View Full Version : Will the real MVP please stand up...

03-17-2005, 03:48 AM
Yes at this point in the season Nash should still get the award IMO. However the argument between Garnett and Duncan should have been completely silences tonight. Garnet disappeared into Duncans shadow early in the game and never found his way out. If he can finish the season strong next year's MVP is locked up.

03-17-2005, 06:23 AM
Why should Nash automatically get the MVP? Spurs struggled as well with Duncan out and/or when he was injured. Let it play out.

03-17-2005, 01:11 PM
Why Nash? He should be considered for the award but should not win it. That teams has too many weapons for them to point out Nash. Yes Nash is a good player but not MVP Status.

03-17-2005, 01:16 PM
Nash only plays on one side of half court line. End of story.

03-17-2005, 02:21 PM
Seriously, Nash is MVP this year, no question about it. No other team depends SO much on the health of one guy. I mean yeah without Tim, we probably wouldn't do so good, but still I think Nash is more valuable to his team right now, simply because their offense runs through him, and ONLY him. Without his skills, the ball just simply doesn't get where it needs to be.

03-17-2005, 02:21 PM
Seriously, Nash is MVP this year, no question about it. No other team depends SO much on the health of one guy. I mean yeah without Tim, we probably wouldn't do so good, but still I think Nash is more valuable to his team right now, simply because their offense runs through him, and ONLY him. Without his skills, the ball just simply doesn't get where it needs to be.

Thank god someone whos not a complete homer.

Ed Helicopter Jones
03-17-2005, 02:38 PM
I think the attention has been on Nash all year, and considering the Suns' turnaround this year I think he's likely got it won, despite his lack of 'D'.

Ask anyone who they'd rather have on their roster and I think Timmy would be more valuable.

03-17-2005, 02:54 PM
Ask anyone who they'd rather have on their roster and I think Timmy would be more valuable.

Well by that reasoning then add Lebron James and Shaq to the equation and I guarantee they get a large portion of votes as well. I dont think either of them deserves the MVP award however and think most here would agree.

03-17-2005, 03:07 PM
Nash only plays on one side of half court line. End of story.

That's funny, I always seem to remember Nash crossing halfcourt. Maybe I'm just imagining things.
Nash has been the MVP for most of the season. You'd have to be blind and deaf not to realize that the Suns have turned things around because of him.
But we sometimes need to find excuses not to credit non-Spurs. They don't play defense, blah, blah, blah.
Like I've said many times, Nash is sound defensively, he's just not built to stop guys.

And I don't think I've heard anyone say that KG is the MVP. A team that's not even in the playoffs will not have the MVP. It's common sense.
I feel bad for KGH because he is a legit MVP candidate every season, but this season his team has let him down and not given him a chance to battle for the MVP.

The Suns will not finish as strong as they began the season and Nash has a history of slow finishes to the season, therfore, Tim Duncan will win the MVP.

T Park
03-17-2005, 03:11 PM
to be an MVP, dont you have to be a "complete" player??

But, I guess you can't pick Duncan, or else your a "homer"

BTW, is Chad Ford a spurs "homer"

gotta love it, you pick Duncan the word homer gets thrown out.

03-17-2005, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=T Park]to be an MVP, dont you have to be a "complete" player??

Careful, I define complete as doing every aspect of the game well. Duncan does not shoot free throws well. I still think he is one of the top 3 candidates, but even he has a major weakness.

03-17-2005, 03:49 PM
the mvp is defined as the player who has been responsible for his team's success. magic was never a great defender.

03-17-2005, 04:03 PM
Nash is not nearly as effective as Duncan is for the Spurs.

To me Amare and Nash are of equal value for that team. And Shawn Marion is still a pretty good player as well.

Nash is having a John Stockton/Mark Price kind of season. But that doesn't mean he is as valuable as Duncan. Duncan runs the teams offense AND defense. He is dominant on both ends. Nash is an offensive dynamo for sure, and he does it for one of the best offenses this league has seen in a long time. But IMO Amare is very responsible for the offense as well. Both are of equal value in my eyes.

