View Full Version : Freddie Mac Acting CFO Found Dead In Vienna

Viva Las Espuelas
04-22-2009, 07:28 AM

VIENNA, Va. (WUSA) -- David Kellermann, Acting Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Freddie Mac, was found dead this morning.

Fairfax County Police officials tell 9NEWS NOW they responded to his home around 5 a.m. after his wife alerted them to his suicide.

Kellermann was 41 years old.

According to Freddie Mac's website, Kellerman was with Freddie Mac for more than 16 years and named Acting Chief Financial Officer in September.

04-22-2009, 10:09 AM
Very sad. Only 41 years old.

04-22-2009, 10:59 AM
Wonder what Rush will say about that. Probably some armchair psychology, that the man felt guilty about helping to cause this economic downturn and so committed suicide.

Nah. He'll find a way to blame the Democrats. :D

04-22-2009, 11:40 AM
Wonder what Rush will say about that. Probably some armchair psychology, that the man felt guilty about helping to cause this economic downturn and so committed suicide.

Nah. He'll find a way to blame the Democrats. :D

Well, many libs did want this to happen to some AIG execs, or at least they threatened to do it themselves.

Marcus Bryant
04-22-2009, 11:42 AM
The nation waits for Alex Jones to explain this.

04-22-2009, 12:25 PM
Well, many libs did want this to happen to some AIG execs, or at least they threatened to do it themselves.Back it up. Name the names.

or do you just prefer to throw that out negligently?

ExtraStout was the prime (and serial) instigator of all the bankers-swinging-from-trees diction as I recall. Are you calling him liberal?

04-22-2009, 12:30 PM
Well, many libs did want this to happen to some AIG execs, or at least they threatened to do it themselves.

True, many libs did.


Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa told a Cedar Rapids radio station how he really feels about the AIG executives (http://www.nypost.com/seven/03172009/news/politics/iowa_senator__aig_execs_need_to_quit_or__160013.ht m) taking bonuses (http://gothamist.com/2009/03/15/aig_claims_it_must_pay_out_100_mill.php) after needing to be bailed out with $170 billion in federal money: "I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they ought to be removed. But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide. And in the case of the Japanese, they usually commit suicide before they make any apology." His spokesman later said Grassley was speaking rhetorically (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0309/20083.html).

04-22-2009, 12:46 PM
Back it up. Name the names.

or do you just prefer to throw that out negligently?

ExtraStout was the prime (and serial) instigator of all the bankers-swinging-from-trees diction as I recall. Are you calling him liberal?

Damn. Going all Barney Frank on me. Gheeez.

04-22-2009, 12:47 PM
True, many libs did.


Yes, that was a douchebag thing to say. There are a lot of douchebag Republicans out there. I don't blindly tow the party line as many of you libs do.

04-22-2009, 03:16 PM
Well, many libs did want this to happen to some AIG execs, or at least they threatened to do it themselves.

Frankly, my last shred of hope for the American people vanished when these fuckers werent dragged into the streets and hung.

This guy got off light, IMO.

I am one of "those people".

Anyway, point is the people culpable for the economic demise of millions of Americans lifetime investments making it all but impossible to retire for most of these people, the ones who knowingly subverted the system or skirted the rules in the name of maximizing profits should have been executed for it as a warning to those who attempt to do it in the future.

But we're entirely too civil for that. They should just be given trillions of taxpayer dollars to right what they made wrong. Because what America is doing now in response to this fucking charade makes so much more sense.

What fucking brainiac stood up in the meeting and said "Hey! I got an idea! Instead of prosecuting these criminals, lets give them more of our money! They cant be wrong twice, right!"

Worst part is all the dipshits present agreed. Too big to fail, yada yada.

My fucking ass. The company may be too big to fail, but the schmucks running the company are not integral to the operation of it. If we're going to subsidize these asshats, the least the government could do is fire the entire board wholesale if for no other reason than PR.

Surely we couldnt do that...

We're being horn-swaggled, people. They dont even try to hide it anymore.

04-22-2009, 03:51 PM
Frankly, my last shred of hope for the American people vanished when these fuckers werent dragged into the streets and hung.

This guy got off light, IMO.

I am one of "those people".

Anyway, point is the people culpable for the economic demise of millions of Americans lifetime investments making it all but impossible to retire for most of these people, the ones who knowingly subverted the system or skirted the rules in the name of maximizing profits should have been executed for it as a warning to those who attempt to do it in the future.

But we're entirely too civil for that. They should just be given trillions of taxpayer dollars to right what they made wrong. Because what America is doing now in response to this fucking charade makes so much more sense.

What fucking brainiac stood up in the meeting and said "Hey! I got an idea! Instead of prosecuting these criminals, lets give them more of our money! They cant be wrong twice, right!"

