View Full Version : Man beaten and tasered by Border Patrol for exercising constitutional rights.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 12:39 AM




I hope he sees some recompense after this, and that every member of that BP is fired.

05-14-2009, 12:54 AM
wow... pretty fucked up.

while it's true that a dog doesn't count as a search and gives police probable cause to search... it also has to react in the first place. sounds like they were pulling the "dog sniffed something" outta their ass because they know that's all they really need to make a search. gross abuse of power.

this guy is gonna make his church a lot of money... and get a few dick hole cops fired in the process.


05-14-2009, 01:16 AM
Meh. He seems like an emo who was hoping something like this would happen. Some cops obviously went too far but that's basically what I expect would happen if you pull that emo stunt at a border check point.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 01:19 AM
Meh. He seems like an emo who was hoping something like this would happen. Some cops obviously went too far but that's basically what I expect would happen if you pull that emo stunt at a border check point.


Emo stunt = hoping to have constitutional rights upheld.


05-14-2009, 01:26 AM

Emo stunt = hoping to have constitutional rights upheld.


If everyone did that in every situation, society would grind to a halt. I could only imagine what would happen if Jose, Juan and Barea drove up to the border check point and refused to answer questions or get out of the car.

If he would have answered questions but refused the search, that's one thing. But to go total emo and aim for a YouTube hit is totally different.

05-14-2009, 01:32 AM
On a different note, I am sure that it must just be pure coincidence that YouTube (owned by Google) froze the counter on the video last night as well as this morning, that they were undergoing maintenance for several hours right after the clip went up, that both my husband and I are having trouble logging into our gmail accounts (owned by Google), that we are having difficulty logging into our Blogger accounts (owned by Google), and that both of our cell phones (G1 phones, powered by Google) are jammed up and totally unusable this morning.


Yeah, YouTube decided to initiate maintenance due to this video.

05-14-2009, 01:58 AM
Well whatever the difference of opinion may be, it's good he has this on video. Additionally, i'm assuming the police officer who broke the passenger window will have crucial testimony in regards to the dog.

05-14-2009, 02:19 AM
So if he pop his truck for about 2 minutes all this could have been avoided.


05-14-2009, 02:35 AM
So if he pop his truck for about 2 minutes all this could have been avoided.


it's the principle that matters. the constitution is the supreme law of the land and supersedes the opinion of some cop on a power trip. he shouldn't have had to pop his trunk for 2 minutes in the first place.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 02:42 AM
So if he pop his truck for about 2 minutes all this could have been avoided.


If the cops were really doing their job they would not have asked him to do that in the first place.

He did NO wrong here. He exercised his constitutional 4th amendment right. There is no way he should be blamed for that. If the cops can't handle a guy who knows the law better than they do, they should not be police officers.

05-14-2009, 02:51 AM
This Pastor guy is someone who is famous for going around and messing with cops

05-14-2009, 02:55 AM
I got stopped on my way from San Diego back to Los Angeles, just because I had brown skin and guess what, I am an American citizen. The common complaint (usually white people): "Oh we need those stop check points, it is okay if some americans get stopped because it is all part of the process to help eliminate aliens and drugs"

well FUCK YOU, you experience it mother fucker, and tell me how it feels to be racial profiled with no idea if you are dealing with crooked Agents that day. You only envision worst case scenarios.

THey wasted my goddamn time? And what is the reason? DRUGS. Legalize it and we don't need BP. fuckin bullshit.

05-14-2009, 02:56 AM
This Pastor guy is someone who is famous for going around and messing with cops

which is a good thing in my eyes.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 03:02 AM
This Pastor guy is someone who is famous for going around and messing with cops

This is an interesting, albeit predictable response.

What I find incredibly amusing in this country is that we have secret shopper programs that go around and rate convenience stores and restaurants on quality of service, cleanliness, politeness, etc. We have thousands of websites dedicated to rating everything from videogames to socks.

And yet, we have no such thing geared toward measuring those in this country who have authority above normal citizens, carry loaded weapons, and when a guy like this comes along, he's "just trying to start trouble". Well, so fucking what? Officers are supposed to "serve and protect" not "make an example" and "beat to a pulp" anyone who doesn't submit to them in the most unconditional, passive method possible. It's their duty to AVOID conflict and confrontation in situations like this unless it's the LAST resort. In this case, it was their second resort, after arguing with him and finding out that he was actually observant and knew more about what rights he had than the average idiot, and they had a problem with that. He was probably the first guy that came along all day who wasn't so far up their asses that he could tell what they had for breakfast, and far from just being a dick to him, they beat the living hell out of him, repeatedly tasered him, and basically stripped away every constitutional right he had. That doesn't bother you?

If you ask me, it would be nice to have about 50 of these guys in every state. Maybe the police would be a little more hesitant to beat the shit out of someone who POSED NO THREAT to them in the first place, if that were the case.

