View Full Version : Coaching kids

jack sommerset
05-17-2009, 03:39 PM
When my daughter turned 4 I got her involved in soccer. When I signed her up for soccertots (kids 2-6, basic skills) they asked if I would be interesting coaching. I was all over that. Played since I was 4. It's pretty fun but you do have to be politically correct on just about everything.

I set up a game called messy monkeys, clean monkeys for the 3-4 year olds. Set out a bunch of cones and tell the kids to be messy monkeys, they run and kick the cones all down and then run back. Then you say clean monkeys. They run and set the cones back up using there feet.

Some reason I changed the game to good monkeys and bad monkeys. Durning the game a parent took her kid and went home. She gave me a awful mean look. Was not long after I got a call from the Soccertot people. The woman accused the company of being racist because of the "monkey" name and I made being "bad" look cool to her 3 year old son. What a crazy world we live in.

05-18-2009, 03:38 PM
That's the age we live in now.

I. Hustle
05-18-2009, 03:54 PM

There is an idiot coach that coach's in my boy's league (4-6) and he treats them like they are highschool kids. I understand teaching them the basics and I am all for that but if he were my kid's coach and yelled at him the way he yells at those other kids I would put a size 12 up his stupid ass.

He has this bitchass side kick assistant coach that reminds me of that little dog that follows around the bulldog in those old Sylvester cartoons

05-18-2009, 04:08 PM
Nothing can prepare you for the world of kids' sports. From the self-serving, hardass coaches to the cutthroat parent mutinies. It's mind-boggling.

05-18-2009, 04:29 PM
coaching kids has become a war between parents and coaches :lmao

05-18-2009, 05:11 PM
Tell the bitch to take some salt pills

jack sommerset
05-19-2009, 12:55 PM
I had a 5 year old girl miss half the practices for the first 7 weeks. She was well behind the other kids at this point. She is a good athlete for a 5-6 year old but if you don't know what you are doing it's tough, even on kids. Durning the game I saw the frustration on her face not knowing what to do and she ended up pushing kids down to get the ball. Of course other coaches and parents were unhappy with her doing this. We had 3 games left and we practiced 2 times a week and she will only be there for 1 practice a week. Just a coincidence the father e-mailed me after the game and told me he did not believe in 5-6 year old practicing twice a week( more than half way through the season he lets me know this,,,duh) and thanked me for my FREE time,hard work,patience,etc.... I replied that I have no problem what so ever for only coming to practice once a week. I told him I thought she was frustrated and since we had only 3 games left I would like to put her either on defense or offense the rest of the season. I said I think this will be good for her confidence. This guy went ape shit!!!!!!!!!

I never seen the guy. The Mom drops the kid off at practice and leaves, sometimes I am waiting after everyone else has left for her to pick up her kid. My wife says the Dad came to one game, no practices. I didnot say anything except what I told you. Oh I said I really like the kid and she is a good athlete. He went off on me,the director of the league and wanted to have a big pow wow on how we don't know what we our doing. They said "no" Everyone was polite except him. I got 6-8 e-mails from him acting like a ass, replying to 2 of them asking him to stop. He said alot. He never was at the practice and only attended 1 game.The kid missed atleast half of the practices and 1 game. I never had one conversation with him except the e-mails. I always told his wife they have a good kid. That's it.

To my surprise she stayed on the team. Nothing changed. No more e-mails after that long week of BS.At the end of the season we signed up the kids for indoor. The wife came up to me with a check to sign back up. I was like "are you kidding" Apparently the husband never told her what happened.

05-19-2009, 02:15 PM
There is an idiot coach that coach's


05-20-2009, 09:40 AM
US Women soccer has been dominating the last 10 years... You should keep developing yourselves as the dynasty you are :tu

jack sommerset
05-20-2009, 11:46 AM
US Women soccer has been dominating the last 10 years... You should keep developing yourselves as the dynasty you are :tu

FYI. There are over 6,000 NCAA Soccer Scholarships for a women’s soccer athlete in Division 1, Division 2, NAIA and Community Colleges there is a great opportunity to get a soccer scholarship. But smart ass that is not why kids play the game.