View Full Version : So I just did a phone suvey...

04-29-2009, 08:23 PM
Took about 20 minutes... I was watching the Obama press conference and got a call. His voice was putting me to sleep so I decided I'd give it a go.

Most of the questions were about my believes on health care, insurance companies, my priorities for what I want the administration to do, other shit. I think some of the wording of the survey questions were aimed at making abortions bad, but others were pretty fair... so I'm not sure if the pollster had an agenda or not.

I was pretty honest, but I now can say with 100% certainty that all polls released have zero credibility. A few questions I didn't hear her or was zoned out and gave an answer without knowing the question. So yeah... if you didn't know... polls are complete bullshit.

Here's the best part... towards the end she asked my ethnicity, and before I even answered she says "Caucasian right?"... I say "umm...Hispanic", and she says "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just you sound so plain"... WTF? are you saying that Hispanics are supposed to talk funny? She was nice for the most part.. but that last part pissed me off.

jack sommerset
04-29-2009, 08:27 PM
It was a insult. Sounding plain is never good. How did you come to the conclusion she was thinking "Hispanics are suppose to talk funny" She said you sound plain.

04-29-2009, 08:33 PM
She was implying that my voice had no accent. I sound normal. If you heard my voice you'd understand.

Why jump the gun on saying that I'm Caucasian? She had a preset idea of what Caucasians sound like and what Hispanics sound like.

baseline bum
04-29-2009, 08:45 PM

04-29-2009, 09:10 PM
I'd hardly call that a "Press Conference"

President/Government has way too much control over these smoke and mirror events.

F you Frank.

04-29-2009, 09:30 PM
She was implying that my voice had no accent. I sound normal. If you heard my voice you'd understand.

Why jump the gun on saying that I'm Caucasian? She had a preset idea of what Caucasians sound like and what Hispanics sound like.
I worked all through college first as an interviewer and then as a monitor in a political polling firm. I'd agree, those things are rigged as hell at least 85% of the time, but I also know that what that chick did was just about the biggest no-no in the biz. Interviewers making assumptions (even in the demographics) is one of the major things they're not supposed to do. So yeah, dumb thing she did, but I highly doubt her employer would be any less upset about such stupidity than you are.

04-29-2009, 10:56 PM
She was implying that my voice had no accent. I sound normal. If you heard my voice you'd understand.

Why jump the gun on saying that I'm Caucasian? She had a preset idea of what Caucasians sound like and what Hispanics sound like.

Did she sound hot dude?

04-30-2009, 09:57 AM
I guess a lot of people assume all hispanics talk like speedy gonzalez