05-14-2009, 03:38 AM
This is an interesting, albeit predictable response.

What I find incredibly amusing in this country is that we have secret shopper programs that go around and rate convenience stores and restaurants on quality of service, cleanliness, politeness, etc. We have thousands of websites dedicated to rating everything from videogames to socks.

And yet, we have no such thing geared toward measuring those in this country who have authority above normal citizens, carry loaded weapons, and when a guy like this comes along, he's "just trying to start trouble". Well, so fucking what? Officers are supposed to "serve and protect" not "make an example" and "beat to a pulp" anyone who doesn't submit to them in the most unconditional, passive method possible. It's their duty to AVOID conflict and confrontation in situations like this unless it's the LAST resort. In this case, it was their second resort, after arguing with him and finding out that he was actually observant and knew more about what rights he had than the average idiot, and they had a problem with that. He was probably the first guy that came along all day who wasn't so far up their asses that he could tell what they had for breakfast, and far from just being a dick to him, they beat the living hell out of him, repeatedly tasered him, and basically stripped away every constitutional right he had. That doesn't bother you?

If you ask me, it would be nice to have about 50 of these guys in every state. Maybe the police would be a little more hesitant to beat the shit out of someone who POSED NO THREAT to them in the first place, if that were the case.

lol, you were just waiting to paste or type that

my 'response' was just a fact. i didn't support or criticize his actions, just stated what he was doing

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 03:52 AM
lol, you were just waiting to paste or type that

my 'response' was just a fact. i didn't support or criticize his actions, just stated what he was doing

It wasn't directed entirely at you. I just think it's sad how many apologists we have for police officers these days (again, not directed at you). The taser has become an instrument of convenience instead of self-defense.

05-14-2009, 12:01 PM
if you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2minutes?

05-14-2009, 12:03 PM

Yeah, YouTube decided to initiate maintenance due to this video.

I can't get on to Google or YouTube today either... Uh oh...

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 12:03 PM
if you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2minutes?
Doesn't anyone believe in standing up for principles anymore?

05-14-2009, 12:05 PM
Doesn't anyone believe in standing up for principles anymore?

the principle that people should be able to carry whatever they want in their cars?

no, i don't.

I guess youtube guy stands up for your principles though.

05-14-2009, 12:18 PM
if you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2minutes?
Say hypothetically his trunk was full of dildos and gay porn? Or womens underwear? Or it was just full of about 20 empty fast food bags with rotting hamburger carcasses inside? Or a bunch of pictures of his naked wife? Or anything at all that could have been embarrassing, or private... or not.

In America we're constitutionally protected, "to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects, from unreasonable searches and seizures."

Did the guy personally have anything to lose by opening his trunk? In a material sense? No, probably not. But he and the rest of us lose a little something of our moral rights every time one of us lets some self-righteous cop trample all over them just because he or she wants to. So fuck the police, this guy did exactly what every red blooded American should be doing when confronted with an American lawman's assault on the Bill of Rights.

05-14-2009, 12:24 PM
if you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2minutes?

lol it is not all fine and dandy like that if you are of brown skin.

05-14-2009, 12:25 PM
the principle that people should be able to carry whatever they want in their cars?

no, i don't.

I guess youtube guy stands up for your principles though.

*sigh* message boards are full of strawmen fallacies.

05-14-2009, 12:29 PM
Say hypothetically his trunk was full of dildos and gay porn? Or womens underwear? Or it was just full of about 20 empty fast food bags with rotting hamburger carcasses inside? Or a bunch of pictures of his naked wife? Or anything at all that could have been embarrassing, or private... or not.

if it's all legal, then they close the trunk and he's on his way.

if his trunk was full of drugs, I don't really care how embarassed he gets.

In America we're constitutionally protected, "to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects, from unreasonable searches and seizures."

and as soon as you drive out onto a public street, you do not have the same blanket protection as you do in your house.

Did the guy personally have anything to lose by opening his trunk? In a material sense? No, probably not. But he and the rest of us lose a little something of our moral rights every time one of us lets some self-righteous cop trample all over them just because he or she wants to. So fuck the police, this guy did exactly what every red blooded American should be doing when confronted with an American lawman's assault on the Bill of Rights.

if you are doing nothing wrong, then what little something do you lose by opening your trunk?

keeping society safe > keeping a few people from getting embarassed over their trunk full of dildos

05-14-2009, 12:31 PM
lol it is not all fine and dandy like that if you are of brown skin.

lol brown skin?

*sigh* message boards are full of strawmen fallacies

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 12:33 PM
In America we're constitutionally protected, "to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects, from unreasonable searches and seizures."

Did the guy personally have anything to lose by opening his trunk? In a material sense? No, probably not. But he and the rest of us lose a little something of our moral rights every time one of us lets some self-righteous cop trample all over them just because he or she wants to. So fuck the police, this guy did exactly what every red blooded American should be doing when confronted with an American lawman's assault on the Bill of Rights.
looks like one of the few things we agree on.

