View Full Version : Let's stop kidding ourselves - this run is over

50 cent
04-29-2009, 10:53 AM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.

04-29-2009, 10:56 AM
Who exactly is we?

Maybe you and some friends of yours but not all of us who support the Spurs.

There is some work to be done and hard choices have to be made but this team as a title contender is still very feasible. I'm not saying ignore the problems but you can't go the other extreme either and just assume this team will never win another title.

04-29-2009, 10:58 AM
eh, don't think so. Tim can still play great, its just surrounding him with a modicum of talent.

why didn't we trade mason/hill for vince?

04-29-2009, 10:58 AM
If the big three's health is intact we can compete with anyone in the league. Big "if," but I'm not willing to give up yet, especially if Manu takes his summers off from now on.

04-29-2009, 11:08 AM
mmm I think they still could of won the dallas series but things didn't fall are way.....but I don't think the spurs would made to the finals .......The spurs still have acouple of championships left in them....

04-29-2009, 11:50 AM
I won't give up on Tim until he retires but I do agree things are looking gloomy They still have a great PG and if Tim can get healthy the best PF. Who knows? Maybe Splitter comes over, Mahinmi stays healthy, Duncan gets healthy, Manu gets healthy.. The Spurs have a chance, they just need things to roll their way

04-29-2009, 11:59 AM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.

Sorry, but if you think the Spurs are over, you need to hop off the bandwagon.

completely deck
04-29-2009, 12:18 PM
pack it up boys, 50 cent says we're done

04-29-2009, 12:20 PM
Over? What's over?

The Spurs will still be taking the floor next season. Slates will be cleaned, and they will have exactly what 29 other teams have: a chance at the title. Expecting any one team to go all the way every year is asking for frustration.

Would you cheer for the Spurs if we were a lottery team?

04-29-2009, 12:29 PM
to the OP... shut the fuck up!

turiaf for president
04-29-2009, 12:32 PM
time to rebuild around TP.

La Peace
04-29-2009, 12:34 PM
From an outside biased perspective. I think it CAN be over.

But I refuse to believe so. 1 big signing or trade will go a long way in San Antonio. Timmy D isn't much different than he was last year. Certainly played well for my fantasy team. He has got a lot left.

04-29-2009, 12:37 PM
Let Manu go.

04-29-2009, 12:37 PM
It really isn't over. Tim is getting the longest rest of his career, and he will be back hungry. DO you think he likes losing in the first round to the Mavs? Same with Manu. Do you think he likes watching from the sideline when the team obviously needs him? Tony will be even better. The roster will be retooled. If anything, this place should be loaded with optimism.

04-29-2009, 12:37 PM
Let Manu go.

So the Lakers can get him?


04-29-2009, 12:41 PM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.

You got your lunch money stolen alot didn't you. Still have the lack of confidence embedded in your dome. Get over it!

04-29-2009, 12:48 PM
Maybe it is over, but there is not much the Spurs can do until NO LIMIT 2010.

04-29-2009, 01:03 PM
From an outside biased perspective. I think it CAN be over.

But I refuse to believe so. 1 big signing or trade will go a long way in San Antonio. Timmy D isn't much different than he was last year. Certainly played well for my fantasy team. He has got a lot left.

Good post, definately appreciated hearing this from a non-Spurs fan.

04-29-2009, 01:06 PM
From an outside biased perspective. I think it CAN be over.

But I refuse to believe so. 1 big signing or trade will go a long way in San Antonio. Timmy D isn't much different than he was last year. Certainly played well for my fantasy team. He has got a lot left.


I believe if we had traded Mason/Hill for Vince Carter, we wouldn't be in this situation - yet hindsight is always 20/20, and both those guys can still prove themselves next year.

04-29-2009, 04:28 PM
From an outside biased perspective. I think it CAN be over.

But I refuse to believe so. 1 big signing or trade will go a long way in San Antonio. Timmy D isn't much different than he was last year. Certainly played well for my fantasy team. He has got a lot left.

exactly...Tim aint done...and if HE aint done...there is ALWAYS a chance....who is the only common denominator in all 4 titles?...no further questions your honor....

04-29-2009, 04:43 PM

04-29-2009, 05:06 PM
Our Spurs lost cuz we don't have a bigman that can D up or block a shot not wearing #21 on his back.

