View Full Version : Top 10 Worst Tattoos In The NBA Playoffs

05-05-2009, 06:51 PM
A random blog, just to pass some time.

Top 10 Worst Tattoos in the NBA Playoffs (http://www.timetokeepscore.com/2009/05/top-10-worst-tattoos-in-nba-finals.html)

Confession: I like tattoos. One of my favorite shows to catch on TLC is Miami Ink. You get to watch a bunch of people get tatted up and tell the stories behind their tattoos. Its pretty cool. But enough of that.

I also love the NBA playoffs. Sure, as Bitner pointed out about a week ago,the regular season is long and regular season games are a bit lethargic, except for maybe the occasional nail biting 4th Quarter. But the playoffs are a different. All of the sudden, games really matter. They matter to the players and they matter even more to the fans. The Bulls-Celtics series was incredible! Bill Simmons said it best:

“Think of all the crap we deal with as fans. "Bulls-Celtics 2009" explains why we put up with every story about Clemens and Bonds and Michael Vick and Terrell Owens and everyone else who conspires to make sports less fun.” (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/090501&sportCat=nba)

So I took two of my favorite things, the playoffs and tattoos, and present to you the Top 10 Worst Tattoos in the 2009 NBA Playoffs.

10. Lebron James - Chosen 1. Nothing wrong with the tat' necessarily, but how many of you knew that the NBA's poster child was that arrogant? No really, that arrogant.


9. Tim Duncan - Jester. I just don't really like Duncan. He has another tat' on his chest of a wizard. WTH?


8. Deron William - "Noguts, Noglory". The letters are too close together man.


7. Chris "Birdman" Andersen - Wings. This tattoo is just as ridiculous as his post-dunk flying act.


6. Kenyan Martin - Neck Kiss. Dumb. Period.


5. Luke Walton - Grateful Dead mockery. On Luke's right arm is a depiction of 4 Grateful Dead skeletons, representing him and his 3 brothers, dancing around a fire holding balls in their hands.


4. Stephon Marbury - Starbury. Marbury has a shoe line and decided to have the logo permanently placed on the side of his noggin.



3. Kobe Bryant - Vanessa. I still don’t understand this tattoo. Yes, I see the angel wings and the crown and the halo, but come on, let’s face it, its ugly.


2. Mike Bibby - Hoop. Did his kids draw this?


1. Brad Miller - Scrappy Doo. Come on, bro, you're 7' tall and 280 lbs. Time to cover that thing up with something a bit more "boss".


Honorable Mention - Tracy McGrady - Barbed wire. Since T-Mac is out , I couldn't put him in the top 10. But I couldn't leave it alone. Nothing says "street" quite like a single band of barbed wire. Maybe he and Pam Anderson got their tat's together.


05-05-2009, 06:52 PM
He has another tat' on his chest of a wizard.


05-05-2009, 07:10 PM
10. Lebron James - Chosen 1. Nothing wrong with the tat' necessarily, but how many of you knew that the NBA's poster child was that arrogant? No really, that arrogant.


Should be number 1. Explains everything you need to know about him.

05-05-2009, 07:11 PM
Chris Andersen's wings kick ass if your asking me.

05-05-2009, 07:19 PM
If I was on the cover of SI at age 17-18...I would get the headline tattoo'd on my back as well.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-05-2009, 07:23 PM
The only ones that I think are lame are Deron Williams, Marbury's and Kenyon Martin's...Starbury and that Neck kiss are obnoxious... I don't know why.

Williams is just lame and boring, "No Guts No Glory." How unimaginative and cliche is that?

Chris Andersen's tats are well done, but he looks disgusting in general He looks like he's riddled with V.D.

James tattoo seems like a tattoo a 17 year would get. I initially thought he didn't match his "humility" claims when I first heard of him, but now it's like whatever. He's a flashy guy.

Duncan having a jester and a wizard..:lmao I like how nerdy he is. He really does like Renaissance fair type stuff doesn't he?

05-05-2009, 07:26 PM
Duncan's tattoos are pretty gay.

05-05-2009, 07:27 PM
Tim has the wizard and jester b/c he's a big dork. he likes to go to Renaissance fests etc. ha ha.

05-05-2009, 07:39 PM
Duncan having a jester and a wizard..:lmao I like how nerdy he is. He really does like Renaissance fair type stuff doesn't he?

Dungeons and Dragons too. He's got a third tattoo, I'm pretty sure it's a dragon from Dungeons and Dragons. It's hard to catch, and the only pics I've got are too blurry to really tell what it is. But I'm pretty sure it's a Dragon.

Some background on the two mentioned.

Tim Duncan’s “Skele-jester.” What’s a skele-jester, you ask? Yeah, that’s what we asked.

