View Full Version : Lawmaker Wants to End "Sexually Suggestive" Cheerleading

03-18-2005, 09:12 AM
I think this is a total waste of time.


Lawmaker Wants to End "Sexually Suggestive" Cheerleading
LAST UPDATE: 3/18/2005 6:42:10 AM
Posted By: Walker Robinson

Legislation filed in Austin would put an end to "sexually suggestive" performances by cheerleaders at athletic events and other extracurricular competitions.

The sponsor is Representative Al Edwards of Houston.

Edwards says it's now just too sexually oriented, the way they're quote: "shaking their behinds and going on, breaking it down."

Under the bill, if a school district knowingly permits such a performance, funds from the state would be reduced in an amount to be determined by the education commissioner.

Edwards says he filed the bill as a result of several instances of seeing such ribald performances in his district.

J.M. Farias with the Austin Cheer Factory says cheerleading aficionados would welcome the law.

He says cheering competitions penalize for suggestive movements or any vulgarity.

03-18-2005, 10:02 AM
More from the Statesman


Lawmaker Seeks End to Vulgar Cheerleading
Associated Press Writer

AUSTIN, Texas — The Friday night lights in Texas could soon be without bumpin' and grindin' cheerleaders. Legislation filed by Rep. Al Edwards, D-Houston, would put an end to "sexually suggestive" performances at athletic events and other extracurricular competitions.

"It's just too sexually oriented, you know, the way they're shaking their behinds and going on, breaking it down," said Edwards, a 26-year veteran of the Texas House. "And then we say to them, 'don't get involved in sex unless it's marriage or love, it's dangerous out there' and yet the teachers and directors are helping them go through those kind of gyrations."

Under Edwards' bill, if a school district knowingly permits such a performance, funds from the state would be reduced in an amount to be determined by the education commissioner.

Edwards said he filed the bill as a result of several instances of seeing such ribald performances in his district.

J.M. Farias, owner of Austin Cheer Factory, said cheerleading aficionados would welcome the law. Cheering competitions, he said, penalize for suggestive movements or any vulgarity.

"Any coaches that are good won't put that in their routines," he said. And, most girls cheering on Friday nights were trained by professionals who know better, he said.

"I don't think this law would really shake the industry at all. In fact, it would give parents a better feeling, mostly dads and boyfriends, too," Farias said.

Although cheerleaders must meet the same no-pass, no-play academic requirements of athletes, cheerleading is not a competition sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League, the governing body of Texas high school sports.

The UIL also does not have performance regulations for squads who cheer for their teams at state championships, said Athletic Coordinator Peter Contreras.

"I think it should have been cut out a long time ago," Edwards said. "It surely needs to be toned down."

03-18-2005, 11:10 AM
IMHO, I too think that cheerleading has become quite sexual over the past years. I know when I'm watching the college cheerleaders I'm definitley thinking about sex. With their short skirts and belly showing tops....damn right I've got sex on my mind!

I went to a HS basketball game a few weeks back and the cheerleaders were thrusting their hips this way and I had to look away because I was starting to feel like a pervert.

I would think conservatives would be on this man's side....is there some liberalism creeping in there?

03-18-2005, 11:20 AM
No, it's called common sense.

03-18-2005, 11:20 AM
i think our senate has more important things to be debating... this is bullshit

03-18-2005, 11:24 AM
The suggestive cheering should be stopped, but it should be left to the schools.

03-18-2005, 11:25 AM
WHAT!?!? I cannot believe I am reading this from staunch conservatives.

IMHO, you are all closet liberals!

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

03-18-2005, 11:32 AM
i am not republican or democrat... i supported bush bc the democrats couldn't bring a viable candidate to run a high school student council much less the united states of america!

03-18-2005, 11:35 AM
WHAT!?!? I cannot believe I am reading this from staunch conservatives.

IMHO, you are all closet liberals!

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Maybe you need to change your opinion IMHO. Who said I was a conservative? Having the goverment spend one second talking about this is a waste. This should be up to the schools and the kids parents.

03-18-2005, 11:42 AM
i think more than half the people at the games are there for the suggestive cheerleading....that's all i was watching when i was in highschool.....of course, Lee football sucks and it's not much fun watching a 64-7 blowout at the hands of Judson....

i need video to determine if it's over the line.....the most suggestive girls will go on to be strippers anyway, so it's like vocational training for them....

03-18-2005, 12:08 PM
I always liked the head cheerleader.

03-18-2005, 12:15 PM
I always liked the head cheerleader.

03-18-2005, 12:23 PM
Classic conservativism is for smaller government, which this is against. I think this is more of a common sense issue instead of one that is drawn on ideological lines.

Why are some people so eager to classify otheres?

03-20-2005, 01:19 PM
Classic conservativism is for smaller government, which this is against.

But neoclassic Republicanism is for the legislation of morality.

You know, the nazi's made the jews wear peices of flair.

03-21-2005, 11:02 AM
Is there a man who doesn't think cheerleaders are sexy?

03-21-2005, 11:05 AM
the most suggestive girls will go on to be strippers anyway, so it's like vocational training for them....

Yes sir. Lap dancing their way through medical school, or that's at least what they tell me :)

03-21-2005, 11:08 AM
Yes sir. Lap dancing their way through medical school, or that's at least what they tell me :)

LOL! no shit, they are ALL going to med school and ALL their names are Star!

03-21-2005, 11:10 AM
In my yonger days I may have just been responsible for a young woman's degree.

03-21-2005, 03:42 PM
This thread is totally useless without pictures. :lol

03-21-2005, 06:08 PM
Why is this 'lawmaker' watching these underage cheerleaders?


03-21-2005, 06:17 PM
i think more than half the people at the games are there for the suggestive cheerleading....that's all i was watching when i was in highschool.....of course, Lee football sucks and it's not much fun watching a 64-7 blowout at the hands of Judson....

i need video to determine if it's over the line.....the most suggestive girls will go on to be strippers anyway, so it's like vocational training for them....

I know, I went to ISA, so I was already not caring about Lee football, but then one season they beat up on churchill pretty bad to start the season (it was the first time in like 15 years that they won). So I thought, Oh, maybe I will pay a little attention to them this year. Well the next week they lost 69-0 to judson (or something like that) and I thought, nevermind.

03-21-2005, 06:26 PM
Why is this 'lawmaker' watching these underage cheerleaders?


NO shit. I feel guilty too. :oops

03-21-2005, 07:35 PM
Rah, rah, ree...kick 'em in the knee...
Rah, rah, ras...kick 'em in the other knee.

03-21-2005, 08:58 PM
I prefer "sexually blatant" cheerleading.

But only at the college level.

03-21-2005, 09:52 PM
I was thinking the same thing when they sometimes have little kids dance teams. Who the hell decides to show 7-10 year old girls how to bend over and shake their ass's? But its really a mute point because there going to want to do it anyway after watching music videos's.

But yeah. Grinding and sexually toned dancing was prohibited at our school. I don't know if most do that nowdays but if they do i don't see why they don't tie it to cheerleading also. I do remember at one dance, this is about 8-10 years ago, we all stopped and watched as this one couple did a "f*ck the floor" dance routine.

They could ban it all they want but i know when i was that age that short, short chearleading skirt was sexually toned enough for me that they could just stand there.