05-14-2009, 12:35 PM
if it's all legal, then they close the trunk and he's on his way. if his trunk was full of drugs, I don't really care how embarassed he gets.

4rth amendment.

and as soon as you drive out onto a public street, you do not have the same blanket protection as you do in your house.

lol, in your car the 4rth amendment still applies.

if you are doing nothing wrong, then what little something do you lose by opening your trunk?

your 4rth amendment right.

keeping society safe > keeping a few people from getting embarassed over their trunk full of dildos

Personal liberty and freedom > Police abusing power and violating the constitution

05-14-2009, 12:35 PM
i fuckin' hate cops! fuckin' hate them! all of them! and especially the border patrol!

i got fucked with, arrested, and sat in a holding cell for 7 hrs without anyway to piss or shit because my hands were cuffed that whole time. i got a bunch of "shut the fuck up" from the pigs sitting in their recliners having a huge laugh at my dispense.

these pigs used the "the dog smells drugs" bs on me too, which the dog didn't react at all, and promptly opened my door, dragged my ass out of the car and cuffed me while one cop had me in some sort of a head lock. i didn't even put up a fight so i have no idea why they needed to use such force to begin with.

anyhow, they did find drugs, drugs that were my passengers only later to find out the dickhead was a 2 time felon, not in his 20's like he told all his "friends" and was just one of the stupid fucks i ever had the misfortune of meeting in my life.

anyhow, those pigs didn't even document what went down that day or where they found the shit in the car, so for the next 3 yrs i was in and out of court fighting to clear my name against that dickhead and those pigs. changed DA's at the end and the new one dropped everything which finally put an end to that nightmare.

what's funny was the fact that i saw 2 chicks come in the the station, while i peaked out the little door window of my cell, that were caught with like a half of some nug. huge ass buds! they came is laughing their asses off, talking shit to the cops, not cuffed, searched for about 5 minutes, and then let go without anything but a warning. fuckin' bs!

fuck cops! they've never been around when i needed help not even when a drunk driver almost ended my life a couple yrs back. cops responded in castle hills, came about 20 minutes to 30 minutes later while i layed blacked out on the road with people all around me wondering what to do. when the cops showed up they were joking around with one another not even checking on me. they were just standing around doing nothing until ems showed and then they claimed they were there helping me out the whole time which i responded with, "fuck yall!" and swiftly got transported to the hospital.

the only time a cop has ever help me was when my latest ex tried to claim i beat her and the cop gave me some sound advice not to fuck around with that ho no more. thank you pig.

05-14-2009, 12:35 PM
i fuckin' hate cops! fuckin' hate them! all of them! and especially the border patrol!

i got fucked with, arrested, and sat in a holding cell for 7 hrs without anyway to piss or shit because my hands were cuffed that whole time. i got a bunch of "shut the fuck up" from the pigs sitting in their recliners having a huge laugh at my dispense.

these pigs used the "the dog smells drugs" bs on me too, which the dog didn't react at all, and promptly opened my door, dragged my ass out of the car and cuffed me while one cop had me in some sort of a head lock. i didn't even put up a fight so i have no idea why they needed to use such force to begin with.

anyhow, they did find drugs, drugs that were my passengers only later to find out the dickhead was a 2 time felon, not in his 20's like he told all his "friends" and was just one of the stupid fucks i ever had the misfortune of meeting in my life.

anyhow, those pigs didn't even document what went down that day or where they found the shit in the car, so for the next 3 yrs i was in and out of court fighting to clear my name against that dickhead and those pigs. changed DA's at the end and the new one dropped everything which finally put an end to that nightmare.

what's funny was the fact that i saw 2 chicks come in the the station, while i peaked out the little door window of my cell, that were caught with like a half of some nug. huge ass buds! they came is laughing their asses off, talking shit to the cops, not cuffed, searched for about 5 minutes, and then let go without anything but a warning. fuckin' bs!

fuck cops! they've never been around when i needed help not even when a drunk driver almost ended my life a couple yrs back. cops responded in castle hills, came about 20 minutes to 30 minutes later while i layed blacked out on the road with people all around me wondering what to do. when the cops showed up they were joking around with one another not even checking on me. they were just standing around doing nothing until ems showed and then they claimed they were there helping me out the whole time which i responded with, "fuck yall!" and swiftly got transported to the hospital.

the only time a cop has ever help me was when my latest ex tried to claim i beat her and the cop gave me some sound advice not to fuck around with that ho no more. thank you pig.

05-14-2009, 12:37 PM
lol brown skin?

*sigh* message boards are full of strawmen fallacies

learn what a strawmen fallacy is you dumbshit.

05-14-2009, 12:38 PM
sorry for the double post... tried to delete it but no option to do so.

