View Full Version : Another hint that LeBron Aint Leavin' Cleveland

05-14-2009, 07:39 PM
For those that are holding onto the thought that Lebron is magically going to bolt to NY or some other NBA hotspot, you're fooling yourselves.


LeBron: I Think I'm Happy In Cleveland

LeBron James was asked by Dan Patrick if winning a title would make it harder or easier to potentially leave Cleveland.

"It's hard to answer that question," LeBron said. "I think I'm happy in Cleveland. I don't have any plans of going anywhere and playing the game of basketball. These fans have done everything to support me in my career here. I'm excited about being here."

Patrick then asked James to complete the following sentences.

"If I win the NBA title -- It will be the biggest accomplishment of my career. It will be one of the greatest achievements in Cleveland history. I'm looking forward to the challenge and hopefully we can get it done."

"If I don't win the NBA title -- It's more room for improvement. You have to continue to get better. There's always the next year. You have to use that motivation for what you're going to do next year. "

05-14-2009, 07:40 PM
James never struck me as the leaving kind of guy. Especially when the team has tried everything in their power to give him a better team.

05-14-2009, 07:52 PM
If Lebron doesn't leave, I will have a lot more respect for him. Not that I don't have any now, but this will give me more.

05-14-2009, 07:53 PM
He will turn down millions if he stays in Cleveland...not saying he won't, but the temptation will definitely be there

05-14-2009, 07:55 PM
He will turn down millions if he stays in Cleveland...not saying he won't, but the temptation will definitely be there
Definitely..which is why I will have more respect for him.

05-14-2009, 07:57 PM
if lebron doesn't leave, i will have a lot more respect for him. Not that i don't have any now, but this will give me more.


05-14-2009, 07:58 PM
How exactly would he turn down millions? First of all, just basketball contract wise, Cleavland can offer Lebron by far the most money.

Secondly, he is Lebron James and his advertising/endorsements are all ready close to maxed out. Whether he lives in NY or Cleavland, he will be sought out and paid by the biggest companies, just like he is with Nike currently. He was on Saturday Night Live, he is in tons of commercials, he is rapped about, he is all over ESPN. The money is going to be there no matter where the man lives.

05-14-2009, 07:59 PM
He will turn down millions if he stays in Cleveland...not saying he won't, but the temptation will definitely be there

How so?

05-14-2009, 08:03 PM
Nike and other endorsements will offer him much more $$ to go to a larger market...common sense

05-14-2009, 08:05 PM
No, that is not true. With certain people maybe, but with people that already have the exposure that Lebron has, he is already maxed out. I guarantee you he is making just as much, if not more in endorsements than anyone that lives in NY (Manning, A-Rod...)

05-14-2009, 08:07 PM
Supposedly there was a clause in LeBron's Nike contract that gives him double the money if he plays in New York, Chicago, L.A., or one other major city (large market). LeBron has stated in the past that he wanted to be the world's first billionaire athlete, and New York's larger market (and 'resurrecting the Knicks') would help him do that. I would have more respect for him if he stayed with his hometown Cavs, though (or decided to pursue his lifelong dream to play with George Hill, either way).

Clutch City 01
05-14-2009, 08:09 PM

05-14-2009, 08:09 PM
This article is from 2007 and Lebron has moved up. He is ahead of all the NY people, and many of NY's and LA's biggest athletes are not on the list.


First off, here’s a must read piece from the latest issue of Fortune: Lebron Inc. - The building of a billion-dollar athlete. After reading the article, I have a lot more respect for LeBron James. He’s a very smart young man! I like the fact that he’s using his on-court talent to build a real business. I also like the fact that his childhood friend is running the business for him. Now I understand why he’s such a ball hog!

At the end of the article came a list of the top ten endorsement income earner athletes for 2007. They are:

1. Tiger Woods - $100 million

2. Phil Mickelson - $47 million

3. LeBron James - $25 million

4. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. - $20 million

5. Michelle Wie - $19.5 million

6. Kobe Bryant - $16 million

7. Jeff Gordon - $15 million (tie)

7. Shaquille O’Neal - $15 million (tie)

9. Peyton Manning - $13 million

10. Dwyane Wade - $12 million - I never noticed before but he spells his name wrong! LOL!

05-14-2009, 08:10 PM
No, that is not true. With certain people maybe, but with people that already have the exposure that Lebron has, he is already maxed out. I guarantee you he is making just as much, if not more in endorsements than anyone that lives in NY (Manning, A-Rod...)

That's wishful thinking, his exposure ceiling is so much higher in NY. Remember the King's first finals trip? The ratings were complete shit (SA shares most of the blame for that, but Cleveland was just as bad). In NY Lebron has the chance to be immortal, a global icon. He could have that city in the palm of his hand too...you don't think he's gonna seriously consider all that?

05-14-2009, 08:11 PM
I think if he wins a Championship he'll stay. If he doesn't he'll think harder about it.

05-14-2009, 08:11 PM
Supposedly there was a clause in LeBron's Nike contract that gives him double the money if he plays in New York, Chicago, L.A., or one other major city (large market). LeBron has stated in the past that he wanted to be the world's first billionaire athlete, and New York's larger market (and 'resurrecting the Knicks) would help him do that. I would have more respect for him if he stayed with his hometown Cavs, though (or decided to pursue his lifelong dream to play with George Hill, either way).

what he said...

05-14-2009, 08:12 PM
(or decided to pursue his lifelong dream to play with George Hill, either way).


05-14-2009, 08:12 PM
Link to where that is in his contract.

05-14-2009, 08:17 PM
Kobe lives in a major market, why doesn't he make more than Lebron?

05-14-2009, 08:18 PM
I think if he wins a Championship he'll stay. If he doesn't he'll think harder about it.

