View Full Version : Cheney pwning Obama.

05-25-2009, 08:15 PM
By goading a sitting president into responding to his arguments on his terms, Dick Cheney won the contest with Barack Obama last week before either said a word. And his re-emergence onto the public square seems to be driving everybody nuts.

"Cheney has popped out of his dungeon, scary organ music blaring, to carry on his nasty campaign of fear and loathing," wrote Maureen Dowd in her New York Times column earlier this month. A talking head on cable declared the former vice president's speech last Thursday "as sleazy a presentation by a vice president as we've had since Spiro Agnew."

Other news outlets resurrected the image of Mr. Cheney as Darth Vader, the iconic Star Wars villain. And of course fellow Republicans Tom Ridge and Colin Powell rushed in to reassure their audiences that Mr. Cheney didn't speak for them.

Ironically, it was left to Chris Matthews -- one of the vice president's most unrelenting critics -- to offer the best take on last week's dueling speeches. On his Sunday show, he put it this way: "I saw something from Barack Obama I never even saw in the campaign, a sense he was listening for footsteps, that he could hear Cheney coming at him and he was defensive."
Think about that. Back in those heady days after the 2008 election, anyone who suggested that Mr. Obama might find himself playing defense to Dick Cheney on Guantanamo would have been hauled off as barking mad. Yet that's exactly what Mr. Cheney has pulled off, leaving a desperate White House to try to drown him out by adding an Obama speech the same day Mr. Cheney was slated to address the American Enterprise Institute.

Of course, the effect was just the opposite. The White House reaction ended up elevating Mr. Cheney to Mr. Obama's level, and ensuring that his words would be measured directly against the president's. Like him or loathe him, Mr. Cheney forced the president to engage him.

For much of the Beltway, the Cheney surge is baffling. After all, when Mr. Cheney left office, his reputation seemed divided between those who thought him a punch line on late-night TV and those who thought him a war criminal. As so often happens, however, the conventional wisdom seems to have blinded Mr. Cheney's ideological opponents to the many advantages he brings to the table.

First is his consistency. The case he is making now is the same case he has been making for the past seven years. Even people who disagree with that case would have to concede its coherence, resting as it does on the notion that the United States is at war with terrorists and must react as a nation at war.

By contrast, Mr. Obama's war policies are increasingly incoherent. As a candidate, he excoriated the Bush approach to terror root and branch. As president, however, he has adopted some of the Bush policies, flip-flopped to the Bush side on others, and found himself at odds with his own party on closing down Guantanamo.:king:king
His speech on Thursday reflected these contradictions, at once reassuring the antiwar left that the Bush antiterror policies have been fully repudiated while trying to signal everyone else that he has retained most of their substance.

Second, Mr. Cheney is engaging Mr. Obama on an issue where Democrats have traditionally found themselves on the defensive: national security. Understandably, Mr. Obama's supporters are enraged when Mr. Cheney says the new president is unraveling "some of the very policies that have kept our people safe since 9/11."

But let's remember that Mr. Obama has been making much the same attack on the Bush administration. Indeed, the president repeated these attacks on Thursday, saying that the Bush policies on Guantanamo and enhanced interrogation have created more terrorists, betrayed our ideals and made America less safe. In many ways, Mr. Cheney's attacks on Mr. Obama's war policies are simply an example of what goes around comes around.

Finally, and perhaps most important, when your approval ratings are as low as Mr. Cheney's, you have nothing to lose by saying what you think -- and your ratings have nowhere to go but up. And that's just what is happening. A new CNN/Opinion Research survey released the same day as Mr. Cheney's speech showed his approval ratings at 37% -- up eight points since he left office.

In his remarks at the American Enterprise Institute, Mr. Cheney noted that serving as a vice president with no desire for the Oval Office left him free from many of the usual distractions of political ambition. "Today," he told the crowd, "I'm an even freer man . . . a career in politics behind me, no elections to win or lose, and no favor to seek."

That might be something for Mr. Obama to think about the next time he gets a hankering to take on Dick Cheney.

Write to [email protected].


05-25-2009, 08:16 PM
Marcus "Victoria Breath" Bryant has been pwned i sed!

05-25-2009, 10:53 PM
1) funny that just because someone hates cheney he's a vtowner

2) this is such a hackneyed worn out argument its tantamount to your mother's cooch. you can use this logic in any situation, in any field, at any time. I can use it against you in practically any online altercation we've ever had on this forum. Just look at the line you finished your post with.

Imposter Cleaner
05-25-2009, 11:43 PM
DICK Cheney is an idiot. :idiot

05-26-2009, 03:52 AM
The repeated celebration from board republicans in multiple threads confirms this is nothing.

05-26-2009, 07:18 AM
:lmao at this thread.

05-26-2009, 07:40 AM
1) funny that just because someone hates cheney he's a vtowner

2) this is such a hackneyed worn out argument its tantamount to your mother's cooch. you can use this logic in any situation, in any field, at any time. I can use it against you in practically any online altercation we've ever had on this forum. Just look at the line you finished your post with.

1. Actually the vtown comment was a compliment of the time you best MB with the photoshop pictures. "Victoria breath" was just a token word to express the past ownage of MB, it's actually all just ; that i don't have a grudge or anything against you, but actually a compliment towards you, and it's been years since we've had a blog flame war, :lol. So this can only mean you're still scarred from it.

2. See above, even a compliment towards you and you seem to get all defensive, whose in whose head now?:lol As far as the whole worn out argument tantamount to your cavity after a Mookie visit from a long drive from DKR, you're probably right. It is a worn out argument employed by said journalist, but its only worn out because it's some of the basic truths of life.

05-26-2009, 07:41 AM
The repeated celebration from board republicans in multiple threads confirms this is nothing. And you're repeated reaction towards every one of those threads means it's getting to you.:lol

05-26-2009, 07:43 AM
:lmao at this thread.

:lmao at your "bot" response.

05-26-2009, 07:57 AM
Thank ya...thank ya very much.

05-26-2009, 08:57 AM
Thank ya...thank ya very much.

No yoni, :nopethou shalt not log under joe chalupa's name to make Obamabots look even dumber.

George Gervin's Afro
05-26-2009, 09:31 AM
Why do conservtaives have a problem with cheney leading the way for their cause? are you embarassed?

05-26-2009, 09:46 AM
No yoni, :nopethou shalt not log under joe chalupa's name to make Obamabots look even dumber.

Yoniwhore does a great job all by herself making Bushbots look dumb and dumber.

05-26-2009, 09:47 AM
Why do conservtaives have a problem with cheney leading the way for their cause? are you embarassed?

I sure would be just like I'm embarrassed about Pelosi.

05-26-2009, 06:56 PM
Yoniwhore does a great job all by herself making Bushbots look dumb and dumber.

wow, for a man with daughters :lol i never thought he'd attack someone by calling them a girl, as if it's a bad thing.

what a sad individual.:lol

George Gervin's Afro
05-26-2009, 07:31 PM
wow, for a man with daughters :lol i never thought he'd attack someone by calling them a girl, as if it's a bad thing.

what a sad individual.:lol

are you calling cheney a lesbian?