be worth the conversation if everyone just said, "Awwww....poor BacktoBasics. I can't believe how horribly you were treated! Did you cry? Do you want a hug?"

absolutely not.

04-06-2009, 04:59 PM
I will tell you with 100% honesty that I looked, signaled and dropped to second while changing lanes but did so without breaking traction or swinging the car around like some dangerous asshat. I know the type of driving you're talking about and I'm too old for that shit. I save it for the track. Had you been in the passenger seat you wouldn't have even reached for the armrest. I real car guy doesn't burn it up around town.

LOL, I drive a truck now. I was 22 and single when I bought mine. I had seen all these old guys putting around in their Vettes for years and swore if I ever got one i would drive the shit out of it and I did. No regrets.

Never dinged it and never caused any accidents, but I did have a passenger once roll out on the ground after I stopped and throw up LOL.

04-06-2009, 05:06 PM
LOL, I drive a truck now. I was 22 and single when I bought mine. I had seen all these old guys putting around in their Vettes for years and swore if I ever got one i would drive the shit out of it and I did. No regrets.

Never dinged it and never caused any accidents, but I did have a passenger once roll out on the ground after I stopped and throw up LOL.

damn i wish i had a vette... i love them!

04-06-2009, 05:12 PM
damn i wish i had a vette... i love them!

Well, if you ever get one don't drive it like old man B2B...:lol

04-06-2009, 05:16 PM
damn i wish i had a vette... i love them!I'll sell you mine on the cheap.

04-06-2009, 05:27 PM
Did you see my thread on going 1 MILE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT?

I got a damn ticket, just goto court like i did, it'll be waived, you didn't do anything wrong bud.

04-06-2009, 05:30 PM
Did you see my thread on going 1 MILE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT?

I got a damn ticket, just goto court like i did, it'll be waived, you didn't do anything wrong bud.

That cops wife's car is probably the one B2B tagged with break cleaner in last months road rage incident.

04-06-2009, 05:33 PM
I'll sell you mine on the cheap.

Might want to run the (non-matching) serial number on the motor before you do that deal. Just sayin...LOL

04-06-2009, 05:48 PM
well gee that blows..

one time i got a ticket for not using my signal....i was out in the middle of no where...at 2am... pitch dark no lights... not cars no where. I have no idea where the cop came from. It was a dike cop....argh. Man-like with loopside breast and the adams apple my god... looks like she was swallowing a grapefruit. Oh well some cops need that power trip.

my friend said i should have said:

"gee officer... i wanna be a cop... but i don't think i have what it takes to pass the weekend training to become one."

04-06-2009, 06:02 PM
It was a dike cop....argh.

You got pulled over by an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or a river? That's pretty impressive, actually.

Though, it doesn't really say much about the quality of the local law enforcement that such an object was able to make it through the academy.

04-06-2009, 06:12 PM
So it's just an empty threat when they say they'll put out an arrest warrant if you don't pay your tickets on time?

No, they do come round your ass up. My brother had two tickets from when he got arrested and he paid them a few days late. The cops came to the house to try and get him with that warrant nonsense but they checked with their office and found out that he had paid them so they left. His tickets were for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

I never settled that ticket I got on July 31st of last year. I was supposed to have either paid it or taken defensive driving by Dec. 9, 2008 and I completed an online DD course on Dec. 7th, 2008. But I never took the paperwork by the courthouse because they also wanted me to get a copy of my driving record, which DPS mailed to the wrong address and I never received. Some woman rear ended my truck at a red light a few months back and when the cops came to sort everything out they ran my license and said I had no warrants. The only thing I can think of is that the DD school I took the course at (which was based out of Round Rock) also mailed a copy of the course completion certificate to the court.

04-06-2009, 10:37 PM
I have a similar story and also was warned that I'd be arrested.

I was leaving a Spurs game one evening and while driving home, was stopped for absolutely no apparent reason. The officer approached my window and asked me if I knew that the light above my rear license plate was out. I told him I didn't know that and assured him that I would get it corrected immediately. He then asked me for license and insurance, and I complied. When he returned to my vehicle, he had written me a ticket -- with a fine of something like $110 -- for the burned out light. I immediately went into smart ass mode and the situation escalated.

I asked him how I was supposed to know that the light was burned out without standing behind a running car. I said, I thought it was helpful of him to save me the risk of standing behind a moving car by pulling me over to advise me, but that giving me a ticket for it was complete and utter bullshit. He asked me if I wanted to go to jail; I said "for what?" He told me that because I wouldn't sign his ticket, the charge would be resisting arrest. I told him he had to have an arrestable offense first and that he still didn't have one. He said he didn't care and got on his shoulder walkie-talkie and called for a tow truck.

Allowing my indignation to give way to some sensibility, I signed the ticket, but wrote a lengthy protest on it -- for whatever it was worth. He was obviously pissed and threatened again to have me arrested for writing my protest. I quickly finished.

I went the next day, before sunset, to have the light replaced. I went down to the municipal court a couple of weeks later. First I talked to a brick wall prosecutor who would bargain my fine down only $10. I advised him that I'd be happy to take the ticket to trial. He told me I'd have to enter a plea with the judge. So I went before the judge and before I could even open my mouth, she started laughing. She asked why I had come; I said I was there because I thought the ticket was nonsense. She laughed again, said, "I'm sorry you've been harassed. The Legislature is going to change this law, but even if it didn't, there's no way I'd allow someone to pay a fine for a ticket like this one. The charge is dismissed."

And to think that I almost got arrested for it. . . .

That's awesome. I have a similar story I'd like to share...

