View Full Version : to all those stressing over the Spurs' situation

04-09-2009, 02:38 PM
we are all looking for logic and sense in all this, while in reality we should keep in mind its just a little game where you throw a rubber ball through a hoop.
pop understands this and i dont think he minds too much anymore; as his buzz sets in he just can always reflect back on 4 trophies to neutralize any attack and he feels a liberating sense of being not bothered anymore by things now.
haha as we speak he is just downing another chug of wine as he louges around his mansion in his underwear whilst making calls to the FO yelling indecipherable orders involving signings and waivings as he draws names out of a hat for next game's rotations, all while eagerly awaiting Jaque Vaughn to show up at the door with nothing but a thong and some gerber-daisies.