View Full Version : homosexuality is a support group for kids molested by the same sex.

04-22-2009, 10:12 PM
that is all perez hilton.

04-22-2009, 10:15 PM
Does that mean that heterosexuality is a support group for kids who were molested by members of the opposite sex?

04-22-2009, 10:16 PM
that would be called

04-22-2009, 10:17 PM
Orly? Perez Hilton said that?

Why should anyone care about that?

For that matter, why do you care about it, antimvp?

04-23-2009, 01:59 AM
Orly? Perez Hilton said that?

Why should anyone care about that?

For that matter, why do you care about it, antimvp?

define care.

04-23-2009, 02:42 AM
...so homosexuals aren't promiscuous ....unless they are molested by a hermaphrodite...

04-23-2009, 09:34 AM

I would hope no one with more than 4 teeth hold such an idea to be true.

04-23-2009, 09:36 AM
Quality thread. :tu

Extra Stout
04-23-2009, 10:10 AM
cool hand switched handles.

04-23-2009, 10:15 AM

I would hope no one with more than 4 teeth hold such an idea to be true.

Sadly, I don't think that's the case.

04-23-2009, 12:04 PM
meanhwile, on a slightly different subject.
Exposed: Homosexual Child Molesters
Homosexuals claim that “heterosexuals” molest most children but statistics show that homosexuals molest at far higher rates than do heterosexuals.

Rev. Paul Shanley, a retired Catholic priest was arrested on May 4, 2002 in San Diego on three counts of child rape. Shanley had a history of molesting boys that went back to 1967. He was at the founding meeting of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and while in San Diego operated a bed & breakfast for homosexuals in Palm Springs. Shanley has openly called for “man-boy” love.

David Carlton Nurmi, was arrested in Florida on April 26, 2002, for possession of child pornography and for molesting a 15-year-old boy.

Geoffrey Cornish, a well-respected Solana Beach, California therapist was sentenced to 23 years in prison in September, 2001 for sexually molesting boys who came to him for therapy. Cornish, who is HIV-positive, was also a coach for the Torrey Pines High School surf team. Cornish told police he had been molested himself by a Boy Scout leader for three years when he was living in England.

James Edward Sanders, a homosexual child molester, was arrested in New Mexico in December, 2001 for sexually abusing a 7-year-old boy. Police also discovered child pornography in Sanders’ home.

Christopher Reardon, a homosexual, former youth minister, and Boy Scout leader was sentenced to 40-50 years in prison in the Summer of 2001 for raping, molesting, and disseminating pornography to 29 boys under his care.
These are only a few of the homosexual child molestation cases to hit the news during 2001-02. Virtually every week, newspapers detail more cases involving homosexuals who have sexually assaulted children under their care.

New York Post Exposes High Rate Of Teacher/Student Molestations
In a story not widely publicized in the mainstream press, the New York Post published a story in its July 30, 2001 edition about the secret epidemic of homosexual child abuse cases that go unreported in New York City’s public schools.

The report, “Secret Shame Of Our Schools: Sexual Abuse Of Students Runs Rampant,” by Douglas Montero, is the result of an analysis of 117 cases of sexual abuse between January 1999 and June 2001. Sixty percent of those accused of sexual abuse were transferred to desk jobs inside the school district. Forty percent of those transferred suspects were repeat sex offenders.

The report noted that out of the 117 cases, 212 children were victims. In 45% of the cases, the sex offender attacked more than one student. In nearly 16% of the cases, school officials delayed or tried to cover up the sexual molestations. The average victim is a 15-year-old girl and 75% of the victims were girls. According to the report, “Nearly 20 percent of the offenders are homosexuals and in most of these cases, the attack led to a sexual relationship with the stu- dent.” The report also discovered that the Board of Education investigated another 347 substantiated sex abuse cases between January 2000 and July 20, 2001. Adding the 117 cases with the 327, it appears that at least one child is sexually abused each day by a school employee—and 20% of these molestations against children are done by homosexuals!

Homosexuals Molest Children At A Far Higher Rate Than Heterosexuals
Homosexuals account for only 1-2% of our population based on current surveys. The National Opinion Research Center in 1992 found that 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women identified themselves as “homosexual” or “bisexual. A 1995 survey of 18-49-year-old men published by the Journal of Sex Research indicated that 2.6% of them had engaged in homosexual sex within the prior 12 months; 4% had had homosexual sex within the past five years. In other words, at least 98-99% of our population is heterosexual in orientation.