05-14-2009, 12:41 PM
if it's all legal, then they close the trunk and he's on his way.

if his trunk was full of drugs, I don't really care how embarassed he gets.
But it wasn't full of drugs and if he's not breaking the law and the cops don't have any real pc, then he has a right to not be embarrassed. Or not embarrassed. Or not to open his trunk at all. Whether you care about it or not.

and as soon as you drive out onto a public street, you do not have the same blanket protection as you do in your house.
You don't have blanket protection in your home. But in both instances you have a right to be safe from search and seizure without justifiably probable cause. You don't just waive all your 4th amendment rights just because you're driving on a public street. Not even close actually.

The constitution and subsequent courts disagree with your assessment.

if you are doing nothing wrong, then what little something do you lose by opening your trunk?
Your constitutional dignity and civil rights. Pretty important.

keeping society safe > keeping a few people from getting embarassed over their trunk full of dildos
But in this instance the cops weren't keeping society safe. And they broke the law. And it's almost too cliche to bump the Franklin quote about liberty vs security, but that's what the situation is. How could you possibly support the notion that we should all just roll over when it comes to the 4th amendment in the name of keeping society safe? That kind of complacency is the fundamental building block of fascism.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 12:46 PM
if it's all legal, then they close the trunk and he's on his way.

if his trunk was full of drugs, I don't really care how embarassed he gets.

and as soon as you drive out onto a public street, you do not have the same blanket protection as you do in your house.

if you are doing nothing wrong, then what little something do you lose by opening your trunk?

keeping society safe > keeping a few people from getting embarassed over their trunk full of dildos

You clearly know absolutely nothing about what we are discussing. I suggest you educate yourself before you make yourself out to be even MORE of a moron. There is not a single person in this thread who isn't laughing at your ignorance right now. :lmao I'm surprised ballijuana hasn't absolutely gone off on you for this kind of idiocy.

05-14-2009, 12:48 PM
fuck cops! they've never been around when i needed help
That's one of my big problems. Somehow during my two marijuana arrests they've managed to get about 4 squad cars and several officers there each time, within minutes.

On the flip side, I once had my wallet stolen out of my car and about 3,000 bucks charged on my credit cards and I couldn't get a single fucking ounce of help form the cops until a detective called me back 5 weeks later (after I called him maybe 20 times)... well after the Best Buy security camera footage was long gone.

It's fucking ridiculous the way law enforcement prioritizes what they spend their time on. Beyond ridiculous.

05-14-2009, 12:48 PM
^ the same building block as the fools who support the bs patriot act and so on.

05-14-2009, 12:56 PM
4rth amendment.

probable cause

lol, in your car the 4rth amendment still applies.

lol, in your car probable cause still applies

your 4rth amendment right.

probable cause

Personal liberty and freedom > Police abusing power and violating the constitution

I agree. It's why police that are found to be abusing their power and violating the constitution are ususally fired.

05-14-2009, 01:01 PM
blake you just argue to argue, you sound like a kid and your reasoning is of one.

05-14-2009, 01:04 PM
learn what a strawmen fallacy is you dumbshit.

why don't you explain what a strawmen fallacy is.

05-14-2009, 01:06 PM
blake you just argue to argue, you sound like a kid and your reasoning is of one.

If you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2 minutes for a cop?

05-14-2009, 01:12 PM
People always and everywhere deserve whatever abuse the police feel like delivering.

Here's another one, for your sadistic amusement:


oh, and the Army has admitted it murdered 30+ detainees.

05-14-2009, 01:13 PM
If you aren't doing anything wrong, then what's the problem with opening your trunk for 2 minutes for a cop?
Dude, about 5 different people have explained to you... You have a constitutional right to not do so. Whether you have something to lose or not. You may not like it, but that's the fucking law and has been since 1791.

And nobody, absolutely nobody should have to suffer the punishment of being tasered, and bloodied and dragged out of their car and beaten, because they choose to exercise something that is well within their plain as day constitutional rights.

Quit being a fucking idiot. And if you can't do that just STFU already and/or go back to the club.

05-14-2009, 01:14 PM
I got stopped twice a few weekends ago when visiting my parents down in Carrizo Springs. I got a speeding ticket going down and then got stopped by the BP coming home. They had the dogs out and they sniffed around and asked me a few questions and then I was on my way.

jack sommerset
05-14-2009, 01:14 PM
He is at the border patrol. They can search anyone they fucking want. Please give us a fucking break. They should not have beat this instigator up. This dude urged them forward to break into his car. I can't believe one person out of that mob did not step in and say STOP. I can't believe they beat this douche up especially knowing the cameras were on. All those guys should be FIRED. But that does not excuse pastor dickweed to give the border patrol a hard time. Some of you guys honestly think everyone is innocent.