“A skele-jester,” Duncan replied, shocked that he would have to offer any more information. He said it like anyone else would say, “It’s a cat. You know, a cat.”

"I got hooked on D&D at Wake (Forest). Me and some buddies would play for hours at a time until I had to go to practice. My character is a 13th level lawful evil sorceror named Merlin (after the magician from Arthurian legend). Today, he has 98 hit points and an armor class of 2. My Charisma is 21. That's perfect."

The game's jargon aside, Duncan has made a more permanent commitment to his love of D&D.

"I have a tattoo of Merlin. He's like my alter-ego."

His obsession with Merlin and the black arts led to Duncan's quiet feud with the NBA this off-season. Wanting the back of his jersey to read, "Merlin," instead of his last name, Duncan sought the help of the NBA Players Association. Citing the NBA uniform code, Duncan's unusual request was rejected by the league.


05-05-2009, 07:49 PM
Tattoos huh? Uhhhhhh.....it really is the off season.

05-05-2009, 08:04 PM
What about TP's tattoo on his hand. Eva has the same tatoo below her neck. It looks like a nine, and you would think that, cause of his number. but its a strange nine though :) Some say it says; nine, some say it says; june


Anyway, I like tattoos and im thinking of getting one too, but i want a small one, i dont like such big tattoos

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-05-2009, 08:11 PM
Dungeons and Dragons too. He's got a third tattoo, I'm pretty sure it's a dragon from Dungeons and Dragons. It's hard to catch, and the only pics I've got are too blurry to really tell what it is. But I'm pretty sure it's a Dragon.

Some background on the two mentioned.

Tim Duncan’s “Skele-jester.” What’s a skele-jester, you ask? Yeah, that’s what we asked.

“A skele-jester,” Duncan replied, shocked that he would have to offer any more information. He said it like anyone else would say, “It’s a cat. You know, a cat.”

"I got hooked on D&D at Wake (Forest). Me and some buddies would play for hours at a time until I had to go to practice. My character is a 13th level lawful evil sorceror named Merlin (after the magician from Arthurian legend). Today, he has 98 hit points and an armor class of 2. My Charisma is 21. That's perfect."

The game's jargon aside, Duncan has made a more permanent commitment to his love of D&D.

"I have a tattoo of Merlin. He's like my alter-ego."

His obsession with Merlin and the black arts led to Duncan's quiet feud with the NBA this off-season. Wanting the back of his jersey to read, "Merlin," instead of his last name, Duncan sought the help of the NBA Players Association. Citing the NBA uniform code, Duncan's unusual request was rejected by the league.


:lol thanks for those quotes.

:wow so he got into Dungeons & Dragons in College??? I remember the fringe kids in elementary school playing that stuff, I did not know there were people who played that stuff at a college age.

...I think the league made the right call in rejecting his request. I heard about Duncan going by "Merlin" but I did not know it went that far in detail....

Talk about too much information. :lmao

Duncan certainly is his own man.

05-05-2009, 08:16 PM
I'm not sure what it says on Parker's hand, but he has their wedding date on his ring finger.

05-05-2009, 09:22 PM

Love the Scrappy Doo! :lol

05-05-2009, 09:27 PM
Martin's "kiss" tattoo to me, is the stupidest one of them all.

05-05-2009, 09:35 PM
Hahaha Scrappy Doo! Mad props to Miller, that's so bad ass

05-05-2009, 09:53 PM
kobe should put "sorry" over vanessa.

05-05-2009, 10:52 PM
what about jameer nelsons "ALL EYES ON ME" tattoo going across his back like lebrons

05-05-2009, 11:09 PM
I think all of Deron's tats are pretty lame, but they've gotten better since he graduated college and added the flames around them so as to make them not stand out as isolated figures so much. His worst is the panther on his arm that I'm pretty sure he straight up stole from Jason Williams.

All his tats reek of being young and stupid, though I'm not sure if he had the "no guts, no glory" shit in HS/college or not. However, you Texas nationalists should love his "Texas made" tat or whatever it is.

I think Birdman's wings are just awesome. The best tats are Sheed's and his commercial explaining them is one of the coolest Nike commercials I've seen.

I myself have a tattoo that I really wish I didn't have. It's not a bad looking tat, I just hate having it. So I have a hard time faulting any of these guys too much. Shitty decisions happen.

05-05-2009, 11:21 PM
Robert Swift? Tribal ink? Not a big fan of that design especially when it's that big. Just doesnt click on me

05-06-2009, 02:11 AM
Martin's "kiss" tattoo to me, is the stupidest one of them all.

Easily. And that dude is a closet homosexual for hating on Scrappy Doo.:nope

How could the kiss and Chosen1 NOT make the top 2?