Nash should not be MVP, unless the league simply does not want to give Duncan or Shaq the award again for repetitive sake.

03-17-2005, 04:47 PM
Nash is not nearly as effective as Duncan is for the Spurs.

To me Amare and Nash are of equal value for that team. And Shawn Marion is still a pretty good player as well.

Nash is having a John Stockton/Mark Price kind of season. But that doesn't mean he is as valuable as Duncan. Duncan runs the teams offense AND defense. He is dominant on both ends. Nash is an offensive dynamo for sure, and he does it for one of the best offenses this league has seen in a long time. But IMO Amare is very responsible for the offense as well. Both are of equal value in my eyes.

Nash should not be MVP, unless the league simply does not want to give Duncan or Shaq the award again for repetitive sake.

Well. that's your opinion.
Duncan is as valauble to his team as KG, Kobe and LeBron are to their teams. Perhaps slightly more.
So why not just give him the award now?
There's more to being an MVP than just being the best player. If not, Jordan would have been the MVP for every year he played.
If a player plays GREAT all season, and that has translater to GREAT SUCCESS for his team, especially considering the fact that he was one of few additions to a team that was very poor the year before, that should say something.
That's why those of you who are saying that Nash doesnt deserve consideration will be explaining why it's crap that he finished in the top three vote-getters (unless he really flops or gets hurt between now and the end of the season), while I'll be saying, "I told you so".

03-17-2005, 04:49 PM
...unless the league simply does not want to give Duncan or Shaq the award again for repetitive sake.

It's not the league that votes on the MVP, although I'm sure it makes it easier to point the finger at David Stern and his "Spurs-hate".

03-17-2005, 05:43 PM
Duncan and Shaq are definitely gaining.

03-17-2005, 08:01 PM
I just do not think Nash as a stand alone player is on the same plain as Duncan or Shaq, even in their worse seasons. They impact the game too much. Nash needs Amare and Marion just as much as they need him. It just happened he came at a time where a young, energetic, talented team was in need an excellent floor general. Take Amare off this team and now and replace it with an average PF, and they are no better than if Nash was replaced with an average scoring PG who is a good distributor.

Nash just doesn't impact the game like Duncan or Shaq. I don't even see him on the same plain as them. It's not really close.

At least with the Jordan argument you had guys like Drob and Malone, who actually played well on both ends. And even Barkley was an offensive BEAST who was the unquestioned leader of his team that won 62 games, along with a banged up supporting cast along the way. You might think MJ was the best player, but his seasons were not always any better than Drob's or Hakeems in their primes. He had the right team, and he was an intense clutch competetor. But in the grand scheme of things, he wasn't THAT much more dominant than an Hakeem or Drob over an 82 game season as a standalone player and team leader. Better? Sure. More clutch? Sure. In that sense he had a clear seperation over other dominant big men of his time, but even MJ needed support.

I don't feel the same proximity with comparing MJ to Barkley, Malone, Drob, Hakeem as opposed to Duncan/Shaq to Steve Nash. There is bigger difference IMO.

Will I be mad if Nash wins it? No. But I just don't think he is any more valuable than Amare. And I do feel that Duncan and Shaq are more valuable to their teams, and as standalone players with variable teamattes are more dominant and effective.

03-17-2005, 09:32 PM
You guys keep talking about Nash and how he turned the Suns around. You apparently are forgetting that the season before last the Suns were up-and-comers who looked like they were on the verge of becoming real contenders. They beat the Spurs 3 times in the regular season that year! What happened last year was a big let down, sure, but they already had a good thing started. This year they did more than just add Steve Nash: they overhauled their game plan, they brought in another athletic guy with lots of offensive talent in Richardson, and Amare is a year older (no wiser, but at least more experienced). Sure, a distributor like Nash was exactly what that team needed to complete the picture, but no way did he singlehandedly turn the team around like some are claiming. Nikos makes a good point that Nash needs the Suns as much as they need him. The athleticism, the shooters, the style of play; it's all perfect for Nash's style. That doesn't make him the MVP; just very happy to be back in Phoenix.

