View Full Version : Two Years Later: Iraqi Insurgency Has Worsened

03-20-2005, 05:31 AM
Here is a story that will surely be buried by the corporate M.S.M.

Iraq insurgency has worsened: US intelligence
Washington, March 19, 2005|09:45 IST

Though US President George W Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have been giving the impression that the insurgency situation in Iraq is improving, the American Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), which monitors the situation daily, says it has worsened.

"The insurgency in Iraq has grown in size and complexity over the past year. Attacks numbered approximately 25 per day one year ago," DIA Director Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby told the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington.

"Attacks on Iraq's election day reached approximately 300, almost double the previous one day high of about 160 during last year's Ramadan. Since the January 30 election, attacks have averaged around 60 per day and in the 1st two weeks dropped to approximately 50 per day," Jacoby said.


The vice admiral also pointed out that multiple polls show favourable ratings for the US in the Muslim world "at all-time lows.""A large majority of Jordanians oppose the War on Terrorism and believe that Iraqis will be 'worse off' in the long term."

Hindustantimes (http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1286031,00050001.htm)

Wasn't it just last month the Iraqis were given the U.S. the purple finger?

Don't you people understand FREEDOM IS ON THE MARCH?!?

This is just the liberal media trying to promote fact based intelligence in a time when false impressions, innuendo, and outright lies are far more important for our national security.

03-20-2005, 08:50 AM
a democracy takes hard time and hard work. they don't happen overnight....