Worst part is all the dipshits present agreed. Too big to fail, yada yada.

My fucking ass. The company may be too big to fail, but the schmucks running the company are not integral to the operation of it. If we're going to subsidize these asshats, the least the government could do is fire the entire board wholesale if for no other reason than PR.

Surely we couldnt do that...

We're being horn-swaggled, people. They dont even try to hide it anymore.

But you're against torture, right? Just kidding.

Sounds like you're ready to join a populist torch and pitchfork mob.

04-22-2009, 03:57 PM
But you're against torture, right? Just kidding.

Sounds like you're ready to join a populist torch and pitchfork mob.

When a group of people pass in front of my house with said torches, yeah, Im joining.

This version of America is far different than the one I learned about as a kid. If I were my grandparents, I'd be ashamed of myself. When I look into my nieces' eyes, I feel guilty.

Who knows what abomination of freedom their children will live under. Their definition of freedom and civil rights will be far, far different than mine, I know that much.

Love my country, hate my government.

04-22-2009, 03:59 PM

Do you live in Michigan? Just curious.

04-22-2009, 04:02 PM
Wonder what Rush will say about that.

I wonder what Galileo will say about that.

04-22-2009, 04:05 PM
But you're against torture, right? Just kidding.

To address this alone, yes I am against torture. Not because its inhumane or cruel, but for two reasons:

1) America sells itself as a beacon of freedom, hope and opportunity. That we're better than "them". Cant say that out of one side of your mouth and condone torture out of the other. Supremely hypocritical. Now, if the POTUS just came out and said "Yeah, we're waterboarding Tom the Suspected Terrorist right now in an effort to gain info", I would have far less of a problem with it. Because it would only leave me with one objection to it...

2) Torture isnt effective. Torture me for any length of time and I would admit my participation in the Tet Offensive and pass a polygraph to prove it.

04-22-2009, 04:07 PM

Do you live in Michigan? Just curious.

Judging by the weather outside at the moment, I have to assume "yes".

04-22-2009, 04:28 PM
If only our thief politicians would take the sword as well.

04-22-2009, 07:39 PM
But you're against torture, right? Just kidding.

Sounds like you're ready to join a populist torch and pitchfork mob.
Yeah, but his anger is misdirected.

Oh, Gee!!
04-22-2009, 07:47 PM

do you suspect foul play?

04-22-2009, 10:48 PM
Back it up. Name the names.

or do you just prefer to throw that out negligently?

ExtraStout was the prime (and serial) instigator of all the bankers-swinging-from-trees diction as I recall. Are you calling him liberal?

I know one congressman did hint to that.

04-22-2009, 10:56 PM
I know one congressman did hint to that.On Spurstalk? That's what me and Darrin were discussing...

04-23-2009, 10:16 AM
Yeah, but his anger is misdirected.


And to be clear, so I dont come across as some dim-witted moron looking for an excuse to go all McVeigh on that ass, this is the San Antonio Spurs Political Forum.

Its nice to get into some good debates with well-informed to totally batshit crazy people spanning all topics. TBQH, I learn a lot here. Not about the news of the day, but more about the different perspectives different people have on the world. Mostly its an American point of view, but as you all know, you guys here at ST have some globe-trotting members who lend their perspective as well. Thats what interests me.

I want to make this short, but thats hard for me to do...

I know I will die disappointed in my country and its people. I will probably die between the ages of 50-70 of either a heart attack or cancer. I will never have had a pitchfork in one hand and a torch in the other. I am not delusional, I am not militant.

I am only disappointed every day I turn on the news that my countrymen are not nearly as pissed off as I am. I am disappointed that our civility and restraint (and laziness, imo) have overtaken our outrage and thirst for justice as realistic subsitutes for the raping of our public treasury.

The War for Independance was fueled by the ability of leadership to personalize the British threat to every man, woman and child. Not only were the English enemies of your land, they were enemies of YOU the People...and btw, here is the alternative to the King's oppression.

There is none of that in our time. We are being raped and I dont know how much more personal this situation can be made if you have even the smallest investment in the market. Some say thats only the beginning anyway, hyperinflation, skyrocketing unemployment, dwindling law enforcement through state budget cuts, etc.

Its just that, IMO, we as a country were so quick to just "move on" from the crisis. "Oh look, they raped us pregnant, oh well, lets just start picking up the pieces immediately...ho-hum, when do the playoffs start?"

This country will NEVER, EVER weasel its way out from under this debt. NEVER. Its funny to hear our leadership use personal analogies to describe the situation. "This is like maxing all your credit cards and asking for more....this is like have 12 mortgages on your house...this is like bla bla bla".

No it isnt. It isnt anything like those situations in the slightest. With analogies like that, youre not properly conveying the impact of the situation if all hell breaks loose. Youre not giving the general public a telescope to see the stars, youre giving them binoculars to spy on the neighbors.

