View Full Version : Fox News now giving publicity to Republican Governors' "Tea Party 2.0"

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2009, 08:51 AM

Fox News now giving publicity to Republican Governors' "Tea Party 2.0"

During the May 13 edition of her Fox News' program, Greta Van Susteren hosted Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC) to promote the forthcoming "Tea Party 2.0," a May 14 public tele-conference hosted by the Republican Governors Association (RGA). Van Susteren stated, "If you wanted to go to a tea party on April 15 but could not make it or there was none in your hometown, tomorrow's your big chance." She later asked Sanford, "What do they do, do they log on a particular place? And will they be able to interact with you? I mean, how's this gonna work?" and later, "[W]hen is this tea party? When does it begin? Is there a Web address or a phone number?" As Media Matters for America noted, Fox News aggressively promoted and covered the April 15 tea party protests, in some cases calling them "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties," and Van Susteren reported from a tea party in Washington, D.C.

During the interview, footage from the April 15 protests was aired and the on-screen text read, "To sign up for Tea Party 2.0 go to: www.thegopcomeback.com."

That is the RGA's website for the May 14 telephone call, which states:

At TEA Parties across the country, hundreds of thousands of citizens declared that our taxes are too high, our federal government is too big, and our states' rights are being trampled upon. Out of respect for that great movement, we want to be sure to do our part. Join a free telephone call with Governors Mark Sanford of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas to collaborate on our plan to fight for freedom and win America back.

The site also allows users to sign up to be called on May 14 at 8:30 p.m.

The Fox Nation, a Fox News website, is also featuring the video of Van Susteren's interview with Sanford with the headline, "Inside Tea Party 2.0":

From the May 13 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren:

VAN SUSTEREN: Another tea party day, it's tomorrow -- it is called Tea Party 2.0. If you wanted to go to a tea party on April 15 but could not make it or there was none in your hometown, tomorrow's your big chance. But tomorrow's tea party is very different from the April 15 tea parties. How different? South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is one of the hosts of the tea party, joins us live. Good evening, Governor, and what is your tea party tomorrow? And how is it different from those tea parties on the 15th of April?

SANFORD: Let me give a disclaimer up front, which is it won't be as good as the first round of tea parties, but I suspect there will be a Tea Party 2.0, and 3.0, and 4.0, and 5.0, and go down the list because what I saw at the original tea party was a level of political energy that I've not seen in the last 15 years that I've been involved in the political process. And I think it's important that that energy gets harnessed toward creating change for the conservative side. I think that there is a genuine blowback across this country in reaction to what much of Obama and the administration and the Congress has laid out and I think that whether it's in this 2.0 version that we're gonna have or some other version, there's gonna be a movement that's created. And our 2.0 version, to give you a long sentence made a little bit shorter is simply via the Internet, inviting about 50,000 people to join us and having a conversation.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do they do? Do they log on a particular place? And will they be able to interact with you? I mean, how's this gonna work?

SANFORD: It'll be somewhat awkward, I'm not a technology guy and so it's been explained to me. Myself and Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, will be on it and we will basically -- there'll be questions submitted and we can answer them. So there'll be, at least in the awkward framework that you can have with a very large audience and two governors, something of a conversation. The idea's to learn more of what's happening at a grassroots level so that we can take those ideas and try and plug them into places in our respective states and through the Republican Governors Association.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, when is this tea party? When does it begin? And is there a Web address or a phone number?

SANFORD: The Web address is gopcomeback. I suspect on that website there's a phone number. That's how computer un-savvy I am. As to --


SANFORD: You can't really call in. It is via the internet and it takes place tomorrow night from about 8:30 to 9:30. So it's a shorter version. You know, I went to three of the original tea parties across our state of South Carolina, and they were much longer and it was amazing the number of people who turned out trying to make their voice heard and if not their voice heard, then their presence known.

Fox news will whore this story..and then when it happens wonder why 'mainstream media' ignores it. Fox will then portray this as a ground roots campaign that gathered on their own to protest bad Obama...


05-14-2009, 09:12 AM
Tea party leader/insane clown also major tax fraud (http://teablogging.net/2009/05/13/tea-party-leaderinsane-clown-also-major-tax-fraud-apparently/)


05-14-2009, 09:14 AM
It's not a partisan thing, you guys.

Oh, Gee!!
05-14-2009, 09:19 AM
the term "tea party" is going to lose all significance by tea party 4.0.

05-14-2009, 10:08 AM
This time, it's PERSONAL.

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2009, 10:10 AM
This sequel will be even better than the original.

05-14-2009, 10:49 AM
teabaggers are pissing into the wind in the silliest kind of circle jerk.

The financial sector and corps own and operate the US govt to their own benefit. There's nothing teabaggers or any other US citizen can do about except bend over and grab their ankles.

The US is not a democracy, which is now if not always has been a myth, but is an oligarchic, kleptocratic oligarchy run to protect and enrich capitalists.

The financial sector bailout exposes and proves the truth of what really does down in the USA.

05-14-2009, 11:01 AM
Life sucks. We get it.

Will you keep bitching or ride the wave?

It's not that fucking hard to make money off others making money, instead of being Debbie Downer and bending over to grab your ankles. If America is so horrible, the rest of the world must be a complete shit hole :lmao

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 11:28 AM

Fox news will whore this story..and then when it happens wonder why 'mainstream media' ignores it. Fox will then portray this as a ground roots campaign that gathered on their own to protest bad Obama...

Do you equally slam the mainstream media when they whore stories concerning leftist activist groups?

Believe it of not, this is a grass roots thing. You should see all the emails I have from people telling me of teleconferences, meetings, etc. Yes, I gave my name and number to a few people at the Portland Tea Party.