03-17-2005, 09:39 PM
BTW, if Nash is the difference between a lottery team and a contender, the Mavs should be in the shitter right now, shouldn't they?

03-17-2005, 09:44 PM
If the four leading candiadates are Nash, Shaq, LeBron and Duncan try moving them to the other teams and removing that teams MVP candidate:

Duncan to Cleveland subtract LeBron; to Phoenix subtract Nash; to Miami subtract Shaq
Nash to SA subtract Duncan; to Miami subtract Shaq; to Cleveland subtract LeBron
LeBron to SA - Duncan; Sun minus Nash; to Miami - Shaq
Shaq to SA - Duncan; to Suns - Nash; to Cleveland - LeBron

Don't know if this measures MVP but in this senario I think Nash does the least. Td and Shaq probably do the most. Put Shaq or TD on Phoenix and it's game over.

03-17-2005, 09:51 PM
You forget that without Marbury, Nash, and Q, the suns were nothing special. Thats a big part of the equation. Amare has proven he sucks without Nash. Take a look at Nash's numbers and achievements this season. I know, i know, you don't need to but i thought the same thing earlier this season and they were jawdropping. Name a PG who's in Nash's company this year, there isn't one.
No other position has guys that are so far ahead of their peers as Nash is.

03-17-2005, 09:58 PM
BTW, if Nash is the difference between a lottery team and a contender, the Mavs should be in the shitter right now, shouldn't they?

No, because the Mavs got Jason Terry, who is not bad, to replace him, and also added Erick Dampier and Jerry Stackhouse to help absorb the blow.

03-17-2005, 09:59 PM
Amare sucks without Nash? What about the previous 2 seasons? ROY with 13/8 straight outta high school, and then 20/9 during an injury depleted year. Of course he is going to struggle without Nash now, because he is used to being with him. Give Amare 5-6 games to adjust and he would be back to giving the Suns 23-24ppg. I seem to recall him doing okay in the last batch of games without Nash as well.

If Nash wins MVP, that's a disgrace. Worst MVP in my recent memory, could he be the worst MVP ever?

03-17-2005, 11:03 PM
It's gonna be either Tim, Shaq, or Nash.

I gaurantee you guys that Nash will win it. Not because he deserves, but because everybody seems to be jumping on the Phoenix bandwagon.

If you ask me, Tim is just as Valuable to his team as Nash. Plus, he is a much better all around for those of you who think that kind of a player should be MVP.

03-17-2005, 11:21 PM
magic was never a great defender.

Only 12 players have stolen the ball more times, and by the end of the season only one of those 12 have played less games.

Al Sharpton
03-18-2005, 01:41 AM
The real MVP's are Slomo and his Slovakian friends who travel over 18 hours by plane to root for there man. I know a Spurs fan who lives 10 blocks from the SBC and has never been to a game. you know how dangerous it is to travel by air and have to land in Asia to get refueled? I don't even like flying to Vegas non stop.

Anyway those crazy GTG going Rssian/Polocks are my MVP's of the season..........

Does anyone know there names?

Kori Ellis
03-18-2005, 01:59 AM
Does anyone know there names?

Slomo's name is Janez.

The two Slovenians you met at the last GTG at my house are Ziga and Bor.

The five Slovenian reporters that are in San Antonio covering Rasho/Beno are Bor (yes, there are two Bors), Igor, Gregor, Ranko and Zeljko.

T Park
03-18-2005, 03:09 AM
the Mavs got Jason Terry

Ooooo yeah. Hes on par with Nash.

Give me a break.

God Carnac, pull the jewled hat off your head and loose the hate.

Al Sharpton
03-18-2005, 03:18 AM
Slomo's name is Janez.

The two Slovenians you met at the last GTG at my house are Ziga and Bor.

The five Slovenian reporters that are in San Antonio covering Rasho/Beno are Bor (yes, there are two Bors), Igor, Gregor, Ranko and Zeljko.

Thank you Kori for that info, since you don't answer my e mails.

I think those guys deserved to be on TV at the very least.

WTF is going on at WOAI?