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03-27-2005, 06:06 AM
Nuclear components acquired
U.S. investigators uncover Pakistan's link to black market
Josh Meyer, Los Angeles Times
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Washington -- A federal criminal investigation has uncovered evidence that the government of Pakistan has made clandestine purchases of U.S. high-tech components for use in its nuclear weapons program, in defiance of American law.

Federal authorities also say the highly specialized equipment at one point passed through the hands of an arms dealer in Islamabad, Pakistan, named Humayun Khan, who they say has ties to Islamic militants.

Even though President Bush has been pushing for an international crackdown on such trafficking,efforts by two U.S. agencies to send investigators to Pakistan to gather more evidence have been stymied for more than a year by other American officials, according to U.S. officials knowledgeable about the case.

"This is the age-old problem with Pakistan and the U.S.," said David Albright, director of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington. "Other priorities always trump the United States from coming down hard on Pakistan's nuclear proliferation." A former U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq and elsewhere, Albright favors getting tougher with Pakistan.

SF Gate (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/03/26/MNGIJBV7KQ1.DTL)


THE United States has agreed to sell F16 fighter jets to Pakistan in a major policy shift to reward an ally in the war on terrorism.

The decision by President Bush to end an embargo on the sale of United States military technology to Pakistan was welcomed by President Musharraf of Pakistan, as a sign of America’s recognition of his role in disrupting terror networks in South-East Asia.

The move reverses a longstanding US embargo on the sale of military hardware to Pakistan.

“The supply of the sophisticated fighter planes will help Pakistan improve its defence capability,” Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Pakistan’s Information Minister,


times Online (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-1542389,00.html)

Here is the story, one ruthless Middle East dictator gets ousted by our government for 'alleged' nuclear and WMD proliferation when there evidently was none, and another ruthless dictator gets F16s from the WH for not only providing rouge countries like, oh North Korea and Iran, with nuclear expertise and technology, but technology illegally purchased from U.S. companies. Got it?