05-06-2009, 02:28 AM
the kiss tattoo is easily the worst.

05-06-2009, 02:28 AM
the birdman wings shouldn't even be on this list.

05-06-2009, 07:36 AM
Kenyan Martin's tattoos of chinese "患得患失" should be no. 1 on this list. Some one is "患得患失" meaning he is lost, doesn't know what to do...

05-06-2009, 07:41 AM
Should be number 1. Explains everything you need to know about him.

yeah and lookit all that disgusting back hair.

05-06-2009, 08:26 AM
Chauncey billups King of the hill tattoo looks like shit as well:


05-06-2009, 08:39 AM
All tatoos are ugly-period. You want to look like a walking newspaper?

45 bank shot
05-06-2009, 09:18 AM
Kenyan Martin's tattoos of chinese "患得患失" should be no. 1 on this list. Some one is "患得患失" meaning he is lost, doesn't know what to do...

ur wrong brotha. it actually means that guy is not afraid of doing anything and he will do anything for himself even at the expense of others

05-06-2009, 09:26 AM
Duncans are pretty awesome.

At least he's not the cookie cutter NBA player who loves going clubbing every weekend.

I respect he goes to nerd fests and whatever, its good to have something different.

IDK, I couldn't see em very well and might be wrong, but ignoring their uniqueness they looked pretty low quality... and I'd be willing to bet that as a 33 year old, TD's not diggin the whole D&D theme as much as when he got em at 22. Maybe he is, but :td IMO

My question is how on earth these dudes end up with such crappy ink in terms of quality? Like that Billups one? These guys are making millions of dollars and it looks like some of em are getting their permanent body art done by recently released convicts. They couldn't drop the extra $300 to get a quality artist? Or get their shitty tattoo's from college fixed?

05-06-2009, 09:49 AM
IDK, I couldn't see em very well and might be wrong, but ignoring their uniqueness they looked pretty low quality... and I'd be willing to bet that as a 33 year old, TD's not diggin the whole D&D theme as much as when he got em at 22. Maybe he is, but :td IMO

My question is how on earth these dudes end up with such crappy ink in terms of quality? Like that Billups one? These guys are making millions of dollars and it looks like some of em are getting their permanent body art done by recently released convicts. They couldn't drop the extra $300 to get a quality artist? Or get their shitty tattoo's from college fixed?

Duncan's are just old at this point, but they're pretty cool tattoos. In older pics of him, from college, they look a lot brighter.

05-06-2009, 10:00 AM
Why is it a bad tatoo for TD?

Should he have some stupid bullshit scripture or bullshit tatoo every nba player has?

No. Or yes, if that were his wont. I was talking about the quality of the work, which Summers says is good; I just couldn't see it. Consider me proven wrong on that front.

Really I could care less what anybody has as a theme for their tattoo other than mocking ultra generic ones like the t-mac barbed wire or Deron's panther, etc. It's all personal, in fact, I don't have any problem whatsoever with Kenyon's kiss; at least it's original. If Tim likes his wizards, fine by me, they're original too. I just have a hunch that he's not as into D&D anymore and therfore might regret his D&D themed body art. If not, consider me proven wrong there too.

05-06-2009, 10:01 AM
9. Tim Duncan - Jester. I just don't really like Duncan. He has another tat' on his chest of a wizard. WTH?


And for the record, it's not just a jester, but a scary jester. I've often wondered if it's a moko jumbie from the island. Would make sense. Who wouldn't want a stilt-walking god watching your back and a wizard watching your front?


05-06-2009, 10:03 AM
Chris Andersen's wings kick ass if your asking me.They could be worse, and at least he has a nickname for it. :lol

05-06-2009, 10:09 AM
damn all got dumbass tatoos except for the birdman, those are real tats.

Kobe's crown is the worst IMO. dude loves Checkers or something?

05-06-2009, 10:58 AM
Duncan's tattoos are pretty gay.

i gave him those tattoos so shut up

05-06-2009, 01:12 PM
i gave him those tattoos so shut up

i call bullshit.

05-06-2009, 01:15 PM
Me too. pics or it didn't happen.

05-06-2009, 01:18 PM
i gave him those tattoos so shut up

Then you're pretty gay too.

05-06-2009, 01:33 PM

Love the Scrappy Doo! :lol

So many characters from the Scooby Doo world and B-Mill has to pick the shittiest one?


05-06-2009, 01:46 PM
Dungeons and Dragons too. He's got a third tattoo, I'm pretty sure it's a dragon from Dungeons and Dragons. It's hard to catch, and the only pics I've got are too blurry to really tell what it is. But I'm pretty sure it's a Dragon.

Some background on the two mentioned.