I used to go to Canada all the time. Once in awhile they ask you to get out of ur car and open the trunk. You say "no problem" Usually u are on ur way in a few minutes. One time I had to pull off to the side. They brought the dogs and that search took about 10 minutes. They thanked me for my cooperation and I thanked them for doing a good job. Fucking dumbass wanted something to happen to him. And some of you actually defending him for instigating them. Again they had no right to beat him like they did. They had every right to break his windows, taser him and pull him out of his ride. The beat down was wrong, very wrong, fire them, perhaps even charge them.

05-14-2009, 01:16 PM
But I have nothing against cops for they have been there for me when I needed them. Sure there are bad cops out there but there are also some damn good ones too.

jack sommerset
05-14-2009, 01:18 PM
But I have nothing against cops for they have been there for me when I needed them. Sure there are bad cops out there but there are also some damn good ones too.

No shit. Thats the problem, bad cops.

05-14-2009, 01:43 PM
My experence with the police has been fairly positive. Granted, I have fairly light skin, tend not to speed, and don't drink, do drugs of any kind, and wear my seatbelt.
But I have been pulled over for driving with a 'rusty license plate' and driving too slow on the interstate (while trying to get off at my exit). I have been pulled over for not having my lights on on an extreamly well lit street in the twilight hours. I had someone in my car with 2 warrents on him. Not fun. But no tickets. When my car got stolen, they recovered it a few hours later. Another time a group of friends and I were locked out of the car, and an officer quickly came to help.
That video did make me sick, I must say. I agree, there are some things that are not 'illegal' but are still private. Dignity should be respected. I don't know the rulings of the current courts, but the 4th ammendment should still apply inside your car, even on a public road. The tasering was excessive force. To be honest, I am shocked the didn't plant anything after a beatdown like that.
Just keep in mind, the cops in the Rodney King trial won.
And yes, the priorities of these officers do seem skewed.
And now for an anecdote: I once had a conversation with a conservative black man living in a predominently white neighborhod. He not only didn't mind being questioned by the cops on numerous occasions, but he relished it, saying that it is a police officers' job to investigate things that are out of place, and he was something that seemed out of place. I didn't agree with him, as I think personality profiling is much more effective, but it was a hell of a conversation to have with someon.

Dark Gable
05-14-2009, 01:47 PM
My experence with the police has been fairly positive. Granted, I have fairly light skin, tend not to speed, and don't drink, do drugs of any kind, and wear my seatbelt.
But I have been pulled over for driving with a 'rusty license plate' and driving too slow on the interstate (while trying to get off at my exit). I have been pulled over for not having my lights on on an extreamly well lit street in the twilight hours. I had someone in my car with 2 warrents on him. Not fun. But no tickets. When my car got stolen, they recovered it a few hours later. Another time a group of friends and I were locked out of the car, and an officer quickly came to help.
That video did make me sick, I must say. I agree, there are some things that are not 'illegal' but are still private. Dignity should be respected. I don't know the rulings of the current courts, but the 4th ammendment should still apply inside your car, even on a public road. The tasering was excessive force. To be honest, I am shocked the didn't plant anything after a beatdown like that.
Just keep in mind, the cops in the Rodney King trial won.
And yes, the priorities of these officers do seem skewed.
And now for an anecdote: I once had a conversation with a conservative black man living in a predominently white neighborhod. He not only didn't mind being questioned by the cops on numerous occasions, but he relished it, saying that it is a police officers' job to investigate things that are out of place, and he was something that seemed out of place. I didn't agree with him, as I think personality profiling is much more effective, but it was a hell of a conversation to have with someon.

Was him name Tom by any chance?

05-14-2009, 01:51 PM
Was him name Tom by any chance?

:lmao That's fucked up.

05-14-2009, 01:52 PM

I was about to say 'Blake.'

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 02:22 PM
Was him name Tom by any chance?

BAHAHAAHAHA. That's incredible.

05-14-2009, 02:23 PM
But it wasn't full of drugs and if he's not breaking the law and the cops don't have any real pc, then he has a right to not be embarrassed. Or not embarrassed. Or not to open his trunk at all. Whether you care about it or not.

if a dog starts going off, then probable cause supercedes your embarassment, whether you like it or not.

You don't have blanket protection in your home. But in both instances you have a right to be safe from search and seizure without justifiably probable cause. You don't just waive all your 4th amendment rights just because you're driving on a public street. Not even close actually.

again, you don't have the same blanket protection in a car on a public road that you do in your house.

You have 4th amendment rights in your car, but a search of your car requires much less effort.

see: border patrol

The constitution and subsequent courts disagree with your assessment.


with probable cause, courts have sided with a cop's search of a vehicle without a warrant on numerous occasions.

Your constitutional dignity and civil rights. Pretty important.

civil rights: important.

Getting embarassed after a cop has probable cause to search your trunk and finds your dildo: not so much.