What was real pitiful, wasn't that the mainstream media barely reported the events, but that they purposely downplayed them and gave false impressions.

Had to be there to appreciate it.

05-14-2009, 11:31 AM
I've got nothing against people speaking out against the government..of course during the Bush administration it was called un-patriotic...but more power to them.

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2009, 11:46 AM
Do you equally slam the mainstream media when they whore stories concerning leftist activist groups?

Believe it of not, this is a grass roots thing. You should see all the emails I have from people telling me of teleconferences, meetings, etc. Yes, I gave my name and number to a few people at the Portland Tea Party.

What was real pitiful, wasn't that the mainstream media barely reported the events, but that they purposely downplayed them and gave false impressions.

Had to be there to appreciate it.

Sorry. I don't buy the grass roots thing because the original tea party was whored on talk radio.... When you have the media promoting your event it fails the grass roots test.

what stories/events has the msm whored?

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 11:48 AM
Sorry. I don't buy the grass roots thing because the original tea party was whored on talk radio.... When you have the media promoting your event it fails the grass roots test.

what stories/events has the msm whored?
Talk radio is a good way to get the message out between conservatives. Your point?

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2009, 11:50 AM
Talk radio is a good way to get the message out between conservatives. Your point?

So then it's not a grass roots effort. It was promoted by Fox and talk radio.

I get it now. If you hate Obama then let's get together and protest him.

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 11:51 AM
So then it's not a grass roots effort. It was promoted by Fox and talk radio.

I get it now. If you hate Obama then let's get together and protest him.
I see you don't listen to talk radio, where you have callers starting such ideas, and others chiming in.

05-14-2009, 11:51 AM
The point is it's not grassroots.

That's like saying my company wants to promote a new product virally but we're going to support it with a month of TV and Radio commercials and news chatter.

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 11:53 AM
I get it now. If you hate Obama then let's get together and protest him.
It's not hate for Obama, but his plans that will destroy this nation! Spending is out of control with him and this congress.

Wild Cobra
05-14-2009, 11:54 AM
The point is it's not grassroots.

That's like saying my company wants to promote a new product virally but we're going to support it with a month of TV and Radio commercials and news chatter.
I don't care what you want to call it. It has a large support from people.

Marcus Bryant
05-14-2009, 02:37 PM
The problem is that when you get down to what is described as 'wasteful spending', it's a drop in the federal bucket. I do think there is a need for some kind of protest/complaint against the trillions in public debt racked up to subsidize the financial services industry. But most of these guys shy away from taking on the true reason the federal budget runs in the trillions annually: the entitlement programs and the military.

05-14-2009, 02:39 PM
It's not hate for Obama, but his plans that will destroy this nation! Spending is out of control with him and this congress.

Where were you during the Bush years?

05-14-2009, 02:49 PM
Yes, the Republican Governors Association is very grass roots.

You can smell the compost.

05-14-2009, 03:06 PM
I see you don't listen to talk radio, where you have callers starting such ideas, and others chiming in.

I see you do, where guys like Rush and Hannity start such ideas and others like you chime in.

05-14-2009, 03:07 PM
Yes, the Republican Governors Association is very grass roots.

You can smell the compost.

:lmao Rick Perry is all over this.

05-14-2009, 03:31 PM
I think the compost should secede from the union

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2009, 03:40 PM
:lmao Rick Perry is all over this.

Of course he is.. but remember Fox News says it's a grass roots..shhhhhh

05-14-2009, 05:36 PM
:lmao STOP! MY RIBS!!

Seriously, why does this bother or threaten anyone?

05-14-2009, 05:50 PM
I heard on the Neil Cavuto show a representative of this Tea Party 2.0 say that she doesn't think any political party should be using this as a platform at all. He didn't like her response though.

05-14-2009, 07:53 PM
:lmao STOP! MY RIBS!!

Seriously, why does this bother or threaten anyone?I see a lot of laughter in the thread.

05-14-2009, 08:02 PM
Where were you during the Bush years?
Obama makes Bush's deficits look small.

No, seriously...


The light pink bars are his estimates...but, given that he's already failed miserably on predicting unemployment, I'd put more stock in the CBO estimates

05-14-2009, 09:15 PM
:lmao STOP! MY RIBS!!

Seriously, why does this bother or threaten anyone?

Because dissent is verbotten, this is the regime that has put political dissent on lists as extremists, this is the regime that is trying to instigate the "fairness" doctrine.For the last god damn time the Emeporers new clothes are beautifull repeat after me the Emperors....new....clothes...are...beautifull.

Before the first tea party the same people who are trashing this one were laughing about how a half dozen people would show up, now after the millions came out they are trying discourage people from being politically active.One of the rules for radicals from saul alinsky is to lie about and discredit your opponents, since the left can't ignore the millions who showed up for the tea party they are now trying to discredit it by saying it was hatched by FOX when everyone who went knows for a fact we were ordered to the tea parties by our zionist masters.

05-15-2009, 01:33 AM

Did you just forget the preceding eight years?

05-15-2009, 04:34 AM
WC, try intellectual honesty, for just once, rather than parroting wrongie talking points. What is YOUR alternative to preventing AIG, Lehman, Citi, BoA, GM, Chrylsers, and all the other self-destroyed insolvent corps from going bankrupt and into re-org and/or liquidation, wiping out their shareholders?

05-15-2009, 05:49 AM
It's not a partisan thing, you guys.


05-15-2009, 05:51 AM
Obama makes Bush's deficits look small.

No, seriously...


The light pink bars are his estimates...but, given that he's already failed miserably on predicting unemployment, I'd put more stock in the CBO estimates

dumb ass............the GOP started this shit.

I am a pro-life libertarian

the GOP is a whore for big-business.....and people are figuring that shit out.......the GOP can get fucked.