In one post, you've just explained to me why Tim Duncan is who he is. This says volumes :)

05-06-2009, 02:05 PM
In one post, you've just explained to me why Tim Duncan is who he is. This says volumes :)

Duncan is my specialty, please let me know if I can ever help with info. :)

05-06-2009, 02:38 PM
Martin's "kiss" tattoo to me, is the stupidest one of them all.

I'd argue because he was stupid even before that tattoo.

05-06-2009, 03:03 PM
I enjoy having my tattoos...

birdmans wings are cool, but they shouldnt be in his armpits.

amare is retarded.

lebroom is pompous if you just take that tattoo into account, and then you add to it when you hear about his house.

Starbury is just mentally slow, seriously did you ever read his blog? My 4 year old nephew could string together words better. But at least his shoe line is doing something for poor kids, and he give alot of them away so he gets a pass.

KMart is a douche, and maybe the guys he sleeps with keep giving himj hickeys so he just got lips tattooed there to take your attention away from it. Regardless, gay tat.

Duncans crack me up, now i want a skele-jester or whatever... i dont know what the hell it is though.

05-06-2009, 03:07 PM
Kenyon's kiss tattoo is of his fiances lips who happens to be rapper Trina

05-06-2009, 03:35 PM
I see a lot of players with Kanji (Japanese) that they think means family. But really there is a second Kanji that has to follow in order to mean family. The way they use it means gang or tribe. Maybe they do know? I doubt it though.

Also, Duncan's tat on his shoulder blade always seemed stupid to me. Not the actual tat, but the placement is pretty girly.

05-06-2009, 03:41 PM
Also, Duncan's tat on his shoulder blade always seemed stupid to me. Not the actual tat, but the placement is pretty girly.

I think the placement was done so it rarely shows. His jersey covers it most of the time. His other two are also hard to spot unless he's not wearing his jersey or a shirt. It fits his personality, they're more private than most.

05-06-2009, 07:12 PM
tattoo related: Roger Mason is getting some ink touched up.

I can't believe this going to take 5hrs str8...I need a quick break. Lol
about 1 hour ago from mobile web

I'm getting the tattoo on my right arm re done. I got it 10 years ago as a freshman in college. It related to my Dad.
about 2 hours ago from mobile web
Tattoo's just wouldn't be the same if they didn't hurt like heck!
about 2 hours ago from mobile web

Back in DC getting some ink...
about 2 hours ago from mobile web

Capt Bringdown
05-06-2009, 07:20 PM
Follow the leader to the tat parlor so you can get inked up like every other doofus.
No thanks.
Tats = garbage.

05-06-2009, 08:07 PM
How in the world does Stephen Jackson not get on that list?


05-06-2009, 08:35 PM
what about George Hill's crucifix impaling a basketball?

i've never seen a cool basketball tattoo period, and when they try incorporating religion into their sports tatts it's hilarious.

05-06-2009, 09:22 PM
I love the one K-MART has. I actually don't even like tattoos, but if I was to have one I think I would get that!!!

05-06-2009, 09:30 PM
How in the world does Stephen Jackson not get on that list?

http://www.faniq.com/images/blog/Picture%2016(34).pngSteven Jackson also has a tattoo of a hand throwing up a blood sign....

05-07-2009, 07:01 AM
ur wrong brotha. it actually means that guy is not afraid of doing anything and he will do anything for himself even at the expense of others

Maybe I forgot to tell you that I am a Chinese... I learned this phrase "患得患失" when I was 5 or 6. So, believe me, the tatoos on K-Mart's arm, "患得患失", mean someone is lost, doesn't know what to do.

05-07-2009, 12:58 PM
How in the world does Stephen Jackson not get on that list?


title says playoffs.

Ed Helicopter Jones
05-07-2009, 01:12 PM
Kenyan Martin's tattoos of chinese "患得患失" should be no. 1 on this list. Some one is "患得患失" meaning he is lost, doesn't know what to do...

That's actually pretty funny. I don't think I'd get a tatoo in a foreign language unless I knew exactly what I was getting. Martin probably thinks it says "bad mofo".

05-07-2009, 07:23 PM
title says playoffs.

Oh yeah, you're right...

The mention of T-mac in the opening post confused me.

05-08-2009, 09:22 AM
His obsession with Merlin and the black arts led to Duncan's quiet feud with the NBA this off-season. Wanting the back of his jersey to read, "Merlin," instead of his last name, Duncan sought the help of the NBA Players Association. Citing the NBA uniform code, Duncan's unusual request was rejected by the league.

He could've changed his name, like Nene did... :lol

12-04-2009, 12:12 AM
Just found this thread on a google search for "Nene NBA tattoos"... I was trying to work out if he has any.