Homosexual activists routinely claim that most child molesters are “heterosexual” males, thus shifting the focus away from their own very high rates of molestation. Since 98-99% of the population is heterosexual, it is technically correct to say that most molestations are done by heterosexuals. However, statistics indicate that homosexuals pose a far more serious threat to children than do heterosexuals.

For example: In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College conducted a ten-state study of sex abuse cases involving school teachers. He studied 199 cases. Of those, 122 male teachers had molested girls, while 14 female teachers had molested boys. He also discovered that 59 homosexual male teachers had molested boys and four female homosexual teachers had molested girls. In other words, 32 percent of those child molestation cases involved homosexuals. Nearly a third of these cases come from only 1-2% of the population.

Dr. Judith Reisman, in her book, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, describes the research done by Dr. Gene Abel. This researcher compared the molestation rates of self-confessed homosexual and heterosexual child molesters. In a sample of 153 homosexual molesters, they confessed to a total of 22,981 molestations. This is equivalent to 150 children per molester. Self-admitted heterosexual molesters admitted to 4,435 molestations. This comes to 19.8 victims per molester. Dr. Abel concluded that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys at an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls.”

This high rate of molestations by homosexuals is consistent with other studies conducted during the past several decades. Here are just a few studies that show homosexuals molesting children at epidemic rates:

The Los Angeles Times conducted a survey in 1985 of 2,628 adults across the U.S. Of those, 27% of the women and 16% of the men had been sexually molested. Seven percent of the girls and 93% of the men had been molested by adults of the same sex. This means that 40% of child molestations were by homosexuals. (Los Angeles Times, August 25-6, 1985)

In 1984, a Vermont survey of 161 adolescents who were sex offenders found that 35 of them were homosexuals (22%). (Wasserman, J., “Adolescent Sex Offenders—Vermont, 1984” Journal American Medical Association, 1986; 255:181-2)

In 1991, of the 100 child molesters at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third were bisexual, and a third were homosexual. (Dr. Raymond Knight, “Differential Prevalence of Personality Disorders in Rapists and Child Molesters,” Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, April 12, 1991)

Drs. Freund and Heasman of the Clark Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two studies on child molesters and calculated that 34% and 32% of the sex offenders were homosexual. In cases these doctors had handled, 36% of the molesters were homosexuals. (Freund, K. “Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 1984; 10:193-200)

From these studies and many more, it is evident that homosexuals molest children at a far greater rate than do their heterosexual counterparts. While they comprise only 1-2% of the population, they are responsible for upwards of a third or more of all sexual molestations of children.

Exposing The Homosexual/Pedophile Link
Homosexuals seldom openly admit that they want to sexually assault children, but their literature and their actions tell another story. In the January 1-8, 2001 issue of The Weekly Standard, author Mary Eberstadt exposed the clear link between homosexual activism and the growing North-American Man- Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) movement. Writing in “’Pedophilia Chic’ Reconsidered: The taboo against sex with children continues to erode,” Eberstadt notes:

The reason why the public is being urged to reconsider boy pedophilia is that this ‘question,’ settled though it may be in the opinions and laws of the rest of the country, is demonstrably not yet settled within certain parts of the gay rights movement. The more that movement has entered the mainstream, the more this ‘question’ has bubbled forth from that previously distant realm in the public square.

Eberstadt notes that the book, Male Inter-Generational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma is currently available in the “gay/lesbian” sections of bookstores like Borders. This book, which openly promotes pedophilia, was first published in the Journal of Homosexuality in 1990. The Journal is edited by John DeCecco, a psychologist at San Francisco State University. DeCecco is a board member of the Dutch pedophile journal, Paidika.

The homosexual magazine Guide published a pro-pedophile editorial in its July, 1995 issue. In referring to pedophiles as “prophets” of sexual freedom, the Guide editorialist wrote: “We must listen to our prophets. Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality. . . . Surrounded by pious moralists with deadening anti-sexual rules, we must be shameless rulebreakers, demonstrating our allegiance to a higher concept of love. We must do it for the children’s sake.”