Our country will go bankrupt soon. Its inevitable. With all the promises we've made to ourselves and the new trend of subsidizing private institutions and industry to the tune of trillions, our end is nigh. But it isnt the end I hope it would be. Like any bankruptcy, our losses will just be absorbed by the (ta-DA!) Global Economy. The collapse of the American economic environment will signal and hasten the world's capitulance to one another.

We are the one and only important domino in a chain of events that will be Orwellian in nature. And not one...shot...fired. Thats why I will die disappointed. Knowing the end and having no avenue to do anything about it or the proper voice and reason to convince others to the point of furious anger. This cant be properly personalized (by me)....its too big, too opaque.

Even if you think I am a loon, or that I am just plain wrong and quickly put on ignore, one thing to consider...

How do you see the American government servicing its debt to itself and those abroad?

If you cant come up with some reasonable timeline (maybe it takes centuries), then we are fucked, ladies and gentlemen. You cant just keep piling on debt like we are. You just cant. You also cant expect the economy to outgrow its debtedness and then keep adding ever more debt.

Personally, this is fucking sabotage, to me. Its intentional, this was planned. By whom? Dont know, dont pretend to. But I just cant come to grips with our political leadership being this detached from reality for now going on 40 years (or so). Thats Democrats and Republicans alike, all dancing to the same tune of "Deficit? What deficit? See my portfolio! Woo-hoo! Good times will never end, yeah!"

Most of these individuals are Ivy league educated lawyers, some were in the private banking sector, etc. Point is, you may not like them, but they are not stupid. They knew then and they know now what this inevitably leads to, and they chose to just continue the course into the glacier. Treason personified.

I die disappointed and hopefully childless. Dont want to burden that poor soul with this place.

04-23-2009, 10:23 AM

Move down to Texas and we'll secede from this bloated mofo. Kind of like getting in one of Titanic's few life boats.

I'm about to be flamed in 3....2.....1

04-23-2009, 11:01 AM
Yes, that was a douchebag thing to say. There are a lot of douchebag Republicans out there. I don't blindly tow the party line as many of you libs do.

I like how you managed to paint a picture that many libs tow the party line, in response to my reponse where you posted that many libs said that CEOs should commit suicide.

04-23-2009, 11:05 AM

There's always a possibility for revolution. When a large amount of people stop eating, and/or lose their shelter, that's when revolution occurs.

04-23-2009, 11:51 AM
Just because I like showing off my UTSA education, it's "toe the line."

Marcus Bryant
04-23-2009, 03:22 PM

And to be clear, so I dont come across as some dim-witted moron looking for an excuse to go all McVeigh on that ass, this is the San Antonio Spurs Political Forum.

Its nice to get into some good debates with well-informed to totally batshit crazy people spanning all topics. TBQH, I learn a lot here. Not about the news of the day, but more about the different perspectives different people have on the world. Mostly its an American point of view, but as you all know, you guys here at ST have some globe-trotting members who lend their perspective as well. Thats what interests me.

I want to make this short, but thats hard for me to do...


Bravo. This country used to be about raising the middle finger to tyranny. Then the powers that be found out that tyranny isn't such a bad thing and that the American people can be made to give up their liberty with the right kind of bribes. Somewhere along the way the people acquiesced to the notion that their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness was not the end to which the state served, but rather a distraction from the real business of serving the American state in its rush to greatness. Just think, you could be part of something bigger than yourself. Here's some free shit too!!!1

We will not learn our lesson from this crisis. More liberty will be expended and yet, the same old, same old, will keep on. We'll try to have low taxes and a larger nanny state while still expecting to leverage ourselves to the hilt to cover that, as well as to buy all the wonderful shit which the world wants to sell to us. It's a national emergency anytime economic growth declines, let alone disappears altogether, because so many promises require it never to fade, even for an instant. Not to mention that we're generally soft as a people.

I too, do not see a pleasant end to this. We are in uncharted territory. It's the end of a decadent people in a decadent time.

04-23-2009, 03:33 PM
"Tyranny" is when the other guys are in power.

- Democrats/Republicans

Marcus Bryant
04-23-2009, 03:50 PM
It's all the time now.

04-24-2009, 01:39 PM
It's all the time now.

...regardless of some meaningless consonant at the end of some politicians title.

Why otherwise intelligent people get hung up on party affiliation is something I will die never understanding.

Your name could be Cock Suck from the Flamboyant Faggot Pageant Party...if youre for government non-intervention in social issues and your entire economic policy is one sentence that reads "Balance budget, reduce deficit", I dont care whose cum youre swallowing. Youve got my vote.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-25-2009, 06:19 PM
do you suspect foul play?