A healthy Manu doesn't get this team over the hump.

A gimpy TD cannot will this team to a championship all by himself down low like he practically did in 05 and 07. All due respect to Nazr and Horry.

He's in his what 12th year?

DRob's 12th was in 2001 and he was firmly entrenched as TD's wingman at that point.

Championships are won down low.

Spurs rebuild and put a couple of ballas downlow next to Tim or it IS over...

and no, Gooden doesn't fit the mold. alot of good he did.

Red rocket needs his ass rocketed out of town,

Oberto can be used as trade fodder or keep the end of the bench warm.

Thomas, is just too inconsistant unfortunately...

So work you magic Pop and RC. Now or Never.

04-29-2009, 05:08 PM
The Spurs will have another run but not with the current line up.

04-29-2009, 05:13 PM
Their run is not over.

04-29-2009, 05:17 PM
Stop kidding ourselves? How can a title run be over when the greatest power foward of all time is on our team. He's got a lot of left. You should really stop kidding YOURSELF.

04-29-2009, 05:18 PM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.

Nice knowing ya.
I hear the Cavs could use more fans... :rolleyes

This thread was made especially for people like you.
Thanks for showing us your true colors.

04-29-2009, 05:24 PM
The Spurs have a lot of flexibility in terms of trade bait and salary cap space going forward. I might say there days were over if they had this roster and no financial flexibility on top of it ... but the Spurs have too much room to maneuver to classify them as done just yet.

A lot depends on TD's health and ability to continue playing at a high level but the rest of the equation isn't entirely doom and gloom.

04-29-2009, 05:27 PM
This run may not be over, but I think this Core is done.

One of the Big 3 of Tim/Manu/Tony has to be traded from the triumverate in order for the Spurs to be Champions again while Tim still can do it.

04-29-2009, 05:30 PM
This run may not be over, but I think this Core is done.

One of the Big 3 of Tim/Manu/Tony have to be taken from the fold in order for the Spurs to be Champions again while Tim still can do it.

I would agree with that since 2 of the 3 are still good.
Parker is almost close to the prime of his career and Tim is Tim.
Duncan was never the type of guy who could jump out of a gym and really made a living in the paint.
His style of play allows him to play another 3-4 years and besides he plays like and old man anyway. :lol

Manu on the other hand has seen his best days go by him. He is starting to break down and really can slash like he use to.
But I'll still take him any day of the week since this guy is clutch at the line and is still capable of
making some big shot during big games.
Manu really would have made a difference against the Mavs. But that's woulda/shoulda/coulda. Waste of time just thinking about it..

I think the problem is still our role players. We need some consistent scoring from
some of our role players and our bench.
(Why do you think Pop likes to have Manu come off the bench?)

Mason would have been nice, but he was assigned to play PG when really he's a SG.
He was probably our best 3 point shooter in the regular season, but when Manu went down,
the back up point guard duties went to him and Mason was never the same afterwards

Mark in Austin
04-29-2009, 06:06 PM
I feel better about our chance next year than I did before the '03 season. With the big three healthy, anything is possible.

Agree about the big man help though. If you think about it, the Spurs are missing three big men that were originally part of the plan: Scola, Mahinmi, and Splitter. If there isn't a premier perimeter defender out there, they have to try to find another defensive big to bring back the more "twin towers" oriented defensive wrinkle.

04-29-2009, 06:12 PM
Why do you think its over? After all these years, we should not complain, look what the spurs have done!! Now this season some downsides and injuries and all, but wtf?! Have some faith. We are still a great team, and no doubt we will be having glory again.

Dont give up so fast. instead, look forward to the next season where we will be on fire again

04-29-2009, 06:16 PM
This might have been the year for the Spurs to tank and do that thing they do where they get the #1 pick and bring in Blake Griffin to extend their run.

Oh missed opportunities. :p:

The Truth #6
04-29-2009, 06:22 PM
If we don't win another title, I'll easily be able to live with it. However, as a day-to-day fan, I can't stand the FO's stubborn resistance to rebuilding with youth. If we're going to lose, then fine, that's part of the game, but losing with players in obvious decline is tragic. I'd rather watch up and coming players with the hope that they'll improve rather than players we all know to be washed up. There's no mystery in that, just existential dread.