But in this instance the cops weren't keeping society safe. And they broke the law. And it's almost too cliche to bump the Franklin quote about liberty vs security, but that's what the situation is. How could you possibly support the notion that we should all just roll over when it comes to the 4th amendment in the name of keeping society safe? That kind of complacency is the fundamental building block of fascism.

If they broke the law, then should get punished for it.

Pretty simple.

05-14-2009, 02:24 PM
He is at the border patrol. They can search anyone they fucking want. Please give us a fucking break. They should not have beat this instigator up. This dude urged them forward to break into his car. I can't believe one person out of that mob did not step in and say STOP. I can't believe they beat this douche up especially knowing the cameras were on. All those guys should be FIRED. But that does not excuse pastor dickweed to give the border patrol a hard time. Some of you guys honestly think everyone is innocent.

I used to go to Canada all the time. Once in awhile they ask you to get out of ur car and open the trunk. You say "no problem" Usually u are on ur way in a few minutes. One time I had to pull off to the side. They brought the dogs and that search took about 10 minutes. They thanked me for my cooperation and I thanked them for doing a good job. Fucking dumbass wanted something to happen to him. And some of you actually defending him for instigating them. Again they had no right to beat him like they did. They had every right to break his windows, taser him and pull him out of his ride. The beat down was wrong, very wrong, fire them, perhaps even charge them.

they can x-ray, dog sniff, and ask you if they can search your vehicle all they want.

what they can't do is intrusively search your vehicle on a whim.

it's true that you lose any reasonable expectation of privacy at border checkpoints or their equivalents (airports/seaports), but you don't lose it completely. there are still things police officers can't do, and what the BP did in this case is one of those. Especially the apparent lie about the dog sniff. Getting evidence off false pretenses like that is unconstitutional and everything found under such circumstances should fall under "fruit from the forbidden tree"

05-14-2009, 02:31 PM
You clearly know absolutely nothing about what we are discussing. I suggest you educate yourself before you make yourself out to be even MORE of a moron. There is not a single person in this thread who isn't laughing at your ignorance right now. :lmao I'm surprised ballijuana hasn't absolutely gone off on you for this kind of idiocy.

If a cop has probable cause, and you aren't doing anything wrong, why are you pissed about a 2 minute trunk search?

It's really more a personal question, 4th amendment rights you think you have aside.

05-14-2009, 02:39 PM
Dude, about 5 different people have explained to you... You have a constitutional right to not do so. Whether you have something to lose or not. You may not like it, but that's the fucking law and has been since 1791.

Dude, you may not like it, but there have been courts that have ruled in favor of probable cause warrantless car searches since 1791.

And nobody, absolutely nobody should have to suffer the punishment of being tasered, and bloodied and dragged out of their car and beaten, because they choose to exercise something that is well within their plain as day constitutional rights.

I agree even though that's besides the point.

Quit being a fucking idiot. And if you can't do that just STFU already and/or go back to the club.

I really just asked a simple question. I'll try to rephrase it for you as best as I can:

"If you aren't doing anything wrong, why do you personally have a problem with a cop doing a 2 minute search of your trunk if he has probable cause?"

Is it really that hard to understand this is just a question and not an argument against 4th amendment rights?

05-14-2009, 03:43 PM
They didn't fucking have probable cause!!!!!!!!!!

Especially the god damned cops who tasered and beat this guy over nothing more than the lies of the BP that the dog got suspicious.

I'm sorry, the BP telling the cops that the dog was suspicious before flat refusing to bring the dog back over when the cop asked them to, doesn't pass muster as probable cause. Now if the BP had complied with the officers request and let him see the dog's reaction for himself, or if the cop had his own dog get suspicious, sure, that might count. But "because the BP told me so, while refusing to back it up" doesn't count as PC. And the dog didn't react to anything in the first place; there was nothing in the car for it to be reacting to.

And originally, your question didn't ask a damn thing about probable cause. So go ahead and "re-phrase" it, but I consider it more of adding a caveat that you didn't include in the first place and that doesn't even apply to this instance.

05-14-2009, 03:51 PM
They didn't fucking have probable cause!!!!!!!!!!

Who said they did???????

I'm sorry, the BP telling the cops that the dog was suspicious before flat refusing to bring the dog back over when the cop asked them to, doesn't pass muster as probable cause. Now if the BP had complied with the officers request and let him see the dog's reaction for himself, or if the cop had his own dog get suspicious, sure, that might count. But "because the BP told me so" doesn't count as PC. And the dog didn't react to anything in the first place; there was nothing in the car for it to be reacting to.

I'm not gonna disagree with you, but I still don't know enough of the situation to determine if they had probable cause or not. Hopefully a good judge will decide.

And originally, your question didn't ask a damn thing about probable cause.

Does my exclusion of "probable cause" in the original question change your stance on getting pissed about a 2 minute trunk search?