Parents are correct to be concerned about homosexuals sexually assaulting their children. The Boy Scouts of America, for example, is right to prohibit homosexuals from membership or leadership positions. It is evident from the statistical evidence and news reports of child molestation cases, that homosexuals pose a clear and present danger to children. Our laws and social policies should protect children, not cater to the whims and sexual desires of sexual predators. We must oppose homosexual activism “for the children’s sake.”

04-23-2009, 12:06 PM
Adult women with high pitched child-like voices were mostly likely molested at a young age.

04-23-2009, 12:10 PM
the opposing argument..

Political Correctness Alert

Caution. Some of the text in the following essay may not be considered
politically correct. Read at your own risk.

Definitions of Terms

This topic contains a minefield of poorly defined terms. Misunderstandings
are certain to happen unless we carefully adhere to a single list of
definitions. Within this essay, we assign the following meanings to words:
* Gay: a male homosexual
* Homosexual: A person who is sexually attracted only to others of the same
* Lesbian: a female homosexual
* Pedophile: In the past, this meant an adult who is sexually attracted to
children - whether he acted on this desire or not. However, the term is
now generally used to describe an adult who sexually abuses children; a
child molester.
* Sexual Orientation: This relates to the gender of persons that one is
sexually attracted to. Persons with a:
* heterosexual orientation are attracted solely to members of the
opposite gender;
* homosexual orientation are attracted solely to members of the same
* bisexual orientation are attracted to persons of both genders (not
necessarily to an equal degree)

Public Perception

Probably the majority of adults in North America incorrectly believe that
there is a high degree of pedophilia within the adult homosexual community.
Such activity had been legally permitted in ancient times. Within the Roman
Empire of the 1st century CE, many boys or young men (called "catamites")
were kept as under-aged prostitutes by older men. They were usually slaves. A
number of passages in the Christian Scriptures seem to refer to this
practice. However, when the books of Romans, 1 Corinthians and Jude were
translated into English, the original meaning was lost. Translators changed
the text to direct condemnation against all homosexual activity and all
extra-marital and pre-marital sexual behavior.

Belief that gays frequently abuse children is believed to be responsible for
widespread opposition to gay teachers in the public school system. An article
(1) found that in 1977, only 27% of adult Americans would want to allow gays
to be teachers in elementary schools. This has risen to 41% in 1992.

The Reality of Pedophilia

We get often caught in a semantic conflict when discussing the sexual abuse
and molestation of children. Depending upon our exact definitions of terms,
it can be shown:
* that homosexual abuse of children is widespread, and
* that abuse of boys by gays is rare, and
* that the abuse of girls by lesbians is rarer still.

If we define the phrase "homosexual abuse of children" in the first statement
to mean adults molesting and abusing children of the same sex, then this
statement is true: Child sexual abuse is widespread. It is perpetrated by
males in the vast majority of cases. And a substantial minority of their
victims are boys. Data relating to men abusing boys is hungrily pounced upon
by opponents to equal rights for homosexuals, who often use it against both
gays and lesbians in civil rights battles. But it is not homosexuals, as the
term is generally understood, who are responsible for the abuse. It is rather
pedophiles who are attracted to children, and have decided to abuse them.

However, if we define the phrase "abuse of boys by gays", and "abuse of girls
by lesbians" to mean adult persons with a homosexual orientation abusing
children of the same sex, then these statements 2 and 3 above are also true.
Gays and lesbians rarely abuse children.

The fact behind these conflicting statements is that most pedophiles are not
homosexuals! Or to put it another way, most homosexual molestation is not
done by homosexuals.

Studies on the Nature of Pedophilia

It is necessary to delve into the sexual interest and focus of child abusers
in order to understand pedophilia. Unfortunately, this is too rarely done. An
excellent, brief essay on this topic can be found in Gregory M. Herek's web

Sexual orientation is normally thought of in terms of an adult's sexual
attraction to other adults, whether to members of the same gender, opposite
gender or both genders. When we think of the term "lesbian" we normally
visualize one or more women who have been sexually involved with other women.
But there are adults who do not fit this definition. They have never
developed a sexual orientation towards other adults. Rather, they are
sexually attracted to children. And often the gender of the child victim is
immaterial. One researcher calls such people fixated child molesters an adult
who is solely attracted to children. They also define the term regressed
child molester as an adult who has developed a sexual orientation towards
other adults, and is also attracted to children.