04-29-2009, 06:31 PM
This run may not be over, but I think this Core is done.

One of the Big 3 of Tim/Manu/Tony has to be traded from the triumverate in order for the Spurs to be Champions again while Tim still can do it.

this is rash thinking . thank God you aren't the Spurs' gm.

i say before counting Manu out , let's wait to see how his season progresses next without the wear and tear of an olympics and with a training camp .

injuries are part of the game . you roll with it .

04-29-2009, 11:49 PM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.


I bow down to Tim Duncan. He brought SA four Championships, which is an astounding achievement. He led a team which was the most dominant team in any sport for a decade. He is a man of class, intelligence and honor.

Unfortunately, the price of such dominance is a LONG period without great draft opportunities, and the now the turkeys have come home to roost (e.g.Bonner).

It was a fabulous run. One of the greatest in basketball history...

04-30-2009, 12:08 AM
We do need to face reality and drop a few of the oldies and get a few young'uns. When you look at how easily Denver handled both the Hornets and the Mavs. How easily the Lakers handled the Jazz. How badly we got bitch-slapped by teams like Cleveland and Orlando. Not to mention how Portland and OKC were running us out the arena backdoor it is obvious we need to get younger, longer, more athletic, and be able to make shots and play at least a wee bit of defense. Hopefully Pop & RC will make wise moves and get us back on track.

04-30-2009, 12:40 AM
I think Duncan is a lot like Kareem in the sense he can play at all-star level late into his thirties but this team will have to change a lot over the next several years. They will need to add some youth at every position along with eventually getting another all-star player through trades,draft,FA because Manu in my mind will never be the same again. He's banged up too much to ever return to his '05 level or even his '07 version. Its going to take a while to fix all of this but I think in 3-4 years if things are done right the spurs can possibly win another title before Duncan's career is over. They are going to have to do a massive overhaul much like the pacers did in '00-'01 by acquiring a bunch of young talent having Reggie mentor them. It will be a painful process at times but I don't see any other solution.

04-30-2009, 12:48 AM
We? Someone has a mouse in their pocket.

Sean Cagney
04-30-2009, 01:12 AM
Eh no, if they bring BACK THIS exact same team then yes, but if they retool some and get younger and Manu is 100% is FAR from over. This run is not over, get real.

50 cent
04-30-2009, 10:54 AM

I bow down to Tim Duncan. He brought SA four Championships, which is an astounding achievement. He led a team which was the most dominant team in any sport for a decade. He is a man of class, intelligence and honor.

Unfortunately, the price of such dominance is a LONG period without great draft opportunities, and the now the turkeys have come home to roost (e.g.Bonner).

It was a fabulous run. One of the greatest in basketball history...

Exactly. It's been a great ride, but Tim now has over 1000 games on those knees and his game is going to start to dwindle. The only thing nobody can beat is Father Time.

I think Tim can still be very serviceable over the next few years, but he's not going to be the Tim that can win us a Championship.

He needs to be the Robinson and let somebody else be the Duncan moving forward. Hopefully Parker can be the Duncan, but when your little man is that leader, you are going to need more than 2 great players.

Ginobili is done. He put too many miles on his body. I am very greatful for what he has brought to this organization, but I just can't see him staying healthy enough to be that guy we can count on.

When I say this run is over, I don't mean Playoff runs - I mean Championship runs. We can be the Mavs, Jazz, Magic, Nuggets for another 5 or so years of making the Playoffs and then taking our 1st or 2nd round beating, but unless we can trade Ginobili and make a few shrewd moves, the Championships are over.

04-30-2009, 01:46 PM
this is rash thinking . thank God you aren't the Spurs' gm.

i say before counting Manu out , let's wait to see how his season progresses next without the wear and tear of an olympics and with a training camp .

injuries are part of the game . you roll with it .

With Duncan at 33 and Manu at 32, it's a risky proposition to try and run a full season being fully healthy.

But I'm not so worried about Manu but more of Tim Duncan. He's basically playing 1 on 2 because the Spurs don't have the pieces or the draft to get a quality big man.

Tim Duncan's gonna have to battle 2 guys all season long and that's going to lead to late season fatigue and injuries. It's not about IF Tim Duncan gets worn down in a season, it's more like when. And if you throw in 1 injury to Tony or Manu, then Tim wearing down will be sooner rather than later.