05-14-2009, 03:56 PM
Does my exclusion of "probable cause" in the original question change your stance on getting pissed about a 2 minute trunk search?
You've got to be fucking kidding me. :bang:bang:bang

The answer of course is yes. The day I let a cop anywhere near the inside of my car without him or her having real probable cause to search it, is the day I have my windows broken out and taser wires shot into my neck.

If you wanna roll over like a complacent bitch anytime a person of authority asks you to on a whim, fine, that's your choice. But how you could be surprised that the rest of us give a fuck about our rights is beyond me.

05-14-2009, 03:59 PM
How far away from the border was he? Within 25 miles of the border, BP agents only need reasonable suspicion.

05-14-2009, 04:07 PM
You've got to be fucking kidding me. :bang:bang:bang

The answer of course is yes. The day I let a cop anywhere near the inside of my car without him or her having real probable cause to search it, is the day I have my windows broken out and taser wires shot into my neck.

If you wanna roll over like a complacent bitch anytime a person of authority asks you to on a whim, fine, that's your choice. But how you could be surprised that the rest of us give a fuck about our rights is beyond me.

so if a cop has probable cause then you have no problems with a 2 minute trunk search?

Great! We agree! So why are you yelling? :bang :bang :bang

05-14-2009, 04:14 PM
How far away from the border was he? Within 25 miles of the border, BP agents only need reasonable suspicion.

there's a full blown border patrol station about 60 miles north on any major highway of any Texas Rio Grande Valley city complete with dogs and highway cameras.

You go from 70 mph down to a stop and get questioned by the BP who ask "Is everyone in here an American citizen?"

There's also usually a sign that says "1.2 million lbs of drugs confiscated at this checkpoint since January" or something similar.

I'm betting they use reasonable suspicion quite a bit at these stops.

05-14-2009, 05:27 PM
Don't have time to watch videos atm, but I think this might be the same pastor that has numerous videos of arguing with Border Patrol.

05-14-2009, 06:30 PM
They didn't fucking have probable cause!!!!!!!!!!

Irrelevant...Take it up with the judge. If a cop politely tells you he's placing you under arrest and asks for your cooperation you got two choices. Cooperate or resist like an asshole and maybe get fucked up a little.

05-14-2009, 06:43 PM
Irrelevant...Take it up with the judge. If a cop politely tells you he's placing you under arrest and asks for your cooperation you got two choices. Cooperate or resist like an asshole and maybe get fucked up a little.
I suppose that's a fair point, but so is taking it up with a judge.

And at that point, if you're innocent, on the offensive and equipped enough to afford legal advice, that cop's gonna deal with the consequences.

And I'd argue that "getting fucked up a little" should mean as little as necessary. Once you're tased and subdued, a cop has no business grinding your face into broken glass, standing on your head or putting his knee into your spine.

05-14-2009, 06:51 PM
And I'd argue that "getting fucked up a little" should mean as little as necessary. Once you're tased and subdued, a cop has no business grinding your face into broken glass, standing on your head or putting his knee into your spine.

I didn't see anything that I would consider excessive in the video. The guy got cut by glass because he forced them to break the glass by refusing to get out of the car.

These cops did things right imo, unlike the cops in the other thread.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 07:01 PM
Don't have time to watch videos atm, but I think this might be the same pastor that has numerous videos of arguing with Border Patrol.

Because he drives back and forth from Cali to Arizona a lot, and unlike a lot of the ignorant morons who don't give two shits about their constitutional rights, he's probably sick of repeatedly having his car searched. I've been through those checkpoints. They don't use probable cause. They search at least 25% of the cars that go through there. It's a hassle and a headache and this guy is one that's finally bringing it to national attention.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 07:02 PM
I didn't see anything that I would consider excessive in the video. The guy got cut by glass because he forced them to break the glass by refusing to get out of the car.

These cops did things right imo, unlike the cops in the other thread.


I would just stop posting in this thread before you are humiliated. You're either trolling, or a complete moron of unparalleled incompetence.

05-14-2009, 07:11 PM
you cant even drive from west texas to new mexico without stopping for these bitches, i didnt go anywhere near the border and they ask me where i was born? -WHARTON TEXAS chode
-thought i was making up cities

as far as authorities theyre the worst, because they get real mad when you say youre american, theyre offended you know their job, because they like to think theyre the fbi eagle pass division

thats me though, i own cops, on the regular
i dont boast, this is the truth
FIRM!- i neva lose my mind

05-14-2009, 07:15 PM

I would just stop posting in this thread before you are humiliated.

Okay I watched it again. Exactly what did the cops do wrong? Breaking the glass? Pulling him out of the car? Handcuffing him on the ground?

In the other video it's very clear what the cops did wrong. It doesn't matter if this guy didn't have drugs, he resisted arrest. The other guy committed serious crimes but gave up peacefully and got beat on anyways.

