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View Full Version : Vikes To S.A. Part XXXXXVIIIII?

09-21-2004, 10:26 AM
From Sports By Brooks Website (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/)

Sid Hartman of the MINNEAPOLIS STAR-TRIBUNE with Modellian musings on Red McCombs' stewardship of the Vikings: "Look for McCombs to keep the club, try to get the city of San Antonio to build a new, luxurious football stadium and consider moving the team to his home town once the Metrodome lease runs out in 2011."

Tommy Duncan
09-21-2004, 11:17 AM
SA used by McCombs to get the Twin Cities to build a new facility.

Perhaps if a stadium was built somewhere along the I35 corridor in an attempt to draw from Austin and SA it could work, yet even then I would think the Vikings' current base would be larger though I am too lazy to look up the data. Also I would think Minneapolis-St. Paul would still have the more lucrative potential corporate sponsor base.

From the NFL owners' perspective, you don't have a franchise in the second largest media market in the US, Los Angeles. Why move one from a proven sizable market with a very loyal fanbase to a state that already has two franchises?

Plus would Jerry Jones and the Texans care to see a NFL franchise in SA?

In addition with as much bitching as we saw in San Antonio a few years back over the SBC Center could you imagine how much a proposed football stadium, which would be at least roughly double the cost would lead to?


09-21-2004, 12:02 PM
Money structure the way it is in the NFL, market size doesn't matter. Would the NFL want a 3rd team in Texas?

Tommy Duncan
09-21-2004, 01:24 PM
Market size certainly is a significant factor, both to the individual franchise ownership as well as to the league. You don't have a team in a given market, then you are not generating the interest (and viewers) you could in that market with a team there.

Also how do you expect to sell new franchises (ie Texans) and the hefty franchise fee you are asking for unless both the cut of TV revenues as well as the revenues you can derive from the local market (which of course are based on the market size and corporate base) justify it? There is revenue sharing in the NFL but it's not total.

Yes, why would the NFL want a 3rd team in Texas when that would eat into the fan base of the existing two Texas franchises, the NFL already gets great ratings in Austin/SA, it would require relocating a team from a larger market, and there are much larger markets available from which to draw potential viewers and boost the national ratings (ie LA).

09-21-2004, 01:57 PM

The Alamodome has poisoned the well for a publicly funded stadium even if all other conditions were perfect...

McCombs is just usinf this threat to get the ball rolling on a new stadium in Minnesota...he CAN'T move the Vikings...he is the only owner in the NFL that is contracturally bound to the existing stadium with the blessing/backing of the NFL...he/they have to pay off all the revenue bonds on the existing stadium in full if they move the team...

09-21-2004, 07:17 PM
You'll see a team in LAs Vegas before you see one in LA