The West has some really beefy, really good Frontlines.


That's 20 games, just in the West where TD will get the hell beaten out of him. You want to extend Duncan's career? Then don't make him play with:

Kurt Thomas (38 years old)
Fabricio Oberto (34)
Matt Bonner (age irrelevant)
Drew Gooden

If you don't want to give up 1 of the Big 3, you're gonna get stuck again with an old or underachieving or sucking Big.

04-30-2009, 03:10 PM
you keep telling yourself that, us other spurs fans will watch the spurs continue to be successful. you probly don't need to watch the games anymore then, we'll tell you all about it

04-30-2009, 03:26 PM
With Duncan at 33 and Manu at 32, it's a risky proposition to try and run a full season being fully healthy.

But I'm not so worried about Manu but more of Tim Duncan. He's basically playing 1 on 2 because the Spurs don't have the pieces or the draft to get a quality big man.

Tim Duncan's gonna have to battle 2 guys all season long and that's going to lead to late season fatigue and injuries. It's not about IF Tim Duncan gets worn down in a season, it's more like when. And if you throw in 1 injury to Tony or Manu, then Tim wearing down will be sooner rather than later.

The West has some really beefy, really good Frontlines.


That's 20 games, just in the West where TD will get the hell beaten out of him. You want to extend Duncan's career? Then don't make him play with:

Kurt Thomas (38 years old)
Fabricio Oberto (34)
Matt Bonner (age irrelevant)
Drew Gooden

If you don't want to give up 1 of the Big 3, you're gonna get stuck again with an old or underachieving or sucking Big.

this is the first season where the Spurs have had multiple key guys injured for long periods. i'm going to give them benefit of the doubt to the Big 3 that they've simply hit a rough patch this season with injuries . i think the big three - with a long summer that will help the fully cover - will be back at full force next season and better than ever ...

i agree with you on gettting another big ... free agency is going to really be the determining factor ... if they can land a good big through free agency (Wallace , Mcdyess , or Bass) and/or trade for one with their abundant supply of expiring contracts and Ian Mahinmi can develope into a good player , then the Spurs will probably contend next year .

essentially , the what the future holds for the Spurs depends on whether they can fill their holes ... and i'm confident things will work out in their favor ...

04-30-2009, 03:32 PM
If you don't want to give up 1 of the Big 3, you're gonna get stuck again with an old or underachieving or sucking Big.

I just don't see any available bigs out there that are worth any of our Big 3. I mean, not even close to equal value. And considering the production of our role players and bench, I don't think we can really afford to give up one of them for average talent and a bad contract (I'm thinking Kaman or Camby here). I think the card we're going to play is to see what teams are going to get desperate to unload talent for expiring contracts, both due to the economy and to clear cap space, and see what we can get from that pool. After that, you trill to fill the gap with some youngsters.
Unfortunately we don't have a Jerry West willing to trade a top talent for peanuts on the dollar. So we'll have to live with what we can get.

04-30-2009, 04:19 PM
Ginobili could not be traded, except to another serious contender. This restricts the list to 2-3 teams.


He already mentioned n times that he just wouldn't play for the clippers or thunders of this world.

How can a basketball god let himself into a shame like that?
He'd rather pack up and leave for good.

So he basically has no value.

Ginobili, not the Spurs, are in the driving seat.

04-30-2009, 04:22 PM
As for Duncan, I distinctly remember how everybody was convinced that Kareem was done in the late seventies, at Duncan's age.
Then came Magic and a bunch of other energetic players and look what happened.
He got his last title at 40.

04-30-2009, 04:46 PM
eh, don't think so. Tim can still play great, its just surrounding him with a modicum of talent.

why didn't we trade mason/hill for vince?

exactly what i was thinking, because i remmber the nets said they would take either hill or mason for VC and we didnt. i wouldnt mind hill for VC :hat

04-30-2009, 04:52 PM
this is the first season where the Spurs have had multiple key guys injured for long periods. i'm going to give them benefit of the doubt to the Big 3 that they've simply hit a rough patch this season with injuries . i think the big three - with a long summer that will help the fully cover - will be back at full force next season and better than ever

I hope so too, it sucks to have the Spurs at less than full strength. I do agree that after two injury plagued seasons, the Spurs should catch a break.