There's no humiliation for me, I'm right and you're wrong. Think of it this way, which cops would you rather have arresting you (whether you had actually commited a crime or not). The ones that try to be reasonable and peacefully arrest you or the ones who just start beating the shit out of you because they're pissed off.

Cry Havoc
05-14-2009, 07:24 PM
Okay I watched it again. Exactly what did the cops do wrong? Breaking the glass? Pulling him out of the car? Handcuffing him on the ground?

In the other video it's very clear what the cops did wrong. It doesn't matter if this guy didn't have drugs, he resisted arrest. The other guy committed serious crimes but gave up peacefully and got beat on anyways.

There's no humiliation for me, I'm right and you're wrong. Think of it this way, which cops would you rather have arresting you (whether you had actually commited a crime or not). The ones that try to be reasonable and peacefully arrest you or the ones who just start beating the shit out of you because they're pissed off.


05-14-2009, 08:27 PM
My first response is, Wow, this is going to be one wealthy MoFo in a few months but, something just doesn't add up.

I do believe he rolled up to that checkpoint with the intent of (or at least the hope of) encountering a situation much like what happened. I'll bet he didn't think it would go that far though.

With that in mind, the video taken from inside his car is rather abbreviated and only starts well into his conversation with the State Trooper. I'm wondering if he's leaving out some -- maybe clipped off the first, oh, I don't know, 15 or 20 minutes? And, setting the sped up surveillance footage to music, while a nice touch, seemed to somewhat make light of the situation.

He tells a convincing story, though.

That's what courts are for.

05-14-2009, 09:27 PM
Fuck pigs, there aren't too many good ones anymore. Props to the few that still stand to serve and protect.

05-15-2009, 12:34 AM

I would just stop posting in this thread before you are humiliated. You're either trolling, or a complete moron of unparalleled incompetence.

Hey man have you every resisted arrest?

05-15-2009, 12:37 AM
I wonder if they pay well? I don't like bapstist preacher all that much anyways.

Homeland Security
05-15-2009, 07:58 AM
That prick got off easy. He deserved more permanent damage.

People always whining about "rights." Rights originally were supposed to go only to wealthy landowners. If a guy like that wants to give the authorities a hard time, he needs to get the shit beat out of him. They call them the "authorities" for a reason. You're supposed to do what they say.

05-15-2009, 08:17 AM
^^^Hi-skool Security is one tough mofo.

05-25-2018, 05:19 PM

05-25-2018, 05:20 PM

05-25-2018, 05:22 PM

05-25-2018, 10:32 PM
Mike A37 minutes ago
If I walk into Wal Mart when they are closed....I get arrested. Think of USA as one big Wal Mart. You can't just walk in at will, unannounced and when you are not welcomed.

05-25-2018, 11:46 PM

I have $20 this will be remanded to the 5th Circuit after stopping by the SCOTUS.

05-26-2018, 01:21 AM
hope you're right

05-26-2018, 10:04 AM
Count the sociopathic red flags:

(1) Taking children away from their parents
(2) Using those children as a political football
(3) Lying that it's a "law" and implying that it's a Democrat policy, when it was your DHS that implemented the policy
(4) For good measure, misspelling "their" to trigger the libs, in a Presidential statement about separating children from their parents


Fuck this guy.

05-26-2018, 10:09 AM
For good measure, misspelling "their" to trigger the libs, in a Presidential statement about separating children from their parentsI've heard that DJT peppers his tweets with intentional misspellings to draw sympathy from the inevitable online pile on. Is there anything to it?

05-26-2018, 10:23 AM
My brother in law had his interior ripped to shreads by border patrol looking for drugs. He is a dark skinned Hispanic, army vet who works as a manager with the TSA. No reason other than he was driving a nice car. The side note is this happened prior to Trump.

05-26-2018, 10:28 AM
Irrelevant...Take it up with the judge. If a cop politely tells you he's placing you under arrest and asks for your cooperation you got two choices. Cooperate or resist like an asshole and maybe get fucked up a little.

That is the type of argument you would here from a Mexican judicial system.

05-26-2018, 11:09 AM
I've heard that DJT peppers his tweets with intentional misspellings to draw sympathy from the inevitable online pile on. Is there anything to it?

At this point it seems pretty purposeful. Good strategy, TBH... You want as many people to share your message as possible, and if a few thousand people share it just to snarkily correct your spelling, that's a bonus. Pretty cynical strategy for the POTUS though, especially on a topic like this.

05-26-2018, 11:13 AM
grammar/spelling smack is petty.

pure snobbism, tbh

05-26-2018, 12:55 PM
When your audience is full of selectively pedantic party liners, you do what you have to do in order to accomplish your task.

05-26-2018, 01:07 PM
As for the necropost in the OP, did anyone ever consider that the "pastor" (why that makes him any different than anyone else is beyond me, usually it denotes a crook or pedophile) probably had no fucking idea what the dog would do to signal a hit? Often they just sit.