About 13 years ago I walking around downtown Portland with my girlfriend. I was about a block away from Pioneer Courthouse Square (TlongII and other Portlanders will know the area, sorry to the rest of you) and hawked a loogie on to the sidewalk as a couple of bicycle cops rode by. One of them said to me "hey! Don't spit on the sidewalk!" I quickly apologized and thought that would be the end of it. He then stopped me and asked for my ID. I did exactly as I was told. As he pulled out his ticket book the conversation went like this:
Me: "Are you serious? You're really writing me a ticket
Cop: "Yup. Spitting on the sidewalk constitutes littering."
Me: "Holy Christ. Are you padding your quota for the day?"
Other Cop: "Watch it, kid."
Me: "Whatever. This is crap and you both know it."

He hands me the ticket. I look it over and see the fine.

Me: "500 BUCKS??? Are you kidding me? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!"
Cop: "You don't like it? Take it up with the judge."
Me: "Trust me, I will. And I got 20 bucks that says I don't have to pay this crap ticket."
Cop: "I guess we'll see. Have a nice day."
Me: "Go to Hell, Officer."

So I went to court to contest it. The judge looked at the ticket, then looked at me with a confused look on his face.

Judge: "$500?"
Me: "Apparently."
Judge: "For spitting?"
Me: "I was as surprised as you are, sir."
Judge: "Well son, since the officer isn't here to explain the ticket, I can do 1 of two things. I can either dismiss it and you can be done with it. Or you can take it to trial and make the officer look foolish. It's your choice."
Me: (chuckling)"I'd rather just have it dismissed if that's ok, sir."
Judge: "Case dismissed."

One of the most satisfying moments of my life.

Sorry for the obscenely long post.

04-07-2009, 12:54 AM
You should have opened your door and ran yelling "killer bees".

04-07-2009, 01:28 AM
Looks like he thought you were endangering other drivers with your road rage.

I personally hate people who are behind me, and then switch lanes, accelerate to cut me off and get in the lane ahead of me.

I realize it's ironic because some douche cut YOU off in a much more dangerous manner, but that doesn't give you the right to lash out.

04-07-2009, 07:52 AM
I wouldn't have done anything differently had I known the cop was right there watching. Didn't know and never thought acceleration was a crime. I'm not going to give up my vehicle just because a few asshole feel like ticketing me for no good reason.

This thread is worthless unless you post some pics of your Mach 1.

The Mach

My 2001 Cobra

My current project

Richard Cranium
04-07-2009, 08:05 AM
Just go to court and get it dismissed and start carrying a bottle of water in your car.


And get some anger management.

04-07-2009, 08:37 AM
Just go to court and get it dismissed and start carrying a bottle of water in your car.


And get some anger management.

Some people need to just buy a fucking Valentine One already.

jack sommerset
04-07-2009, 08:41 AM
Just go to court and get it dismissed and start carrying a bottle of water in your car.


And get some anger management.

He is harmless. Infact I bet the rants he goes off on are only in his head and on ST. He was probably "yes sir" "I know sir" "It won't happen again sir".:lol

04-07-2009, 11:09 AM
Basically the officer can write you a ticket if he thinks you created an unsafe situation. If you have any witness, bring him to traffic court when you challenge.

I've had a case dismissed in SA traffic court . If you wear slacks and a shirt with a collar, you'll stand out from the other misdemeanants. Put on a suit and you risk being better dressed than the lawyers in the room. It worked out well enough for me once, but I wouldn't do it again. Semi-casual is probably about right.

04-07-2009, 11:10 AM
My wife had a ticket dismissed and all she did was show up and the officer didn't.

04-07-2009, 11:42 AM
My wife had a ticket dismissed and all she did was show up and the officer didn't.

Seems like I read that cops fail to show about 20-25% of the time.

If I were a cop, I wouldn't want to show up for this ticket.

What sucks though is that even if it's dismissed, you still have to take the time off from work to go down there and you may even have to pay a few bucks for parking.

marini martini
04-07-2009, 12:05 PM
Seems like I read that cops fail to show about 20-25% of the time.

If I were a cop, I wouldn't want to show up for this ticket.

What sucks though is that even if it's dismissed, you still have to take the time off from work to go down there and you may even have to pay a few bucks for parking.

It's not like the travel trailer business is doing gangbusters right now!!!


04-07-2009, 12:14 PM
It's not like the travel trailer business is doing gangbusters right now!!!

:lmaoBusiness if fine. Better than normal I'd say.

04-07-2009, 12:21 PM
It's not like the travel trailer business is doing gangbusters right now!!!


But homes still need to be cleaned.

04-07-2009, 01:19 PM
But homes still need to be cleaned.Both ends of the spectrum are doing fine. Our cleaning business is a little busier than expected and there are no shortage of trailer buyers.

The only problem right now for us is the banking world. They've cut out the meat of the lending. I'm not talking about the second chance garbage either. They've made it difficult to secure a loan for the average joe with good credit just not great credit. I'd be making a killing right now if the banks would just loosen up a little not even a lot. I'm talking about people with scores ranging from 650-699. The terms are a joke and the required amount down is beyond stupid. Only banks worth a damn right now are smaller credit unions.

We can't get inventory either. The banks have frozen flooring inventory 3 times in the last 6 months. So no matter how successful our sales are the banks aren't lending us money to purchase inventory. We have about 25 less units in inventory than normal and our sales are slightly up. Its ridiculous.

04-07-2009, 01:24 PM
Sorry to tell you but many cops have ways to keep track of the ticket receivers who are kind of jerks and those are the ones they may show up to court for. I know one cop who can tell by how he writes the person's name on the ticket if they were cooperative or difficult. And if the ticket was because you were driving overly aggressive and then you were aggressive to the cop, it only supports his writing of the ticket.