04-30-2009, 04:56 PM
I just don't see any available bigs out there that are worth any of our Big 3. I mean, not even close to equal value. And considering the production of our role players and bench, I don't think we can really afford to give up one of them for average talent and a bad contract (I'm thinking Kaman or Camby here). I think the card we're going to play is to see what teams are going to get desperate to unload talent for expiring contracts, both due to the economy and to clear cap space, and see what we can get from that pool. After that, you trill to fill the gap with some youngsters.
Unfortunately we don't have a Jerry West willing to trade a top talent for peanuts on the dollar. So we'll have to live with what we can get.

Free Agents, very few. But how about trades?

Boozer or Milsap? Any interest and would you give up a Big 3 in a sign and trade?
Tyson Chandler?

I think any of the trade possibilities would involve one of the young up and coming teams that need some veteran leadership.

Jeff Green of OKC Thundah?
Greg Oden or Channing Frye? Portland's got plenty of Bigs.

04-30-2009, 05:11 PM
I hope so too, it sucks to have the Spurs at less than full strength. I do agree that after two injury plagued seasons, the Spurs should catch a break.

well i learned in a thread earlier after my initial post that TP will participate with his national team ... not too thrilled about that . i've got a bad feeling about it ... sure he's only 26 , but he's played in a hell of a lot of games , and with how much he's on the floor (in the sense that he gets hit and falls a bunch of times) ... that's not good ... the last thing the Spurs need is him injured or injury prone .

and Parker hasn't fallen to the (serious) injury bug like TD and Manu have . hopefully that continues ...

04-30-2009, 05:17 PM
Free Agents, very few. But how about trades?

Boozer or Milsap? Any interest and would you give up a Big 3 in a sign and trade?
Tyson Chandler?

I think any of the trade possibilities would involve one of the young up and coming teams that need some veteran leadership.

Jeff Green of OKC Thundah?
Greg Oden or Channing Frye? Portland's got plenty of Bigs.

i hope the fact that the Spurs (according to the media) were willing to take on the some pretty hefty contracts (i'm talking about Vince and Camby) before the trade deadline is sign that they'll be willing to do the same thing this summer ...

i'm not sure how much Boozer or Millsap will be asking for but either one would put the Spurs in great position .

04-30-2009, 07:11 PM
Free Agents, very few. But how about trades?

Boozer or Milsap? Any interest and would you give up a Big 3 in a sign and trade?

No way. First of all, you saw Boozer up close in your series the last week. He's a lazy ass, his defense is terrible, and you know he's going to stab you in the back as soon as he can get more money somewhere else.
I like Milsap's energy, but he's too small. You were saying we need to guard the Shaq, Yao and Bynums of the West. Big ass guys. Milsap just can't do it, so we're back to Tim. We need somebody that can help Duncan man the paint.

Tyson Chandler?

I like Tyson, but is he healthy enough to play? NO looked like they really wanted to get rid of him and quick before the last trade deadline. If they're really looking to cut salary, we might be able to snag him for expiring contracts.

I think any of the trade possibilities would involve one of the young up and coming teams that need some veteran leadership.

Jeff Green of OKC Thundah?

Size is a problem with Jeff. He's talented, but we need size at the post.

Greg Oden or Channing Frye? Portland's got plenty of Bigs.

I actually think Pribzylla would be a great pickup. He's tough, can rebound and block shots. I just don't think he's worth Ginobili/Parker/Duncan though.

50 cent
04-30-2009, 07:14 PM
Ginobili could not be traded, except to another serious contender. This restricts the list to 2-3 teams.


He already mentioned n times that he just wouldn't play for the clippers or thunders of this world.

Last I checked, only Kobe has a no trade clause.

If we trade Ginobili, it will be to another team that wants his expiring contract so Ginobili doesn't really have a say in the matter.

If he wants to be a little bitch, he can pack up his shit and head back to Argentina in 2010.

04-30-2009, 07:33 PM
Last I checked, only Kobe has a no trade clause.

If we trade Ginobili, it will be to another team that wants his expiring contract so Ginobili doesn't really have a say in the matter.

If he wants to be a little bitch, he can pack up his shit and head back to Argentina in 2010.

He most likely would be riding the Free Agent Express to LA, Cleveland, Boston in 2010...

