View Full Version : Jackie Chan: Chinese people need to be controlled

04-18-2009, 07:31 AM

Don't get decieved by the words from the mouth of a second-class chinese citizen, dear american buddies. sincerely I suggest those idiots that have little knowledge about my homecountry shut their mouths up. :hat

I'm also a big fan of Jackie Chan in fact, and I really like some of his movies like "rush hour", I like his "rush hour" even more than "perfect stranger" and "catwoman" which were both made by my favourite actress. I don't want to say anything personal against Jackie but it's really unacceptable for us chinese people to be considered cattles that need to be controled.

In reality, there is actually no shackle on the heads or hands of today's chinese people. Some of us chinese people even have the rights to do many things that even the american people are not permitted to do, like trolling on spurstalk without being pinked or banned.

Smackie Chan
04-18-2009, 08:11 AM
Thanks for the link.

04-18-2009, 09:01 AM
Actually Jackie has a point. Benevelant leaderships like good kings in the past have helped nations and societies advance greatly. Others who have despotic leaders Rulers plunge nations into darkness. Democracies are majority rules and can be quite chaotic and in fact opressive to the minority. In fact the United States was not founded as a Democracy but rather a Constitutional Republic where the rights of the few were protected against the majority. Are we still there?

A returning US Marine once told me that Iraqi's don't want democracy. They don't deserve democracy. They don't understand it. They need a strongman to keep order. Hmmm kinda makes you think doesn't it? Likewise could China who has had centuries of Emporers and a feudal system with a few years of Democratic rule to be supplanted by another Emporer in Mao adjust to a culture Democracy so quickly? Democracy requires a huge middle class to be successful. If there is a disparate number of rich vs poor, it is the breeding ground for revolution of the poor against the leadership. Conditions that happened in France during the French revolution. These are the conditions which exist in the countryside of China right now.

Can China adjust to unrestricted capitialism, consumerism, free speech, unrestricted birth control, and the change in family and sexual values? It's coming and the problems of quality are a first stage being driven by a profit motive without appropriate quality controls in place or governmental regulation or watchdog organizations that we have here in the United States. For the record, I hope they can make the adjustment and become a free society but at the same time, I also hope the United States can maintain being a free society in these difficult times.

04-18-2009, 11:18 AM
Its all well and good while the leaders are doing smart things and building the country.

But what happens when they get a crazy leader again?

Anyway, when you give economic freedom, political freedom can't ever be that far off. China is going to be a vastly different place in 20 years, just like it is currently such a vastly different place from 20 years ago.