Brooklyn right? Rumors started sprouting when he mentioned New York instead of Cleveland as his favorite city. Then he said that Brooklyn was a great place in New York City. The New Jersey Nets were expected to move to Brooklyn in 2010.

05-14-2009, 08:23 PM
Supposedly there was a clause in LeBron's Nike contract that gives him double the money if he plays in New York, Chicago, L.A., or one other major city (large market). LeBron has stated in the past that he wanted to be the world's first billionaire athlete, and New York's larger market (and 'resurrecting the Knicks) would help him do that. I would have more respect for him if he stayed with his hometown Cavs, though (or decided to pursue his lifelong dream to play with George Hill, either way).

LeBron James Has No New York Nike Bonus


05-14-2009, 08:24 PM
pwn, pa pwn pwn pwn

05-14-2009, 08:28 PM
I doubt the guy's going hungry if he stays in Cleveland.

05-14-2009, 08:30 PM
Kobe lives in a major market, why doesn't he make more than Lebron?

Prejudice. Against rapists.

05-14-2009, 08:32 PM
LeBron James Has No New York Nike Bonus


It's not on the books because it could be considered borderline tampering, and the NBA could void the contract.


05-14-2009, 09:07 PM
LeBron is not going anywhere,Wade is not going anywhere. Thats all just media hype coming from Chicago and New York. The Knicks are still a mess and will take a few years to clean up. Chicago has no money they have too many big contracts plus if they resign Ben Gordon they will be done. Other then that Miami and Cleveland have thier Bird Rights. They can offer a whole lot more then any other team. In the end I have a hard time seeing those 2 turning down all that money. They will be crazy to.

05-14-2009, 09:07 PM
New York wants to trade for T-Mac thats all I have to say about the Knicks.

05-14-2009, 09:13 PM
Supposedly there was a clause in LeBron's Nike contract that gives him double the money if he plays in New York, Chicago, L.A., or one other major city (large market). LeBron has stated in the past that he wanted to be the world's first billionaire athlete, and New York's larger market (and 'resurrecting the Knicks') would help him do that. I would have more respect for him if he stayed with his hometown Cavs, though (or decided to pursue his lifelong dream to play with George Hill, either way).
Won't happen...Tiger will be the first billionaire athlete.

05-14-2009, 09:18 PM
I can't see him leaving. He's going to make all the money he wants no matter where he plays or lives. Its going to come down to playing where he can win multiple championships and approach/match/exceed Michael and Magic.

Cleveland's ownership has apparently decided that the cost of losing Lebron is so great that they are willing to spend almost any amount necessary to keep that from happening. When you factor in lux tax they are spending about 110M on payroll. The Knicks and Cuban are spending a little more, but the Cleveland FO has clearly done a good job in leveraging that financial advantage into success on the court.

There is no good reason to believe that Cleveland will fall from the ranks of championship contenders in the next several years. If that doesn't change, there's no reason to leave.

05-14-2009, 09:25 PM
I've yet to hear a compelling reason why LeBron would leave Cleveland. Changing markets won't increase his exposure- only a championship will do that. If he leaves Cleveland without a title, goes to New York and can't win a title there in three or four years- and there's no guarantee he would- it won't do a thing for his exposure or his endorsements. The Atlantic Yards project looks belly-up for 2010, so that basically takes the Nets out of the equation. The big-market clause in his Nike contract is an urban legend- no one has ever been able to produce any documentation of this clause.

He turns the Cavaliers into a multiple-title team, he'll be an NBA legend regardless of the market. He goes to New York and can't win there, he's A-Rod in short pants.

My personal opinion is that if he leaves Cleveland without a championship, he's a turncoat and a snake. Boozer X 1000. But I don't think he will.

05-14-2009, 09:29 PM
I've yet to hear a compelling reason why LeBron would leave Cleveland. Changing markets won't increase his exposure- only a championship will do that. If he leaves Cleveland without a title, goes to New York and can't win a title there in three or four years- and there's no guarantee he would- it won't do a thing for his exposure or his endorsements. The Atlantic Yards project looks belly-up for 2010, so that basically takes the Nets out of the equation. The big-market clause in his Nike contract is an urban legend- no one has ever been able to produce any documentation of this clause.

He turns the Cavaliers into a multiple-title team, he'll be an NBA legend regardless of the market. He goes to New York and can't win there, he's A-Rod in short pants.

My personal opinion is that if he leaves Cleveland without a championship, he's a turncoat and a snake. Boozer X 1000. But I don't think he will.

Plus there is no assurances that the Knicks will even have a competitive team. LeBron is not going to NYC to play with the likes of Chris Duhon and T-Mac. And the clause in his contract was true but has since expired. So there is no $$$ incentive for him to go anywhere.

05-14-2009, 10:08 PM
MSG is the mecca of basketball and wouldn't you like to be the king of that place?
If CLE somehow wins the LOB, there will be a sense of satisfaction in that city and it might be a reason to retain their current roster. And since we know that a lot of big time players will move in 2010, the Knicks are willing to spend a lot of money to get high caliber players and that could sway James' decision based on the thought that he can build his own team more competitive than Cleveland.

05-14-2009, 10:36 PM
MSG is the mecca of basketball and wouldn't you like to be the king of that place?
If CLE somehow wins the LOB, there will be a sense of satisfaction in that city and it might be a reason to retain their current roster. And since we know that a lot of big time players will move in 2010, the Knicks are willing to spend a lot of money to get high caliber players and that could sway James' decision based on the thought that he can build his own team more competitive than Cleveland.

Cleveland has also positioned itself to sign a max FA in 2010. Wouldn't it be easier for Lebron to recruit someone to come to Cleveland?