Some people still don't understand that Manu is on the driver seat here...

04-30-2009, 10:48 PM
No way. First of all, you saw Boozer up close in your series the last week. He's a lazy ass, his defense is terrible, and you know he's going to stab you in the back as soon as he can get more money somewhere else.
I like Milsap's energy, but he's too small. You were saying we need to guard the Shaq, Yao and Bynums of the West. Big ass guys. Milsap just can't do it, so we're back to Tim. We need somebody that can help Duncan man the paint.

I like Tyson, but is he healthy enough to play? NO looked like they really wanted to get rid of him and quick before the last trade deadline. If they're really looking to cut salary, we might be able to snag him for expiring contracts.

Size is a problem with Jeff. He's talented, but we need size at the post.

I actually think Pribzylla would be a great pickup. He's tough, can rebound and block shots. I just don't think he's worth Ginobili/Parker/Duncan though.

Couldn't have said it better...agreed on all of it.

05-01-2009, 02:45 AM
Should trade Duncan and Manu while they still have value and build around Mason/Parker. Its only a matter of time before they both hit a sharp decline, and then have no value. You could potentially save yourselves a few years of rebuilding time.

05-01-2009, 03:36 AM
Should trade Duncan and Manu while they still have value and build around Mason/Parker. Its only a matter of time before they both hit a sharp decline, and then have no value. You could potentially save yourselves a few years of rebuilding time.

:lmao :lmao :rollin

05-01-2009, 03:55 AM
:lmao :lmao :rollin

Laugh all you want, its the truth.

Fake edit: after looking at all your trade proposals in the sub forum, it is apparent you don't really grasp player value at all.

05-01-2009, 05:11 AM
Got news for you, he has a contract with the Spurs, therefore the Spurs are in the driver's seat. They can trade him to anyone they wish. And basketball Gods don't average 15PPG for their careers.

- Spurs have no trade power with Manu. He knows it, they know it. They have acted and will act accordingly. He let already 26 teams in the league know he simply won't play for them.

Moreover, if he gets back in shape next year, and the Spurs FO don't find anyone better that Papa-Finley, LittleArm-Bonner, Coach-Vaughn, GrandPas-Oberto/Thomas and SlowMotion-Udoka AND if Duncan further progresses in his athleic decline, he will refuse whatever extension they might offer.

You certainly don't realize that above a certain threshold, money is not an issue anymore for certain people.
Ginobili has passed that threshold and he is that certain people.

-Basketball is all about winning, not racking up statistics. Ginobili is one of only two men that won at all levels in baskeball history.

05-01-2009, 05:16 AM
Last I checked, only Kobe has a no trade clause.

If we trade Ginobili, it will be to another team that wants his expiring contract so Ginobili doesn't really have a say in the matter.

If he wants to be a little bitch, he can pack up his shit and head back to Argentina in 2010.

You certainly trade nobody, because you can't.
The Spurs can, in purely theoretical terms, but won't.
That's why they won four titles.

05-01-2009, 08:21 AM
This is the franchise that traded the Iceman...anything is possible. :)

Then again some of you believe Ginobili is better so who knows? :lol

Fact of the matter is this....anyone, anyone is tradeable if by doing so you make your franchise better. No one is as big of a Manu fan as me, well except Spurschick. :) but if trading Manu makes the team better and doesn't cripple the team in the future, I am all for it. I don't want to see it though.

05-01-2009, 11:55 AM
Tim is on the downslope. Manu will never be Manu of 2005 and will likely be making frequent trips to the IR the rest of his career.

Manhimi is one constant injury after another. Mason and Hill are nice players, but they aren't going to pick up any major slack.

Unless the Spurs can pull off some miracle like trading Manu for Igudaga or Danny Granger (which would never happen in a million years), you can consider this thing over.

It's sad, but most NBA fans would kill to have had their teams make the run we did over the last decade.

It's hard to admit it's over and our hearts keep trying to tell us "there's a chance" but I think if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know it's over.

Until TD has his tendonosis issues late this year he looked faster and more athletic than he had in the past 3 years.

I agree, Manu is a big questionmark...same with Ian.

I don't know if it is "over", but if it is (all things come to an end) then it has been one hell of a ride.

I think TD has 2 more productive (contending) years left IF he gets the support he needs around him.

Only time will tell.