Reference (2) cites a study of 175 male adults who had been convicted in
Massachusetts of child sexual assault. They found that none of them were
homosexuals; all of them would fit the description of a fixated child
molester. Another researcher studied sexually abused children seen in a
hospital. Only 2 perpetrators (less than 1% of the total) were attracted to
same-sex adults.

Reference 2 includes a reference to a survey of literature of child sexual
abuse by Paul Cameron in 1985. Cameron's conclusion was that (on a per-capita
basis) homosexuals were more liable to abuse children than bisexuals, and
that bisexuals were more apt to abuse than heterosexuals. The fatal flaw in
this survey was that the articles that Cameron studied assumed that in any
case where a male adult abused a male child, then the perpetrator was, by his
definition, a homosexual.

Example of Misinformation on Pederasty

A report by Focus on the Family (3) attempts to disseminate a Christian
interpretation of homosexuality in a manner that appears to be scientific and
objective. Their section Pedophilia and Age of Consent Laws includes
statements such as:
* "Studies indicate that around 35 percent of pedophiles are homosexuals"
* "...a child molester is 17 times more likely to be homosexual than
* "...whereas heterosexual pedophiles commit an average of 20 acts of child
molestation, for homosexuals the number is 150."
* "Thus, in terms of the likelihood and the extent of child sexual
molestation, homosexuals, as a group, represent a serious threat."

They cite three reports (3,4,5) to support their assertions. They make two
very serious errors in this section of their report:
* they assume that all males who molest boys are homosexuals. This is not
true; they are generally pedophiles with no sexual attraction to other
adults. And many if not most are sexually attracted to both boys and
* they assume that all homosexuals are males. They find something negative
that they feel they can say about male homosexuals and extend it to all
homosexuals; lesbians included. This is a common tactic among
anti-homosexual groups. It is also seen very commonly in discussions of
AIDS. Such groups will typically condemn gays for levels of HIV
infections which are higher than among heterosexuals; they ignore the
fact that HIV infections among lesbians are lower than among


* D. Colasanto, "Gay rights support has grown since 1982, Gallup poll
finds", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco CA, 1989-OCT-25, Page A21
* Web page on various aspects of homosexuality by researcher Gregory M.
Herek at:
* Larry Burtoft, "Setting the record Straight: What Research Really Says
About the Social Consequences of Homosexuality", Focus on the Family,
Colorado Springs, CO, (1994), Page 64-67

04-26-2009, 03:48 AM
^oh, please.....stupid is as stupid does.

the victims are turned into homos. doesn't mean they going to be child molesters too.

in other words.

child molesters create 1. homos 2. child molesters 3. and if its with the opposite sex(promiscuous heterosexual behavior)

in that order.

Oh, Gee!!
04-26-2009, 12:32 PM
whottt the fuck?

04-26-2009, 12:36 PM
cool hand switched handles.

winehole switches handles.

04-26-2009, 02:44 PM
There are plenty of lesbians who were molested by men.

04-27-2009, 09:32 AM
winehole switches handles.Your use of the present tense is misleading.

Some months ago, I did it several times for the v-money. (Audrey II-VI, William Walker, Pierre Landais, etc., etc.) I'm not proud of my v-gambling problem, but I made a clean breast of it in this forum well before you called me out on it.

I don't need a sock-puppet. I didn't create or use the handles as sock puppets. Besides, I doubt I could fool anybody.

Extra Stout
04-27-2009, 09:41 AM
winehole switches handles.
Pfftt... I'm not nearly as patrician.

04-27-2009, 09:59 AM
Pfftt... I'm not nearly as patrician.

damn....i had to look that up. :depressed

Extra Stout
04-27-2009, 10:07 AM
damn....i had to look that up. :depressed
I lament how higher registers of the language have become inherently imperspicuous to most observers.

04-27-2009, 10:14 AM
knock it off.

04-27-2009, 09:50 PM
I lament how higher registers of the language have become inherently imperspicuous to most observers.

Yeah, get over yourself. Linguistics class is that way -->

04-27-2009, 11:54 PM